Social Distance Distraction - A Little Lit Gathering Thread

I was on a business trip, and I was looking for um, inspiration. I decided to go for something more intelligent. After reading a few stories, I started writing something (never finished), but I got the writing bug. I found the forums after I started writing. I still only submit about 1/3 of what I write, and I spend to much time on the forums (who doesn't). Mostly BDSM and AmPics.

Interesting how the stories got most of us here.
Hi, Cookie! I found the stories here while looking for something erotic to read. Two years later, I discovered the Forums, but didn't feel it was something for me. :rolleyes: After I filed for divorce, six months later, but came back and joined.
Hi, Cookie! I found the stories here while looking for something erotic to read. Two years later, I discovered the Forums, but didn't feel it was something for me. :rolleyes: After I filed for divorce, six months later, but came back and joined.

Now Lit is definitely something for you! :rose:
My partner at the time was reading and writing horribly bad Harry Potter fanfic. They pointed me in the direction of a few of the better ones and I gravitated towards the ones that mostly catered to the ‘adult’ audience. I thought that surely it’d be better if they just did away with the HP thing and just wrote sex stories with their own characters and what not. After about .3 seconds of googling I found this place, well the story side at least. Every 3~6 months I’d come back and read a few more stories.

Fast forward a decade or so and I wrote a few notes to my cat sitter. They got shared around their and my social media circles and it was suggested that I write some more. The idea appealed to me but the problem was that I didn’t have any fully fledged stories with a start, middle and end floating around my noggin. I had some scenes I wanted to convey and some characters that I though people might like but nothing that could be tied up with a pretty lil bow. Spoiler alert; I still don’t.

Off to google I went once again and I initially went to SoLs very sparsely populated story ideas sub-forum. I figured Lit’s forums would be much the same so I went to reddit and a few other places and i a last ditch attempt came back to the lit forums.

I lost a few months reading through every, and I do mean every, thread in the Story Ideas part of the forum.
Once I’d done that I had a couple of hundred more half baked ideas but nothing concrete. I had picked up the general lay of the land though. GB is a cess pool but the AH and BDSM crew were welcoming to outsiders so across i came. I lurked for a week or so before making this account and I’ve been lurking ever since.
I still don’t have a way to end any of the stories i’ve started but I do have a fun place to come to every day of the week. You kinky fuckers are a weird and wonderful bunch.
I lurked for a week or so before making this account and I’ve been lurking ever since.
I still don’t have a way to end any of the stories i’ve started but I do have a fun place to come to every day of the week. You kinky fuckers are a weird and wonderful bunch.

Hey you! Glad you're lurking about!!

The stories seem to lure us all here.
I'm out in the world, too. No lockdown yet, but it's coming.

Lockdown or not, I'll still be going to the office though. Not allowed to work from home. I dream of answering email from the comfort of my own home rather than having to lug myself to the office every morning, but it's not meant to be, I suppose. Maybe during the next pandemic.

On the positive side, I don't have to pay for lunch at work anymore. Today it was beet and goat's cheese risotto with a side of green beans and marinated chick peas and salad. Silver linings!
I'm home. Just took a phone call from a friend who spent half an hour telling me what he thinks about the virus and what we should be doing about it. Numerous hints that opinions are useless had no effect. God help us.
I'm home. Just took a phone call from a friend who spent half an hour telling me what he thinks about the virus and what we should be doing about it. Numerous hints that opinions are useless had no effect. God help us.

Oh I know that type of people. Yep. Get to have contact with them daily.

I just love hearing and reading people make comments about how the government is handling this and how they aren't doing anything, just sitting idly by, how X, Y and Z should be done for A, B and C reasons etc. And the people don't have even the slightest clue of how the government of a democratic country functions, what the legal ramifications behind each decision are or what exactly the members of the government are doing during the hours they're not talking to media. A scary amount of people seems to believe they're picking outfits for the next press conference and putting on lipstick.

And of course Joe Sixpack knows better than the health officials of the country. I mean, Joe Sixpack took high school biology!

Fun times! :rolleyes:
Necro!! :(

The gentleman who started the first Oral Servitude thread: Roscoe Rathbone
I always enjoyed the conversations between him and Marquis
There was a Domme in my neck of the woods -- why can't I come up with her name? She had gloves on in her profile pic. She always had a real world perspective.

These were people I never knew - I just lurked back then
Netzach. She was so great. :)

I follow Etoile on twitter so I know she's doing good. And Keroin. :)
Netzach. She was so great. :)

I follow Etoile on twitter so I know she's doing good. And Keroin. :)

Netzach! Yes, thanks.

seela, yay for free lunch!! Small things for which to be grateful.

I work mostly with an all volunteer staff, mostly men over 65. Many of them love to bring in home-made baked goods. But they can't now - no community sharing.

I brought in apples, those little cutie oranges and individually wrapped cheese sticks. Not quite the same as home-made gingersnap cookies or double fudge brownies. Small price to pay though. Can't really complain.
I'm still out in the world but have limited public contact and it's only 4 hours a day. After tomorrow that may change as I'm now setup to work remotely.

Stay well, pervs.
I found this place like many did, on the search for some erotic stories. I didn't have an account for maybe a year or two. I decided to try my hand at writing and started this account. I've sort of come and gone over the years, mostly lurking in the background. I'm still not a prolific contributor on either the story side or the Forums side. But I have made a number of "friends" of the imaginary kind over the years and these have added richness to my life. I find it somewhat amazing just how close I can become to someone I've never actually seen.

Probably like many, I've seen a shift in the Forum posts. It seems to me there were deeper conversations then than now. While images are nice, they can't take the place of shared words — be it advice or shared wisdom, or even a bit of humor. But time rolls forward and all things change.

As I recall, it was the BDSM Cafe forum that pulled me out of my lurking mode. The thread is probably still around enticing 'lurkers' to come into the light.

I remember with fondness, Etoile and her management of the LGBT forum. It's heartening to read that seela communicates with her still and she is doing well.

And now, as a far-flung group we face an unprecedented interruption to our normal lives in the real world. It seems trite to say; This too shall pass. Yes, it will pass. But probably all of us wonder what it will be like after it does. Perhaps, looking on the bright side, it will remind everyone how precious — and fragile — our existence is. How important love is.

So here we are, a far-flung and scattered 'family of friends' reaching out to ask; "How are you doing." So try to not let the imagination go to the darkest of possibilities — remember there is good in the world — be kinder — help when I can.

And I must add; cookiecat has always been such a person - :rose:
I just noticed that I had 9999 posts and I thought I'd make sure the ten-thousandth post was here and not one of the pointless threads I spend half my time arguing in on other threads. BDSM Cafe feels like my home here.
So who's home? Who's still out in the world?

Everyone here is home, edxcept those with essential jobs... so I now have the daily weird expiroence of cycling to the hospital trough deserted streets. It is very eerie.
The fool
I just noticed that I had 9999 posts and I thought I'd make sure the ten-thousandth post was here and not one of the pointless threads I spend half my time arguing in on other threads. BDSM Cafe feels like my home here.

Yep, pretty good place to spend that coin ;) And I never noticed that you're such a chatty soul — nice thing is, you usually have something worth reading.
Speaking of folks missing; Does anyone know where Shank is? It seems he's not posting much on his threads.
I just noticed that I had 9999 posts and I thought I'd make sure the ten-thousandth post was here and not one of the pointless threads I spend half my time arguing in on other threads. BDSM Cafe feels like my home here.

It is a good place to be. Happy 10k. :)

Yep, pretty good place to spend that coin ;) And I never noticed that you're such a chatty soul — nice thing is, you usually have something worth reading.

Bramble is always worth a read!

And thanks, yukon, for the nice words above. :cattail: