Sounds of Pleasure

Well then

I also submit a poem that has nothing to do with this thread by
Francisco X. Alarcon


I bite tongue
your erect
dark nipples

so your heart
won't become
another fist
Re: What would you have me read?

Unmasked Poet said:
Shall I read from “Sonnets of the Portuguese”


Yes. Please.

Or one of my all time favorites by W. Whitman:

O you whom I often and silenty come where you are that I may be with you,

As I walk by your side or sit near, or remain in the same room with you,

Little you know the subtle electric fire that for your sake is playing within me.

Kat~ :rose:
was this about sound?

Has anyone heard a new audio poem lately?
I will personally attach mine to an email if anyone is interested.
Would love to hear yours too.
Re: was this about sound?

smithpeter said:
Has anyone heard a new audio poem lately?
I will personally attach mine to an email if anyone is interested.
Would love to hear yours too.

Why yes! I believe it was! Well I'll be snookered...Thanks for getting us back on track!

I would love to hear your audio, SP. E-me, please.

I edited my poem and hope to call it in today.

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Re: was this about sound?

oops! Double post! :eek:
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For anyone interested.
I have made a small site for my own audio poems. There are only 3.
It is no technical marvel.
Downloading the stuff is recommended rather than attempting to listen online.
Please email me with comments, cutting remarks or questions.
or it does not work
Take care of yourself,
Where'd everybody go?

I e-mailed an audio file of my poem to Lit yesterday. I hope I did it right.

smithpeter, thanks for your help. I enjoyed your audios. Hope you'll be able to hear mine soon.

Now......did all you other people bail out on us or what?

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Re: zounds!!

smithpeter said:
Here is an alternative to the Literotica audio method.
It will only exist till Geocities catches on to any erotic content.
Submissions are welcome till the space runs out.

Thank you sp, for putting 2 of my audio poems on your site!
Re: I hear voices

smithpeter said:
KatPurrs, you have the voice of a devilish angel!:devil:
Anyone who wants to contribute is welcome. I have extended personal invitations.

Thank you, smithpeter. Too bad we couldn't do a duet. I think there is a way to "mix" audios. Now there's a novel thought! hmmmmm.....

Kat~ :rose:
I spit upon my microphone till I learned that was not its purpose.

Would a short tutorial encourage folks to attempt audio poetry?

Text versus oration
What type you?