Hey L. Dot Trumpers He is Coming for YOU (and the rest of us)

Once again, you can't take any criticism and you dismiss it as "equivalency," instead of valid critiques, because you don't want accountability for your side. If you want to save the country and clean it up, you must first clean your own house. Period. That failure to do so is why so many Americans don't trust you, either.
Clean my side? My side is America. It’s imperfect, it’s messy, but the American people are up for the challenge.

Your side is a bunch of Putin-worshipping cocksuckers who want to fly the Russian flag over the graves of our dead. You are a right-wing traitor masquerading as an American.
I get tired of Democrats being allergic to criticism and treating anyone who does critique them as a right-wing nutjob or something. No, silly, you have to clean your own house before you can clean up anything else. You have to learn to take your lumps instead of being defensive. You have to accept accountability instead of lobbing ad hominem attacks on anyone who even somewhat dissents.

I have repeatedly told you what my political views are. I have stated them more than once. Sometimes, we agree, on certain issues. On other issues, we do not. I am an independent populist with some conservative, some liberal/progressive, and some centrist views. You're just ignoring that and dismissing it because I don't fall in line. Well, I won't fall in line. Period. I'm not a lemming. I'm not a sheep or a lamb.

Get over it.
You’re a false flag. Go back to Russia. I’m sure Putin needs more meat for the front lines.
Clean my side? My side is America. It’s imperfect, it’s messy, but the American people are up for the challenge.

Your side is a bunch of Putin-worshipping cocksuckers who want to fly the Russian flag over the graves of our dead. You are a right-wing traitor masquerading as an American.
Your side is the lockstepping Blue Team who thinks that only its agenda is pro-American and the other side is anti-American. Why not resurrect McCarthy's ghost and HUAC while you're at it? Old Joe would be very proud of you, even if surprised that you're Democrats and sound like him.

My side? I'm not taking either side right now, because I am on America's side, because neither side is actually doing what's best for America, just doing what it believes is best for America. That's not the same thing. You're conflating the two. That's delusion. Clean your own house and take accountability, learn to accept blame and criticisms without casting aspersions on any dissidents. I refuse to be slavishly bound to either party, because when I was, both parties wanted me to check my brain and my principles at the door. No fucking thanks.
You’re a false flag. Go back to Russia. I’m sure Putin needs more meat for the front lines.
You know what. I'm done with you and your McCarthyist, paranoid, defamatory, libelous attacks on me. Goodbye. Go to hell. I've got you on iggy, by the way. I really am done with your lies.
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You know what. I'm done with you and your McCarthyist, paranoid, defamatory, libelous attacks on me. Goodbye. Go to hell.

Awww, did you think you’d help divide America some more and realize it’s not working out the way you’d think?

Tell me, did you enjoy sucking Putin’s dick or letting him fuck you in the ass more? Or did you have to stick with sloppy seconds by lixking his cum out of Trump’s ass?
Your side is the lockstepping Blue Team who thinks that only its agenda is pro-American and the other side is anti-American. Why not resurrect McCarthy's ghost and HUAC while you're at it? Old Joe would be very proud of you, even if surprised that you're Democrats and sound like him.

My side? I'm not taking either side right now, because I am on America's side, because neither side is actually doing what's best for America, just doing what it believes is best for America. That's not the same thing. You're conflating the two. That's delusion. Clean your own house and take accountability, learn to accept blame and criticisms without casting aspersions on any dissidents. I refuse to be slavishly bound to either party, because when I was, both parties wanted me to check my brain and my principles at the door. No fucking thanks.
The Republican Party is anti-American. If you really do support America, stop playing silly “both sides” games and pitch in to help us save the country. You don’t have to agree with every plank in the Democratic platform. We’re a big tent and argue a lot over details, but we do believe in democracy and the promise of America.
I believe a dose of reality is in order to answer the OP in this thread. I sincerely believe that the absolute hatred of Trump robs one of intellectual discernment and such haters can easily be identified as belonging to that group of people who can be fooled all the time as reiterated by Pres Lincoln’s famous quote. As an example one of the main mantras one hears constantly from the Dems and their lapdog sycophants, the main stream media, regarding this upcoming election, that it is a fight for Democracy. If Trump does get elected it will be the end of democracy in America as we know it. He will impose an authoritarian regime that will run rough shod over the Constitution and rip it apart.

This viewpoint was amply articulated by a female speaker at the Democratic National Convention (sorry I forgot her name nor am I in the mood to try and research her name) who said in affect that if Trump does get elected it will usher in a sinister dark period in American history. Why, she averred that Trump will target and punish his political opponents and even jail them! OMG! Why even the ladies of “The View”, a pretentiously silly liberal biased daytime TV talk show are fearful that they could be subject to personal revenge if Trump were to regain the Presidency. In pronouncing such a dire forecast, that speaker at the DNC was apparently unaware that Peter Navarro who had served in Trump’s cabinet had just finished his four months prison sentence in time to speak at the Republican National Convention. Also, Steve Bannon who was one of Trump’s 2016 campaign managers and served for a time as an advisor during Trump’s administration, is currently in jail since July 1, 2024.

Their crime? Why they both refused to produce documents pursuant to a subpoena issued by the relevant Congressional committee to produce them. Ergo they were in contempt of Congress; obviously a pernicious crime indeed, surely subject to the full extent of the LAW, and therefore they were justifiably punished. But wait a minute! Didn’t Eric Holder, the AG for Pres Obama defy a Congressional subpoena and refused to produce demanded documents? How about the current AG Merrick Garland who also has failed to produce a document in his possession and has ignored the Congressional subpoena issued. I know that those two gentlemen have not been imprisoned nor am I aware of them being in any legal jeopardy. Whatever happened to the cliché “No one is above the law”?

And of course we have the case against Donald Trump himself. Do any of you Trump haters genuinely believe that had he not decided to contest the Presidency that he would still be in the same legal jeopardy as he now finds himself? If you do, I suggest you ought to stop drinking the Kool-Aid. It is seriously hampering your mental health.

Now as to the subject matter on hand, I would advise the author of this thread not to worry unduly. Project 2025 is not in any way, shape or form, part and parcel of the official Republican Party platform. Nor does Trump have any personal connection to it; he probably hasn’t even read it. It’s not at all in his agenda should he win in November. So I’m quite confident in suggesting that banning pornography will definitely not be something Trump would do; he has bigger fish to fry.

My personal view is that banning pornography would not be such a bad thing for society. In any case it would still be available albeit it would be more costly and difficult to acquire. However, the prohibition of pornography would have a salutary benefit in general literature. It forces authors not to be lazy but be more inventive in describing sex scenes. Case in point is Thomas Hardy’s novel “Tess of the d'Urbervilles”.

In that novel there is a scene wherein the seducer of the titled heroine is sexually aroused by observing Tess milking a cow. Apparently, most milkers while doing this chore would rest their foreheads flat against the flank of the cow. However, Tess would rest one side of her face against the flank and would have her eyes closed. The sight of her milking the cow in this manner stimulated his senses such that he went on to subsequently seduce and presumably deflower her.

Bear in mind that this novel was published in 1891 right in midst of the ultimate prudish mores of Queen Victoria’s reign. And yet despite the absence of graphic detail featured in contemporary literature, I consider Hardy’s prose in this scene as one of the most erotic writing I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading. I was so impressed that I decided to replicate the scene in my novel “Vivian Laaning”. As Wisconsin is the state most renowned for its dairy industry, I had my locale picked out. Since nowadays cows are almost exclusively milked by machines, I had to invent a plausible rationale why my heroine was milking a cow manually. And of course, reflective of the raison d'être of this website, I had my heroine milk the cow while naked. It was early in the morning you see.
Except that Project 2025 IS part and parcel of Trump's second term. Trump's name is mentioned in the Project 2025 documents 300 times! No other Republican leader was mentioned. It WILL be government policy if he is re-elected. Check out this video. Note how this guy freezes up when asked a simple question. "How many times have you been at Mara Logo?
I believe a dose of reality is in order to answer the OP in this thread. I sincerely believe that the absolute hatred of Trump robs one of intellectual discernment and such haters can easily be identified as belonging to that group of people who can be fooled all the time as reiterated by Pres Lincoln’s famous quote. As an example one of the main mantras one hears constantly from the Dems and their lapdog sycophants, the main stream media, regarding this upcoming election, that it is a fight for Democracy. If Trump does get elected it will be the end of democracy in America as we know it. He will impose an authoritarian regime that will run rough shod over the Constitution and rip it apart.

This viewpoint was amply articulated by a female speaker at the Democratic National Convention (sorry I forgot her name nor am I in the mood to try and research her name) who said in affect that if Trump does get elected it will usher in a sinister dark period in American history. Why, she averred that Trump will target and punish his political opponents and even jail them! OMG! Why even the ladies of “The View”, a pretentiously silly liberal biased daytime TV talk show are fearful that they could be subject to personal revenge if Trump were to regain the Presidency. In pronouncing such a dire forecast, that speaker at the DNC was apparently unaware that Peter Navarro who had served in Trump’s cabinet had just finished his four months prison sentence in time to speak at the Republican National Convention. Also, Steve Bannon who was one of Trump’s 2016 campaign managers and served for a time as an advisor during Trump’s administration, is currently in jail since July 1, 2024.

Their crime? Why they both refused to produce documents pursuant to a subpoena issued by the relevant Congressional committee to produce them. Ergo they were in contempt of Congress; obviously a pernicious crime indeed, surely subject to the full extent of the LAW, and therefore they were justifiably punished. But wait a minute! Didn’t Eric Holder, the AG for Pres Obama defy a Congressional subpoena and refused to produce demanded documents? How about the current AG Merrick Garland who also has failed to produce a document in his possession and has ignored the Congressional subpoena issued. I know that those two gentlemen have not been imprisoned nor am I aware of them being in any legal jeopardy. Whatever happened to the cliché “No one is above the law”?

And of course we have the case against Donald Trump himself. Do any of you Trump haters genuinely believe that had he not decided to contest the Presidency that he would still be in the same legal jeopardy as he now finds himself? If you do, I suggest you ought to stop drinking the Kool-Aid. It is seriously hampering your mental health.

Now as to the subject matter on hand, I would advise the author of this thread not to worry unduly. Project 2025 is not in any way, shape or form, part and parcel of the official Republican Party platform. Nor does Trump have any personal connection to it; he probably hasn’t even read it. It’s not at all in his agenda should he win in November. So I’m quite confident in suggesting that banning pornography will definitely not be something Trump would do; he has bigger fish to fry.

My personal view is that banning pornography would not be such a bad thing for society. In any case it would still be available albeit it would be more costly and difficult to acquire. However, the prohibition of pornography would have a salutary benefit in general literature. It forces authors not to be lazy but be more inventive in describing sex scenes. Case in point is Thomas Hardy’s novel “Tess of the d'Urbervilles”.

In that novel there is a scene wherein the seducer of the titled heroine is sexually aroused by observing Tess milking a cow. Apparently, most milkers while doing this chore would rest their foreheads flat against the flank of the cow. However, Tess would rest one side of her face against the flank and would have her eyes closed. The sight of her milking the cow in this manner stimulated his senses such that he went on to subsequently seduce and presumably deflower her.

Bear in mind that this novel was published in 1891 right in midst of the ultimate prudish mores of Queen Victoria’s reign. And yet despite the absence of graphic detail featured in contemporary literature, I consider Hardy’s prose in this scene as one of the most erotic writing I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading. I was so impressed that I decided to replicate the scene in my novel “Vivian Laaning”. As Wisconsin is the state most renowned for its dairy industry, I had my locale picked out. Since nowadays cows are almost exclusively milked by machines, I had to invent a plausible rationale why my heroine was milking a cow manually. And of course, reflective of the raison d'être of this website, I had my heroine milk the cow while naked. It was early in the morning you see.
As to Trump's criminal cases. Yes, he would be facing them if he wasn't running for president as some of the cases began before he was even elected the first time and delayed until he was out of office. E. Jean Carrol case for one began way back in 2015. His real estate empire has been built on sand. Remember he's gone bankrupt SIX times (During which much of his debt was forgiven BUT he opposes forgiveness of working class kids college debt -- but then he has always been a hypocrite.) He also went bust running a casino -- which is basically a license to print money. There is no question he lied about the dimensions of his apartment in NYC and offered different valuations to save on taxes. His OWN laywers admitted it. If I did that, I would alredy be in jail. He lost the election fair and square. The cases against him for election interference would assuredly be continuing if he chose not to run a second time. Trump has received nothing except kid glove treatment right up to today. Anyone else would already be in prison.
You know what. I'm done with you and your McCarthyist, paranoid, defamatory, libelous attacks on me. Goodbye. Go to hell. I've got you on iggy, by the way. I really am done with your lies.
For someone relatively new to this forum, I actually think you are one of the more refreshing, independent thinkers on here.

Which is NOT, by any means, saying I agree with everything you have posted- in fact much of it I do disagree with.

But you are not an ignorant, hate-filled, bigoted troll who worships on the altar of iron-fisted totalitarianism. To me, especially compared to some of the posters on here, that is actually a plus. You do have some beliefs that align with conservatives, some that align with libertarians, some even that are liberal, some I agree with and some that I find troubling. But that's how it goes. You at least appear to be halfway intelligent, which is more than I can say for some of the regular trolls on here.

But sadly, because of all the hate-fueled bigoted totalitarian-worshipping trolls, it is an unfortunate fact that a lot of people on this forum who are fed up with such filth might be a bit, well, testy with those who- at first glance- appear to align with them. And I'm not implying by any means that you do. It's just that, the extremist alt-right trolls on here seem to have rule the roost for far too long.
The Republican Party is anti-American. If you really do support America, stop playing silly “both sides” games and pitch in to help us save the country. You don’t have to agree with every plank in the Democratic platform. We’re a big tent and argue a lot over details, but we do believe in democracy and the promise of America.
You're both anti-American and if you don't see that, I can't help you. You're just anti-American in different ways. In your side's case, your failure at the border and the endless, regime-change wars that have weakened our military readiness are both very bad for this country. In his case, the constant harping on an election that he actually lost and the bombastic rhetoric are examples of things that have been ongoing with him. I don't belong to a political party. I can see much more clearly than you the disastrous lies and policies of both. I think that whoever wins, we're really fucked. If Trump wins, he could well end up overdoing the tariffs and if Harris wins, the taxes on unrealized gains will be catastrophic. Both are wrong.

It's not wrong to "both sides" when both sides are bad....very, very bad. Too bad you can't hold up a mirror and self-reflect. You nullified the votes of fourteen million members of your own party....how democratic is that? You want to push third parties off the ballot. How Democratic is that? You set up South Carolina first instead of New Hampshire and penalized the Granite State in order to secure the nomination for the very same President that you later pushed out of the way. By you, I mean your party, not you personally, I might add. Those are very, very bad, very undemocratic things to do. Some party of democracy you turned out to be.
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For someone relatively new to this forum, I actually think you are one of the more refreshing, independent thinkers on here.

Which is NOT, by any means, saying I agree with everything you have posted- in fact much of it I do disagree with.

But you are not an ignorant, hate-filled, bigoted troll who worships on the altar of iron-fisted totalitarianism. To me, especially compared to some of the posters on here, that is actually a plus. You do have some beliefs that align with conservatives, some that align with libertarians, some even that are liberal, some I agree with and some that I find troubling. But that's how it goes. You at least appear to be halfway intelligent, which is more than I can say for some of the regular trolls on here.

But sadly, because of all the hate-fueled bigoted totalitarian-worshipping trolls, it is an unfortunate fact that a lot of people on this forum who are fed up with such filth might be a bit, well, testy with those who- at first glance- appear to align with them. And I'm not implying by any means that you do. It's just that, the extremist alt-right trolls on here seem to have rule the roost for far too long.

I appreciate that. I just prefer not to check my brain at the door and march in lock step with the sheep on either side. That's just my take on this whole business.
You're both anti-American and if you don't see that, I can't help you. You're just anti-American in different ways. In your side's case, your failure at the border and the endless, regime-change wars that have weakened our military readiness are both very bad for this country. In his case, the constant harping on an election that he actually lost and the bombastic rhetoric are examples of things that have been ongoing with him. I don't belong to a political party. I can see much more clearly than you the disastrous lies and policies of both. I think that whoever wins, we're really fucked. If Trump wins, he could well end up overdoing the tariffs and if Harris wins, the taxes on unrealized gains will be catastrophic. Both are wrong.

It's not wrong to "both sides" when both side are bad....very, very bad. Too bad you can't hold up a mirror and self-reflect.
Kamala Harris will be a great President. The rich can afford to pay more taxes. The Democrats put together a bipartisan border bill that the Republicans spiked. The Democrats support Ukraine and Israel, but they don’t support “endless regime-change wars”.

You claim you’re independent but all you serve up is right-wing talking points.
Kamala Harris will be a great President. The rich can afford to pay more taxes. The Democrats put together a bipartisan border bill that the Republicans spiked. The Democrats support Ukraine and Israel, but they don’t support “endless regime-change wars”.

You claim you’re independent but all you serve up is right-wing talking points.
That you take any dissent as being "right wing talking points" and sound like you're repeating a chant or mantra is very telling, very damning, in fact. Which party got us into Syria, Libya? The Democrats, under Obama. Which party got us back into Iraq after helping create ISIS? The Democrats, under Obama. Sorry, not buying what you're selling here.

I do my own thing and make my own choices. As for the Democratic support of Israel, I take that with a grain of salt, given how many of the Squad (former heroes of mine, but now unmasked as terrorist sympathizers) have been on side....and how much they defended these inept academic administrators who defended the campus riots.
Kamala Harris will be a great President. The rich can afford to pay more taxes. The Democrats put together a bipartisan border bill that the Republicans spiked. The Democrats support Ukraine and Israel, but they don’t support “endless regime-change wars”.

You claim you’re independent but all you serve up is right-wing talking points.
You have put together a laundry list of falsehoods. Let's just tackle one at a time, taxes.

The rich ARE paying the taxes they're obligated to pay. As a matter of fact the "rich" (the top 1%) paid 45% of all personal income taxes. The top 5% pay 65.6% of all income taxes.

So, in your opinion how much more should they pay?

The percentage of taxes paid by the "rich" went up under the Trump Tax cuts, how did that happen?
That you take any dissent as being "right wing talking points" and sound like you're repeating a chant or mantra is very telling, very damning, in fact. Which party got us into Syria, Libya? The Democrats, under Obama. Which party got us back into Iraq after helping create ISIS? The Democrats, under Obama. Sorry, not buying what you're selling here.

I do my own thing and make my own choices. As for the Democratic support of Israel, I take that with a grain of salt, given how many of the Squad (former heroes of mine, but now unmasked as terrorist sympathizers) have been on side....and how much they defended these inept academic administrators who defended the campus riots.
The Squad are increasingly marginalized in the Democratic Party. Some of the things AOC has said recently give me hope she’s come to her senses over Israel. I’d like not to write her off completely.

But in terms of international relations, the Democrats are much better than the Republicans. They actually support NATO and want to stop Vladimir Putin.
You have put together a laundry list of falsehoods. Let's just tackle one at a time, taxes.

The rich ARE paying the taxes they're obligated to pay. As a matter of fact the "rich" (the top 1%) paid 45% of all personal income taxes. The top 5% pay 65.6% of all income taxes.

So, in your opinion how much more should they pay?

The percentage of taxes paid by the "rich" went up under the Trump Tax cuts, how did that happen?
I’d like for the top rate to be 95%, but I’d settle for putting it back where it was before Ronald Reagan blew a big hole in the federal budget.
The Squad are increasingly marginalized in the Democratic Party. Some of the things AOC has said recently give me hope she’s come to her senses over Israel. I’d like not to write her off completely.

But in terms of international relations, the Democrats are much better than the Republicans. They actually support NATO and want to stop Vladimir Putin.
And you are fine with the expansions into Libya, Syria? What happened to Democrats being the party of peace, diplomacy, and opposed to the national security state? Why didn't Obama get us out of Iraq and Afghanistan? Why did it take the leak of the Afghanistan Papers to get the truth out about what really happened there? I'm not saying that I agree with every aspect of Trump's foreign and security policy. Tearing up the INF was a blunder for sure. Even so, why the hawkish, interventionist stance in the Middle East? I also disagreed, then and now, with him vetoing a cessation of the war in Yemen, although admittedly the Houthis have been a bunch of pirates and will have to be taken down by some means.

Mind you, I also opposed the operations in Kosovo and still believe them to be a blunder. I initially backed the Afghan efforts and Iraq, but changed my mind when it became clear that we didn't find WMDs and we were chasing our tails instead of finding bin Laden. The only prediction that I got wrong about the insurgency was that I expected the Baathists to have a larger role due to their past as insurgents in the 1960s. Instead, Iran and Al Qaeda expanded their influence into the place.
I’d like for the top rate to be 95%, but I’d settle for putting it back where it was before Ronald Reagan blew a big hole in the federal budget.
I partly agree to this, up to a point. I disagree with the unrealized gains tax, but I do favor a higher marginal income tax rate.
lol, more right winger sociopaths masquerading as an enlightened centrist. They don’t deserve reason or logic, only contempt and derision.

Real balance means understanding that there are various degrees of “wrong.” A guy failing to uphold all of their promises isn’t the same as a guy who actively works to fuck over the US.

Just tell them to go suck Putin’s cock. All they really want out of life is for Putin to assfuck them. Giving them anything other than pure contempt is just a waste of good will that can be better spent on actual human beings.
I’d like for the top rate to be 95%, but I’d settle for putting it back where it was before Ronald Reagan blew a big hole in the federal budget.
You poor naive silly little girl. Do you really believe that politicians, republican or democrat, are going to pass a law that will subject themselves, or their donors, to that level of taxation?
My side? I'm not taking either side right now, because I am on America's side, because neither side is actually doing what's best for America, just doing what it believes is best for America

I appreciate that. I just prefer not to check my brain at the door and march in lock step with the sheep on either side. That's just my take on this whole business.


The great and wise SevMax2 knows better than everyone else who has actually put their skin in the game and on the line to give SevMax2 the privilege and luxury to expect, nay, demand PERFECTION from the Democratic Party in the face of an anti-democracy totalitarian takeover of America and the world.


Hell, the Democrats getting the U.S. out of Afghanistan and living up to America’s commitment to defend Ukraine and Israel in the face of terror from an authoritarian Putin and a genocidal Hamas is disqualifying in the eyes of the great and wise SevMax2.


The great and wise SevMax2 would have done things completely different and better (perfect, in fact) which would have undoubtedly included capitulating to Putin in Ukraine, abandoning Israel after 10/7, exiting NATO, abandoning Taiwan and the Indo / South Pacific to China, ceding all natural resources and global partnerships in foreign countries to BRICS nations, etc, and then enjoying the inevitable American utopia that would result from those brilliant geopolitical decisions / actions.

SevMax2 has it all figured out.


Ah, the peace of having some fools on iggy and not seeing their BS.
Unfortunately, there's more than a few here you have to simply ignore. Not exactly the highest quality of debating or discussion around here, mostly just name calling, dog piling, histrionics, etc.