Hey L. Dot Trumpers He is Coming for YOU (and the rest of us)


The great and wise SevMax2 knows better than everyone else who has actually put their skin in the game and on the line to give SevMax2 the privilege and luxury to expect, nay, demand PERFECTION from the Democratic Party in the face of an anti-democracy totalitarian takeover of America and the world.


Hell, the Democrats getting the U.S. out of Afghanistan and living up to America’s commitment to defend Ukraine and Israel in the face of terror from an authoritarian Putin and a genocidal Hamas is disqualifying in the eyes of the great and wise SevMax2.


The great and wise SevMax2 would have done things completely different and better (perfect, in fact) which would have undoubtedly included capitulating to Putin in Ukraine, abandoning Israel after 10/7, exiting NATO, abandoning Taiwan and the Indo / South Pacific to China, ceding all natural resources and global partnerships in foreign countries to BRICS nations, etc, and then enjoying the inevitable American utopia that would result from those brilliant geopolitical decisions / actions.

SevMax2 has it all figured out.



You see, what he’s figured out is that he is old. He is old and he desperately wants there to be no world when he leaves, because why does anyone else have happiness if he’s not there to experience it.

Every single post he makes drips with narcissisim, as if he especially deserves “the answers.” He professes to be neutral with different views, but only always attacks non-Republican posts...

Never give up on the pleasure of reminding him how much no one actually gives a shit about him and what a shitty old traitor he is. I’m 50-50 on if he is an actual Russian agent or merely an Russian’s useful idiot. Either way, let’s make sure to remind him that we can all see how much he wants to swirl Putin’s sperm in his mouth.
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You see, what he’s figured out is that he is old. He is old and he desperately wants there to be no world when he leaves, because why does anyone else have happiness if he’s not there to experience it.

Every single post he makes drips with narcissisim, as if he especially deserves “the answers.” He professes to be neutral with different views, but only always attacks non-Republican posts...

Never give up on the pleasure of reminding him how much no one actually gives a shit about him and what a shitty old traitor he is. I’m 50-50 on if he is an actual Russian agent or merely an Russian’s useful idiot. Either way, let’s make sure to remind him that we can all see how much he wants to swirl Putin’s sperm in his mouth.

That one copped to being autistic and OCD to a fault, so I will refrain from my usual level of ridicule, scorn and derision that I heap on true MAGAts and fully outed Russian sympathizers / trolls.

That one copped to being autistic and OCD to a fault, so I will refrain from my usual level of ridicule, scorn and derision that I heap on true MAGAts and fully outed Russian sympathizers / trolls.


You’re much more forgiving than me. Being autistic and OCD are challenges to be sure, but they don’t really explain a “both sides are equally bad” position.
You’re much more forgiving than me. Being autistic and OCD are challenges to be sure, but they don’t really explain a “both sides are equally bad” position.

That one is all over the place politically.

They come across as scattered and disorganized in their decision making, etc, due to their OCD, impo.

They can’t decide who to consistently vote for because they’re dealing wit “analysis paralysis” - over-analyzing what should be a simple and straightforward decision (voting for Kamala and democrats) based on the stakes and the only two viable options.

OCD is a bitch for those afflicted with it - and I have some measure of sympathy and empathy for them - but I will still call them out and present concise, reality based arguments to help them…if they’ll accept the help: I won’t be as harsh with them as I am with obviously racist, sexist, bigoted, ignorant, traitorous sociopathic / psychopathic MAGAts, but I will still be brutally honest and direct.


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One of the goals of Project 2025 which WILL be put in place if Trump is reelected is to BAN PORNOGRAPHY. One assumes that would include all of us her at L.com! Of course, there is a sinister agenda behind it. Its real target is transgender folks but all of us will be caught up in it. If you write for this forum and are a Trump supporter don't you DARE have the gall to act surprised when Trumps newly instituted national police force knock on YOUR door. Maybe we should start raising a defense fun for Laurel as a precaution. I'm NOT joking. As one of the most visited sites on the web and our visual and audio selection as well as just about every kink under the sun we are SURE to draw the ire of the Heritage Foundation which is the power behind project 2025. I would love to hear the justification of this from some of our more vociferous Trump supporters. If you DON'T comment you will prove to ALL of us what COWARDS you are! Vote Blue or your balls will turn blue!

In my past experience, banning ANYTHING has never been successful at eradicating it...
In fact, it's had the opposite effect, creating a true free market, tax free, and opening doors for true entrepreneurship.
In my past experience, banning ANYTHING has never been successful at eradicating it...
In fact, it's had the opposite effect, creating a true free market, tax free, and opening doors for true entrepreneurship.

Yeah, I think this depends on the thing being banned. Banning something like heroin or meth, I’m pretty much totally ok with. The trade-off between making more criminals vs. allowing more meth addicts is such that I choose “make more criminals.” I don’t mind if it isn’t 100% effective, since the effect of fewer addicts to exceedingly addictive narcotics is beneficial enough to society. These dudes make really violent decisions while high and then make additional violent decisions to get high.

With porn, I think the opposite is true. given that basically every guy uses porn in some capacity (I’m including Lit here), I don’t think criminalizing pornography is beneficial at all compared to the cost. There are porn addicts, but they aren’t going out to hurt other people to feed their addiction. They just stay home or in their private settings jerking off too much, to the detriment of the rest of their life. So long as they’re just dicking their own life and no one else’s… I am fine with it.
Yeah, I think this depends on the thing being banned. Banning something like heroin or meth, I’m pretty much totally ok with. The trade-off between making more criminals vs. allowing more meth addicts is such that I choose “make more criminals.” I don’t mind if it isn’t 100% effective, since the effect of fewer addicts to exceedingly addictive narcotics is beneficial enough to society. These dudes make really violent decisions while high and then make additional violent decisions to get high.

With porn, I think the opposite is true. given that basically every guy uses porn in some capacity (I’m including Lit here), I don’t think criminalizing pornography is beneficial at all compared to the cost. There are porn addicts, but they aren’t going out to hurt other people to feed their addiction. They just stay home or in their private settings jerking off too much, to the detriment of the rest of their life. So long as they’re just dicking their own life and no one else’s… I am fine with it.
I agree with a lot of that, but I'm of the "no victim, no crime camp."
Possession, delivery (excluding delivery to minors) possession with intent to deliver... Not a crime....
Breaking into your house and stealing your flat screen and jewelry to buy it, guilty of B&E and theft/robbery.
We currently live in "Incarnation Nation"... the One thing the good ole USA IS a World Leader of...
Funny how I mention that Trump is named 300 Times in project 2025 and that no other Republican (or Democrat) is mentioned and all those folks claiming that Trump has no connection to Project 2025 seem to have disappeared. I know it seems incomprehensible that a man who boinks porn stars, brags about grabbing women by the pussy, and liked to stroll through the dressing rooms of teenaged beauty pageant contestants would want to ban porn. But despite having paid for scads of abortions over the years, he appointed the justices who overturned Roe Vs Wade. Trump doesn't have a conscience, he will do whatever he thinks will bring him power and wealth. If it is politicall expedient to ban porn he will. The Heritage Foundation is poised to vil virtually EVERY position in Trump's next cabinet as well as all the ancillary positions. They will be calling the shots. If you write for this site and intend to vote for Trump, you really aren't thinking clearly. Don't forget, the web is still largely in government hands. He who controls the means of communication controls what is communicated.
Funny how I mention that Trump is named 300 Times in project 2025 and that no other Republican (or Democrat) is mentioned and all those folks claiming that Trump has no connection to Project 2025 seem to have disappeared. I know it seems incomprehensible that a man who boinks porn stars, brags about grabbing women by the pussy, and liked to stroll through the dressing rooms of teenaged beauty pageant contestants would want to ban porn. But despite having paid for scads of abortions over the years, he appointed the justices who overturned Roe Vs Wade. Trump doesn't have a conscience, he will do whatever he thinks will bring him power and wealth. If it is politicall expedient to ban porn he will. The Heritage Foundation is poised to vil virtually EVERY position in Trump's next cabinet as well as all the ancillary positions. They will be calling the shots. If you write for this site and intend to vote for Trump, you really aren't thinking clearly. Don't forget, the web is still largely in government hands. He who controls the means of communication controls what is communicated.

You’ve heard the old saying: “Cut off one’s nose to spite one’s face”???

Well that ^ has been updated and reworded by the MAGAts to: “Cut off one’s dick to own the libs”.

Leaded Gasoline. Banned in 1996.
Lead in paint. Banned in 1978.
DDT. Banned in 1972.
Lol... 100 LL Avgas, still used today, with 4 times the Tetraethyl lead that auto gas contained.
Do you know why the lead is important?
Funny how I mention that Trump is named 300 Times in project 2025 and that no other Republican (or Democrat) is mentioned and all those folks claiming that Trump has no connection to Project 2025 seem to have disappeared. I know it seems incomprehensible that a man who boinks porn stars, brags about grabbing women by the pussy, and liked to stroll through the dressing rooms of teenaged beauty pageant contestants would want to ban porn. But despite having paid for scads of abortions over the years, he appointed the justices who overturned Roe Vs Wade. Trump doesn't have a conscience, he will do whatever he thinks will bring him power and wealth. If it is politicall expedient to ban porn he will. The Heritage Foundation is poised to vil virtually EVERY position in Trump's next cabinet as well as all the ancillary positions. They will be calling the shots. If you write for this site and intend to vote for Trump, you really aren't thinking clearly. Don't forget, the web is still largely in government hands. He who controls the means of communication controls what is communicated.
Conservatives never think the rules apply to them. The rules exist to punish other people.
In my past experience, banning ANYTHING has never been successful at eradicating it...
In fact, it's had the opposite effect, creating a true free market, tax free, and opening doors for true entrepreneurship.

Leaded Gasoline. Banned in 1996.
Lead in paint. Banned in 1978.
DDT. Banned in 1972.

Lol... 100 LL Avgas, still used today, with 4 times the Tetraethyl lead that auto gas contained.
Do you know why the lead is important?

After CFCs were banned the ozone layer began recovering. It will be back to normal in a few decades.

What produces ozone as a byproduct?



Bloat1 needs to take their well deserved L, and then APOLOGIZE to the entire PB for being an ignorant, pedantic fuckwit.


👉 Bloat1 🤣

Lol... 100 LL Avgas, still used today, with 4 times the Tetraethyl lead that auto gas contained.
Do you know why the lead is important?
2023 American gasoline consumption
  • 134.55 billion gallons of unleaded automobile gasoline
  • 000.19 billion gallons of Avgas (aviation gasoline)

99.85% removal of lead in gas would appear to meet the criteria for "successful eradication" to me.
2023 American gasoline consumption
  • 134.55 billion gallons of unleaded automobile gasoline
  • 000.19 billion gallons of Avgas (aviation gasoline)

99.85% removal of lead in gas would appear to meet the criteria for "successful eradication" to me.
I was simply pointing out how FedGov operates....
The "LL" stands for Low Lead, a misnomer which sounded great in CONgress, despite having 4 times the lead as auto gas, prior to the ban.
The purpose of the lead molecules is to lubricate the valve guides.... which is kind of nice, since you can't step out onto the curb when your plane takes a shit.
I was simply pointing out how FedGov operates....
The "LL" stands for Low Lead, a misnomer which sounded great in CONgress, despite having 4 times the lead as auto gas, prior to the ban.
The purpose of the lead molecules is to lubricate the valve guides.... which is kind of nice, since you can't step out onto the curb when your plane takes a shit.
Airplanes have different needs for lead levels in fuel than cars, even though they consume less than one quarter of one percent of overall American annual gasoline consumption.

Got it.

Carry on!
I have said this before, but I would especially like to point out the irony to those who post on this forum under multiple accounts (no names mentioned but they know who they are.)

If porn is banned and this site gets shut down, you multi-handle trolls will face multiple counts of contributing to a porn site- and thus, will face stiffer penalties than the rest of us with only one lit account. Even if your accounts were "pro-regime."

And again, you know who you are. Even if we don't- and even if you vociferously protest that "I have only one Lit account!" once the government subpoenas this site, they will know EXACTLY how many Lit accounts you have.
Airplanes have different needs for lead levels in fuel than cars, even though they consume less than one quarter of one percent of overall American annual gasoline consumption.

Got it.

Carry on!

And the ignorant, pedantic fuckwit will now claim victory…
