Hey L. Dot Trumpers He is Coming for YOU (and the rest of us)

I have said this before, but I would especially like to point out the irony to those who post on this forum under multiple accounts (no names mentioned but they know who they are.)

If porn is banned and this site gets shut down, you multi-handle trolls will face multiple counts of contributing to a porn site- and thus, will face stiffer penalties than the rest of us with only one lit account. Even if your accounts were "pro-regime."

And again, you know who you are. Even if we don't- and even if you vociferously protest that "I have only one Lit account!" once the government subpoenas this site, they will know EXACTLY how many Lit accounts you have.
Well, I don’t think they care. They might celebrate it.

The average Trump-lover supports a host of things that are actively detrimental to them and any possible children simply because they think it hurts “the lib-ruls.” These people would gladly walk into gas chambers so long as they can see their neighbors in there with them.

Everything about them is pure spite. Their life sucks, and they want to spread that misery to everyone else.
What produces ozone as a byproduct?
Ozone occurs naturally in the upper atmosphere. CFCs break it down, but since their use was banned in the 70’s and 80’s the “hole in the ozone layer” has been recovering.

Global action on CFCs should be a model for how we deal with global warming.
Ozone occurs naturally in the upper atmosphere. CFCs break it down, but since their use was banned in the 70’s and 80’s the “hole in the ozone layer” has been recovering.

Global action on CFCs should be a model for how we deal with global warming.
Yes, but therein lies the problem... The lack of environmental issues being dealt with globally.
We have some western nations implement and adhere to standards, while China, India, Central/South America don't...
Yes, but therein lies the problem... The lack of environmental issues being dealt with globally.
We have some western nations implement and adhere to standards, while China, India, Central/South America don't...
Do you agree that banning CFCs worked?
Yes, but therein lies the problem... The lack of environmental issues being dealt with globally.
We have some western nations implement and adhere to standards, while China, India, Central/South America don't...
Absent global governance, I don't see that happening, but that's my cynical side. Those countries don't have an incentive to clean up when they're trying to catch up economically with the developed world.
Obviously our actions should follow other countries' actions and we should not be a leader in the world.