Spirit song: the elven wanderer finally has a home.

That wise(?) friend is also a night owl. Sometimes late night thoughts are best shared. Sometimes naming something gives you some power over it. :rose:
Kitty knew she hadn't been here for a while and for some reason she felt pulled back to that one spot that she felt safe and welcomed at. She wondered if she was going to be a bother or once again interrupting a world of peace which she never had meant to disturb so she moved quietly and swiftly to that tree.

The one she talked under for hours and laughed she needed to feel that peace that freedom of nature once more but not closer or further into his world maybe being so far from the middle being so close to the edge might leave her unnoticed but something pulled her there as if just showing she was there and always would be if ever needed in that one spot of quiet wisdom and mother nature's peace.

Kitty laid down with her head towards the tree looking up through the branches her knees bend and her feet flat on the ground her tail moving brushing over the forest floor as she breathed calmly and deeply the fresh wonderful air closing her eyes and connecting with all that was around her.
Yes wise. your words touched and helped me. It made me feel less alone to know others have the same fears.

The elf moves from his beach. he had wondered if she would come to him on the beach but she had not, no matter he would return to her and that stolen moment. He knew she hadn't quite known how to respond. For the moment he sensed the presense of another.

He moved through the trees. He wasn't his full himself, a mere ghost of himself, the majority of his presence still in that moment by the fire. He came to Kitty. "Thank you for coming." he said softly. "I want you to know your support does mean something to me." he sat beside her and sighed. "I've been through a lot lately as you know. Your support here and on skype are always welcome. I will be slipping away to rejoin myself in a few moments, but I really just wanted you to know that every bit of support from you and others is what is keeping me going.." he leans over to kiss kitty on the cheek.

Then he lets himself fade, to rejoin the body of his by the fire, needing to sink back into that stolen moment. His pain had needed out, but now he wanted to feel joy and closeness again. He hoped she would still welcome him with open arms. Would he have missed anything, would she have stripped?
Kitty's ears moved as i heard something coming close and knew it was him. I smiled and didnt open my eyes as i just stayed laying there feeling everything around my.

It was his voice that made me peek out from behind my eyelids and purred softly.

"You should know I am always here for you or there..."

I did know he had a hard time and i knew i wanted to help feared though i couldnt help the way i would rather like to help as the worlds are so far apart. Feeling the soft smoke like kiss to my cheek i smile and sit up as I know your not there anymore.

I take a deep breath and get up taking the tip of my tail between my fingers twirling the fur as I slowly make my way to where I might find him from the smell and feel of it probably near water and I remember seeing a water and water close by his house so I head in that direction. Finding some flowers on the way I cant help to bend and pick them thanking each flower for giving themselves to her to hopefully make him smile as the smell of the different flowers together made a sweet soothing smell.

Humming I see the beach and water and head towards it as I smile finally seeing him I stand up at the edge of the beach watching him for a second or two. I cant help it and have to giggle and knowing you can feel im near and you probably heard my giggle I sing softly just sone melody stuck in my head with my own words.

"I see you can you hear me.... what a sight for sore eyes..."

I make my way to him to give him a hug but look around before I do just to make sure I didn't have the talent to once again step on anyone's toes.
before he returned to her at the fire he had returned to the beach. Before he could slip fully away, Kitty found him there and he returned her hug. "Thank you." he told her.

"You are sweet. You are always welcome to message. For nowI will slip away. I abandoned a scene by the fire with Lily I would love to finish, to sink back into that Fantasy. "I really want you to know I appreciate the care of the ones who care about me. I would like to organize something where we can catch up more on my porch. You and I talk of course, but we have not caught up here in some time. Perhaps soon." he gave her a last hug before he let himself fade away again.
I smile and nod
“Go to her I’ll be here”

I hug back smiling, I sit down in the sand letting my toes play in it as I watch the water how smooth and calming it moves. I then decide to go back to the tree I laid under before, as I gather some leaves and such what I find feathers and other stuff.

I take out of a little pocket some thread and crystals and start to creative as I sit leaning back against the tree humming softly to myself. I start making some kind of wind chime, after I am done, I climb up on the tree laying over a thick branch I hang the wind chime on it and whisper something to it as I then stay laying on the branch, I watch the world me as I smile.

I whisper to a special piece of paper as a little note that hangs from the wind chime and then close my eyes laying on the branch and disappear.

“this Wind chime I give to you it calls me when you need me close its not a normal wind chimes the wind has no control over it only your breath and words can make it sing, ill hear its call no matter where I am and will come to you at any time”
He came back into himself by the firelight. He could feel the blanket under them, feel her pressed close. He slowly pulled away to give her space to do as he had requested. He wanted her naked. He needed to lose himself in her body, in her love. His eyes were hungry as he took in her beautiful face, his hand coming up to stroke her face. "I'm not sure there are words to tell you what you mean to me and how glad I am to share this moment with you." He leaned in and pressed his liips to Lily's. She was his in this moment, his kitten, and he loved that.

He broke the kiss a bit breathless. "If I keep kissing you like that you won't be able to strip you'll be too busy just kissing me."
She saw the light in his eyes dim a little, knew his mind was pulled elsewhere. She knew he was hurting, memories and the past making wounds fresh again. She held him close. He returned briefly to her. She knew he was trying but also knew he needed space to feel. As the light dimmed again and he curled in his pain she drew a blanket over him. He needed time to feel, to reach out to others. She was happy they had reached out, reminded him that he had those around him who cared.

She held him, snuggled close in their little nest of blankets in front of the fire.

His words were not necessary but she knew he needed to say them. She knew how he felt. He showed her in every touch, every kiss. She met his kiss and smiled as he commented he needed to stop if he in fact wanted her naked. He was right of course.

She moved to her knees, blanket falling away and she undressed for him. Her body was warm from their closeness but her nipples grew hard. The fire cast a warm glow over her skin.

She then moved to him and began undressing him. She kissed his skin as he was exposed to her. Soft, loving kisses.

Once they were both naked she laid beside him once more. “Now you should kiss me again and do not stop this time.” She drew his face to hers.
His eyes watched as she undressed for him, doing as he had asked. Her care of him while he had been pulled away was the perfect touch, she was so good to him. But now he was focused on his desire for her.

Desire that only grew as she set about undressing him, lips traveling over his chest as it was exposed to her, and then lower as she exposed that too. He had prepared to slide his hands into her hair and keep her there, like that, low on his body, but she returned to lay in his arms. He happily complied with her request kissing her with the hunger he needed to show her. He needed to feel her pressed to him and now nothing separated their skin.

He let his right hand caress her breast, then roam down her side and over the swell of her hip. She was so beautiful. He wanted her so much.

He rolled to his back and pulled her with him. He made it quite clear what he wanted when he urged her leg up and over him. “Please.” It was one word, but a soft plea, an encouragement for him to be inside her. He wanted this wanted their union.
His hand moved over her breast making her moan softly. His kiss was just what she wanted, what she desired.

A hint of a smile appeared on her lips as he rolled to his back. "Yes, my sweet one.."

She stood and slowly crouched over him. She needed to go slow, to show him that she wanted him. The fire was warm but her nipples stood out, rock hard peaks. Her fingers held him gently as she lowered herself down. She took him into her body slowly. lowering until she was resting across his hips. She raised up a little and then down again. Up and down, slowly caressing his cock with her pussy. She knew he would want her close but for this moment she wanted to draw it out.

She lowered down and remained still for a moment. Her breathing made it clear that she was cumming. Her pussy spasmed around him. Her knees lowered so she was no longer crouching. Leaning over she kissed him and rocked back. The motion drew a moan from her. "I want you so very much..."

She began to rock slowly back and forth in his lap. There was no rush, they had all the time they wanted. "Touch me." She reached for his hands, wanting to feel him touch and play with her breasts as she rode him.
“Oh god yes Kitten,” he whispered as she lowered herself onto him. He hadn’t expected her to do it quite in that way, but he enjoyed the feel, though his pleasure only intencified as he felt her cum atop him and then lean forward so they could kiss, so it changed the angle to what he really loved. The back and forth was perfect.

At her urging he lifted his hands to roll the peaks of her nipples. He lifted his head to capture one of them pausing her in her rocking as he held her close, so only the tip was inside her, flexing his hips wishing for more inside her, his action of sucking her nipple teasing them both. Finally he let it go and she rocked back onto his cock, causing him to slide deep again. “Oh fuck,” he whispered.
She gasped. His mouth trapped a hard nipple and in the process stilled her movements a little so only the tip of his cock was inside of her. His hips flexed and she whimpered, longing for more but knowing the tease would pay off.

She cried out as he released her and her hips pressed back embedding him deep inside of her once more. She shook. "So- deep..." She was panting as her body came to terms with the amazing sensations he had caused. It was as if a tingle moved through her. It started at her cervix and moved through her core and outwards to her hands, her neck.

She took his hands, lacing their fingers and began to move once more. "You do things to me...things that make me want to cry out your name over and over again..." She leaned in, pressing his hands down as she kissed him.

Once more her pussy began to clench around his cock.
"I want to hear you moan my name. What ever that takes I want to do the things that will make you want to do that."he said. His reaction to her taking his hands was a low moan. She knew what to do to makehim so excited.

Then it happened. His reaction to her pressing his hands down was almost instant, he moaned more, strained to push deeper into her, unconsciously flexed against her control, testing the limits as it were. He didn't want to get free, and her actions drew little moans from him. "Fuck, please," he whispered. "Cum for me kitten."
"Oh I am..." She held him down as her hips moved, her body warm with her orgasm. He was lifting, trying to get deeper and she obliged, pressing her hips back. She loved the feel of him under her, against her.

She nuzzled his cheek, leaning to let her breasts rub against his chest. And then she whispered his name in his ear as she once more found her peak.
He groaned eas he felt her cumming atop him again. He could never get enough of that, would never be tired of feeling it. He unconsciously gripped her hands tighter. "Oh god, please," he whispered.

Then he felt her lean closer, her breasts rubbing his chest as she whispered in his sensitive ear. He let out something akin to a whimper, her words making him shiver. "I'm gonna, oh... fuck," he whispered. Almost a little embarrassed that he might finish this soon, but she was unduing him with her words like that, with the feel of her.
"Cum..fill me, my sweet elf..." Her body hugged him, pressed and moved against his. Her fingers flexed in his and pressed a little firmer. She rode him, slow and unhurried knowing that they had all the time in the world to do this again and again...

She pushed back and he went deep, hitting her cervix. She gasped.

"Cum for me...."
His response was almost instant to her words. She ordered him to cum and he did so, filling her as his body convulsed with his release.

“My Lily,” he whispered, using the name she had taken for here. “I love you kitten,” he whispered. He gripped her hands as wave after wave filled him. He bucked his hips wanting to stay as deep as possible inside her.

There were moments in life he never wanted to end, he decided in this moment that this was one of them. “Please,” he whispered, “Cum with me.”
And she did. Moaning his name over and over again as they moved against one another, both striving for him to be as deep as possible as they came. The peak of ecstasy in each other's arms.

She let her head fall to his shoulder as her body shuddered in the aftermath. "Wow..."
There weren't really words up to the challenge of describing that experience. He wasn't sure he had ever really felt this way before, the level of intencity. He kissed her neck as he lifted his head to press it into the curve of hers. He wanted them to be as close as possible.

Then he let his head fall back and started stroking her hair, making no desire to move her from atop him. "Stay like this in my arms for a bit. I want to feel your weight on me, that assurance that you're close.
They were both breathing hard. They both made soft noises of pleasure as their orgasms ebbed away leaving them relaxed and blissful in each other’s arms. She curled into him, wrapped around him. “I have no intention of moving...this feels too good.”

She began to place gentle kisses on his neck, his shoulder as laid on top of him. Her breathing was erratic but slowly returning to normal. “Thank you..that was wonderful...so close...so perfect and intimate.”
he stroked her hair. His nymph. She was so beautiful, so wonderful. "You are more than welcome, thank you," he whispered kissing her forehead, the top of her head. He could feel her long hair cascading down across his arm as he hugged her to him.

"I think that spring and summer has returned to my home while we were here together. I wish to go sit outside, perhaps you'd honor me by joining me on the swing, maybe I could sing, we could spend time together. He cupped her cheek, thumb tracing her lips. He sat up slowly, cuddling her in his lap, feeling her wrap herself around him. It was always so intimate when he held her.

He felt the need to be close to her, loved their connection.
"Outside on the swing. I would love that. More so if you sing." She hugged him. "I think we could use some water, something to nibble on...a blanket...the most relaxed and comfortable we can be..."

She very slowly untangled herself from him and stood. She closed her eyes and a thin sky blue dress appeared in her hands. She donned it. It had thin straps and went to her feet but the slit up the side gave her the freedom to move easily.

She held out a hand to him. "Come and sing for me, sweet elf."
He smiled at her. Her beauty took his breath away. The dress only served to tease him with what was beneath it, what he had already experienced and knew he would again. Before he dressed himself he pulled her into an embrace and kissed her gently, hands on her back. “Have I told you how beauiful you are lately?” He whispered against her lips.

He took her hand and guided them out towards the pateo, stopping off in the kitchen to grab a snack, “There’s some cheese I cut recently, and I’m sure there are various other things.”

He headed out to the swing, sitting on the swing, food across his lap until she sat too and then offered her some of the food there. He had found some nuts and even some veggies that he would probably not eat much of himself bu knew she’d enjoy them.His guitar was near, and he knew he would sing like she requested, it would make him happy even as he could feel the breeze floating in off the river. He could smell the water. Spring had come again to this land and he was glad to enjoy it wih her. “Thank you for being here with me,” he said softly as he ate.
She smiled as he hugged her, kissed her. "You showed me with your pleasure. Thank you."

She helped him gather the food and some water. As they got comfortable, she closed her eyes and took in the beauty of the place. "I am pleased to be invited. With you feels right." She opened her eyes and looked at him, reaching for a piece of the cheese. "The air smells fresh." She then took a few vegetables. "What will you sing?"
The willow it weeps today,
A breeze from the disance is calling your name,
Unfurl your black wings and wait,
Across the horrizon is coming to sweep you away,
Coming to sweep you away.

Let the wind carry you home,
blackbird fly away,
May you never be broken again.

By the second verse the elf had his guitar, and what started out as acapella had soon been joined by the familiar riff .

The fragile cannot endure,
It wrecked them the jaded this place so impure,
The static of this cruel world,
Cause some birds to fly long before they’ve seen their day,
Long before they’ve seen their day.

Let the wind carry you home,
Blackbird fly away,
May you never be broken again,
Beyond the suffering you’ve known,
I hope you will find you’re way,
May you never be broken again.

The haunting bridge floated from his guitar, the repeated pattern of the guiar that Myles Kennedy would play sounding until he switched to Marks part to better accompany the third verse.

Asend may you find no resistance,
And know you’ve made such a difference,
And all you leave behind will live to the end,
The cycle of suffering goes on,
But the memory of you stays strong,
Someday I oo will fly and find you again.

The beauty of the guitar solo was somewhat lost on the acoustic guitar he was playing, and yet it still conveyed the saddness and magesty of the original. It was clear the elf was pouring all he was and all he had into this song. She deserved nothing less. The anniversary of her passing had come and gone and yet he had not yet payed homage until now. He had not sung this song to anyone since the funeral, though he had certainly played it, so much a favorite was it.

May the wind carry you home,
Blackbird fly away,
May you never be broken again,
Beyond the suffering you’ve known,
I hope you’ll find you’re way,
May you never be broken again.

The last notes died away on the breeze as the tears slid silently down his cheeks. “Gone but never forgotten,” he whispered into the silence.

(Lyrics from Blackbird by Alter Bridge)