Spotlight on...JtohisPB

Oh a question, forgot about that, umm here's one that's topical for me.
Do you like visitors?
How long is too long to stay?
Who are your least favourite visitors?
aw, i was hoping this one would run for another day or 2!

[trout-smacks j]


Yes and no to the visitors question. I like some visitors, but I hate to clean. The act of cleaning my house from top to bottom to prepare for guests bothers me. (Don't get me wrong, we're not completely filthy people or anything, but we lack the organizational drive. Papers stacked on the counter, books stacked on any flat surface, clothing in baskets rather than on hangers or in drawers, and we can always dust/vacuum/wash dishes). Damn, I don't even like typing that stuff.

So, I really appreciate my friends who I'm comfortable with them coming in as is. Those are good friends, the ones you don't need to clean for.
*Checks to make sure you are not my wife.*;)
How long is too long to stay? Completely depends on the visitor. I have a couple of people who drop in unexpectedly and cannot take hints; I'm practically ready for them to leave when they arrive (they are my least favorite visitors, ug!).

We have one of them here now.

But, I have other friends who stop by and we find ourselves talking at the table till early in the morning.
These are great times, if only they lasted as long the unwanteds.
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I've wanted to make this change for several years; actually, I've always wanted to teach. But, getting back to school was challenging. I committed to my goal at 29.

I have no clue about Saturn's return...

It's when saturn goes back to where it was when you were born. It happens when a person's 28-30 years old and is associated with people having life altering decisions, like you did for example.

I'm pretty sceptical but it does seem to be a recurring theme for people i know.
j, do you have any personal heroes, either people you know personally or historic/public figures? and if so, who are they?

JtohisPB said:
We have spending time on an adult website is not the best way to entertain our guests.
Maybe not, but it sounds like a great way to escape from them! :D
I haven't had the pleasure of interacting with J. I've been here only very sporadically over the past few months or so. Buying a new house, moving, painting, and redecorating have kept me way too occupied. But, I'm looking forward to being back a bit more often and getting to know people I've missed in the process.

So, if you had to travel back in time and could not return to this time period (due to some cataclysmic catastrophe that befalls this time), what time period would you choose to live in and why?
I've thought about this question sice I first read it days ago. Actually, I've considered this many times over the years. In modern America, I've lived a comfortable-ish lower-middle to middle class suburban life. Never gone hungry, always had books/friends/tv/clothes/shelter/time. When I read history texts or accounts I wonder what type of person would I have been then? I especially find myself dwelling on early US history through the civil rights movement in the US and wonder what type of white person would I have been then. Would I have abused Native Americans? Would I have owned slaves? Would I have defended the abused? Would I have worked for the Underground Railroad? Later, would I have planted my butt at a Woolworth's counter?

I don't know. I can't wrap my brain around it, but I hope I would have been a social activist. Perhaps if I could know this about myself, I would choose to repeat that time. But, honestly, I don't know that I could stomach seeing in real life the events I've read in books.

It's hard to make judgments against people in history, since we can't really know what happened. We know what the history writer's believe to have happened, we have first hand accounts that let us know one person's or group's perspective, but we can't know.

This is the coolest answer I've ever read to this question. I kind of like to ponder so a question that leaves a ton more to ponder makes me a happy ponderer.

As a little girl, I thought the Woolworth's counter held some kind of mystique, as did the soda fountain at our local pharmacy. I later worked as a soda jerk at that pharmacy and shed a few tears when 'progress' and profits forced the owner to make a difficult decision to close it. It's still my pharmacy and each time I walk in I see Mr. Jones sitting on the last stool and can hear the Roberts brothers asking us to burn their toast, just like their mother did...I could go on and on but won't.

A very sincere congratulations on achieving your B.A. and best of luck as you move onto the next step as a teacher.:rose: