Spotlight on...

The_Fool said:
Short, Tall, Pink, blue. I don't care what she looks like, as long as she smiles.

Bet she will, at that.

Was just catching up on your Rools thread over on the AH. I don't go there much these days. The snarky elitism *snerk* drove me away. But that is a fabulous thread, and not just because I agree with everything you're saying. good stuff.

i must get out of this building. Off to cause trouble.

Long as we're writers talking about sex, and vice versa, here's a question I've been wanting to throw to the group for a while. This may apply more to fiction than to poetry, but it may not.

When you write about a scene, are you more often:

writing about something that actually happened

Writing about a real event but tweaking it to make it even better

Writing about something you WISH you could do, or

Writing about something you'd never actually do but like to think about?

I understand that we all do a bit of each, or at least that few of us would fall ONLY into one category, but where's the majority of your focus? Is it confession, wish fulfillment, or maybe a spell to actually draw that event to you someday? And if you do more than one of these things, where do you think you work best? In fantasy or in reality?

There's actually a real purpose to this. I have a thread idea in mind, one I've been noodling on for a while. If I think enough people will go there with me, I'll start it.

bwah ha ha ha.

unpredictablebijou said:
Long as we're writers talking about sex, and vice versa, here's a question I've been wanting to throw to the group for a while. This may apply more to fiction than to poetry, but it may not.

When you write about a scene, are you more often:

writing about something that actually happened

Writing about a real event but tweaking it to make it even better

Writing about something you WISH you could do, or

Writing about something you'd never actually do but like to think about?

I understand that we all do a bit of each, or at least that few of us would fall ONLY into one category, but where's the majority of your focus? Is it confession, wish fulfillment, or maybe a spell to actually draw that event to you someday? And if you do more than one of these things, where do you think you work best? In fantasy or in reality?

There's actually a real purpose to this. I have a thread idea in mind, one I've been noodling on for a while. If I think enough people will go there with me, I'll start it.

bwah ha ha ha.

Since I write (wrote) both prose and poetry which are sometimes what I think are erotic I figure I can provide a bit of input here.

There are elements of truth in everything I write, even in my gay male sci-fi submission. I include pieces of my experience so that the fiction doesn't ring hollow and if I find something a little false I really try to find the detail that will return the voice to reality.

Surreal is a sometimes used poetry element, I can't remember if my stories explore a little weirdness. Maybe they do, I'll try to revisit. I find if I'm reading and things are a little hallucinatory for a brief passage, that's fine. I can't read pages and pages of it. Honestly, I can't read pages and pages of Lit erotica either.

I like my stories to be as fast paced as my arousal tends to be. I'm very male-like in this, hair-triggered as it were. So, the long drawn out build up to a climax had best be described as succinctly as possible so that I can get on to the sensations that passion brings along with it.

Poetry needs to be evocative of a particular moment and not an epic daylong fuck. If I can grasp the sensation of that velvety textured cock-head parting my inner labia in 12 lines then I feel I've won.

The other way I know I've been successful is to have a bijou comment. BRB as soon as I put my panties in order is definitely a statement of approval. ...
champagne1982 said:
If I can grasp the sensation of that velvety textured cock-head parting my inner labia in 12 lines then I feel I've won.


I think you just did it in two, darlin'. Who needs twelve?

unpredictablebijou said:
Long as we're writers talking about sex, and vice versa, here's a question I've been wanting to throw to the group for a while. This may apply more to fiction than to poetry, but it may not.

When you write about a scene, are you more often:

writing about something that actually happened

Writing about a real event but tweaking it to make it even better

Writing about something you WISH you could do, or

Writing about something you'd never actually do but like to think about?

I understand that we all do a bit of each, or at least that few of us would fall ONLY into one category, but where's the majority of your focus? Is it confession, wish fulfillment, or maybe a spell to actually draw that event to you someday? And if you do more than one of these things, where do you think you work best? In fantasy or in reality?

There's actually a real purpose to this. I have a thread idea in mind, one I've been noodling on for a while. If I think enough people will go there with me, I'll start it.

bwah ha ha ha.

When I am writing about anything, m'dear, I am always making it all up. All of it. Read the small print: Professional stunt sexualististicker poeticalist. Do not attempt this on your own. Literotica endorses safe and sober poeticking. Yes, I know that does not respond to the spirit of the question as asked, but it is, at least, an accurate response.

Do I draw on reality? Of course. Do I embellish? Of course. Do I fantasize things up wholesale from the bestial depths of me Id?

Of course.

Can I tell which is what?

Uh. :) <--- Oh, look. An emoticon!

I fantasize, I documentalize, and sometimes merely play with words like a two-year-old with blocks, though neither as competently nor as well. I waver, sometimes crazily, between what's matter and what's hell:
(Tzara, discomforted by disturbing visions of Bijou—suspended, shibarièd—strolls distractedly along the deserted stone path between his house and that of his neighbors.)


Is this a flogger which I see before me,
The handle toward my hand? Come! Let me clutch thee!
I have thee not, and yet I see thee still.
Art thou not, enflamèd vision, sensible
To feeling as my right? Or art thou but
Dream flogger in my mind, a false creation,
Proceeding from my need-oppressèd ways?
I need thee yet, your form so palpable
That this switch now I draw.
Thou marshall'st me the way I was going;
And such instrument I was born to use!​
I guess, though, I supply mere simple answer to this not simplistic question.

But then, I always have preferred fustian.
unpredictablebijou said:
Long as we're writers talking about sex, and vice versa, here's a question I've been wanting to throw to the group for a while. This may apply more to fiction than to poetry, but it may not.

When you write about a scene, are you more often:

writing about something that actually happened

Writing about a real event but tweaking it to make it even better

Writing about something you WISH you could do, or

Writing about something you'd never actually do but like to think about?

I understand that we all do a bit of each, or at least that few of us would fall ONLY into one category, but where's the majority of your focus? Is it confession, wish fulfillment, or maybe a spell to actually draw that event to you someday? And if you do more than one of these things, where do you think you work best? In fantasy or in reality?

There's actually a real purpose to this. I have a thread idea in mind, one I've been noodling on for a while. If I think enough people will go there with me, I'll start it.

bwah ha ha ha.


In prose/poetry and erotic and non-erotic, I think I most often fall in in the "I write about things that actually happen but I tweak them here and there." However, it's not a hard and fast rule so to speak. I often use a first person point of view for immediacy in my poems but the "I" is not necessarily me. (if that makes sense) I was usually there experiencing the moment but I may not have been the 'I' ...sometimes I was the 'eye' watching everything go down.
Tzara said:
<snip> I waver, sometimes crazily, between what's matter and what's hell:
(Tzara, discomforted by disturbing visions of Bijou—suspended, shibarièd—strolls distractedly along the deserted stone path between his house and that of his neighbors.)


Is this a flogger which I see before me,
The handle toward my hand? Come! Let me clutch thee!
I have thee not, and yet I see thee still.
Art thou not, enflamèd vision, sensible
To feeling as my right? Or art thou but
Dream flogger in my mind, a false creation,
Proceeding from my need-oppressèd ways?
I need thee yet, your form so palpable
That this switch now I draw.
Thou marshall'st me the way I was going;
And such instrument I was born to use!​
Draw nigh blessèd leather strap
To whet this appetite with whips that wrap
My thighs and flick those knotted tips to graze
My nether lips and set my flesh ablaze
Jolt these eyes wide open as I squeal
with welted stripes in answer to my appeal
for pleasured pain and satisfaction dealt
out from the flogger kept so near your belt
that sometimes descends upon my skin
before you drag my compliance in your sin
of worshipping this gift held in silent offer
the power of controlling my response I proffer
but only through the flogger you ply with skill
to rouse my joy and with passion, dreams fulfill.
Boy, just when the action picks up I gotta go off and get dinner. The restaurant next door closes the kitchen in half an hour so I havta skate.

Coyness is not my strong point so I'll tell you my partial agenda at the moment, besides the main one, which is to keep you people talking about Sex and Writing at all times and by any means.

I'm thinking, partly inspired by Eve and her gorgeous wicked ways, of starting something of a confessional thread. Emphasis on writing, of course, and not necessarily confessions of what you Actually Did, but also what you Thought About, or what you'd have done if you had the chance.

So go make a new alt, or two or three. I expect to see a dozen perfect strangers in here over the next couple of days, strangers who seem oddly familiar. This will be aimed at being able to tell the real actual truth, without fear of being found out, without any recrimination.

There's a reason, besides the writing of the confessions, which as we all know is good for the soul and good for writers. I've thought any number of times about writing something based on someone else's blog entry, taking an idea and making something like a poem, turning it into something else through my own lens. I haven't quite felt like I have the right to do that, although I've considered (and will, in fact, at some point) PM'ing one or two folks and asking permission to do just that.

I have this idea of folks writing in with their ideas, experiences, stories that they can't speak elsewhere, and others taking those stories and writing about them. Interactive and stuff.

ack! I'm missing dinner! Ack! low blood sugar! back late tonight to see what sort of trouble y'all got into.


check out my latest piece of fabulous jewelry here.
champagne1982 said:
Draw nigh blessèd leather strap
To whet this appetite with whips that wrap
My thighs and flick those knotted tips to graze
My nether lips and set my flesh ablaze
Jolt these eyes wide open as I squeal
with welted stripes in answer to my appeal
for pleasured pain and satisfaction dealt
out from the flogger kept so near your belt
that sometimes descends upon my skin
before you drag my compliance in your sin
of worshipping this gift held in silent offer
the power of controlling my response I proffer
but only through the flogger you ply with skill
to rouse my joy and with passion, dreams fulfill.
Oh, my!

Wanta teach an American dork 'bout hockey, darlin'? Like what happens if I cross the blue line? And, oh especially, if I'm in the crease? :rolleyes:

No, I have no idea what I'm talking about. It just sounds smutty.

Hey. Happy Thanksgiving, you and your fellow northerlies.

Strap, huh? Ooh. That's all. Just "ooh."
Tzara said:
Oh, my!

Wanta teach an American dork 'bout hockey, darlin'? Like what happens if I cross the blue line? And, oh especially, if I'm in the crease? :rolleyes:

No, I have no idea what I'm talking about. It just sounds smutty.

Hey. Happy Thanksgiving, you and your fellow northerlies.

Strap, huh? Ooh. That's all. Just "ooh."

I got yer blue line. Whatever that means.

off to sit in a bar and write, in a very scrawly fashion. How bout that monthly poultry challenge, mr. Authority Figure?

unpredictablebijou said:
I got yer blue line. Whatever that means.

off to sit in a bar and write, in a very scrawly fashion. How bout that monthly poultry challenge, mr. Authority Figure?


Well, in hockey, it would mean that you were either going to plow through Tzara on his blue line or you were going to knock him on his ass on yours. To say one way or the other, I need to know whether you are playing defence or forward.

Sexually, I would assume that Tzara has been the target of some god-awful tease and the result has been a blue line. It's only logical to assume it can spread from the balls if you wait long enough...
Sara Crewe said:
Well, in hockey, it would mean that you were either going to plow through Tzara on his blue line or you were going to knock him on his ass on yours. To say one way or the other, I need to know whether you are playing defence or forward.

Sexually, I would assume that Tzara has been the target of some god-awful tease and the result has been a blue line. It's only logical to assume it can spread from the balls if you wait long enough...
Hockey. Damn. Such a so Canadian game. :rolleyes:
unpredictablebijou said:
I got yer blue line. Whatever that means.

off to sit in a bar and write, in a very scrawly fashion. How bout that monthly poultry challenge, mr. Authority Figure?


We did a poetry challenge here a few years back where the first and last lines were copied from other poems here. It's a lot of fun to take someone else's line and see where you go with it, and then narrow your focus enough to end with another line that isn't originally yours.

Here, for example, is the poem I wrote for the challenge.

On Morna’s Boulevard

I watched us flicker then ignite
as if the moon fell from the sky
into our arms, held like a new born
love full of squall and need, bright
with loony hope. We bloomed that day.
Time unfolded flowers, petal palms
cupped warmth, but growing heavy
with the reign of deeds and hours
drooped to a drowse of afternoon,
curled wiser at the edge of gloom
with no less love, but gardens full
of knowing, fell beneath twilight,
where she fades like sun, dimmer.

Line 1: darkmaas, Boulevard
Line 13: Wicked Eve, Morna's Last Room

Of course, responsibility dictates that you check with the poets' whose lines you'd like to use to make sure they don't mind (but I don't recall anyone turning it down then; it's a compliment, really).

What do y'all think? We could do that one again.
Angeline said:
We did a poetry challenge here a few years back where the first and last lines were copied from other poems here. It's a lot of fun to take someone else's line and see where you go with it, and then narrow your focus enough to end with another line that isn't originally yours.

Here, for example, is the poem I wrote for the challenge.

On Morna’s Boulevard

I watched us flicker then ignite
as if the moon fell from the sky
into our arms, held like a new born
love full of squall and need, bright
with loony hope. We bloomed that day.
Time unfolded flowers, petal palms
cupped warmth, but growing heavy
with the reign of deeds and hours
drooped to a drowse of afternoon,
curled wiser at the edge of gloom
with no less love, but gardens full
of knowing, fell beneath twilight,
where she fades like sun, dimmer.

Line 1: darkmaas, Boulevard
Line 13: Wicked Eve, Morna's Last Room

Of course, responsibility dictates that you check with the poets' whose lines you'd like to use to make sure they don't mind (but I don't recall anyone turning it down then; it's a compliment, really).

What do y'all think? We could do that one again.
That was the Thanksgiving Challenge, I wrote Widow's Thanksgiving for that one. The best part about the entire enterprise was the reading of the other participants' poetry pages. (Remember, we couldn't just go rambling along and choose a line we liked at random? Our selection was limited to the other poets in the challenge's submissions.

You know me, I'll answer any challenge, especially a good one!
champagne1982 said:
That was the Thanksgiving Challenge, I wrote Widow's Thanksgiving for that one. The best part about the entire enterprise was the reading of the other participants' poetry pages. (Remember, we couldn't just go rambling along and choose a line we liked at random? Our selection was limited to the other poets in the challenge's submissions.

You know me, I'll answer any challenge, especially a good one!

Slow smile...

BTW, this was my one and only Terzanelle...
champagne1982 said:
That was the Thanksgiving Challenge, I wrote Widow's Thanksgiving for that one. The best part about the entire enterprise was the reading of the other participants' poetry pages. (Remember, we couldn't just go rambling along and choose a line we liked at random? Our selection was limited to the other poets in the challenge's submissions.

You know me, I'll answer any challenge, especially a good one!

Yep. I do, now. It was my challenge. It's a really good one if I do say so. Let's do it in November for my next Thanksgiving. I can't start it yet because I swear my mind is frozen to poetry and most other intelligent thought until after my divorce hearing next week. :cool:
Angeline said:
Yep. I do, now. It was my challenge. It's a really good one if I do say so. Let's do it in November for my next Thanksgiving. I can't start it yet because I swear my mind is frozen to poetry and most other intelligent thought until after my divorce hearing next week. :cool:

My good thoughts are with you. I like that idea for november. How bout something really non-challenging and mellow for an october challenge? Cinquains? terza rima? clerihews?

The thing about the monthly challenge is that anyone can pose it. Draft up the challenge outlining theme, formula (if any) and due dates. Notify the mods when the challenge thread is ready and they'll sticky it up to the top of the forum for the month.

The requirements for the challenger have become pretty loose and easy, the best part being you can complicate or ease your level of participation as time and fate deals you your cards.

tricky terza rima treats?
champagne1982 said:
The thing about the monthly challenge is that anyone can pose it. Draft up the challenge outlining theme, formula (if any) and due dates. Notify the mods when the challenge thread is ready and they'll sticky it up to the top of the forum for the month.

The requirements for the challenger have become pretty loose and easy, the best part being you can complicate or ease your level of participation as time and fate deals you your cards.

tricky terza rima treats?

Okay then I will go so far as to UNOFFICIALLY propose the October challenge.

Form: Terza rima
Theme: Costumes and disguise. And sex.
Deadline: um, how does November 1st grab ya?

wow i feel so powerful and famous now.

unpredictablebijou said:
Okay then I will go so far as to UNOFFICIALLY propose the October challenge.

Form: Terza rima
Theme: Costumes and disguise. And sex.
Deadline: um, how does November 1st grab ya?

wow i feel so powerful and famous now.

Not a Jedi yet!
Start a NEW THREAD, you must...mmmhmm Call it October Poetry Challenge, then ready you will be.
champagne1982 said:
Not a Jedi yet!
Start a NEW THREAD, you must...mmmhmm Call it October Poetry Challenge, then ready you will be.

oooo. Dare I? I might feel too flushed with power.

okay I'll do it. but if I become a ridiculous goose-stepping despot, butchering all who disagree with me and hanging 150-foot banners of my face from public buildings, you have only yourself to blame.

unpredictablebijou said:
oooo. Dare I? I might feel too flushed with power.

okay I'll do it. but if I become a ridiculous goose-stepping despot, butchering all who disagree with me and hanging 150-foot banners of my face from public buildings, you have only yourself to blame.


I put it up for you, but it's all yours from here on in. :D
Angeline said:
I put it up for you, but it's all yours from here on in. :D


what do I do with it? just, um, watch it? nag people to get their work done? change all the rules every ten minutes? or just dodge the flying objects?

gods, i can't handle this responsibility. i just wanted to be the evil grand vizier. Ah, those were the days...

unpredictablebijou said:

what do I do with it? just, um, watch it? nag people to get their work done? change all the rules every ten minutes? or just dodge the flying objects?

gods, i can't handle this responsibility. i just wanted to be the evil grand vizier. Ah, those were the days...


You can be the evil poetry challenge vizier. That's what we'll all call you after you remind us of the looming deadline a time or two. And that is your main responsibility: remind people occasionally that they're running out of time, post a link to the form you want people to write in, be relentlessly cheerful when we whine that we don't have any ideas yet. You know, all the standard leadership crap. Really, it's much easier to run the challenge than write the poem for it (not that running the challenge gets you out of writing the poem).