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Angeline said:
You can be the evil poetry challenge vizier. That's what we'll all call you after you remind us of the looming deadline a time or two. And that is your main responsibility: remind people occasionally that they're running out of time, post a link to the form you want people to write in, be relentlessly cheerful when we whine that we don't have any ideas yet. You know, all the standard leadership crap. Really, it's much easier to run the challenge than write the poem for it (not that running the challenge gets you out of writing the poem).

Okay. I am on it. I'll find some links later. Unfortunately, I have to go do my job for a while. People keep insisting on coming in and buying things from me. Dammit, don't they know I have an imaginary life I'm trying to attend to here?

Standard leadership crap I can do. Relentlessly cheerful I can definitely do. Had hoped to avoid it in this ONE little world, but okay. And I'll even write one or two for it. Maybe.

o it's just all so wacky.

unpredictablebijou said:
Okay. I am on it. I'll find some links later. Unfortunately, I have to go do my job for a while. People keep insisting on coming in and buying things from me. Dammit, don't they know I have an imaginary life I'm trying to attend to here?

Standard leadership crap I can do. Relentlessly cheerful I can definitely do. Had hoped to avoid it in this ONE little world, but okay. And I'll even write one or two for it. Maybe.

o it's just all so wacky.


We're still the real world, as I'm sure you've figured out by now, just with a thin layer of porn painted over it. But we all love poetry so that makes it ok.