Standards, anyone?

A7inchPhildo said:
I agree perdita, Ogg that was very poor taste for only the 2nd.

Yogurt used in that way might have its taste improved to be more attractive for some. There are weird fetishes out there.

However, Perdita touched on a pet hate of mine - the use of "borrow" or "loan" for a consumable item. You can borrow something such as a tool or utensil that can be returned as it was. You can't borrow something that will be eaten or drunk.

You can replace the consumable item with a similar product e.g. a jar of coffee but it won't be the one you "borrowed".

Pedantically, Og.
oggbashan said:
Yogurt used in that way might have its taste improved to be more attractive for some. There are weird fetishes out there.

However, Perdita touched on a pet hate of mine - the use of "borrow" or "loan" for a consumable item. You can borrow something such as a tool or utensil that can be returned as it was. You can't borrow something that will be eaten or drunk.

You can replace the consumable item with a similar product e.g. a jar of coffee but it won't be the one you "borrowed".

Pedantically, Og.

Hmmm, the term "to borrow" has always got me a little, too. I have often been asked, "May I borrow your toilet" and my usual reply is, "Yes, provided you put it back again once you are done." How can you "borrow" another person's toilet? "Borrowing" a garderobe would presumably be even more tricky.


I understand your peeve, Ogg. But with consumable goods doesn't one presume they will return the like item? Isn't 'borrowing' a cup of sugar done in England?

However, I wouldn't ask someone to 'loan' me a cup of yogurt. Don't know why exactly but loan implies return of same more than borrow.


oggbashan said:
You can borrow something such as a tool or utensil that can be returned as it was. You can't borrow something that will be eaten or drunk.

You can replace the consumable item with a similar product e.g. a jar of coffee but it won't be the one you "borrowed".

Pedantically, Og.

Wow that was a deep standard, but you are correct. I could use and borrow the neighbors wife. Certainly I could not borrow his cat unless I intended to return it after I was done cooking.

I imagine that would include return of an item in the same condition.

:confused: I am just a little confused Ogg. Correct me if I am wrong. If one borrows money am I suppose to give back the same exact piece of paper with the dead president's picture on it? Or can it be another different bill that looks just like the first?

If I borrow ten dollars, then go to the store and make a purchase. Should I ask if I can have the Bill back later when I have my own ten to exchange it so I might return the exact same bill?

I guess that is why they invented credit cards.
Another standard for the list:

A book or magazine that is borrowed and then read while sitting on the john should not be returned; consider it a gift.
I doubt very much if money is covered by the term borrow. Since what you are borrowing is a promisory note, of no intrinsic value, therefor what you actually borrow is the promise of exchange.

A7, Bolt croppers will work, just make sure you only remove the return wire, and don't forget to attach a dummy cam/mic to the return so that the intelligence services don't become suspicious when their 24/7 surveillance equipment is interrupted.

Speaking of electricity, how will they be able to build houses on the moon if they can't earth the electrical equipment?


P.S In all good sci-fi the baddy (the one with the black space helmet) always informs his victims that resistance is futile. If this is true then how can transformers work?

That is absolutely true.

As a teacher I can confirm that intelligent students are the worst.
They actually ask questions! :confused:
They sometimes even challenge their teacher. :eek:

And students who need extra attention are not much better. They take time off of reading the newspaper while the class is at work. :D
God forbid that they would let those students experience the feeling of counting just as much as everybody else. :devil:

Seriously though. You are right that a lot of teachers are too lazy to do their job right.
I know, I had a kid with learning disabilities too. (Not a kid anymore, but still lovable unadjusted.)
Tatelou said:
Hmmm, the term "to borrow" has always got me a little, too. I have often been asked, "May I borrow your toilet" and my usual reply is, "Yes, provided you put it back again once you are done." How can you "borrow" another person's toilet? "Borrowing" a garderobe would presumably be even more tricky.


What of those who ask to use said toilet? I always respond to said request with, "Please do."
champagne1982 said:
What of those who ask to use said toilet? I always respond to said request with, "Please do."

But then you're left with a toilet that feels degraded and depressed at being used so casually and it takes a long time and many many hours with a toilet psychiatrist to make it into a useful toilet again.

Ah ha ha, Gauche. That's why I chose a mucky slut for my toilet. Makes it all easy for all concerned.

Perdita ;)
Okay, you asked for some standards of living

Okay, you asked for some standards of living. Some of these I even manage to live up to occasionally. (Borrowed from one of my favorite Authors.)

Always store beer in a dark place.

Always listen to experts, they will tell you what can't be done and why. Then do it.

Nursing does not diminish the beauty of a womans breasts; it enhances their charm by making them look lived in and happy.

If you don't like yourself, you CANT like other people.

It is better to copulate than never.

Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks.

You can have peace, or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having both at once.

A woman is not property, and a man who thinks otherwise is living in a dreamworld.

Place your clothes and weapons where you can find them in the dark.

The more you love, the more you can love-and the more intensely you love. Nor is there any limit on how many you can love. If a person had time enough, he/she could love all that majority who are decent and just.

The Shamans are forever yakking about their snake-oil "miracles". I prefer the real thing, a pregnant woman.

Taxes are not levied for the benefit of the taxed.

Never under estimate the power of human stupidity.

Be wary of strong drink, it can make you shoot at tax collectors, and miss.

A whore should be judged by the same criteria as other proffesionals offering services for pay- such as Dentists, Lawyers, Hairdressers, Physicians, Plumbers, etc. Is she proffesionally competent? Does she give good measure? Is she honest with her clients? It is possible that the percentage of honest and competent whores is higher than that of Plumbers and much higher than that of Lawyers.

Yield to temptation, it may not pass your way again.

There are many more but my fingers are getting tired, not too mention I can hear you all groaning out there.

No groaning from me, Cat. I appreciate much of what you've said, especially about love and women. Thanks, and have a very good 2004.

No groaning here that was some interesting stuff. And yes have a good 2004. I hope to see you on your next post in 2005.

What? You know, you could come around a little more often.
Re: Okay, you asked for some standards of living

SeaCat said:
Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks.

You've never eaten an entire 8X8 pan of baklava.

Dirt Man said:
XI: All bi-lingual people should be paid higher wages than their peers. (For obvious reasons.)

I think that anyone Bringing More applicable skills to the Table should get paid accordingly, your statement is a bit too general for me.
Re: Re: Okay, you asked for some standards of living

shereads said:
You've never eaten an entire 8X8 pan of baklava.

:eek:None of the sylph like creatures in your avatars are really you, are they?

Never mind, for nor am I W.C. Fields.
perdita said:
II. "Women and children first" (except maybe Ann Coulter).

I think this should be changed. should be Active Parents and Minors.

9 years in the navy and People to this day Gave me dirty looks when i told Subordinate Females to move furniture and told the guys to sweep.
Re: Re: Re: Okay, you asked for some standards of living

Gary Chambers said:
:eek:None of the sylph like creatures in your avatars are really you, are they?

I'm far more sylph-like than I was back then...I had smoked the demon weed, and there was a bakery near my apartment that made wonderful baklava, and...well, you get my drift.

I learned my lesson and I rarely binge anymore without purging.


BTW, I'm glad you're not WC Fields, because he's dead and that would be unpalatable. And for the record, I'm considered adorable in person. A sylph should be this cute.
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Re: Re: Standards, anyone?

Originally posted by Aaron Dazer I think this should be changed. should be Active Parents and Minors.

Re: women and children first. I've already given my feelings on this as far as women go; I think we ought to stop asking to be included with children for special privileges.

I'll go a step further: What's so special about children that they get in the boats first?

What did children ever do for me?

Seattle Zack said:
. . . What would happen if you took a piece of bread (buttered side up), strapped it to a cat, and dropped it from a rooftop?. . .
This is a no-brainer for anyone who actually co-habits with a cat.

The experimenter would be tottering at the edge of the roof, with butter lubricated hands, trying to pacify a distraught feline, hanging by bloodied claws, from the experimenter’s scrotum.

The best resolution would be for them both to take the plunge.

MathGirl said:
Dear Gauchie . . . I thought Ben Franklin invented lightning.

Franklin didn’t actually invent lightening, but he did play a key role in its development.

Ben discovered how to conduct the electricity which comprises lightening.

A little known sidelight: as a result of his experimentation with lightening, Franklin received third-degree burns to his dick, which fact Ben commemorated in his use of the pseudonym: “Poor Richard.”

oggbashan [/i][B]. . . Perdita touched on a pet hate of mine - the use of "borrow" or "loan" for a consumable item. . . . You can't borrow something that will be eaten or drunk. . . .Og. [/B][/QUOTE] I’d go farther said:
. . . What's so special about children that they get in the boats first? . . .
This rule is rooted in the theory of reincarnation.

The children are not being esteemed, it is just that they have a less pressing need to begin again.

“Bad women," also, are always at a premium.

As for some of my own standards:

Assume the excrement is but moments away from colliding with the circulatory device.

In a structured social construct, do nothing for which descriptive terminology has not been coined.

Never trust a naked bus driver.
PierceStreet said:
Standard to Seek :

Public Education should actually educate all the public.

I've learned about the public schools while battling for a child with Learning Disabilites, I find schools are setup to educate the 50% of students in the center of the bell curve. And more and more I suspect that public schools are training people to grow up to be non-critical voters and ill informed consumers.

In the UK state education is no longer set up to educate the 50% in the centre of the bell curve. Because of political interference schools are set up to be all inclusive. The 50% get ignored because of the demands of those at the both extremes of the curve that have been "integrated" into mainstream education. It is cheaper that way than providing special schools or special facilities for children who are different.

The disruption caused by one child with severe Tourette's in a class of 30 damages the whole class and yet that child doesn't get the specialist attention it needs either. There needs to be a balance and at present the UK schools' balance is wrong.

Creaming off the top 15% for grammar schools could work for the 15% and the 85% but that it provides the 85% with a sense of failure at age 11.

Providing special education for those with special needs doesn't work if 45% of the intake is classed as special yet the school is staffed and resourced as if it were "normal". The system is beginning to recognise that a child with learning difficulties may make a significant improvement and yet fall far short of the standard of those in the centre of the curve but it still measures schools by tests and ratings that do not recognise or reward the improvements made in those that are "special".

As usual, money is the root of all evil. Educational theorists said that including some special needs children into mainstream schools is good for them and can have some advantages for the more normal pupils. What they weren't heard to say was that doing that would not be cheaper and might actually be more expensive than separare schools because the theorists assumed that the staffing and facilities would be improved to provide additional support for the special needs children. The politicians closed many of the special schools but only transferred some of the resources to the normal schools.

Things are changing slowly but a generation of pupils has been poorly educated while the system tried to be all things to all children.

Og, pontificating.
Women and children first

I have always understood this standard to be Darwinian.

If men sacrifice themselves to protect their women and children they are ensuring the survival of the human race or a proportion of it that is currently at risk.

This was understood by some of the women on the Titantic. Because they were past child bearing age or just old, they refused to enter the lifeboats until either after children and younger women; or not at all, preferring to remain with their men.

The Birkenhead drill should still be admired but it had and has a practical purpose in saving the gene-pool.

Jeanne (who'd want to stay behind with her man).
Re: Women and children first

jeanne_d_artois said:
If men sacrifice themselves to protect their women and children they are ensuring the survival of the human race or a proportion of it that is currently at risk.

It's said that if a mother kangaroo with a heavy baby roo in her pouch is being chased, she'll toss him out and run like the dickens. Harsh, but that way she lives to spawn again; otherwise they'd both die.

The assumption that everybody should reproduce is no longer valid and causes most of the world's problems. I say, enough already. The planet is full up.


What might be the implications - economically, politically, socially - if every adult on the planet became temporarily sterile, and for one year the human birthrate dropped to zero?