Standards, anyone?

You haven't asked about the Limburger sir.

Black Tulip said:
That is a very nice cheese from the south of my country. Only to be eaten with a clothespin on your nose though.


Quick quick, somebody, Sher? someone mentioned cheese, shouldn't there be a Monty Python reference next?


ella, I can take beards or leave 'em, but I wonder what you favor? Just the type (ignore the face): Lenin? Marx? Trotsky? Proust? Kris Kringle? Abe Lincoln? (or am I thinking of his wife?)


A late Xmas present for those who weren't here then

I've just woken the wife, the kids and the next-door-neighbour, re-reading this thread. It fell down the lists quite a while ago, but for lovers of Python, you'll find it quite amusing.

From The Durtgurl Group


Hope the URL works
Gracias, Gauchito. I'd forgotten that thread, great larfs browsing through it again.

perdita said:
ella, I can take beards or leave 'em, but I wonder what you favor? Just the type (ignore the face): Lenin? Marx? Trotsky? Proust? Kris Kringle? Abe Lincoln? (or am I thinking of his wife?)

Hard to separate the beard from the face... Also, I like to see a "before" picture so I know there's a chin under there.

I had a crush on a college professor who had a salt-and-pepper beard. Once when he called me into his office for some trumped-up reason or other, he showed me a picture of himself when he was a student.

He had no chin. I mean, no chin. As in, a direct inward line from bottom of lower lip to adams apple.

Prince Charles would have been able to double the firmness of this man's chin by donating a quarter of his own.

It cured my crush, and it also helped me develop a finely-tuned sense of the face under the beard.

As for types...Kris Kringle, no. Nothing like God on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel...and no beards without accompanying moustaches. That look just makes my eyes water. It's like a portrait framed with fake fur.

One simply knows whether a beard is sexy. The way a man knows whether he likes a woman's hair.
Weird Harold said:
TANSTAAFL doesn't take away free lunches" it simply acknowledges that:

a) somebody paid for it, even if you didn't

b) the person who did pay for the "free lunch" didn't charge you cash for it because they ae getting repaid in some other way.

c) you should always look for the hidden costs when it looks like you're getting a good deal.

I've had free lunch. But I guess I'm just lucky that way:)

Then again, I've also had some so called 'free lunch' that did in fact include ulterior motives. Oh well.:)

I have never had a free lunch, there have always been strings attached in one way or another.
I have always worked for what I wanted.
R.A.H. May have had ideas that offended some, but if you look at them, some of them made sense. (Some of my views would have made the poor guy flinch, i.e. my views on punishment for rape. Public Castration with a dull object. A rusty Cheese Grater comes to mind.) While his views on punishment for crimes may have offended some, they were valid from his viewpoint which was make an example of some and others will think twice about it.

Some of my personal standards are:
Treat everyone as they treat you. This is on a one on one basis.
Nothing is ever free, there is always a price attached somewhere.
Sex is something to be enjoyed.
Don't take anyting at face value, there are layers upon layers.
If some one tells you it's the right thing to do, they mean it's what's right in their eyes.
Someone is always watching.
No one in public office will follow what their people want, they will always follow what they want.
If someone tells you everyone is doing it, check who everyone is.
If someone says it's for your own good, you know it's fot their own good.
Following a personal code of homor is harder, but it allows you to sleep at night.
All women should know how to defend themselves, but they should never have to.
If you follow your belifes, then you can never go wrong in your own eyes.
Who says society is always right?
The churches tell you they know what god intended. Did he/she speak to them? Follow your beliefes.

Should I go on?


SeaCat said:
The churches tell you they know what god intended. Did he/she speak to them?

Yes. TV evangelist Pat Robertson has it directly from God that Bush will win the 2004 election in a "blowout."

Don't feel bad for having missed it in the news. I was surprised too. At first I found Robertson's assertion a bit far-fetched, but then I remembered that one year he successfully intervened with God on behalf of his home state, Virginia, and diverted a hurricane up the coast to hit New England.


SeaCat said:

You may ROTF all you wish, but when a typhoon is bearing down on your ass, you'll be on the Prayer Line to Pat Robertson with your VISA card in hand, along with the rest of us.
Re: Peace and Freedom

dr_mabeuse said:
The way I’ve always heard it is: you can have freedom, or you can have security, but you can only have one at the expense of the other.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

--Benjamin Franklin
Too true

Now I know why I like this board so much. It isn't the great stories which get my wife fired up, it's the educated people I get to talk to.
