Starting Over

After dressing in a pair of jeans and a gray dress shirt, Kevin decided to head out to get something to eat. He went back into town and found a nice little restaurant that had outdoor seating. When he walked up to the hostess, she told him it would be at least an hour wait for a table. He gave her a disappointed look, but she just shrugged her shoulders. He looked around to see if there was somewhere else to get dinner, but as he did, he noticed that there was one table outside at the restaurant that was empty. He went back to the hostess and flirted with her a little, before pointing out that since he was alone, he would not require a great deal of attention from the waitress and the small table outside would be perfect for him. After a few more minutes of flirting, the hostess relented and led him to the table.

Most of the people eating at the restaurant were couples. In fact, he was the only one eating alone. He made note of the fact that this restaurant had great food, a really nice ambience, and would be perfect for a date. He would have to remember that when he decided to take a woman to dinner.

After dinner, he walked back to the hostess station. He asked the hostess if there were any good clubs around. She smiled at him and pointed down the street. "The Cellar is a great place. They have good music and the drinks aren't watered down and ridiculously priced like a lot of the other clubs. You should try it out." Kevin thanked her and handed her $50 for her help.

Once at The Cellar, Kevin found a spot at the bar and ordered a Jameson, neat. He was surprised by the healthy pour. He turned around and leaned back against the bar. It was his first time out in his new hometown; well, the second if you count last night at the strip club. He looked around and just tried to become familiar with the scene at the club.

While he stood there, the club got more and more crowded. He had a second and then a third Jameson. He made small talk with several women, but there was nobody that really interested him. He wasn't really looking for a hook-up. He had already had that with Diamond. he was just trying to figure out what things were like in town.

Before he knew it, he looked at his watch and saw that it was after 2 am. He decided that he had enough to drink, but that he would be back at The Cellar again, bcause it seemed like a good place. He tipped the bartender and headed toward the door as he was ready to call it a night.
Diamond and Aleska entered the Cellar just about when Kevin was walking out. They nearly collided with him. Diamond, after getting over her initial surprise said " Excuse me. " as if it was his fault that he almost knocked her over. Then Diamond gave her best impression of being a stuck up bitch, who wouldn't give him the time of day, treating Kevin like a total stranger as she walked by him. Secretly she was thrilled to see him since she was all dolled up in a tight spandex mini dress and stilettos. Actually what she wanted to ask him was what was he doing her, trying to pick up a slut to go home with ? but bit her tongue...

Meanwhile Aleska licked her lips and winked her eye before following Diamond to the bar and ordering a drink...
Kevin chuckled at Diamond's reaction to them almost walking into each other. "Oh, you're excused." Then he continued to walk out of the club; shaking his head. He really didn't have time for the kind of drama that Diamond threw out there. If she had not acted that way, he would have excused himself, acknowledged her and probably even asked how she was doing, but, no, she had to take on the role of the real bitch. Kevin was not interested in dealing with that.

Heading home, Kevin wondered if he needed to find a different club to go out to next time. He really thought that he would enjoy going to the Cellar, but, if it was a regular place for Diamond and her drama, then, he would find someplace else.

After getting home, Kevin made his way right upstairs. He was tired after a day of finishing up the work on the house and then dealing with the drama as he left the club. He wanted to get a good night sleep and start tomorrow fresh. After all, tomorrow was his last day of vacation before going back to work.

When he woke up early the next morning, he made coffee, and, when it was ready, he poured a cup and took it out on the front porch. He had no plans for the day, so, he started trying to figure out what he should do. How would he spend the last day of vacation now that his work on the house was finished?
Diamond was disappointed that Kevin didn't even offer to buy her a shot at least as thanks for a last nights expense free evening of debuchery. Diamond had made sure he did not pay for one single beer or shot...she hoped he would have a change of heart and come back in and join him. But of course it didn't happen. Instead she sat there, pretending to like the drunken attention from the guys, most of who new her from the club or were married. Diamond had never slept with a married man, having some principles and morals. Aleska, on the other hand, was a true slut and ended up going home with two guys, leaving her alone.

Later that night, when Diamond finally got home to an empty house she brushed her hair in her mirror and took off her make up before bed as usual, that was when the regrets set in. Perhaps she should not have fucked him that first night or even the second one. Yes she had behaved like a total slut, no wonder Kevin thought like that. Diamond didn't mind being treated like one in the privacy of the bedroom, in fact she liked being treated like one...why did she get so offended by something so silly ? Whatever that was something that was never going to happen again. She was not going to allow herself to be used.

Anyway Diamond had the feeling Kevin wasn't going to overcome what he saw as an affront to his manly pride and she was not going to crawl at his feet any time soon. So...tomorrow she decided to go to the concert in the park. Alone, since her relationship with Drake had ended. They were supposed to go together like they did last year. Diamond loved music and there was several bands she liked playing there. She would wear her a sundress, along with her cowboy boots and hat. The weather supposed to be fine...
While Kevin sat on the porch with his coffee, he checked social media for anything to do around town. He really hoped to get involved in the community, so, he thought that getting involved in activities around town would definitely be a good way to start.

When he saw the information about the concert in the park, Kevin thought that would be a perfect place to start. He looked at the lineup of bands, and didn't know any of them. Of course, that didn't bother him. Sitting outside listening to live music felt like the perfect way to spend the day. He decided that he would go early, and try to get a place near the stage.

When it was time to get ready, Kevin went inside and showered. Then, he put on a pair of green shorts, a white golf shirt and a pair of flip flops. He grabbed a lawn chair that he had stashed in the garage and put it in the trunk of the car and made his way to the park. He took the first parking spot he found, because he wasn't interested in driving around looking for a spot that was closer. He was okay with walking a little ways. Grabbing the lawn chair from the trunk, Kevin made his way into the park. There was already a decent crowd, but he was able to find an open area fairly close to the stage. He opened the chair, sat down and waited for the music to begin.
Diamond had been looking forward to the event all week and was glad to have Sundays off. She didn't apply alot of make up today wanting to be natural blonde. Because it was so hot, Diamond only wore a little push up bra and a thong under her sundress. And her cowboy boots and hat. Diamond filled her small ice chest that held a bottle of wine and a couple of coolers, she liked it chilled, and left her house to drive to the park. It was still early afternoon but there were alot of people gathered already to hear the bands. Diamond found a spot under the shade of an oak tree and spread her blanket out underneath. She heard them doing a sound check and smelled a whiff of pot. Diamond didn't smoke it much except at at events like this. She had a blunt hidden in her bra just in case the mood hit her.

The dancer took out her fully charged cell phone out of her purse and filmed the crowd and the stage for prosperity and post it on her instagram account. Later when the music started Diamond planned to go down in front of the stage to get better closeups and dance to the music depending on the song. She opened a wine cooler and sat back to people watch. Actually Diamond didn't mind being alone, who needed a boyfriend anyway ?

{ Oh how I wish I could still post pictures }:rose:
As he sat in the sun waiting for the music to begin, Kevin thought about how horribly he had planned his day. Well, actually, there had been no planning. He saw information about the concert and decided to go. He didn't think about packing a small cooler with bottles of water, or even a couple of beers. This was not atypical of him. When he wanted to do something, he just did it without thinking about it. His excuse for being like that was that it kept him from overthinking things.

As he looked around and did some people watching before the music began, he noticed a tent off to the side. It was serving as a refreshment stand. Kevin walked over and got in line behind the other people who did not plan their day well. When he got to the front of the line he purchased three bottles of water. He figured that even when the water got hot that it would be better than nothing at all.

As he got back to his seat, more people had arrived and the first band was walking onto the stage. The crowd gave them a light applause after the lead singer introduced the band and its members. Kevin sat down and settled in for what he hoped would be a great afternoon.
Diamond couldn't help but think about how wonderful it could have been if she and Kevin could have spent the day together. She really liked him. Too bad he was such an inconsiderate jerk. They could have spent the night at her house and when they woke up spent the day beside the pool and barbequed on the grill...maybe even screw their brains out again. Yes it wasn't exactly like they were making love, it was so much better than that.

Why can I not stop thinking about him ?

Oh well, Kevin had his one night stand and used her. Live and let learn.

The first band started jamming and a small crowd assembled in front of the stage and began dancing to the music, mostly were females. Taking her bottle of wine with her, Diamond decided to join them. Soon she was dancing and attracting some attention especially from the males in the crowd...
Sitting in his lawn chair, Kevin listened to the music of the first band. They actually weren't half bad. While listening to the music, he looked around at the crowd. He was surprised that a local event drew such a large crowd, and it was still only the first band playing. He was sure that once the headliners went on stage that the area would be jam packed.

Kevin checked out the women that had moved to the front of the stage and started dancing. There were several very attractive women. It was pretty funny to Kevin that it was almost all women that were dancing. It seemed that the couple of guys that were up there were only there to make sure that somebody else didn't dance with their woman.

As he watched the women dance and listened to the music, Kevin saw Diamond dancing off to his left. He watched her for a minute and it was obvious that she was attracting a lot of attention from guys in the crowd; even guys that were sitting with their wives/ girlfriends. Several guys got up and started dancing with Diamond. It was obvious that she had become the center of attention. Even a couple of the guys in the band were staring down at her from the stage.

He wasn't sure if Diamond knew he was there and was dancing in front of him to make him jealous or if that was just Diamond being Diamond. Something told him that she liked to have fun and was just enjoying the music.

When the first band was finished their set, Kevin watched as Diamond walked in his direction. She didn't look at him, so , he assumed that she had no idea that he was there. As she passed by him a few feet away. He looked up at her. "You look like you are having a great time."
" You look like you are having a good time. "

Taken by surprise, Diamond was startled at Kevins presence and her heart skipped a beat...regaining her composure she responded, " Yes I am, thank you "

Oh God what is he doing here ? she thought, while Diamond didn't bother to stop and talk with him. She knew that she was acting like a stuck up little bitch, but she was done letting men to use her. Besides if he really wanted too, he could have been at least a little bit more civil last night when he saw her at the Cellar, instead of pretending like he didn't know her. Diamond wasn't about to give him the time of day...

When she got back to her blanket, Diamond noticed all the messages from Drake begging for another chance. Oh God just please just leave me alone.

Diamond was in no mood to be bothered. What part of 'we are over' didn't Drake understand ? He was such a self centered, narcisstic wimp, like someone else she met recently ! Okay she had to admit to herself that Kevin was not a wimp. He was confident and very handsome...and a total stud. Just looking at him made her melt...
When Diamond walked past him and only gave him a quick response, Kevin figured that she was upset enough that she was not even going to be friendly with him. Yes, he had immensely enjoyed their sexual escapades, but if they were not going to continue down that road, he had at least hoped they could be friendly, considering they lived across the street from one another.

Kevin watched as the next band prepared to go on. His mind was on Diamond. He wondered why she would be acting the way she was. The last time they had been together had been incredible. She had treated him at her club, had teased him using the other dancers at the club, and then had gone back to her house. She started out in control of the situation, however things had changed and once again she had wanted to be treated like a slut. He had done so, and when they were finished, he got up and left. Could that really be it? Could the fact that he continued to treat her the way she asked to be treated be why she had been so cold since then?

Yes, he could have treated their interaction at The Cellar a little better, but he was still a little pissed that she had ignored him the day before and had not stopped by his house. No, he didn't need her to come over to help him finish the work, but he thought she would stop by to see how things were going.

Kevin decided that something that he thought was going in a positive direction and could possibly have led to something more was really only a short time sexual thing for Diamond, and one where she wanted to be treated a certain way but only at certain times. Kevin wasn't interested in something where he would need a script to know when to do certain things and when not to.
Diamond decided that she wanted a refreshing ice cream cone from the food truck. On the way she had to pass right by Kevin and made sure she swayed her hips provocatively. Let him eat his heart out...

While waiting in the long line a cute guy started hitting on her. Diamond was rather bashful at first, glancing at Kevin out of the corner of her eye, wanting to make him jealous. She flirted back and was delighted when Steven offered to buy her an ice cream. Of course she allowed him too.

Afterward Steven invited her to go and meet his friends who were gathered in front of the stage. Diamond licked her cone with her pink tongue and accepted...

{ Oh well I wish I could download a picture but I can't, it would so enhance the story }
Kevin smiled as Diamond walked past him swaying her hips. There was no doubt that she put an extra wiggle in her walk while she went past him, and what a great wiggle it was. He knew what she was doing. It was her way of teasing him. There was no doubt that she wanted his attention.

He watched as she got into the line for ice cream. He had to admit she was as beautiful and sexy a woman as he had ever known. It wasn't her looks that made him hesitate when it came to going back to her. It was the drama that could be involved with being with her.

Watching her, Kevin saw a guy start hitting on her. He couldn't blame the guy. As Diamond started to flirt back with the guy, Kevin was pretty sure that he saw Diamond glance in his direction. Kevin wondered if she was flirting with the guy to get his attention and to make him jealous. Once again, the drama that she brought.

Watching as Diamond walked away from the ice cream truck and gave her cone a long lick, Kevin smiled big for her. There was no doubt she was looking in his direction when she did it, so, he thought he would let her know that he saw what was going on. As Diamond joined the guy and his friends in the front of the stage, Kevin sat back and enjoyed the music of the next band.

He wasn't sure if Diamond wanted him to come and talk to her while she was with the group of guys. One thing that Kevin was concerned about was the intentions of the group of guys. Were they going to hope that all of them could get with Diamond? In this situation, Kevin believed that it was a very real possibility. He kept an eye on her and the guys and noticed how some of the other guys were moving in close to her. There was no way he was getting up and going to Diamond to say something to her. He was not going to get into another confrontation. He had already been in two confrontations with her boyfriend, and was not looking for a fight. For all he knew, Diamond may have been interested in being with several guys. However, he was going to watch her just in case something happened that she was not interested in.
Diamond danced, after all she considered herself a professional, lifting her sundress up and showing off her toned thighs for the males surrounding her. And for Kevin who was watching her. He seemed so calm, cool and collected, just sitting there on his lawn chair. Diamond took off her hat and shook her long blonde hair free like she often did on stage. The strap on her sundress slipped down from her shoulder exposing a little more of her left breast than neccessary...she made no attempt to pull it up. Kevin noticed that Kevin just sat there like a bump on a log observing, but made no effort to join her. Not that she really expected him too. He was probably a wallflower all his life and didn't know how to dance.

And then a couple of the guys began dancing with her, sandwiching her from the front and back. Diamond wasn't alarmed, at least not at first, until the guy behind her started feeling up her ass. His hands dissappeared under her dress, fondling her. Diamond attempted push his roaming hands away but to no avail. Unfortunately there was no bouncer there to stop him... The other guy in the front grabbed her arms and prevented her from getting away and leaving...
Kevin was really enjoying the music. He wasn't focused on the band but they were really good. His focus was on Diamond. No, not because she was making him jealous, but, because his instincts told him that they guys she was with were interested in more than just dancing. A career in private security made him a very good judge of people's behaviors, which was why he had risen through the company from bouncer, to personal bodyguard, to site manager, to corporate manager. Although now his work was in an office, he never lost his instincts.

When the two guys started to dance with Diamond, Kevin knew it wasn't going to be good. He could tell by how close they got to her and how they sandwiched her between them. She was in a very vulnerable position. Diamond had bitten off more than she could chew.

Kevin saw the one guys hand go under Diamond's dress, and then the other guy grab her by the wrists. He looked around to see if there was any security, but found none. He made his way over to where Diamond was struggling with the two guys. IN an attempt to diffuse the situation without throwing hands, Kevin spoke directly to Diamond. "Still having a good time Diamond?" He could see from the look on her face that she was scared.

The guy who had his hand under Diamond's dress and was grabbing her ass told Kevin to "get the fuck out of here, our little hottie is having a great time." Kevin smiled at him. "I would prefer to hear it from the lady." The guy took his hand out from under Diamond's dress and turned to Kevin with his fists clenched. "I told you she is having a good time, now get the fuck out of here."

Kevin assessed the situation. He could take care of both of them, but was afraid of what the second guy would do to Diamond as he took out the guy who was now standing only inches away from him. Instead of punching the guy, Kevin grabbed the guy's wrist and spun him around, and instantly had him in a choke hold. "Now, your buddy is going to let the lady go, or I am going to put you to sleep and then I am going to beat him unmercifully."

The guy Kevin had in the choke hold started yelling to his pal to let Diamond go, which he did. Kevin's focus was now on the guy who had been holding Diamond's wrists. He wanted to make sure he did not try something stupid. "Come over here behind me Diamond." Once Diamond did that, Kevin told the guy in the choke hold, "I am going to let you go, but if you or your buddy over there do anything stupid, you will definitely regret it."

Before releasing the guy, Kevin told Diamond to take his phone out of his pocket and take pictures of each of the guys. Once she did that, he released the guy and pushed him over with his friend. "Enjoy the concert fellas and keep your hands to yourselves."

Walking backward so he could keep an eye on the guys, Kevin took Diamond's hand. Once they were back to his chair, he looked at her. "Are you okay?"
" Are you okay ? "

" Yes thanks to you. " Diamond was grateful this was the second time Kevin had came to her rescue, more or less. He was definately not afraid of anybody and made Diamond feel safe. If it was Drake he would have either ignored the whole thing or pleaded with the guys not to do that. On the other hand, Diamond was so much over him...

Just like she was so into Kevin. How silly had she been, coming across as a spoiled rotten brat. Kevin was a man who obviously didn't like drama and wouldn't tolerate little girl games.

" I didn't know that you liked music so much. " Diamond stated, trying to break the ice between them and forget what happened..She sat down on the ground and crossed her ankles in front of him. " Do you know they have fireworks once it gets dark ? I remember the last time I saw them was a couple of nights ago ! "
When they got back to where Kevin's chair was, Diamond sat down on the ground. Kevin lowered himself into his chair and looked over at her. "Put yourself in a bad situation there, didn't you? You need to be careful. Not all guys are as nice as I am." He gave her a little smile.

"Music relaxes me. I am not a real music nut, but I figured that since I am new to the area that I would come out to a community event and start to make myself part of the community. I am glad that I did."

"Fireworks? They have fireworks, too. I like fireworks. Of course, it seems that fireworks of some kind follow you around Diamond. I wonder how tonight's fireworks will compare to the fireworks you saw a couple of nights ago." He figured two could play her little game.

"So, tell me something Diamond. Was that little show for me? Were you trying to get me to come over to you, or were you just trying to make me jealous? I saw you shaking that ass and then looking in my direction. You need to be more careful. Someone with a body like yours runs the risk of certain individuals trying to take advantage of them."

While they sat there, his eyes moved over her long legs. he imagined them wrapped around him... again. It was a nice mental image. He wondered if they would ever get together again, and if there was more than just a sexual attraction between them.
" ...was that little show for me ? "

Kevin obviously knew that Diamond was showing off her body for his benefit. She was a 'stripper' and thats what she did for a living...

" Yes Kevin, I was trying to get your attention. I try to do my best to be a good girl but it always doesn't work out that way. I am not very good at long term relationships, I guess" she confessed, wondering how much she should open up her heart and tell him. Her profession didn't exactly scream out that she was the girl you are going to take home to momma...

" I was always the little easy slut that lived next store to you that you would would sneak over in the middle of the night to get some pussy. Not the girl you took to the prom. When I got married to my ex, I was over the moon. I thought I was going to live happily ever after, like in a fairy tale. What a silly girl I am. "

Kevin didn't say anything. He was a good listener. Actually she didn't mean to pour out her heart to him. After all he was a virtually a stranger. Diamond didn't usually give most guys the time of day...
Listening to Diamond share her story with him had Kevin a little surprised. He really didn't think that she would be so open with him. He sat and listened to her; not interrupting. He wanted to let Diamond get things off her chest.

" I was always the little easy slut that lived next store to you that you would would sneak over in the middle of the night to get some pussy. Not the girl you took to the prom. When I got married to my ex, I was over the moon. I thought I was going to live happily ever after, like in a fairy tale. What a silly girl I am. "

After a minute, Kevin responded to her. "Diamond, just because you hoped something would happen, does not make you a silly girl. To live happily ever after requires both parties to do their share. You can do your part, but if your ex wasn't doing his part the fairy tale will never come to fruition. That doesn't mean that you have to give up on that fairy tale. It just means that you need to find the right person to share it with."

Pausing for a second, Kevin continued, "Playing the slut, doesn't mean you are a slut. If you want to separate the two, you have to make a conscious effort to do it. Don't make someone think you want to be treated that way 24/7.... be clear that there is a time and place for it." He hoped she understood what he was saying to her.
Diamond smiled she really was enjoying conversing with Kevin.

" Don't get me wrong, yes I am a little bit of a hopeless romantic, waiting for my handsome knight in shining armour to show up and sweep me off my feet but when I am in private with him I want to be treated like a slut. Unfortunately not very men are the knight in shining armour type. Take my last boyfriend, Drake. Actually he was a total cad, as you know, and only cared about himself. But I dated him anyway. Maybe we just used each other, but to tell you the truth he sucked in bed and had a little dick. Not like someone else I know. " Diamond looked directly at Kevin when she said that, hoping that she wasn't being honest.

" Besides I like to play hard to get. " Diamond laughed and changed the subject, " Do you want to get some cotton candy, I just love the way it melts in my mouth ! "
"Well, I haven't seen any knights in shining armor riding around on white horses lately Diamond, but I am sure that the right guy is out here for you. I think you just have to be willing to open up to let your knight know what you want. If you want to be treated like a lady throughout the day but treated like a slut in the privacy of your bedroom, or any other room of your house, you have to let them know that. If they think you want to be treated as a slut, they might think you want that all the time."

Kevin listened to Diamond talk about her boyfriend, or ex boyfriend as she was now calling him. "Well, if there is something, or someone, that you want, you have to let them know your intentions. Go after it and make sure that they know what it is you are looking for. You may find that they are looking for something similar, or you may find out that they are looking for something very different, but, if you don't make your interests known, you will never find out if it is the right move."

He stood up out of his chair and offered his hand to help Diamond off the ground. "I would love to get some cotton candy with you. How could I deny a beautiful woman in cowboy boots getting her oral fixation satisfied?"
Diamond heard his comment and smiled demurely.

" If you don't like cotton candy they have a hot dog stand with all the trimmings. Or tacos..." she informed him. Kevin didn't look like the candy and ice cream type, more like the burger or rare steak and potatoes kind of guy. Not that Diamond didn't love a good well done steak off the grill or her favorite restaurant downtown.

" I know, maybe if you want we can go swimming tonight down at this place I know down at the river ! " Diamond suggested, hoping that she wasn't rushing into things once again...but it was such a beautiful day and there would be a full moon tonight and probably be alot of shooting stars. Diamond felt so much better about everything after their little talk and decided that she wouldn't look back and dwell on the past and just look forward to the future from now on. Even if it meant skinny dipping since she didn't have her bathing suit.
After helping Diamond up off the ground, he listened to Diamond talk as they walked toward the booth with the cotton candy. Kevin chuckled at her mention of hot dogs and tacos. It seemed like her engine never shut off. Not that it was a bad thing, but he had just seen it get her into trouble. It was safer with him than it was with the strangers. though.

"I want to make sure that you get your cotton candy Diamond. I am not really hungry. Not in a mood to eat..... food." He continued walking with her but did not look at Diamond. There was no doubt in his mind that she heard what he said, and he wondered what her reaction would be.

"I have never gone swimming in a river before. I guess I have led a sheltered life. The only place I have gone swimming is in a lake, the ocean or a swimming pool." Kevin knew what Diamond was talking about, but he decided to play the innocent type, although he was pretty sure Diamond knew him better than that even though they only knew each other for a couple of days.

"I didn't know that swimming was an option at this event tonight. If I had known, I would have brought a bathing suit and a towel." Still not looking at Diamond, but smiling to himself, he walked up to the booth and bought Diamond a pink cotton candy. He handed it to her as they walked away. "Here you go, something to melt in your mouth."
Diamond smiled, taking the cotton candy from him. " Thank you, I like things that melt in my mouth. " She remarked, unable to resist teasing him back. " Are you sure that you don't want any FOOD to eat ? "

Kevin shook his head, smiling back. Diamond was positive that he wouldn't refuse to eat something else if given the chance if she were only on the menu...

" I do have a swimming pool. " she reminded him, although the last and only time Kevin was over they hadn't done any swimming. " But I don't get to swim in the river very much anymore. We used to make a fire and shoot off fireworks, drink cheap wine and play on the rope swing. No one ever bothered wearing bathing attire. "

They strolled around, casually checking out the various tents selling things. Diamond browsed through the rings, necklaces and other jewelry. She was enjoying her day off and being with Kevin. And then she discovered a glass case full of torqouise, her favorite gem. She had quite a collection at home. A pretty pair of earrings caught her eye...
"No, I had dinner. I don't want any food. I may think about getting something to eat later." Yes, he was flirting with Diamond. There was something about her that still attracted him to her. It was more than just the sex, though. He had a feeling that, if given the opportunity, she could be fun to be with even when sex wasn't involved.

"Swimming in the river is something I have never done. So, you have an advantage on me there. It must have been quite interesting that the group would go swimming together without bathing suits. I am sure it made for some very interesting situations.... cheap wine, naked swimming.. yea, must have been very interesting."

Walking with Diamond as she looked at the items in the different tents while the music played in the background was a lot of fun. He was really enjoying himself and the company he was keeping. It also confirmed for Kevin that there was more to Diamond than just sex... although he had to admit, the sex was amazing. Maybe, she had just chosen her men poorly in the past.

When she stopped suddenly, and started looking at the turquoise, Keven stood next to her. He saw her focusing on a pair of earrings. After a couple of minutes of Diamond checking them out, he told her he wanted to buy them for her. "Consider it a peace offering, and an attempt to start things fresh between us."