Starting Over

Diamond was overwhelmed by Kevin's offer to buy the earrings as a gift for her. They were quite expensive and she wanted to refuse at first since they were just 'friends with benefits' more or less...

Kevin seemed sincere when he said it was a peace offering so Diamond didn't want to complicate it any further. " Thank you, I will treasure them forever. Do you mind if I wear them now ? "

She put the dangling earrings in her ears and smiled up at him with genuine affection. " See, they match my ring. " Diamond held up her hand and showed him her torquoise ring and manicured blue fingernails. Afterwards she gave Kevin a quick kiss on the cheek before they continued strolling around while holding hands, eventually ending up in front of the stage. The premier band, her favorite, was about to begin their set. This day was exceeding all of Diamonds expectations so far. As far as she was concerned, she was spending the day with the best looking guy in town. Who knew what would happen this evening, they were taking it easy and starting over...
After paying for the earrings, Kevin watched as Diamond put them on. They looked great on her. He looked as she showed him her ring, and how the earrings matched it. "If you go swimming in the river tonight, you might want to take them off before you go in." He was a little surprised when Diamond took his hand as they continued to walk around the various booths, and tents and food trucks that were spread around the outside of the park area.

He had to admit that he was enjoying himself with Diamond tonight. Not that he didn't enjoy his previous times with her, but this was different. She wasn't Diamond the Slut walking around the park. She was just Diamond, a beautiful and sexy woman who seemed to be relaxed and enjoying a peaceful evening of listening to music and walking around the venue... well, after her initial encounter with the creepy guys.

As the main attraction was taking the stage, they happened to be standing right out front. Where they were standing was "the best seat in the house." Kevin stood next to Diamond as the band began playing. They were pretty good, and Kevin couldn't help but notice how Diamond started moving to the music. She certainly could dance, and not just the dancing that she did at the club, although, she was pretty good there, too.

Before he knew it, Kevin found himself dancing with Diamond. He was not a big dancer, but the music and the moment had him moving his body with her. The night was turning out to be so much better than he had anticipated. He thought that he was just going to be sitting listening to music, but here he was dancing with the hottest woman around. Where would things go between them, he had no idea, but right now, he was enjoying her company and that made him very happy.
It was getting dark as the band played their encore and the fireworks lit the night sky adding to the excitement. Diamond was pleased when Kevin wrapped his arms around her and they watched them together. It was times like these that Diamond loved living in a smaller town and not the big city. And her new neighbor moving in only made it so much better...

Inspired and feeling agressive, Diamond turned around and kissed him passionately. This was no kiss on the cheek and it left her breathless. " Thank you for a wonderful day. "

In no way did she want it to end yet. " Would you like to go down to the river and get naked ? Or if you prefer we could go back to my house and take a dip in my pool ? "
Kevin was surprised by just how good the final band was. They played a long set that contained an eclectic choice of songs... some were covers and others were obviously their own. He enjoyed listening to them. He also enjoyed spending the time with Diamond. They danced together during most of the songs; their bodies close together and his hands on her hips.

After the music ended, Kevin was surprised by the fireworks show. "I had no idea just how great this music festival would be, and I certainly never expected fireworks. He placed his arm around her waist as they watched the show; pulling her close to him. This was far and away better than anything he had expected tonight. He really enjoyed his time with Diamond.

When the fireworks were over, they turned and faced each other and Diamond surprised him with a hard, deep, passionate kiss. Kevin returned the kiss. Yes, she certainly could kiss, and Kevin slid his hands down her body and gripped her perfect ass through her sundress; pressing her close to him.

When Diamond asked if he wanted to go to the river or back to her house and go in the pool, Kevin knew there was really only one answer to give her. This was the second time she brought the river up, which told Kevin that was what she wanted to do. He decided he would continue to work to mend fences between them. "We can go in your pool anytime, I think we should make our way to the river."

He took her hand. "I have no idea where I am going, so, lead the way Diamond." He followed as she led him through a wooded area and down a path. He could hear the water flowing as they got closer. Diamond led him right to the bank of the river. Without waiting for her to say anything, Kevin began to undress; leaving his clothes in a pile in the grass. He was determined to beat Diamond into the water, but had no idea what he was getting into.

The water was cool, and the current was pretty swift, but nothing that he couldn't handle. Kevin went under the water, and then came back to the surface just as Diamond came in with him.
Diamond laid the blanket down under a tree before slipping out of her sundress and boots. Her panties soon followed and completely naked she dove in and joined Kevin. Despite her girly -girl appearance Diamond kept her body in good shape with exercise and dancing and was an excellant swimmer. One would never guess that she used to play volleyball during her senior year in high school and that her team had won a state champoinship that year. Yes Diamond was quite talented...

And she wasn't afraid to get her hair wet.

She surfaced and wrapped her arms and legs around him and they began to kiss again. Diamond had intended to play hard to get this time but all thoughts of that went out the window when they got naked. Kevin turned her on and she couldn't deny it. He was the classic stud muffin and had a hard body to die for. Not to mention a big hard cock that was always ready and capable.

And it just happened to be a full moon...
Watching as Diamond entered the water, he was amazed at how gracefully she dove into the river and went under the water. Kevin fully expected that Diamond was going to spend their time together teasing him. He thought she would use the skinny dipping in the river as a way to try to drive him crazy and then just call it a night.
He was wrong. When she came to the surface, Diamond practically attacked him. She wrapped her body around him and kissed him aggressively. After the initial shock wore off, Kevin moved his hands to her perfect ass and gripped it firmly; holding her to him as the kiss grew even deeper. There was no way he could deny his attraction to Diamond; she was beautiful and she had a killer body.

With Diamond's wonderful body pressed to his, Kevin became more and more aroused. Her perfect tits were pressed to his chest and he could feel her erect nipples poking him. His thick, hard cock brushed over Diamond's inner thigh as Kevin worked to maintain his balance in the current of the river. He stumbled a little as the current knocked him off balance momentarily, but he was able to maintain his grip on Diamond's ass and prevent her from falling into the water. The stumble also resulted in his big cock brushing over Diamond's pussy, which elicited a gasp from her.
Diamond was amazed at how hard Kevin's cock was for her already. The vixen intended to just tease him at first and play hard to get but this threw a kink in her plans. Her body betrayed her once again and Diamond got too close to the fire. It was also too late and the sensation of their wet skin touching each other was almost too much to bear...not to mention that big hard cock pressing against her pussy...

" Kevin..." she gasped in surprise. " We shouldn't..." Diamond pretended to protest, but knowing nature was going to take it's course...
He was right. She was just trying to be a tease. She may have gone further with the tease than he expected, but that was still exactly what she was doing. Diamond knew how to use her magnificent body in many ways, and using it to tease was just as good in the river as it was when she was dancing on stage.

"You are right Diamond," Kevin smiled at her. "We shouldn't." He decided to give her a taste of her own medicine and see how Diamond liked it. "We came here to go for a swim, so, that is what we should do. There is no reason to get involved in anything inappropriate."

Kevin went under the water and swam away from Diamond. It was a different experience; swimming in the river. Fortunately, the current wasn't too strong. He didn't swim far from Diamond and surfaced about ten feet away from her. Facing her as he popped to the surface. "Is this better than swimming in your pool Diamond? At least here, you don't have your creepy neighbor peeking out at you. It really feels good swimming here. Thank you for the experience of swimming in the river for the first time."

Making sure to maintain a safe distance from Diamond as he talked to her. Kevin made sure that his feet were able to touch the bottom. He was a good swimmer, but wasn't certain of what the current would be like in the deeper part of the river. He wanted to make sure that their skinny dipping didn't turn into a rescue mission. He had a feeling that with a body like hers that Diamond was a good swimmer, but he wasn't certain. So, he moved around her where both still could touch the bottom.... staying close, but not close enough for her to touch him. "Let's see who can hold out the longest," he thought.

"So Diamond, would you rather have those guy friends you made tonight here with you instead of me?"
" So Diamond, would you rather have those guy friends you made tonight here with you instead of me ? "

The question stung Diamond, that with the combination of Kevin actually rejecting her advances. She wasn't used to men turning down an opportunity to be with her. It was usually the other way around...

" Whatever, don't be silly, I didn't even know those guys. They were just arrogant creeps like some men at the club. " Diamond answered his question. She tried not to show how hurt she was. Most guys with a hard on wouldn't hestitate to jump her bones. Not that she was an easy lay and fucked anyone, but Diamond really liked Kevin. Alot. Maybe too much. And now he wanted to play a game to see who could hold out the longest.

Okay she would show him, two could play at that game...

" Do you want to challenge me to a race to the other side of the river or are you afraid of losing to a female ? Oh and by the way the loser has to do whatever the winner wants. "

Diamond was confident that she could beat Kevin, she was an excellant swimmer and had grown up swimming in this river and in her pool...
It seemed obvious to Kevin that Diamond did not like being teased. She was okay with doing the teasing, but she took being teased as if he was insulting her. He had wanted her to see that two could play her game, but it seemed that she wanted the teasing game to be a one way street.

Kevin had never gone swimming in a river before, but he had spent a lot of time in pools in high school. The captain of the swim team, Kevin was a very strong swimmer, so, when Diamond threw down her challenge, he was all-in. "I would challenge you Diamond, but it seems to me that you are the one that is issuing the challenge. I will accept that challenge, and agree to your terms.... loser has to do whatever the winner wants."

There was something about Diamond's confidence that Kevin found attractive. It wasn't just that she was confident in her looks, she was confident in her ability. "Whenever you are ready, just go." Diamond was off without a word. Kevin followed her, swimming at a fast pace. He was impressed by Diamond's swimming ability, and also a little concerned that she would beat him.

As they moved closer to the other side of the river, Kevin realized he was in danger of losing. He swam harder and was able to get out ahead of Diamond, but just barely. Then, Diamond found another gear, which caught Kevin off guard. She went back out in front of him. He thought about just letting it go and letting her win, but he did not want to insult Diamond by doing that. He was not going to be condescending. He worked hard to catch up to her, but...

He made it to the other side just barely behind Diamond. He had to admit there was a little bit of embarrassment that he had lost to her. It certainly hurt his male ego, but he had to give Diamond credit. "Wow, you are an amazing swimmer. I am impressed."

His eyes moved over her body which was accentuated by the light of the full moon. "You win Diamond, so, what is it that I have to do?"
" You win Diamond, so what is it that I have to do ? "

Diamond leaned back on the sandy shore with her arms and crossed her legs at the ankles in a rather relaxed posture in the moonlight. She was thrilled by her victory and had beat Kevin fair and square, but did not want to rub it in too much. Most guys were sore losers, although Kevin didn't seem to be one.

" Hmmm, let me think about it for a moment. Do I get three wishes or just one ? " she teased, before deciding what to choose. Kevin was at her mercy for the moment and she was going to enjoy toying with him.

" Lets see, maybe I will make you clean my house from top to bottom, naked, and invite all my girlfriends from the club over to watch you vacuum and dust and do the laundry ! "

Kevin raised his eyebrows. Diamond decided that he probably wouldn't mind that happening...

" No, perhaps I could demand that you give me a nice manicure and pedicure and pamper me from head to toe for hours. I just love when a man washes my hair and massages scented lotion on my body. " Diamond almost giggled at the thought of an alpha guy like him obeying her every wish.

" God it's so hard to choose...I would make you clean my pool but I already have a handsome pool boy that does that."

" I know, maybe I should make you eat my pussy in the moonlight until I cum. " Diamond smiled spreading her legs wide open for him. Lets see him deny her now...
" Hmmm, let me think about it for a moment. Do I get three wishes or just one ? "

He had certainly underestimated Diamond's swimming ability. She beat him and he was okay with whatever she decided to have as her reward. "Well, if I am going to be your genie, I guess it is three wishes that I should grant you. Of course, it is totally up to you whether you want one or three."

Kevin listened as Diamond went through her options. After the first option, Kevin asked, "Should I bring a couple of bottles of wine with me if you choose this option?" He smiled at her as she proceeded to the second option. "I am pretty sure that you would love me washing your hair.... my fingers pressing into your scalp as I take my time. I bet you would like the way that I massage the scented body wash on your body also. The mani-pedi, would take some time. I would want to make sure it was perfect."

When Diamond mentioned option number three and immediately spread her legs wide open, Kevin knew right then that this was definitely something she wanted, whether she chose the other options or not. Moving between her legs, Kevin's eyes were on Diamond's eyes, which sparkled in the moonlight. "I am assuming by the way you moved that option three is a definite must. You beat me fair and square and since that is what you want, I will gladly do that for you."

As he leaned down and kissed and licked Diamond's inner thighs, Kevin reached up and began to caress Diamond's firm breasts. As he moved his tongue higher up her inner thighs, Kevin began to roll Diamond's nipples between his fingers. When his tongue slowly moved over her silky pussy lips, Kevin pulled Diamond's nipples HARD.

Licking her pussy slowly at first, Kevin looked up to gauge Diamond's reaction to what his tongue was doing to her. Long, slow, teasing licks over her pussy which was illuminated by the light of the full moon. He was in no hurry. Kevin wasn't sure if Diamond wanted a quick orgasm, or not, but that wasn't what he was going to give her. He was going to take his time and give her an earth-shattering orgasm.

He parted her wet, silky lips with the tip of his tongue and moved his tongue slowly through her folds... finishing with a hard flick of her clit. He did it again, once again his tongue moving slowly through her folds and again flicking her clit. Then he licked her pussy, fast and furious. When he sensed she was getting close, he slowed down again.

Kevin moved his hands from her amazing tits and slid them under her tight ass. His fingers dug into her ass as he continued to eat her pussy. He slid his tongue into her pussy and began to tonguefuck her; slowly at first. As he tonguefucked her faster, Kevin used his hands on her ass to press her tighter to his face. His tongue pushed deep into her hot, wet pussy... again and again.

The way Diamond was moving her body let Kevin know that she was enjoying what he was doing, and, as far as Kevin was concerned he could spend all night eating her pussy. He pulled his tongue out of her pussy and sucked her clit into his mouth. Sucking hard on it, Kevin began to slowly circle her clit before giving it a little flick with his tongue. Then, holding her clit lightly in his teeth, he began to lick her clit faster and faster. He sensed her moving closer and closer to orgasm, and Kevin stopped. He went back to slowly licking Diamond's soaked pussy.. his eyes on hers.
" Oh God Kevin, what are you doing to me ? " Diamond asked and moaned in delight. He was bringing her to the edge over and over again. She needed and wanted to cum so bad...not that Diamond minded, she was enjoying every minute of it. She laid back and spread her long shapely dancer's legs , letting Kevin have total access to her pussy. Diamond grabbed him by the hair and began grinding herself on his face, nose and mouth. " Please Kevin, make me cum ! I need too soooo bad baby..." she begged, not really in total control of the situation. Diamond was dealing with an alpha male who knew how to please a female...

...and then her stud inserted his middle finger into her hot cunt and she saw stars expode like fireworks behind her closed eyelids ! Diamond felt the spasms start and her legs shake and could not hold back any longer. Her pussy gushed and she experienced the best orgasm she ever had...

When she fianally caught her breath Diamond told Kevin how wonderful he made her feel. Grateful that she still had two wishes left, she thought it over...Kevin had mentioned washing her hair and pampering her and it was appealing to her but she didn't know if she could wait that long, besides Diamond still had two wishes left. And of course her stud's cock was hard and ready as usual...

" I think I need a big fat nice hard cock in my pussy. " She spread her legs again and placed her arms over her head in a submissive manner. Diamond hoped he got the hint and take control...
Moving between Diamond's legs when she spread them again, Kevin looked down at her incredible body which was highlighted by the brightness of the full moon. Grabbing his big, hard cock Kevin slid the swollen head along her pussy lips. "Is this what you want Diamond? Do you want me to play with your slutty little pussy with my big cock?"

He smiled down at her with an evil grin. "Is this your second wish? You want me to fuck you right here on the river bank? You want me to make you cum on this hard cock like you just did on my finger and thumb, don't you Diamond?"

Kevin did not wait for her to respond. He pushed the head of his hard cock into her tight cunt and, with one, long, slow, steady thrust of his hips, Kevin filled Diamond's pussy with his cock. He paused with his cock buried in her. "Keep your arms over your head Diamond. Keep them up.. just like you are surrendering to me."

Slowly, Kevin pulled his cock almost all the way out of Diamond. He could see the look on her face when she thought he was going to pull out. Kevin just smiled, and thrust his hips hard... his hips crashing into hers.. his cock filling Diamond again and stretching her pussy so good.

Reaching down and grabbing her tits, he caressed them hard while his fingers pulled on her nipples. He started moving his hips; fucking her hot pussy deep, fast and hard. Their bodies crashed together; his hips slamming into hers. There was no doubt she was going to have some bruises on her hips. She might have to hide them with some makeup when she went to work for her next shift.

Continuing to fuck her hard, Kevin loved how Diamond moved her body with his. The way she started moving told Kevin she was getting close to cumming again. When he sensed that, he slowed down. He continued to moves, but much slower now. It wasn't the same hard, fast fuck he had been giving her. He knew he had been driving her crazy by altering the pace when he was eating her. Kevin was going to do the same thing while he fucked her. It was his intention to make her cum harder than she had ever cum before.... making the orgasm she just had seem minor.
There was no doubt Kevin was the best she ever had, the alpha stud knew how to use his cock ! He was simply amazing and had the ability to make her feel like a female. To say that he was good in bed or on a river bank was an understatement. Diamond liked everything about him especially his confidence and calm manner. He made her feel safe...

Diamond could only whimper and moan, begging Kevin to fuck her and to use her pussy. Underneath him she met his thrusts, fucking him back. Again Kevin controlled her, with his cock this time. Diamond could think of nothing else except cumming all over his big hard shaft. It was a night and experience that she would always remember for the rest of her life...when she finally gushed, Diamond screamed out his name as her fingernails raked the muscles on his back. She looked into his eyes, an expression of ectasy and wonder in her own.

" Oh my God, devil ! " she gasped as her pussy spasmed around his cock...
It was amazing how well they moved together in these conditions. Diamond raising her body up off the riverbank as Kevin plunged his cock deep into her hot pussy. Despite the issues that had arisen between them, they were really good together. He liked her feistiness, which she had displayed toward the waitress in the diner. Kevin liked how they could have a conversation together, and, of course, he enjoyed the sex with Diamond.

When Diamond raked her nails down his back, Kevin fucked her even harder. He knew she was close, and he was going to make sure she came so fucking hard. He was also going to flood her hot cunt with so much cum. When her body began to shake, and her pussy began to spasm around his big, hard cock, Kevin couldn't hold back anymore.

It was an incredible eruption. He shot giant ropes of thick cum into her pussy as they came together. Flooding her pussy with his cum, Kevin continued to thrust into her hard and deep; mixing their cum together inside her. When they were both finished, Kevin leaned down and kissed Diamond. It was a hard, passionate kiss in which each of them tried to assert dominance over the other.

Despite Diamond being upset with the way he had walked out last time, Kevin was not going to let her have the upper hand here. He was determined to let her know that he was in control. Yes, this may have been her second wish, but it was going to be him that decided how it would go. As his cock slid out of Diamond's pussy, Kevin broke the kiss and looked down at her. There was something about her, he wasn't sure what, that led him to believe that they could have a relationship that wasn't just revolving around sex. It would be like two different worlds.... one outside of the bedroom (or riverbank, or wherever else they found themselves fucking) and the other when they found themselves satisfying each others wants, needs and desires.

"So, that was wish number two Diamond. What is wish number three going to be?"
" So, that was wish number two Diamond. What is wish number three going to be ? "

Diamond, suddenly uncharacteristically bashful, gazed directly into Kevin's eyes. " Can I save it until tomorrow, that's only fair i think "

Kevin smirked but remained uncommitted...

" I know you mentioned having to go back to work tomorrow. Perhaps you would like to come over afterwards and we could barbeque a steak on the grill...and I could use my last wish and have you wash my hair and pamper me. After that you are not obligated to me any longer and we can put the genie back in the bottle, where it belongs..."

Diamond closed her eyes and kissed him, overwhelmed by desire.

" It's getting late, perhaps we should go. " she whispered, not really ready for the night to end but in reality it was up to Kevin. In a way Diamond loved the slow burn between them, the chemistry was unbelievable and this time Diamond was determined to take it slow...
Kevin stood up in the river and looked down at Diamond laying on the riverbank. She looked incredible. He wasn't sure he was ready for the night to end despite having to go to work tomorrow, but, he had to remember that Diamond had beat him fair and square in the race. She still held the cards, and when she said that perhaps they should go, he was going to allow her to make that determination.

"A nice barbecue tomorrow sounds great. I will pick up steaks on the way home from work. The pampering, you have earned and it would be my pleasure to pamper you and your hot body from head to toe. As far as putting the genie back in the bottle, that will be entirely up to you. She can remain out and in close proximity to us, or you can put her back until you decide you want to issue another challenge."

He walked deeper into the river and waited for Diamond to follow him. They swam back to the other side. Once out of the river, Kevin handed Diamond his shirt. "Here, you can dry off with this." He watched her dry her hot body with his shirt as he put his shorts back on. Once they were dressed, they walked hand-in-hand back into the park. He walked her to her car, which was parked some distance from his. Before opening the door for her, he kissed her deeply. "I am parked way over there. If you wait for a minute, I will get my car and follow you home."

Diamond agreed to wait. Kevin went to his car, pulled up to where Diamond was, and then followed her home. Once they arrived, Kevin watched Diamond pull into her driveway. Then, he pulled into his before walking across the street. Moving toward Diamond, he grabbed her and pulled her to him... kissing her hard. "I had a great time with you tonight Diamond.... even when I had to be your knight in shining armor.... AGAIN. You beat me fair and square in the race, so, I look forward to giving you your third wish. After that, who knows what you will get."
"...I look forward to giving you your third wish. After that who knows what you will get. "

Diamond raised her eyebrows, not really sure what that meant. She had had a most wonderful day being with Kevin and making love under the moonlight or just fucking on the riverbank, if thats how you wanted to describe it. Nothing that exciting seemed to happen in their small town very often outside of having a relationship of any kind. Perhaps Kevin was hinting that they keep it casual for the time being. He was not ready to get involved in a more serious relationship so soon after losing his wife. But the way he kissed her so passionately just now and the way Kevin ravished her at the river tonight told a slightly different story. Maybe he was reluctant to rush into anything and Diamond understood, to a certain extent or maybe she was over acting...

" Whatever, as long as I get my third wish like you promised. After that you are not obligated to me if you don't want to be. " Diamond gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, " I'll see you tomorrow. "

Kevin looked like he wanted to say something but she rushed into the house, not willing to give him the chance. It had been a fantastic day and nothing could spoil it for her. So what if Kevin had a comittment problem ? She should know so did alot of other guys. Diamond sat at her make up table and brushed her long blonde hair. It was tangled and messy from swimming in the river. In the past Diamond had thought about quiting her job, it wasn't as fun as it used to be, selling the house and moving to the beach where she could start over again. Hopefully not so unlucky at love...
" Whatever, as long as I get my third wish like you promised. After that you are not obligated to me if you don't want to be. "

Kevin was surprised by Diamond's comment. He thought that things had gone well between them tonight, and he was not just thinking about the sex on the riverbank. He thought they had a good time just spending time with each other at the festival, and now it seemed that Diamond was sending him away.

Before he could comment on what she said, Diamond ran into the house. Kevin walked slowly back across the street trying to figure out what was going on. Walking into the house, he locked the door behind him and went upstairs to shower. He had to get washed before getting into bed after their river escapades.

While in the shower, Kevin wondered about Diamond. He wondered if she was not up for getting attached to anyone right now. After all, she had told him that she was divorced, and Kevin had witnessed the implosion of her last relationship. Maybe she just wanted to keep things casual. Maybe she just wanted a friend with benefits.

It was crazy, because Kevin found himself very attracted to Diamond, and it was more than just the sex. Granted, the sex between them was off the charts, but there was something about Diamond that intrigued him. She was definitely a complicated woman. It seemed like she really wanted someone to be attached to. She wanted someone who would take care of her and treat her right. There was also the side of Diamond that seemed to come out of her work at the club. There was the wild, sexy woman that fed off of the craziness of the club.

He didn't know how long he was in the shower, but it was a long time, because the hot water started to run out. He had thought about so many things between him and Diamond. He even thought about what it would be like if they were in a relationship. He knew that he would never ask Diamond to stop doing what she was doing for work. That would have to be something she wanted to do. It seemed to Kevin that she enjoyed it, and he thought that asking or telling her to quit would be a good way to end any relationship. If she enjoyed it, he would deal with it.... well, if they ever got into a relationship.

After showering, he climbed into bed and slept soundly. His first day back at work after his vacation was pretty uneventful. It was mostly just getting back up to speed on how things were going. He checked in on a couple of clients and worked with others in his office to make sure everything was going in the right direction. On the way home from work, he stopped and bought two thick steaks, some beer and two bottles of red wine.

After changing into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, Kevin went over to Diamond's house. He saw the creepy neighbor peeking out his window. Kevin gave him a little wave and then walked up to Diamond's door and knocked.
The last thing Diamond wanted was their relationship to get too complicated. Kevin was an amazing lover, unlike any other she had ever experienced. She just could not stop thinking about his last statement " ...after that who knows what you would get. " Maybe he was being nonchalant and she was reading too much into it but it did sound dismissive as far as a relationship went...

Still Diamond tried not to let it bother her and looked forward to seeing Kevin after his first day back at work. She bought a couple bottles of her favorite wine and a twelve pack of beer for Kevin. Diamond couldn't wait to see him ! She wanted to keep it casual and decided to let things run their natural course. Like last night did. It was so wonderful...

She wore her favorite pink bikini underneath her booty shorts and put her hair up in a ponytail. Diamond opened the front door and smiled upon seeing Kevin. She was amazed at how good looking hw was...

" Please come in. Oh my I already bought beer and wine for us also ! Great minds think alike ! " Diamond smiled, " If you fire up the grill I will marinate the steaks, they look so yummy ! I hope you like grilled mushrooms and onions ! "

She was delighted by his company and wanted everything to be perfect...
Kevin gave Diamond a little kiss on the cheek as he entered her house. "Yes, great minds definitely do think alike." She looked amazing. The bikini top accentuated her perfect tits; not that her tits needed any help to look good. "Grilled mushrooms and onions will be awesome, yes, I like them very much." He handed Diamond the steaks, set the beer and wine down on the counter and went out to start the grill.

Once the grill was started, and heating up, Kevin went back inside. "Okay, the grill is started, what else can I do while we wait for it to warm up?" He walked over and stood next to Diamond. He bumped her with his hip and whispered to her, "I have been looking forward to pampering you all day."

He gave Diamond a big smile and immediately moved away from her. "Oh, by the way, I saw your creepy neighbor looking out his window as I was on my way over. I hope you don't mind, but I may have aggravated him a little by waving at him. I didn't realize that his window was at the perfect location to see everyone who came to your house, and still be able to perv on you while you were in your back yard. Of course, if I saw you walk outside in that bikini top, I would definitely spend a lot of time checking you out."

Kevin winked at Diamond. "However, I don't have to creep on you to check out that wonderful body of yours." Kevin stared at Diamond as she looked at him. "So, are those steaks ready for the grill yet?"

Taking the steaks out to the grill, Kevin placed them on the grill. When everything was done, He brought the food to the table, poured a glass of red wine for each of them, and sat down next to Diamond at the table. "You have a beautiful back yard Diamond. You have done a great job out here. My back yard is just plain and boring. Maybe I could get you to help me design something to do out there at some point. That is, if you still are talking to me when I get around to it."

He saw the look on her face. "Diamond, I am only teasing you. I hope that we remain friends for a long time." He picked up his glass of wine. "To a beautiful woman, on a beautiful evening, and to us enjoying each other's company."
She smiled and toasted to her beauty. Diamond loved compliments especially if they were sincere and coming from him she believed they were. Kevin could be so charming...and she liked the way he took over the grilling of they steaks on the barbeque. Some men would let the woman do all the work and sit there and relax and drink beer. Kevin however was thoughtful.

" So tell me how your first day back at work was ? " Diamond inquired, making conversation away from the subject of her beauty. As for herself, for some reason, she dreaded going back to the club tomorrow. Diamond was getting tired of dancing and being known as a 'stripper'. She wanted something better, more respectable, maybe like a secretary in an office, although she knew that she would never make as much as she did now. Unless she had a significent other.

For now Diamond was going to enjoy Kevins company. They could be friends with benefits...she couldn't deny that he was a total stud in the bedroom and made her melt just looking at him and that was enough for now. What more could she ask for ? Besides Diamond had one more wish...
As he stood near the grill, he told Diamond about his first day back to work. "It was pretty ordinary. Mostly just catching up on what has been going out while I was on vacation and checking in with clients to make sure that they were okay. When it comes to my interactions with clients, most of it is really just kissing their ass to make sure they stay happy. Of course, there are other asses, I would rather kiss." He winked at Diamond and then checked on the steaks; turning his back to her momentarily.

After grilling the mushrooms and onions, and making sure that the steaks were done perfectly, Kevin took the food off the grill and brought it to the table. "I hope everything is to your liking and satisfaction ma'am" Before he sat down, he poured each of them more red wine.

He thought about how much he enjoyed Diamond's company, even their time together outside of the bedroom. Of course, the riverbank was outside the bedroom, too. They enjoyed a great meal together; engaging in some conversation in which they shared more information about themselves.

Once they were finished eating, Kevin cleaned up and allowed Diamond to enjoy her wine. he figured this could count as part of the pampering. When he was finished cleaning up, he sat down next to Diamond. "Okay, is it time for the real pampering to begin? I believed you mentioned hair washing, body washing and toenail polish. Was there anything else?"
"...was there anything else ? "

Diamond couldn't help smiling at the thought of being pampered by the handsome stud from across the street. This would be her last wish but perhaps tomorrow or whenever she would challenge Kevin to a game of eight ball...she was very good at distracting her opponent. " Well Kevin let me just say that was one of the best tasting steaks I ever had ! It just proves that you are a keeper ! " she laughed. " Why don't we go inside into my bathroom and fill up the whirlpool so you can shampoo my hair and wash my back ? "

She took him by the hand and led Kevin upstairs to the master bath and turned on the water. Diamond stripped naked, revealing her body again, leaving her hair down around her shoulders. " You may remove your clothes too, I prefer my servants to be naked. "

Diamond admired his body, it was a work of perfection. She wanted to run her fingers over his powerful broad chest and squeeze his biceps. Just being next to him made her melt with desire...once again. Better yet his cock was getting hard and growing in size. Once the tub was half filled above the jets, Diamond took his hand while Kevin helped her climb the marble steps and sit down. He got in and sat behind her. Diamond handed Kevin a brass pitcher to wet her golden blonde hair. She closed her eyes and tilted her head as the water poured over her shoulders, sending a chill up and down her spine...

Diamond took a sponge and soaped up her breasts, spashing the bubbles over them. Her sensitive nipples immediately got stiff ...Diamond was aware that Kevins cock was also fully stiff again and pressing her against her ass cheeks. Meanwhile he lathered her up her long hair in scented shampoo. It simply felt wonderful...