Stunning betrayal: Biden must resign immediately if he greenlit Iran’s strike on Israel

Show me where I specifically defend any indictment, because I haven't. I believe everything the dems and their lackeys are doing IS politically motivated. But whether Trump is guilty or not is up to the courts to decide. You would hang him on a street corner lamppost with no convictions just on what you believe.
Sit down, you're no good at this.
Well we are even then because I don't find your post factual either.

Trump did not try to weaken NATO he tried and succeeded in having our so called Allies pay their fair share instead of the US carrying NATO financially.

Honestly, if it was up to me I would close most of the military bases in Europe, go scorched Earth on the bases leaving nothing of use or value behind for the ungrateful host countries.
Trump said he wanted the US to leave NATO altogether. I know it's a matter of perspective but some people wouldn't consider that likely to strengthen NATO.
Fuck Off you aren't a moderator, an admin, or the owner of the site. Go try to bully someone else you fucking hypocrite.
No, I'm the guy who is making you look like the lying trumper you are. You can't even keep your shit straight within your own posts. No one is bullying you, snowflake.
No, I'm the guy who is making you look like the lying trumper you are. You can't even keep your shit straight within your own posts. No one is bullying you, snowflake.
Okay let me change what I said. You are a lying, delusional, hypocrite. You want to hang the man before the trials, I said wait and see what the courts decide. Wow that does sound like I am a massive trumper. Fuck, you are a pathetic joke who thinks he is relevant.
Okay let me change what I said.
No. Fuck off, liar. You got snagged.
You are a lying, delusional, hypocrite.
Show us where this has happened.
You want to hang the man before the trials,
See above.
I said wait and see what the courts decide.
No, you said it was political.
Wow that does sound like I am a massive trumper.
Yes. Yes, you are.
No. Fuck off, liar. You got snagged.

Show us where this has happened.

See above.

No, you said it was political.

Yes. Yes, you are.
I changed what I said about YOU, you fucking goober.

Every time you twist what I say to fit your agenda.

You have declared him guilty like you are some insider prosecutor and know everything. In reality you know what the media and the dem spin doctors have told you. I prefer to wait and see what the courts decide. You have already decided.

It is political. The dems are terrified that they have fucked over the American people so badly that Trump will pound poor little lost soul joey into mincemeat. So they have to keep pushing the Trump is guilty of something agenda.

Nope, I have said repeatedly I wish the republicans had a better candidate.

Nice try Goebbels.
I, too, wish the Republicans had a better candidate. Frankly, I wish the Democrats had a better candidate as well. As it is, Biden is (by far) the lesser of two evils.

But I need to remind you people of two things. Prior to 2017, the U.S. had a peace treaty with Iran. It was the previous administration (NOT Joe Biden as some would imagine) who backed out of that treaty. And now the world, and the Middle East in particular, is a much, much more dangerous place as a result. Meanwhile, the previous administration also stirred up tensions in Israel when he declared Jerusalem the capital and moved the U.S. embassy there. This only stoked the fires of the ongoing Hamas-Israel conflict.

And again, I will remind you, this was NOT Joe Biden's doing. Joe Biden has spent the better part of 4 years trying to clean up the damage caused by the previous administration, and with mixed success. But had the results of the 2016 election gone differently, things in the Middle East likely would be a lot less dangerous.
I, too, wish the Republicans had a better candidate. Frankly, I wish the Democrats had a better candidate as well. As it is, Biden is (by far) the lesser of two evils.

But I need to remind you people of two things. Prior to 2017, the U.S. had a peace treaty with Iran. It was the previous administration (NOT Joe Biden as some would imagine) who backed out of that treaty. And now the world, and the Middle East in particular, is a much, much more dangerous place as a result. Meanwhile, the previous administration also stirred up tensions in Israel when he declared Jerusalem the capital and moved the U.S. embassy there. This only stoked the fires of the ongoing Hamas-Israel conflict.

And again, I will remind you, this was NOT Joe Biden's doing. Joe Biden has spent the better part of 4 years trying to clean up the damage caused by the previous administration, and with mixed success. But had the results of the 2016 election gone differently, things in the Middle East likely would be a lot less dangerous.
You fall into that same old rabbit hole where you say someone is the lesser of 2 evils. Yet you admit your choice is evil. Why would you support evil, let alone vote for it.

Let be brutally fair here, Russia did not invade the Ukraine under Trump's watch, North Korea stopped their missile tests over Japan under Trump's watch, China had backed off its imperialistic desires for Taiwan under Trump's watch, and the middle east was not tearing itself apart under Trump's watch. Biden is perceived, and correctly in my opinion, as weak on the world stage and a Neville Chamberlain style appeaser.
I changed what I said about YOU, you fucking goober.

Every time you twist what I say to fit your agenda.

You have declared him guilty like you are some insider prosecutor and know everything. In reality you know what the media and the dem spin doctors have told you. I prefer to wait and see what the courts decide. You have already decided.

It is political. The dems are terrified that they have fucked over the American people so badly that Trump will pound poor little lost soul joey into mincemeat. So they have to keep pushing the Trump is guilty of something agenda.

Nope, I have said repeatedly I wish the republicans had a better candidate.

Nice try Goebbels.
You seem upset.
You seem upset.
Oh golly the pretend psychiatrist now is playing this tired old boring game. Yawn...You really are a pathetic broken record of boring, tired, recycled nonsense.

You can't upset me because you are an anonymous nobody on your computer trying to be cool. FAIL...
LOL. Say, "yawn" another 4 million times, buttercup.
As boring as you are I'm surprised I haven't fallen asleep. Your whole schtick is to repeat the same childish insults like they have any meaning. Stay on topic just once and you may actually have some real meaning.

You don't impress me and I really don't care what you think of me. So rock on with your bad self!
As boring as you are I'm surprised I haven't fallen asleep. Your whole schtick is to repeat the same childish insults like they have any meaning. Stay on topic just once and you may actually have some real meaning.

You don't impress me and I really don't care what you think of me. So rock on with your bad self!
I stay on topic and slap you while doing it.
Trump said he wanted the US to leave NATO altogether. I know it's a matter of perspective but some people wouldn't consider that likely to strengthen NATO.
He didn't leave it, but his voters like hearing it just like Democrats love the word "free" as long as it involves stuff and not personal responsibility.

Example: Who needs birth control when you can get tax dollars for an abortion. I know how I'm going to vote!
He didn't leave it, but his voters like hearing it just like Democrats love the word "free" as long as it involves stuff and not personal responsibility.

Example: Who needs birth control when you can get tax dollars for an abortion. I know how I'm going to vote!

"No, I would not protect you. In fact I would encourage them (Russia) to do whatever the hell they want."
As far as funding Trump to paraphrase your friend and fellow commie lib jism666 "no they aren't you stupid god damned liar."
But one good lie deserves another don't you think? Or is it do as I say and not as I do?



"No, I would not protect you. In fact I would encourage them (Russia) to do whatever the hell they want."
The funny thing is, he won on this point. He threatened NATO and now they're all heading toward 2% GDP spending on defense.
The funny thing is, he won on this point. He threatened NATO and now they're all heading toward 2% GDP spending on defense.
Yes. After he encouraged Putin to invade Ukraine and support Iran & Syria against Israel, other NATO countries invested in defense. What a great tactician!