Stunning betrayal: Biden must resign immediately if he greenlit Iran’s strike on Israel

After he encouraged Putin to invade Ukraine and support Iran & Syria against Israel, other NATO countries invested in defense.
Somehow, he kept Putin from invading Ukraine. However, Barack Obama gave Putin Georgia.
You fall into that same old rabbit hole where you say someone is the lesser of 2 evils. Yet you admit your choice is evil. Why would you support evil, let alone vote for it.

Let be brutally fair here, Russia did not invade the Ukraine under Trump's watch, North Korea stopped their missile tests over Japan under Trump's watch, China had backed off its imperialistic desires for Taiwan under Trump's watch, and the middle east was not tearing itself apart under Trump's watch. Biden is perceived, and correctly in my opinion, as weak on the world stage and a Neville Chamberlain style appeaser.
To answer this question, I don't think Biden is "Evil" but rather, I have questions about his mental and physical fitness and ability to serve another term as president. I think he is a good man, who has done an admirable if not perfect job of cleaning up the mess left by his predecessor. But I would have preferred a younger and stronger candidate- and of course would have preferred the Republicans did the same, because unlike Biden, their guy has already proven himself to be corrupt, selfish, toxic, and self serving with utter contempt for this country, it's people,and it's constitution. In other words- evil vs old and incompetant- I'd prefer the latter.

As far as foreign affairs, it is true that Russia did not invade Ukraine under Trump's watch, but that is besides the point; Russia would have launched that invasion regardless of who was in the White House. People talk about Biden's policy of appeasement vs. action, but let's face it- not only would Russia have invaded Ukraine in 2021 had Trump remained in office, but the key difference would have been this: Trump would have given that invasion his blessing and praised Putin for his "Military Genius." And he wouldn't have given one iota of aid to Ukraine. Ukraine would likely have fallen in less than a year, and Putin, undeterred, would have his sights on Moldova, Finland, and Poland next. With no U.S. support for NATO, those countries would likely have fallen like dominoes, and we'd be right back to 1949 all over again- the Iron Curtain back in place only larger and stronger than ever. Some would have praised Trump for that- the Pro-Russia contingent on this forum (interestingly Renard Ruse has ceased posting here after basically being outed as a Russian troll for his Putin admiration.)

And remember- WE HAD AN ANTI-NUCLEAR PEACE TREATY WITH IRAN! One that TRUMP, not Biden, scrapped. Keep that in mind. Iran can now produce weapons of mass destruction and unprovoked aggression, because they are no longer bound by any treaty.
To answer this question, I don't think Biden is "Evil" but rather, I have questions about his mental and physical fitness and ability to serve another term as president. I think he is a good man, who has done an admirable if not perfect job of cleaning up the mess left by his predecessor. But I would have preferred a younger and stronger candidate- and of course would have preferred the Republicans did the same, because unlike Biden, their guy has already proven himself to be corrupt, selfish, toxic, and self serving with utter contempt for this country, it's people,and it's constitution. In other words- evil vs old and incompetant- I'd prefer the latter.

As far as foreign affairs, it is true that Russia did not invade Ukraine under Trump's watch, but that is besides the point; Russia would have launched that invasion regardless of who was in the White House. People talk about Biden's policy of appeasement vs. action, but let's face it- not only would Russia have invaded Ukraine in 2021 had Trump remained in office, but the key difference would have been this: Trump would have given that invasion his blessing and praised Putin for his "Military Genius." And he wouldn't have given one iota of aid to Ukraine. Ukraine would likely have fallen in less than a year, and Putin, undeterred, would have his sights on Moldova, Finland, and Poland next. With no U.S. support for NATO, those countries would likely have fallen like dominoes, and we'd be right back to 1949 all over again- the Iron Curtain back in place only larger and stronger than ever. Some would have praised Trump for that- the Pro-Russia contingent on this forum (interestingly Renard Ruse has ceased posting here after basically being outed as a Russian troll for his Putin admiration.)

And remember- WE HAD AN ANTI-NUCLEAR PEACE TREATY WITH IRAN! One that TRUMP, not Biden, scrapped. Keep that in mind. Iran can now produce weapons of mass destruction and unprovoked aggression, because they are no longer bound by any treaty.
You are back pedaling on what you said. You clearly stated the Bien was the lesser of 2 evils.
Sort of. My point- the reason I said he was the "lesser of two evils" was, many people (including, presumably, you) have a much more negative opinion of Joe Biden than I do. I don't think he is doing that bad of a job, honestly. But those with a negative opinion of Joe Biden will, or at least should, recognize that as bad as they consider Biden to be, Trump is undeniably worse.
Sort of. My point- the reason I said he was the "lesser of two evils" was, many people (including, presumably, you) have a much more negative opinion of Joe Biden than I do. I don't think he is doing that bad of a job, honestly. But those with a negative opinion of Joe Biden will, or at least should, recognize that as bad as they consider Biden to be, Trump is undeniably worse.
The funny thing is in politics is that just like everyone has their own asshole they also have their own opinion. Yours is a lesser evil joe is okay. Mine is I don't really like either one but cannot under any circumstances see this country with 4 more years of joe at the helm. Personally I would like people to be able to view third party candidates as a serious option and vote that way. But their is too much dem/rep propaganda and media supported ignoring of third party candidates, as well as eliminating even the front runner third party candidates from the debates to let enough people even realize there is an option.
If the system continues limping along, that may be your fate anyway. Sorry man.
If it happens it happens. I won't be cheering for it or even hoping for it to happen. I would like this country to right itself and continue on to a brighter future.
This thread illustrates everything wrong with Literotica. Goofy little kids who don't know how to read a news commentary and would doubtless have trouble finding Turkey and Iran on a map; meandering guff attacking commentators as "alts", whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean; vulgar insults by the ambulatory busted toilet whose handle need not be mentioned.

Give it up, chumps. Why can't you write about sex? The rest of us understand that's what the site is supposed to be about. I love sex and love to write about it. I hope men read my posts and cum. I also have a past writing for the conservative media you try try to silence. I don't always agree with the WEX but at least it's aimed at adults, not gamers. I don't support everything RightGuide stands for but he's visibly sane, surrounded by termites with human faces.

Juvenile delinquents without a GED posturing as experts on world affairs... Wow! How original! Pure 4chan, GamerGate, Cville, 1-6 trash. The end of America. Joshua Chamberlain would spit on you.

Our forefathers and foremothers fought and died so you could defecate all over yourself in public, protected by screen names? Cowards!

Literotica has become a poster case for shutting down the Internet.

Here's where sanity starts, meatheads.

1. The Dems committed moral suicide when they decided Fuckerberg's checks were more valuable than the votes of the UAW.

2. The GOP was handed the greatest political opportunity in a generation, but without a Reagan or GWB, dropped the crystal vase, leaving the Party of Lincoln shattered.

4. Vlad the Impaler has a whole state apparatus dedicated to covering your buttplug with sand and then ramming you with it.

5. Kristi Noem is Gavin Newsom in drag.

Try thinking for a change. I gave you opportunities to use the mess between your ears for something valuable.

You can't do it. Even a minor challenge like that involving the butterfly paradox was too much for you. Of course you couldn't bring yourself to ask me what it is. You're addicted to stupid bluffing. You can't just ask.

I posted about a serious project, the Sex Workers' Union, which may save lives. You responded with 20 pages of forced vomit.

Etc. etc. Of course I'm accused of pearl-clutching. Better than pearls cast before swine who never finished ESL.

I'm so glad not to be you. It's called having a life.

( O )( O )
Well we are even then because I don't find your post factual either.

Trump did not try to weaken NATO he tried and succeeded in having our so called Allies pay their fair share instead of the US carrying NATO financially.

Honestly, if it was up to me I would close most of the military bases in Europe, go scorched Earth on the bases leaving nothing of use or value behind for the ungrateful host countries.
ESL courses are available free at community colleges. Look into it.

( O )( O )
And yet you remain so silent on Biden's Ukraine connections and his China connections.

I guess it's okay if your side cozies up with some commies too.
Speaking as a former leader of the Communist Party, USA, may I say that you wouldn't know commies from CrackerJacks™.

( O )( O )
NATO is preparing for war with Putin and Xi. It's going to be exciting. RIP Zoomers
Bullshit. Spreading rumors in times of war and revolution is typically punished severely.

What do you think of Trent Reznor? I'm sure that's a better topic for you.

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