Stunning betrayal: Biden must resign immediately if he greenlit Iran’s strike on Israel

YAWN...Yet another key board commando tough guy. So pathetic, so boring.
You have no idea about anything. Face me IRL and spout your guff. Pansy ass. Everyone knows who I am. Everyone knows where to find me. You have nothing in life except a commitment to a man who wrecked the GOP, a loose mouth, and a huge inferiority complex.

This is a sex website, pansy. Why are you here? Spying for the Plowed Boys?

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I have been so honest about who and what I am that others have used it against me.

So nice try, but you lose again.
Witto pansy cwies wike a witto boy whose ice queam melted all over his filthy hands.

Like I say, you are a coward. A real live Nazi who wants to cut others' bodies out of hatred for difference. You belong in a prison with strong bars. You are Ed Gein without his brain.

That socalled wife of yours ought to get away from you before you boil over and do real harm.

What others used what against you, pansy? Trumpers aren't persecuted. If someone was mean to you on this site you richly deserve it. You have no control over your filthy mouth and no sense whatever of common decency.

You are not American. You are not GOP. You are dreck in the gutter.

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You must have been a commie propaganda minister.
If I was it would be there in my Wikipedia bio. I have that because I am a real author who does real things.

My ex busted Saudi over 9/11. You can't bust a corn chip without assistance.

I am no longer my ex but I kept his brain. You don't have one. You "think" with your microscopic balls. Since I have my brain and my boobs, I can outthink, outwrite, outearn, outdrink, outdance and outscrew you any day of the week. Or the month. Or the year.

13 years with a blowup doll? Don't they need replacement? I wouldn't know.

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YAWN...Yet another key board commando tough guy. So pathetic, so boring.
Just for fun... Are you a vet? Ever swear an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution? Ever serve our country abroad? Of course not. You don't have a country. Turds in the toilet can't carry i.d.

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Taco Bell is as close to authentic Mexican food as Fazoli's is to Italian food.

I have no idea who Steven Miller is.
Another area of opinion in which you have no standing. Maybe DelTaco™ is more to your liking. Who cares? You can't answer my arguments so you insult me from the safety of a computer and a screen name.

I am bilingual. Actually multilingual. Mucha gente Latinx quieren mucho al Bell.

So you're so mentally challenged you can't look Stephen Miller up? You defend DJT but not his people?

Without a GED, can you ever get a job?

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First of all, I am hardly transphobic. I placed a ad in the personals for a Bi or transwoman. So nice try you psycho liar.

You mentioned your Gynecomastia, not me. I offered some options for you to treat it, IF you wish. I didn't tell you to do anything you fucking martyr.

I do quite well in normal society. You seem to be the one struggling.
Well, how fucking enlightened. A man allegedly married for 13 years wants a date with a transwoman? Does wifey know? What if you get an STD? What does bi mean? You like boypussy?

Plenty of tricks are transphobic, pansy. That's why we have to be careful. They find us through personal ads and murder us. The Sex Workers' Union was formed to protect against predators like you.

As a metro crime reporter I learned we get killed because scum like you want to kill someone and think nobody will do anything about it. Otherwise you are afraid of us. Even though you desire us. You are everything wrong with men in this country today: Cowardly. Closeted. Uncivil. Disloyal. Too stupid to have ever held a job. Ripe for the Plowed Boys.

Of course I'm struggling. I was born poor. My dad is was from a Jewish refugee family. He had rickets as a child. He served in the Hiroshima bomb drop. It wasn't good for his mental health. My mom was from Appalachia. Had childhood ailments that weren't treated adequately. She was truly a saint. She's my model as a woman.

You don't get to decide whether you're transphobic any more than as a stupid cracker you get to tell Black people you're not a racist. Of course you wouldn't do that. You're too big a coward.

You clearly have no standing in the healing arts. I have dealt with docs and shrinks my whole life. Why would I need advice from a scab sandhog like you? You're unemployable at best. Did Taco Bell™ fire you for spitting in the guac?

You insulted me and every intersex and trans person by commenting as if cutting my body and getting rid of my boobies was the only appropriate response to my condition. Really? Dr. Mengele, do you recommend shooting yourself in the head as a cure for migraines?

A person with your views on these topics has no place on a site that posts on trans issues. Period. Take your 400-lb ass back to 4chan.

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Boycott Israel=Bondage for Jews.
Divestment From Israel=Discipline Against Jews
Sanctions Against Israel=Sadism Against Jews.

Seems simple enough.

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Just as Reichy wants to change the definition, it remains the same.
As far as funding Trump to paraphrase your friend and fellow commie lib jism666 "no they aren't you stupid god damned liar."

Really? So explain this, genius:

Listen up. I was GOP from 1984 to 2016. I was a prominent communist in San Francisco when I was recruited to CIA. After 2001 I work for them and for Mossad. Everyone knows this who knows me. I worked with Iran, who armed Bosnia. Clinton approved.

I was brought up in the communist faith but I love my country and i hate Russia. They killed their best and would not have helped my family if we had been busted by the FBI.

I showed you several times on this site what I believe in:

Ronnie Maxwell, the director, was once a good friend. Taught me how to do a Hollywood résumé. Don't know about him now. He may not like my being a never trumper, or my being trans.

I did this video:

This was my journey:

You whine because folks were nasty to your pansy ass somewhere somehow? Bullshit. Russia pre-Putin told the real Communists where I live to leave me alone. Putin put me on a walker. Russia watches me now.

DJT has wrecked the party of Ike. To say nothing of Lincoln. I don't want libbrul fascism in a Dem one-party state. I don't want special treatment for trans.

This is me:

The only hope for this country is the German model: a Social Democratic party based on the unions; a strong conservative business party, and a social contract between them so we can produce things the world wants to buy. Plus an @ntifa party on the street and fascists tolerated so long as they stay in their fucking cellars, which is where Nazis like you belong.

You think it's ok to post about cutting my body? Fucking cutter; I fought FGM cutters in Iraqi Kurdistan. I defend male circumcision. But do not imagine anyone has the right to advocate cutting my breasts. My peaches aren't for you. Stay with wifey. She needs you.

I don't want to cut anybody unless I have to defend myself. But the communist youth taught me how to use a straight razor, and like sex or riding a bike, one doesn't forget.

I worked for Mitt in 2012. I would back any sane GOP candidate now: Liz Cheney, even Lindsay. But with eyes wide open. The GOP needs to become the Party of Rebuilding America. Otherwise it's dead.

And let me make this clear: if Joe abandons Ukraine or Israel, all bets are off. He won't.

But face facts, fool. The party of Reagan became the party of Putin. We need those Union workers who voted for DJT to open a new road.

In 1877 white workers attacked the Chinese in my city. The Chinese fought back. After two generations white and Asian workers stood side by side for Social Justice.

That's God's way.

You are a political ignoramus. You know nothing of liberals or Communists.

This was the American left. It can be reborn.

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Find a single post where I have defended Trump's indictments. Just one. I'll wait, because as usual your are fucking lying again. I have said that the entire Trump Derangement Syndrome that including hounding him all 4 years he was in the Whitehouse was politically motivated claptrap. I believe the courts will sort this all out and that will be that.

Funny how Schumer is crying about the Mayorkas impeachment being the most politically motivated impeachment ever. How he can manage to say that with a straight face shows what a complete hoax and liar he is as a senator.
Nazis like you are unfit to shine Chuck's shoes, Mengele. Why are you on this site? 4chan is waiting with TV dinners for you and your blowup doll.

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You fall into that same old rabbit hole where you say someone is the lesser of 2 evils. Yet you admit your choice is evil. Why would you support evil, let alone vote for it.

Let be brutally fair here, Russia did not invade the Ukraine under Trump's watch, North Korea stopped their missile tests over Japan under Trump's watch, China had backed off its imperialistic desires for Taiwan under Trump's watch, and the middle east was not tearing itself apart under Trump's watch. Biden is perceived, and correctly in my opinion, as weak on the world stage and a Neville Chamberlain style appeaser.
Whatever you're smoking, I'll pass. Did you buy it through 4chan? Pick it up at Cville? Smoke out on 1-6? Was defecating on the Capitol floor fun?

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Oh golly the pretend psychiatrist now is playing this tired old boring game. Yawn...You really are a pathetic broken record of boring, tired, recycled nonsense.

You can't upset me because you are an anonymous nobody on your computer trying to be cool. FAIL...
And you aren't an anonymous nobody on your computer trying to be cool? Do tell. At this point I'm the only one here who isn't anonymous, since you used my Wikipedia page in defiance of your rules. I am definitely not a nobody, with 33 books and a wife who works for Scorsese.

But I'm not trying to be cool. With these boobies, my sweet plum-like booty pillows, my love tunnel that grips cocks like DiMaggio with his bat, and a mouth like a velvet glove, i burn men like BBQ. Men, not Nazi pansies like you.

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(something about respecting Israeli autonomy goes here)

When we treat our allies like pets and not friends we spread anti-American hatred.
Name countries outside Russia and China where we are hated. We aren't hated in Iran. We are envied everywhere. Which is why people come here in numbers.

Is that rock you live under well-decorated?

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You have no idea about anything. Face me IRL and spout your guff. Pansy ass. Everyone knows who I am. Everyone knows where to find me. You have nothing in life except a commitment to a man who wrecked the GOP, a loose mouth, and a huge inferiority complex.

This is a sex website, pansy. Why are you here? Spying for the Plowed Boys?

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I never heard of you, don't know who you are, and frankly don't give a damn who you are.

All you are here is another keyboard commando.

I have stated repeatedly that I had hoped the republicans would find a better candidate. That hardly makes me a trumpite.
You fall into that same old rabbit hole where you say someone is the lesser of 2 evils. Yet you admit your choice is evil. Why would you support evil, let alone vote for it.

Let be brutally fair here, Russia did not invade the Ukraine under Trump's watch, North Korea stopped their missile tests over Japan under Trump's watch, China had backed off its imperialistic desires for Taiwan under Trump's watch, and the middle east was not tearing itself apart under Trump's watch. Biden is perceived, and correctly in my opinion, as weak on the world stage and a Neville Chamberlain style appeaser.
Only supporters of the greater evil -- Nazis like you -- attack the theory of the lesser evil. Read history. Once you finish ESL and get your GED.

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Witto pansy cwies wike a witto boy whose ice queam melted all over his filthy hands.

Like I say, you are a coward. A real live Nazi who wants to cut others' bodies out of hatred for difference. You belong in a prison with strong bars. You are Ed Gein without his brain.

That socalled wife of yours ought to get away from you before you boil over and do real harm.

What others used what against you, pansy? Trumpers aren't persecuted. If someone was mean to you on this site you richly deserve it. You have no control over your filthy mouth and no sense whatever of common decency.

You are not American. You are not GOP. You are dreck in the gutter.

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LOL! Geezus you are a fucking lunatic. Not surprised you supposedly ran the US commie party.