Stunning betrayal: Biden must resign immediately if he greenlit Iran’s strike on Israel

Of course. But you're the one using a sex website to posture as an expert for foreign policy. About which you know nothing.

( O )( O )
Well we are even then because I don't find your post factual either.

Trump did not try to weaken NATO he tried and succeeded in having our so called Allies pay their fair share instead of the US carrying NATO financially.

Honestly, if it was up to me I would close most of the military bases in Europe, go scorched Earth on the bases leaving nothing of use or value behind for the ungrateful host countries.
Nothing is up to you except your menu choice at Taco Bell™.

( O )( O )
I, too, wish the Republicans had a better candidate. Frankly, I wish the Democrats had a better candidate as well. As it is, Biden is (by far) the lesser of two evils.

But I need to remind you people of two things. Prior to 2017, the U.S. had a peace treaty with Iran. It was the previous administration (NOT Joe Biden as some would imagine) who backed out of that treaty. And now the world, and the Middle East in particular, is a much, much more dangerous place as a result. Meanwhile, the previous administration also stirred up tensions in Israel when he declared Jerusalem the capital and moved the U.S. embassy there. This only stoked the fires of the ongoing Hamas-Israel conflict.

And again, I will remind you, this was NOT Joe Biden's doing. Joe Biden has spent the better part of 4 years trying to clean up the damage caused by the previous administration, and with mixed success. But had the results of the 2016 election gone differently, things in the Middle East likely would be a lot less dangerous.
Republicans have a candidate:

( O )( O )
Oh look a new hero stalking my previous posts and dragging them into this topic because IT has nothing else.

Nice work. By the way, whose ALT are you?
I haven't examined your posts before this thread, fuckface.

And I was thoroughly doxxed here.

What the fuck is an "alt"? Everybody who reads this site knows who I am.

Oh. I forgot. I guess "alt" means an alternative personality.

I'm an alt for this person:

Heard of Sam Nunberg? My former boss.

John Bolton? My colleague.

You're in way over your head with me, junior.

"Hitch," i.e Chrissy Hitchens, was fun. You're just a dork.

( O )( O )
As if you are an expert on anything other than applying make up with a paint roller.
Nah. The paint is applied with a Q tip, the glitter tubes have their own brushes, and the lavender is Wet 'n' Wild. The blush is basic Sephora.

If you ever get a date with a woman you can ask her to explain all this to you. Dork.

Fighting twits like you is too easy. Makes me feel guilty. Like kicking someone on crutches. Really. I shouldn't.

And I was born with gynecomastia. I now am 42 DD. So I am indeed a freak.

But not this kind, unlike you and the rest of the Literotica Lice:

Freaks (1932)

( O )( O )
Nah. The paint is applied with a Q tip, the glitter tubes have their own brushes, and the lavender is Wet 'n' Wild. The blush is basic Sephora.

If you ever get a date with a woman you can ask her to explain all this to you. Dork.

Fighting twits like you is too easy. Makes me feel guilty. Like kicking someone on crutches. Really. I shouldn't.

And I was born with gynecomastia. I now am 42 DD. So I am indeed a freak.

But not this kind, unlike you and the rest of the Literotica Lice:

Freaks (1932)

( O )( O )
Your make up is like putting a silk dress on a pig.

Date with a woman? I'm married and have been for 13 years to a beautiful biological woman. So nice try.

Gynecomastia is treatable with either drugs or surgical intervention. Why didn't you pursue that?

Yawn...Is this all you have?
Wow! A conservative newspaper! Better get it shut down before kids get hold of it.

( O )( O )
Selective reading on your part. Did you read far enough to read this:

"...publish misleading reports, and omit information reporting that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy."
or this:
"... Mixed for factual reporting due to several failed fact checks."

It wasn't entirely about being a conservative newspaper. It was also about TELLING THE TRUTH and BEING ACCURATE, which they apparently have a problem with.

Selective reading on your part. Did you read far enough to read this:

or this:

It wasn't entirely about being a conservative newspaper. It was also about TELLING THE TRUTH and BEING ACCURATE, which they apparently have a problem with.

Hey doofus

I have written and published in every major newspaper in the English speaking world. The only exception was the WAPO, which praised me but did not publish me.

The boilerplate above applies to every media institution in the free world. I reject totally any argument by anybody based on ideological claims about truth or accuracy.

Journalism is a craft in which one seeks truth, in free countries. Nobody serious claims full possession of truth or absolute accuracy.

Both libbrul and conserv media get lots of things wrong. Some examples you'll have to look up. If you can take time out from 4chan and GTA:

Iranian rev
9-11 and Saudi
Iraq WMD
Yugoslav war
Rise of Vlad the Impaler

Go ahead, amateurs. Challenge me on this. But wear a cup.

A Comshaw is a bribe.

( O )( O )
Your make up is like putting a silk dress on a pig.

Date with a woman? I'm married and have been for 13 years to a beautiful biological woman. So nice try.

Gynecomastia is treatable with either drugs or surgical intervention. Why didn't you pursue that?

Yawn...Is this all you have?
Thank you for once again revealing in its full glory the violent transphobia on this site.

I have been married for 40 years to a beautiful cisgender woman. I posted her pic on this site many times. Here is a video about her:

Lots of medical conditions are treatable. One thinks of ECT and lobotomies as treatment for various mental disorders. I'm sure you favor them as well.

I had parents. But I loved my boobies and made many sacrifices for them. My persimmons. My pears. My lovely offerings on a tray for the Goddess.

Interesting how fascinated you scum are in cutting my body. Try it. But first try calling a transwoman "it" to her face. Coward.

I'd call you an animal, but no. Animals are fearful but not cowards.

You have no place in a normal society.

( O )( O )
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Hey doofus

I have written and published in every major newspaper in the English speaking world. The only exception was the WAPO, which praised me but did not publish me.

The boilerplate above applies to every media institution in the free world. I reject totally any argument by anybody based on ideological claims about truth or accuracy.

Journalism is a craft in which one seeks truth, in free countries. Nobody serious claims full possession of truth or absolute accuracy.

Both libbrul and conserv media get lots of things wrong. Some examples you'll have to look up. If you can take time out from 4chan and GTA:

Iranian rev
9-11 and Saudi
Iraq WMD
Yugoslav war
Rise of Vlad the Impaler

Go ahead, amateurs. Challenge me on this. But wear a cup.

A Comshaw is a bribe.

( O )( O )
I have written and published in every major newspaper in the English speaking world. The only exception was the WAPO, which praised me but did not publish me.
And I'm the Price of Monico in disguise. You see how that works? On the interwebs I ( and you in your turn) can claim to be anything from mundane to magnificent. And you, like most, aren't going to claim the mundane but the best of the best. All that to say I willbelieve what you claim when pigs fly, consequently everything that follows that claim is suspect.

And this:
Some examples you'll have to look up. If you can take time out from 4chan and GTA:
It isn't my place or my responsibility to prove your point. That's your job. You claim it, you prove it. That's the way it works in the adult world.

And as far as your assertion that a Comshaw is a bribe, I think you need to take another look, or maybe educate yourself a bit more.

Comshaw is a colloquial perversion of "cumshaw", which is an old naval term meaning something obtained through unofficial means. It was such long before lubbers took it to mean a bribe.

And from your tone and word usage I will also cast doubt on you being female.

But you go ahead and play your games. I'm done and gone.


It's spelled Prince of Monaco. Unless you're referring to the indigenous chief of the Náyaar people in the western Sierra, in Mexico. Which is highly doubtful since you are quite obviously an utterly illiterate teenager.

Let's get clear on what went on here and what happens here.

I live in the real world. I carry female ID. I have big boobs. I wear short minis. Etc.

This is admitted to be me or my ex, i.e., my transformed, formerly male self, even by the wretched psychopaths that inhabit this purulent site:

The presumptions of the Literotica wackos like you are:

1. Everyone in the world wants to be part of your club, to the point where you fantasize people inventing multiple identities to participate. Problem: nobody knows about Literotica except its followers. Nobody cares about it enough to exert such an effort. So you create fake cases. You identify targets you subject to constant imbecilic abuse using cultic vocabulary and presumptions about psychology that are unique to you. Nobody sane in the world imagines such things. Only you, sunshine.

2. You used my Wikipedia entry to doxx me, and to you that's fine. Amateur gangsters that you are, you see nothing wrong in requiring anonymity behind screen handles and then violating it because someone has exposed you as a fake. That as a former high official in the USG I had reasons to be discreet about my involvement with this site means nothing to you. Fine. Have your milk and graham crackers. You're blankie's here. Don't wet yourself during your nap. We adults don't want to clean it up.

3. If I expose you as a fake intello, you get to attack me as allegedly a fake trans. Very original. Where in the world except here does anyone think there is such a thing as a fake trans? You come up with this crap because you are trapped in your own delusions. You are caught out. You are shown up as a bluffer. You have no ass to back up the cheques your mouth writes.

4. You seem unaware that you are implying I could manipulate Wikipedia and Ballotpedia and YouTube for the purpose of trolling you. That's very original.

Fuckhead, I was a Communist in America and elsewhere and CIA in many places. I am quite well informed on how the Moscow purge trials and the weird accusations commie cops and wannabes invent work. Get off the Trent Reznor Express for a minute and listen to this:

Living in America, where libbrul fascism has wiped out this history, you have no idea where your bullshit leads you. Fortunately for Americans, it leads you to me, and I kick your ass. And it'll stay kicked.

This ridiculous shithouse is the only location in the world where I am subjected to constant challenges of my trans identity. Elsewhere I am attacked physically, defamed, and required to defend myself with bear spray and a straight razor because I am trans.

Have you ever had to fight using a straight razor? It's waaaay fun. Though a good blast in the face of an aggressor with bear spray is also quite the holiday, as well. Problem is you can't control the spray. Just as you personally can't control your oral diarrhea. Use with great care.

Shiterotica, which produces reams of garbage about trans that would never be considered for pub even by HUSTLER in its glory days, isn't what it was. When I first read the site I was inspired to change my life by stories about boys becoming trans. Now I'm just bored with a GamerGate/4chan/Cville/1-6 reunion page where unemployable oafs like you pretend to knowledge you would never have.

In your illuminated madness you think I have some interest in proving myself to you. I don't care what buzzing gnats like you "think." I never did. I follow my own star. I answer your kindergarten polemics because I have time to waste. I write for 10 hrs daily and these workouts on the light bag are relaxing.

I didn't claim anything to you and don't have to prove anything. I've already proven that you, brandishing libbypoo propaganda about media, have no capacity to do basic research. You want to discredit the WEX? How about noticing that "Stephen Schwartz," i.e. my dead name, was published there dozens of times? I have issues with the WEX, which was originally coowned with the SFEX, which still publishes and was never very right wing. I don't get along with Byron York and I am sure he's horrified about my transition. But that's IRL, not ILS, i.e. In Literotica Shit.

I don't live for the net. I live for cock. It's a material thing.

Well, that's enough. A nitwit arguing brainlessly about the word cumshaw is... a nitwit.

I accept your surrender graciously. Here we are:

Chamberlain's Charge on Little Round Top - "Gettysburg" (1993)

Try to be American. Just for a minute. Just for a millisecond. Please try.

( O )( O )
That you want to argue with me over whether I am a woman illustrates the total fakery of 90% of this site.

To repeat: this site exploits transwomen as a fetish for purposes of sleazebag sensationalism. As far as I know I am the only transwoman posting here. I am not a cis woman. I have male characteristics, one of them being irritability at fakery. And considering the insults heaped on me here, you're getting off easy. Not one of you would dare confront me IRL.

You add nothing to the world.

( O )( O )
Your make up is like putting a silk dress on a pig.

Date with a woman? I'm married and have been for 13 years to a beautiful biological woman. So nice try.

Gynecomastia is treatable with either drugs or surgical intervention. Why didn't you pursue that?

Yawn...Is this all you have?
Congrats! You're nominated for the 2024 Mengele Prize for originality in Nazi mutilation! A real honor!

( O )( O )
I wonder if Biden called his friends in Iran and asked them to accept a symbolic response from Israel.
Gotta make sure these kids get killed ASAP.

Happy We are from Tehran

And this bunch:

Iranian Sufis Defy Tehran Dictatorship

Be excited these bitches are cut down.

Mahsa Amini: Women in Iran burn headscarves in anti-hijab protests – BBC News

Make sure these bandits are severely punished.

Kurdish party resumes armed struggle against Iran, third party to do so

( O)( O )
Cretins and Cretans:

If, as you all seem to think, everyone on the Internet lies about themselves, what are you?

( O )( O )
Thank you for once again revealing in its full glory the violent transphobia on this site.

I have been married for 40 years to a beautiful cisgender woman. I posted her pic on this site many times. Here is a video about her:

Lots of medical conditions are treatable. One thinks of ECT and lobotomies as treatment for various mental disorders. I'm sure you favor them as well.

I had parents. But I loved my boobies and made many sacrifices for them. My persimmons. My pears. My lovely offerings on a tray for the Goddess.

Interesting how fascinated you scum are in cutting my body. Try it. But first try calling a transwoman "it" to her face. Coward.

I'd call you an animal, but no. Animals are fearful but not cowards.

You have no place in a normal society.

( O )( O )
First of all, I am hardly transphobic. I placed a ad in the personals for a Bi or transwoman. So nice try you psycho liar.

You mentioned your Gynecomastia, not me. I offered some options for you to treat it, IF you wish. I didn't tell you to do anything you fucking martyr.

I do quite well in normal society. You seem to be the one struggling.
That you want to argue with me over whether I am a woman illustrates the total fakery of 90% of this site.

To repeat: this site exploits transwomen as a fetish for purposes of sleazebag sensationalism. As far as I know I am the only transwoman posting here. I am not a cis woman. I have male characteristics, one of them being irritability at fakery. And considering the insults heaped on me here, you're getting off easy. Not one of you would dare confront me IRL.

You add nothing to the world.

( O )( O )
YAWN...Yet another key board commando tough guy. So pathetic, so boring.