Stunning betrayal: Biden must resign immediately if he greenlit Iran’s strike on Israel

All I see when you type...Blah blah blah blah blah
You are ugly.

Incredibly so.

Horribly so.

You have no soul.

That you could come into a public site and talk about someone else's body in the way you have about me shows that you have no self-knowledge, no intellect, no right to be happy.

I am 75. I have been around the world twice.

I worked closely with men and women in all areas of life except for pedophiles.

I was a victim of pedophilia as were almost all the women I have loved.

I love them in a way you will never love anybody.

They love me in a way no human will ever love you.

You are without a soul and without a heart. Your brain is infected with envy. Your head is a seething mass of worms and shit the worms eat.

You posted on a public site remarks about cutting of my body as if discussing your menu choice at Taco Bell™. And you don't deserve to eat at the Bell. You don't deserve to eat anything but garbage out of a bin.

You are everything bad that has befallen the country I love.

I would suck DJT's cock at high noon on the Capitol steps live on CNN and let the Proud Boys fuck my ass by the dozens on a live global feed before I would allow myself to be polluted by your presence.

I would not shake your hand.

I would not touch your hand.

I would not look into your empty eyes.

You posted on this site a comment about the cutting of another human's body as if it were nothing, and then you tried to cover yourself by offering ignorant babble to make it sound as if your comment were innocent.

That such a post is horrifyingly traumatic for someone like me to read means nothing to you.

I am not ill. I am not crazy.

You are deeply ill and crazy.

I came to Literotica seeking a place of beauty and fulfillment. You showed me a place like a latrine in Auschwitz where you crouch. A disgusting insect waiting to jump into an anus and bite hard, injecting venom.

I am sick of you and sick of this. That you refer to your behavior as banter and fun shows your nature.

You are the snotnosed schoolyard bully who torments girls and weak boys.

I am not weak.

I hate fascists and have fought fascists hand to hand but I have interviewed fascists as a journalist and accept the need to fight alongside neo-Nazis for Ukraine.

The experience with you makes it very difficult for me to even open a message from Literotica.

I am proud to have shown you up.

I hope I did something good for the others who hate you. There are obviously many on this site who loathe you.

I here apologize to anybody else on this site toward who I was previously sharp.

I apologize to RoryN. Because RoryN is Abraham Lincoln compared with you.

I apologize to BrightShinyGirl. Because BrightShinyGirl is Marie Curie compared with you.

I apologize to Alex Bailey. Because Alex Bailey is Einstein, Freud, Trotsky, and Picasso in one person compared with you.

I don't have all the handles handy right now but the apology is sincere and extends to all. Except you. I will never apologize to you.

I am 75. I made my decision about my gynecomastia a long time ago. I love my gynecomastia because I love myself.

The God in which (not who) I believe made me this way and I accept God's mercy and wisdom.

My boobies made me a religious believer. My body is a divine miracle. I never ever thought otherwise.

I will publish the colloquy with you in a major media platform. I hope your identity will be disclosed as mine has been. I hope you suffer as my family has suffered.

If I could choose your fate it would be for you to wake up in another body as I wake up each day in a body I never imagined could be mine. But I would want you to wake up in the body of Streicher at the moment his neck was broken at Nuremberg. Feeling your neckbone crushed and breaking. Gasping for breath. Breath you cannot ever again breathe. Knowing your life has been ended by a court order. Knowing your words have killed you. Knowing you died for no good purpose.

And experiencing that moment again and again forever and ever throughout eternity. World without end. Ages of ages.

Nobody else I ever encountered would be so disgusting a so-called human as to post guff about medical procedures in this context as you have.

Go to a church and pray for forgiveness from the creator. Because I will never forgive you. You are a blight on my life.

I have made good friends on this site. Treeview is a good lover. Wat is a good friend. But you have caused me such distress I will not read this site for at least a while. I need a break. I need to be in the world I love. Not in a world where anonymous creeps talk about cutting my body casually.

Congratulations. You drove me away from Literotica. You did what others could not do. And you did it without forethought. Because you are a stupid, blind, lump of protoplasm.

But do have a good day. Really. Smell a rose. Have a drink. It's God's world. And God is good. The Goddess is better but that's my secret. Mine. Mine alone.

( O )( O )
Stephen Lulu Schwartz
You are ugly.

Incredibly so.

Horribly so.

You have no soul.

That you could come into a public site and talk about someone else's body in the way you have about me shows that you have no self-knowledge, no intellect, no right to be happy.

I am 75. I have been around the world twice.

I worked closely with men and women in all areas of life except for pedophiles.

I was a victim of pedophilia as were almost all the women I have loved.

I love them in a way you will never love anybody.

They love me in a way no human will ever love you.

You are without a soul and without a heart. Your brain is infected with envy. Your head is a seething mass of worms and shit the worms eat.

You posted on a public site remarks about cutting of my body as if discussing your menu choice at Taco Bell™. And you don't deserve to eat at the Bell. You don't deserve to eat anything but garbage out of a bin.

You are everything bad that has befallen the country I love.

I would suck DJT's cock at high noon on the Capitol steps live on CNN and let the Proud Boys fuck my ass by the dozens on a live global feed before I would allow myself to be polluted by your presence.

I would not shake your hand.

I would not touch your hand.

I would not look into your empty eyes.

You posted on this site a comment about the cutting of another human's body as if it were nothing, and then you tried to cover yourself by offering ignorant babble to make it sound as if your comment were innocent.

That such a post is horrifyingly traumatic for someone like me to read means nothing to you.

I am not ill. I am not crazy.

You are deeply ill and crazy.

I came to Literotica seeking a place of beauty and fulfillment. You showed me a place like a latrine in Auschwitz where you crouch. A disgusting insect waiting to jump into an anus and bite hard, injecting venom.

I am sick of you and sick of this. That you refer to your behavior as banter and fun shows your nature.

You are the snotnosed schoolyard bully who torments girls and weak boys.

I am not weak.

I hate fascists and have fought fascists hand to hand but I have interviewed fascists as a journalist and accept the need to fight alongside neo-Nazis for Ukraine.

The experience with you makes it very difficult for me to even open a message from Literotica.

I am proud to have shown you up.

I hope I did something good for the others who hate you. There are obviously many on this site who loathe you.

I here apologize to anybody else on this site toward who I was previously sharp.

I apologize to RoryN. Because RoryN is Abraham Lincoln compared with you.

I apologize to BrightShinyGirl. Because BrightShinyGirl is Marie Curie compared with you.

I apologize to Alex Bailey. Because Alex Bailey is Einstein, Freud, Trotsky, and Picasso in one person compared with you.

I don't have all the handles handy right now but the apology is sincere and extends to all. Except you. I will never apologize to you.

I am 75. I made my decision about my gynecomastia a long time ago. I love my gynecomastia because I love myself.

The God in which (not who) I believe made me this way and I accept God's mercy and wisdom.

My boobies made me a religious believer. My body is a divine miracle. I never ever thought otherwise.

I will publish the colloquy with you in a major media platform. I hope your identity will be disclosed as mine has been. I hope you suffer as my family has suffered.

If I could choose your fate it would be for you to wake up in another body as I wake up each day in a body I never imagined could be mine. But I would want you to wake up in the body of Streicher at the moment his neck was broken at Nuremberg. Feeling your neckbone crushed and breaking. Gasping for breath. Breath you cannot ever again breathe. Knowing your life has been ended by a court order. Knowing your words have killed you. Knowing you died for no good purpose.

And experiencing that moment again and again forever and ever throughout eternity. World without end. Ages of ages.

Nobody else I ever encountered would be so disgusting a so-called human as to post guff about medical procedures in this context as you have.

Go to a church and pray for forgiveness from the creator. Because I will never forgive you. You are a blight on my life.

I have made good friends on this site. Treeview is a good lover. Wat is a good friend. But you have caused me such distress I will not read this site for at least a while. I need a break. I need to be in the world I love. Not in a world where anonymous creeps talk about cutting my body casually.

Congratulations. You drove me away from Literotica. You did what others could not do. And you did it without forethought. Because you are a stupid, blind, lump of protoplasm.

But do have a good day. Really. Smell a rose. Have a drink. It's God's world. And God is good. The Goddess is better but that's my secret. Mine. Mine alone.

( O )( O )
Stephen Lulu Schwartz
Buh Bye! I stopped posting to you and yet you keep posting to me. If this exchange drove you away then all I can do is laugh at you. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
You are ugly.

Incredibly so.

Horribly so.

You have no soul.

That you could come into a public site and talk about someone else's body in the way you have about me shows that you have no self-knowledge, no intellect, no right to be happy.

I am 75. I have been around the world twice.

I worked closely with men and women in all areas of life except for pedophiles.

I was a victim of pedophilia as were almost all the women I have loved.

I love them in a way you will never love anybody.

They love me in a way no human will ever love you.

You are without a soul and without a heart. Your brain is infected with envy. Your head is a seething mass of worms and shit the worms eat.

You posted on a public site remarks about cutting of my body as if discussing your menu choice at Taco Bell™. And you don't deserve to eat at the Bell. You don't deserve to eat anything but garbage out of a bin.

You are everything bad that has befallen the country I love.

I would suck DJT's cock at high noon on the Capitol steps live on CNN and let the Proud Boys fuck my ass by the dozens on a live global feed before I would allow myself to be polluted by your presence.

I would not shake your hand.

I would not touch your hand.

I would not look into your empty eyes.

You posted on this site a comment about the cutting of another human's body as if it were nothing, and then you tried to cover yourself by offering ignorant babble to make it sound as if your comment were innocent.

That such a post is horrifyingly traumatic for someone like me to read means nothing to you.

I am not ill. I am not crazy.

You are deeply ill and crazy.

I came to Literotica seeking a place of beauty and fulfillment. You showed me a place like a latrine in Auschwitz where you crouch. A disgusting insect waiting to jump into an anus and bite hard, injecting venom.

I am sick of you and sick of this. That you refer to your behavior as banter and fun shows your nature.

You are the snotnosed schoolyard bully who torments girls and weak boys.

I am not weak.

I hate fascists and have fought fascists hand to hand but I have interviewed fascists as a journalist and accept the need to fight alongside neo-Nazis for Ukraine.

The experience with you makes it very difficult for me to even open a message from Literotica.

I am proud to have shown you up.

I hope I did something good for the others who hate you. There are obviously many on this site who loathe you.

I here apologize to anybody else on this site toward who I was previously sharp.

I apologize to RoryN. Because RoryN is Abraham Lincoln compared with you.

I apologize to BrightShinyGirl. Because BrightShinyGirl is Marie Curie compared with you.

I apologize to Alex Bailey. Because Alex Bailey is Einstein, Freud, Trotsky, and Picasso in one person compared with you.

I don't have all the handles handy right now but the apology is sincere and extends to all. Except you. I will never apologize to you.

I am 75. I made my decision about my gynecomastia a long time ago. I love my gynecomastia because I love myself.

The God in which (not who) I believe made me this way and I accept God's mercy and wisdom.

My boobies made me a religious believer. My body is a divine miracle. I never ever thought otherwise.

I will publish the colloquy with you in a major media platform. I hope your identity will be disclosed as mine has been. I hope you suffer as my family has suffered.

If I could choose your fate it would be for you to wake up in another body as I wake up each day in a body I never imagined could be mine. But I would want you to wake up in the body of Streicher at the moment his neck was broken at Nuremberg. Feeling your neckbone crushed and breaking. Gasping for breath. Breath you cannot ever again breathe. Knowing your life has been ended by a court order. Knowing your words have killed you. Knowing you died for no good purpose.

And experiencing that moment again and again forever and ever throughout eternity. World without end. Ages of ages.

Nobody else I ever encountered would be so disgusting a so-called human as to post guff about medical procedures in this context as you have.

Go to a church and pray for forgiveness from the creator. Because I will never forgive you. You are a blight on my life.

I have made good friends on this site. Treeview is a good lover. Wat is a good friend. But you have caused me such distress I will not read this site for at least a while. I need a break. I need to be in the world I love. Not in a world where anonymous creeps talk about cutting my body casually.

Congratulations. You drove me away from Literotica. You did what others could not do. And you did it without forethought. Because you are a stupid, blind, lump of protoplasm.

But do have a good day. Really. Smell a rose. Have a drink. It's God's world. And God is good. The Goddess is better but that's my secret. Mine. Mine alone.

( O )( O )
Stephen Lulu Schwartz

You have no dick, correct???


Then TrailerHitch aka Kioti#s isn’t interested.


Let it go.

You have no dick, correct???


Then TrailerHitch aka Kioti#s isn’t interested.


Let it go.

I am a client in a federally sponsored medical program that you pay for if you actually pay taxes, çetnik.

It does not require penectomy. There are many medical treatments involved in the transition to female. I have advocated for reduction of the penis to status as a large clitoris and orchiectomy or removal of the scrotum. If you can tear yourself away from mass murder fantasies such as Serbian garbage like you is addicted to, look at what I call the CNN of the trans world, DreamTranny™.

The channel presents Brazilian trans porn. Brazilian trans sex workers keep their clitoris to be played with while getting ass fucked. It does not get hard or produce sperm. It liberates us from the tyranny of the male orgasm.

That is my situation. I am a butt slut. I have trained my body to stay clean. I am not a coprophage faggot like you. I do not defecate on the men who fuck me. The way you do.

I have followed a special FuckMyAssDiet©®™ for many years. It makes me so close to a cis woman, thanks also to my gorgeous boobies, that most tricks say I am waaaay better than their cis wives and girlfriends.

All tranny hos dream of such. I have it. Me.

Remember The Hague, Serb. You'll get there.

( O )( O )
Buh Bye! I stopped posting to you and yet you keep posting to me. If this exchange drove you away then all I can do is laugh at you. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
I lied. Beating up your bullshit ass is too much fun. Run, little faggot. Run like the pansy you are. A tranny beat your ass black and blue. Tell your mommy to get checked for STDs.

( O )( O )
Buh Bye! I stopped posting to you and yet you keep posting to me. If this exchange drove you away then all I can do is laugh at you. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
I was bi. Never gay. Gay is a faggot who wants to be with another faggot.

This MTF doesn't do MTA. What's it like being a faggot? I know you guys love to eat shit and have nicknames like "strawberries" for dried feces on your wrecked asses.

I don't have to worry about such things but I wonder if you get tired of the taste of shit in your mouth.

Hilarious how your weak faggot ass now tries to appeal to my merciful side with the French fry argument that you don't post to me.

Run. Faggot. Run away.

( O )( O )
I was bi. Never gay. Gay is a faggot who wants to be with another faggot.

This MTF doesn't do MTA. What's it like being a faggot? I know you guys love to eat shit and have nicknames like "strawberries" for dried feces on your wrecked asses.

I don't have to worry about such things but I wonder if you get tired of the taste of shit in your mouth.

Hilarious how your weak faggot ass now tries to appeal to my merciful side with the French fry argument that you don't post to me.

Run. Faggot. Run away.

( O )( O )
I don't even need to respond to you because your feeble little brain makes up shit I never said so you can respond. Your saying you were leaving and then not just further proves you are nothing but a psychotic liar.

Carry on, now I am done responding to you.

You will be done with me when you are a dead Nazi faggot maggot buried in a place unmarked because otherwise your Nazi faggot maggot gravestone will be defaced, Nazi faggot maggot. But IRL you will never be done with me.

I will grind your face with my stiletto through eternity. That's how it is when a Nazi faggot maggot is so intoxicated with meth that it (you being neither a he nor a she nor a they) insults an angel like me. A beautiful angel like me with a beautiful body and beautiful young men and women who desire me. Aged 75 but reborn thanks to Empress Estrogen"s gift, at 17, filled with poetry and revolution.

This is me now:

Woman on accordion sings Bandiera Rossa

Humans will search for the site where your festering Nazi faggot maggot corpse is hidden because I intend to make you the Nazi posterfaggotmaggot for the total destruction of Shiterotica Nazi faggot maggotry.

I will be dead someday but you will live forever as a symbol of the total shitheap created in my country -- you never had a country -- by Putin.

You are 4chan.

You are GamerGate.

You are tubby incel James Alex Fields, Jr. who murdered the Queen of the Angels, Heather Heyer.

You are Aaron Danielson choking on his own foul blood as he croaked on a Portland street after bring removed from the planet by the immortal Prince of Avengers, Michael Forest Reinohl.

I love you so much, Michael. I love your finger on the trigger. I love the hate with which you tracked the fascist through the streets. I love the bullets that tore through the fascist's hide. A moment of unsurpassable beauty. World without end. Ages of ages.

There will be considerable collateral damage. I have no regret about this. Anybody who failed to condemn your Nazi faggot maggot remarks about gynecomastia and cutting is a target. The fact that this site encouraged you and a few others to pursue this line of Nazi faggot maggotry makes all guilty.

The note above has a tone of Nazi faggot maggot cowardice that is delightful for me to behold. You are trying to find a way out of the mess you made for yourself and the Litsters. Squirm. Scream. Cry.

This is you, TrailerTrashBitch:

Going down in Ukraine

I don't hate DJT and I definitely don't hate his supporters from the ranks of the working class. As I have argued many times, the Dems elected DJT when they chose Fuckerberg over the UAW.

Never heard of the UAW?


And good people who voted for DJT will reelect My Guy:

Mary Wells

A Guy Named Joe Trailer (1944)

My other guys were like him:

Dole for President commercial - The Difference is Leadership (1988

We're Americans. It's great to be American. It's better than sex to know we stand with Joshua Chamberlain:

Chamberlain's Charge on Little Round Top - "Gettysburg" (1993)

I am a woman. The law says so. You are not a man. The goddess says so.

Play your baby games. Put your hands over your eyes and pretend you aren't fascinated by the online beating I administer you. I'm the domme here. You're a contemptible sub.

Nothing can change the posts. You described gynecomastia as an ailment. No medical professional agrees with you.
You suggested my body be cut to satisfy your bigoted terror of difference.

And now you are a fucking cracker who yelled the n-word at midnight in Harlem the day Dr. King was killed.

Straight razors, Nazi faggot maggot. I carry one in my cleavage. Because I am never safe even in LGBTQIA San Francisco.

Literotica has abandoned you. It seems you are one of those crossdressers who chases trannies. Heh. You want my pussy but my pussy doesn't want you. My pussy is open and my clit is hard for anyone but you. No Nazi faggot maggots allowed.

Yes. I had a moment of weakness in which I signed off on my role here. Which is to clean the site of trash like you. That's all you got to impeach me?

That's nothing. And I'm the one who won't leave.

There's no Argentina for you this time, Mengele.

Bandiera Rossa

( O )( O )
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Ah, that wonderful ignore button is so sweet. No more having to watch an iinsane person go completely off the rails here.

Peace and quiet!
Ah, that wonderful ignore button is so sweet. No more having to watch an iinsane person go completely off the rails here.

Peace and quiet!
You can run but you can't hide.

That you accuse as insane an accomplished writer who formulates, over days at a time, articulate arguments about transgender reality supported by many people who recognize the dissonance between Literotica's exploitation of trans people in crude smut and its encouragement of lard asses like you to sound off with Auschwitz apologetics, says much more about general reality than about a piece of virus detritus like you.

You and the rest of the victims of the real TDS, i.e. the syndrome of derangement by DJT's Russian-subsidized propaganda, are leading America to an inevitable violent conflict between those of us who prize individual rights and autonomy and you slugs wallowing in your cheap fears.

I love my country. I fear the worst. I don't blame DJT. I blame you.

( O )( O )
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You can run but you can't hide.

That you accuse as insane an accomplished writer who formulates, over days at a time, articulate arguments about transgender reality supported by many people who recognize the dissonance between Literotica's exploitation of trans people in crude smut and its encouragement of lard asses like you to sound off with Auschwitz apologetics, says much more about general reality than about a piece of virus detritus like you.

You and the rest of the victims of the real TDS, i.e. the syndrome of derangement by DJT's Russian-subsidized propaganda, are leading America to an inevitable violent conflict between those of us who prize individual rights and autonomy and you slugs wallowing in your cheap fears.

I love my country. I fear the worst. I don't blame DJT. I blame you.

( O )( O )
You suffer from main character syndrome, you wordy fuck.

Nobody cares and nobody likes Trailer Trash either.
You suffer from main character syndrome, you wordy fuck.

Nobody cares and nobody likes Trailer Trash either.
I make an excellent living as a journalist and author. I am returning to poetry with great success. Because I am wordy and fucky. Literotica's lucky that I deign to contribute.

Is that a dog barking? A dog that shits on itself to have something to eat?

Oh. It's you. Please submit a concise statement explaining why I should care about your opinion? You're not even a Nazi. You're a wannabe human. A coward. A faggot. Stay in the closet and read 4chan.

( O )( O )
Straight razors, Nazi faggot maggot. I carry one in my cleavage. Because I am never safe even in LGBTQIA San Francisco.
You need a gun, comrade.

Scan the obituaries in Red States (or really the rural parts of any state), find a well-off old White man who croaked recently, call up his family and claim that you heard they had some guns for sale. You can get state-of-the art weaponry, often lightly used and well-maintained, show up with cash in hand with no record of purchase. You don't even have to deal with the gun stores or ask the pigs for permission.

That or something like that is how I got most of my guns, including a rather nice Argie FN-49 recently.

Good way to get a deal on used cars, too.
I make an excellent living as a journalist and author. I am returning to poetry with great success. Because I am wordy and fucky. Literotica's lucky that I deign to contribute.

Is that a dog barking? A dog that shits on itself to have something to eat?

Oh. It's you. Please submit a concise statement explaining why I should care about your opinion? You're not even a Nazi. You're a wannabe human. A coward. A faggot. Stay in the closet and read 4chan.

( O )( O )
You're funny, I like you. :)
I make an excellent living as a journalist and author. I am returning to poetry with great success. Because I am wordy and fucky. Literotica's lucky that I deign to contribute.

Is that a dog barking? A dog that shits on itself to have something to eat?

Oh. It's you. Please submit a concise statement explaining why I should care about your opinion? You're not even a Nazi. You're a wannabe human. A coward. A faggot. Stay in the closet and read 4chan.

( O )( O )
Wrong again. I told you already, nobody cares. You are a nobody. You're just another confused homo. :)
You're funny, I like you. :)
Thanks! I like you too.

I am gun savvy. I prefer handguns. My fave is the Steyr, which I learned in the Croatian war.

They're hard to find and get serviced here but once used to it I preferred it.

I once possessed a genuine Nagant that had been owned by a Polish Jewish Partisan to who I was related distantly. That gun had yichus.

As my friend Wat knows, and as my comments on Comrade Reinohl show, I am 2A @ntifa.

Before the Holocaust Jewish fathers had to teach their sons to swim. Now the requirement is instruction in shooting.

Just today I explained to a nice lady that while other sex worker groups organize classes in sewing we favor classes in shooting.

There's no self without self-defense.

Still, arms don't decide everything. Morale and leadership are crucial. In the civil war the Rebs were country boys who knew better how to shoot.

But America had Grant, Sherman. Sheridan. And Arlington was once Traitor Lee's plantation. And while slavery was a moral issue, saving the Union was what the war was about. A great cause capable of inspiring great leadership.

( O )( O )
Wrong again. I told you already, nobody cares. You are a nobody. You're just another confused homo. :)
Haven't you ever wondered what it's like to have an original thought, emojifaggot? I'm only confused about why Literotica exploits me while tolerating you. None of your Post Toasties interests anybody but you. And IRL Post Toasties are discontinued.

Of course the site is mainly for jerking off, so...

( O )( O )
As of August 2016, Post Toasties are listed as discontinued on the PostFoods web site. This includes flavors Frosted Flakes, O's, and Corn Flakes.

What the Hell, Frosted Flakes are discontinued?

That's... actually kind of a good thing. Most breakfast cereals are terribly unhealthy.
Haven't you ever wondered what it's like to have an original thought, emojifaggot? I'm only confused about why Literotica exploits me while tolerating you. None of your Post Toasties interests anybody but you. And IRL Post Toasties are discontinued.

Of course the site is mainly for jerking off, so...

( O )( O )
Exploits you? lmao

Get over yourself, shitwad.
Exploits you? lmao
Get over yourself, shitwad.
Bestselling authors don't get over ourselves.

Journalists who fuck up Russia and Saudi don't get over ourselves.

CIA consultants who save people in places like East Turkestan don't get over ourselves.

Women with luscious boobs don't get over ourselves.

People who generate interest on sites like this, where hundreds of posts respond to my wit and knowledge, don't get over ourselves.

Why do you keep doing this? I don't take advice from you. What is the point? Are you human or a Russ bot?

( O )( O )
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