Stunning betrayal: Biden must resign immediately if he greenlit Iran’s strike on Israel

Really? So explain this, genius:

Listen up. I was GOP from 1984 to 2016. I was a prominent communist in San Francisco when I was recruited to CIA. After 2001 I work for them and for Mossad. Everyone knows this who knows me. I worked with Iran, who armed Bosnia. Clinton approved.

I was brought up in the communist faith but I love my country and i hate Russia. They killed their best and would not have helped my family if we had been busted by the FBI.

I showed you several times on this site what I believe in:

Ronnie Maxwell, the director, was once a good friend. Taught me how to do a Hollywood résumé. Don't know about him now. He may not like my being a never trumper, or my being trans.

I did this video:

This was my journey:

You whine because folks were nasty to your pansy ass somewhere somehow? Bullshit. Russia pre-Putin told the real Communists where I live to leave me alone. Putin put me on a walker. Russia watches me now.

DJT has wrecked the party of Ike. To say nothing of Lincoln. I don't want libbrul fascism in a Dem one-party state. I don't want special treatment for trans.

This is me:

The only hope for this country is the German model: a Social Democratic party based on the unions; a strong conservative business party, and a social contract between them so we can produce things the world wants to buy. Plus an @ntifa party on the street and fascists tolerated so long as they stay in their fucking cellars, which is where Nazis like you belong.

You think it's ok to post about cutting my body? Fucking cutter; I fought FGM cutters in Iraqi Kurdistan. I defend male circumcision. But do not imagine anyone has the right to advocate cutting my breasts. My peaches aren't for you. Stay with wifey. She needs you.

I don't want to cut anybody unless I have to defend myself. But the communist youth taught me how to use a straight razor, and like sex or riding a bike, one doesn't forget.

I worked for Mitt in 2012. I would back any sane GOP candidate now: Liz Cheney, even Lindsay. But with eyes wide open. The GOP needs to become the Party of Rebuilding America. Otherwise it's dead.

And let me make this clear: if Joe abandons Ukraine or Israel, all bets are off. He won't.

But face facts, fool. The party of Reagan became the party of Putin. We need those Union workers who voted for DJT to open a new road.

In 1877 white workers attacked the Chinese in my city. The Chinese fought back. After two generations white and Asian workers stood side by side for Social Justice.

That's God's way.

You are a political ignoramus. You know nothing of liberals or Communists.

This was the American left. It can be reborn.

( O )( O )
Sure, sure...Yawn...
I never heard of you, don't know who you are, and frankly don't give a damn who you are.

All you are here is another keyboard commando.

I have stated repeatedly that I had hoped the republicans would find a better candidate. That hardly makes me a trumpite.
Really. Too mentally challenged to look up the posts about me? Or my Wikipedia page? I would prefer never to have heard of you, cutter.

It doesn't matter. You insulted every intersex and trans alive when you advocated cutting my body.

If you don't know who I am by now, you're dumber than I thought. Quit bluffing. Take your 400-lb ass and your blowup doll back to 4chan.

( O )( O )
Really. Too mentally challenged to look up the posts about me? Or my Wikipedia page? I would prefer never to have heard of you, cutter.

It doesn't matter. You insulted every intersex and trans alive when you advocated cutting my body.

If you don't know who I am by now, you're dumber than I thought. Quit bluffing. Take your 400-lb ass and your blowup doll back to 4chan.

( O )( O )
I didn't advocate anything, i simply asked why you didn't look into medical treatment.

Why would I care, lert alone know who you are?
If you spell cheques that way you aren't an American.
Really? People don't become American? I was born in Columbus, OH. I spelled the word that way just to trap your 400-lb pansy ass.

John Paul Jones was born in Britain. He's buried in Annapolis. You won't have heard of him. Look him up.


I win. BTB in the house. Go back to 4chan.

Nevertheless, I am merciful. Study and learn:

( O )( O )
The funny thing is, he won on this point. He threatened NATO and now they're all heading toward 2% GDP spending on defense.
Not funny. Not true. Ukraine compelled the budget hike. Do you try to play checkers with that mess between your ears? Don't.

( O )( O )
Well then you are a dumb fuck because the politics forum is not about sex. Hence the name POLITICS.
Wow! What a breakthrough! This disreputable forum is on a site called Literotica. You think people come to this site because they're tired of opeds in the WSJ?

I came to the site because of this:

It fulfilled my yearnings. I would have stayed with the stories but I noticed a discussion of Nazism that offended me grossly. I am a historian; you aren't. I replied with facts and my gender was immediately attacked by a posse of Nazi cross dressers, who had turned the site into a Hitler cult club.

Everything would have been fine except that the Nazi CDs attacked my gender just as you do, cutter.

So the bitch responded. Rather politely when one looks at it.

Once I realized that Literotica was exploiting my community while fostering Nazi transphobia such as you represent, I had no choice.

Mama raised me to hate Nazis. To some that's a disability. Sorry, cutter. You don't get near my peaches. Make do with the blowup doll.

( O )( O )
Wow! What a breakthrough! This disreputable forum is on a site called Literotica. You think people come to this site because they're tired of opeds in the WSJ?

I came to the site because of this:

It fulfilled my yearnings. I would have stayed with the stories but I noticed a discussion of Nazism that offended me grossly. I am a historian; you aren't. I replied with facts and my gender was immediately attacked by a posse of Nazi cross dressers, who had turned the site into a Hitler cult club.

Everything would have been fine except that the Nazi CDs attacked my gender just as you do, cutter.

So the bitch responded. Rather politely when one looks at it.

Once I realized that Literotica was exploiting my community while fostering Nazi transphobia such as you represent, I had no choice.

Mama raised me to hate Nazis. To some that's a disability. Sorry, cutter. You don't get near my peaches. Make do with the blowup doll.

( O )( O )
I never attacked your gender you lying psycho. So unless you can quote me doing it you are nothing more than a Joseph Goebbels propagandist liar.

Don't flatter yourself by thinking I want to be any closer to you than the internet. Because there is no way in Hell that I do.
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I never attacked your gender you lying psycho. So unless you can quote me doing it you are nothing more than a Joseph Goebbels propagandist liar.

Don't flatter yourself by thinking I want to be any closer to you than the internet. Because there is no way in Hell tha
I never attacked your gender you lying psycho. So unless you can quote me doing it you are nothing more than a Joseph Goebbels propagandist liar.

Don't flatter yourself by thinking I want to be any closer to you than the internet. Because there is no way in Hell that I do.
You suggested that my gynecomastia warranted cutting of my body. You will never touch my lovely persimmons.

You are a cutter just like the hags with rusty scissors in Kurdistan. If you were there you would be arrested and deported to Syria forthwith.

You might get your ass kicked. By righteous women who are tired of seeing their daughters mutilated and who praise GWB for liberating them and giving activists like me the power to arm them. We eradicated FGM in Iraqi Kurdistan while you were playing GTA.

You defend DJT who attacks U.S. intervention around the world. U.S. troops protect women in many countries. You are an enemy of America. An enemy of all women. A cutter. Just like in Kurdistan except there, just as on the street or in another public place here, you would keep your mouth shut.

How's wifey? Got a video cam set up to record your date with a transwoman? Of course wifey being a blowup doll you'll need your alt, Phillatio, to hold the camera. With one hand. Obviously.

See, I learn. You don't. You are addicted to running your mouth like a teenager.

You're worse than Göbbels. You're Mengele. Göbbels just made speeches. Mengele cut people up. Like you want done to me.

I'm the White Rose.

You spread Nazism. I fight fascism. I fight in the street with a bad right leg inflicted on me in ex-Yugoslavia. Where I went to fight fascism.

Hilarious the way you now protest about not wanting to be near me. Finally, a smart move. Your surrender is appreciated. As is your snivelling admission that you do this with the protection afforded your 400-lb ass by the internet.

Damn right I'm a propagandist, and a damned good one. The Russians trained me well. CIA welcomed me for just that reason. I helped bring down the Russ dictatorship. I defend Ukraine. I have a woman's heart and a mind that only men are allowed to possess in this wretched society. I'm new. I'm a mutation. Read Darwin.

Be well. Taco Bell™ is open 24 hrs. Go get a dozen burritos. That'll make you feel better. Even if you'll never be American. Even if you put your foot in it messing with me.

( O )( O )
I didn't advocate anything, i simply asked why you didn't look into medical treatment.

Why would I care, lert alone know who you are?
I was a child, you ridiculous scarecrow. I didn't know why doctors were probing me and asking questions for which I had no answers. I was misdiagnosed and prescribed pharma that had bad effects which still persist.

By the time I understood my body I was incredibly proud of of my boobies. I loved putting bras on. I didn't understand what men wanted from me so I decided to hide my upper body. And I became successful beyond imagining, certainly compared to a hardcore deplorable like you.

I appreciate you for this. I have issues with the intersex label because baboons like you 'think' in your simian fashion it means being born with two sets of bottom organs. It doesn't.

( O )( O )
You suggested that my gynecomastia warranted cutting of my body. You will never touch my lovely persimmons.

You are a cutter just like the hags with rusty scissors in Kurdistan. If you were there you would be arrested and deported to Syria forthwith.

You might get your ass kicked. By righteous women who are tired of seeing their daughters mutilated and who praise GWB for liberating them and giving activists like me the power to arm them. We eradicated FGM in Iraqi Kurdistan while you were playing GTA.

You defend DJT who attacks U.S. intervention around the world. U.S. troops protect women in many countries. You are an enemy of America. An enemy of all women. A cutter. Just like in Kurdistan except there, just as on the street or in another public place here, you would keep your mouth shut.

How's wifey? Got a video cam set up to record your date with a transwoman? Of course wifey being a blowup doll you'll need your alt, Phillatio, to hold the camera. With one hand. Obviously.

See, I learn. You don't. You are addicted to running your mouth like a teenager.

You're worse than Göbbels. You're Mengele. Göbbels just made speeches. Mengele cut people up. Like you want done to me.

I'm the White Rose.

You spread Nazism. I fight fascism. I fight in the street with a bad right leg inflicted on me in ex-Yugoslavia. Where I went to fight fascism.

Hilarious the way you now protest about not wanting to be near me. Finally, a smart move. Your surrender is appreciated. As is your snivelling admission that you do this with the protection afforded your 400-lb ass by the internet.

Damn right I'm a propagandist, and a damned good one. The Russians trained me well. CIA welcomed me for just that reason. I helped bring down the Russ dictatorship. I defend Ukraine. I have a woman's heart and a mind that only men are allowed to possess in this wretched society. I'm new. I'm a mutation. Read Darwin.

Be well. Taco Bell™ is open 24 hrs. Go get a dozen burritos. That'll make you feel better. Even if you'll never be American. Even if you put your foot in it messing with me.

( O )( O )
I never suggested you do anything. I said your ailment was treatable. Period. You choose not to treat it and now it is your martyr flag you wave proudly. Good for you. I couldn't care less. Frankly if you hadn't mentioned it: 1) I would never have known, 2) I would never have cared.

You are boring and repetitive. To me that makes you a lackluster person to banter with.
I was a child, you ridiculous scarecrow. I didn't know why doctors were probing me and asking questions for which I had no answers. I was misdiagnosed and prescribed pharma that had bad effects which still persist.

By the time I understood my body I was incredibly proud of of my boobies. I loved putting bras on. I didn't understand what men wanted from me so I decided to hide my upper body. And I became successful beyond imagining, certainly compared to a hardcore deplorable like you.

I appreciate you for this. I have issues with the intersex label because baboons like you 'think' in your simian fashion it means being born with two sets of bottom organs. It doesn't.

( O )( O )
Yawn...More boring mindless rants.

This has long passed being fun. Keep yapping. I'm done with your lunacy.
Yo TrailerTrashBitch:

This is not intended as banter or fun. Consider it a mindful rant.

You are very, very dangerously, criminally stupid, Mengele. Literotica is equally criminal in tolerating your Nazi propaganda.

1. Gynecomastia is not an ailment. It causes no health problems of any kind. Chafing of my underboobs is an irritation resolved by body creams and, in case of skin breaks from wearing my bra too tightly is best treated with ginseng cream.

2. No treatment of gynecomastia is necessary or recommended by health professionals today.

3. Gynecomastia was considered a problem in the dark centuries when Nazi-style inquisitors viewed it as a mark of Satan. It is only a problem to you and other yahoos and "humans," portrayed here, who consider it a problem.

I was born between male and female. You live as a canine monstrosity in a human body. That's life.

Most humans would prefer to be me. I get to play with my luscious persimmons. I don't have to accept being limited to playing with "my" former penis. I get to wear pretty bras and bustiers.

They are firm and perky and I can use them to point to things and people. Try that with a dick -- you'll go to jail or a mental hospital where you belong.

I can paint pictures and do calligraphy or graffiti by dipping them in Japanese ink. I can use them similarly to endorse cheques.

I have developed the concept of nipple/aureole identification software as an alternative to the use of thumbprints.

Men desire me. Women love me. I can smear my nipples and aureoles with fish oil and do kitty porn. The rough tongue of a Siamese cat on my boobies is divine. If I lactate, which is quite possible, I can try to nurse kittens. More interesting than Kierkegaard, Heidegger, Lacan, and Beckett all at once.

4. Not one post to Literotica by me indicated an attitude of martyrdom by me about my gynecomastia or any other aspect of my trans physicality. I object to personal harassment l undergo about these issues. I was afraid of my father's rage. I was not martyred. I left home and lived quite well without any help from him.

At the end of 25 years of silence between us, he was driven to suicide by the harassment of SF wannabe Stalinists who knew that if they messed with me they would get hurt very, very badly. Either by me or by union workers who were extremely irritable about negativity towards me, and now by Sicilians in my hood. His legacy to me consisted of a cashmere scarf filled with moth holes.

I suffered then because Mom had been left alone. That's all.

I am known to keep a straight razor in my cleavage and a small canister of Mace™ in my booty crack. Surprise! The look on the face of a hooligan of your ilk when the steel blade appears is better than sex.

Dad had mental issues connected with a tough upbringing and his participation in the bombing of Hiroshima. His condition was not helped by having a wife, my mom, who was a Soviet spy. I know my condition bothered him. I don't talk about specifics though I write about them. Recovered memories are hazardous.


The point here, Chester, is that you have no sense of common decency. If your mom dips shnus in front of people, you won't be thrilled if one of your butthead pals tries to make it about her failure to get her GED. Similarly, and this applies across Literotica, disagreeing with my politics or resenting my considerable stature as a public intello does not imply a right to label me a cross dresser or to discuss cutting my body.

As I have tried to explain to you, onager, talking in any manner except admiringly about the bodies of transwomen is in the same class as yelling the n-word. Don't do it. Don't even think of doing it.

Did you notice how everyone else on this thread fell silent as I commenced disciplining you? I can imagine the sharp intake of breath in the group when you proposed cutting my body. Even among those who dislike me, the sentiment had to be along these lines: "Fetch the popcorn, Mabel, this'll be a good one."

I refuse to let the ignorance you represent continue to shed the blood of my sisters. Welcome to Iraqi Kurdistan, cutter. You won't do well here.

Music I listened to while writing this:

"The time has come
To say fair's fair
To paint my nails
And bleach my hair
The time has come
A fact's a fact
My body's mine
I'm gonna take it back!"

Intersex and trans folk are angels. We will not be portrayed in any other light. The Revolution has already begun.

( O )( O )
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Yawn...More boring mindless rants.

This has long passed being fun. Keep yapping. I'm done with your lunacy.
You yawn a lot, Chester. Out all night hunting transwomen to harass?

Of course not.

But "If you're tired, then go take a nap."


Lunacy means moon worship. I plead guilty. But look into this classic:

From Moon Goddesses to Virgins: The Colonization of Yucatecan Maya Sexual Desire

Consider this a chance to be smart like me.

( O )( O )
I, too, wish the Republicans had a better candidate. Frankly, I wish the Democrats had a better candidate as well. As it is, Biden is (by far) the lesser of two evils.

But I need to remind you people of two things. Prior to 2017, the U.S. had a peace treaty with Iran. It was the previous administration (NOT Joe Biden as some would imagine) who backed out of that treaty. And now the world, and the Middle East in particular, is a much, much more dangerous place as a result. Meanwhile, the previous administration also stirred up tensions in Israel when he declared Jerusalem the capital and moved the U.S. embassy there. This only stoked the fires of the ongoing Hamas-Israel conflict.

And again, I will remind you, this was NOT Joe Biden's doing. Joe Biden has spent the better part of 4 years trying to clean up the damage caused by the previous administration, and with mixed success. But had the results of the 2016 election gone differently, things in the Middle East likely would be a lot less dangerous.
Chocky milk isn't made out of chalk and the dangerousness of things in the ME isn't much affected by internal American politics. It was, it is, it will be.

( O )( O )
Yo TrailerTrashBitch:

This is not intended as banter or fun. Consider it a mindful rant.

You are very, very dangerously, criminally stupid, Mengele. Literotica is equally criminal in tolerating your Nazi propaganda.

1. Gynecomastia is not an ailment. It causes no health problems of any kind. Chafing of my underboobs is an irritation resolved by body creams and, in case of skin breaks from wearing my bra too tightly is best treated with ginseng cream.

2. No treatment of gynecomastia is necessary or recommended by health professionals today.

3. Gynecomastia was considered a problem in the dark centuries when Nazi-style inquisitors viewed it as a mark of Satan. It is only a problem to you and other yahoos and "humans," portrayed here, who consider it a problem.

I was born between male and female. You live as a canine monstrosity in a human body. That's life.

Most humans would prefer to be me. I get to play with my luscious persimmons. I don't have to accept being limited to playing with "my" former penis. I get to wear pretty bras and bustiers.

They are firm and perky and I can use them to point to things and people. Try that with a dick -- you'll go to jail or a mental hospital where you belong.

I can paint pictures and do calligraphy or graffiti by dipping them in Japanese ink. I can use them similarly to endorse cheques.

I have developed the concept of nipple/aureole identification software as an alternative to the use of thumbprints.

Men desire me. Women love me. I can smear my nipples and aureoles with fish oil and do kitty porn. The rough tongue of a Siamese cat on my boobies is divine. If I lactate, which is quite possible, I can try to nurse kittens. More interesting than Kierkegaard, Heidegger, Lacan, and Beckett all at once.

4. Not one post to Literotica by me indicated an attitude of martyrdom by me about my gynecomastia or any other aspect of my trans physicality. I object to personal harassment l undergo about these issues. I was afraid of my father's rage. I was not martyred. I left home and lived quite well without any help from him.

At the end of 25 years of silence between us, he was driven to suicide by the harassment of SF wannabe Stalinists who knew that if they messed with me they would get hurt very, very badly. Either by me or by union workers who were extremely irritable about negativity towards me, and now by Sicilians in my hood. His legacy to me consisted of a cashmere scarf filled with moth holes.

I suffered then because Mom had been left alone. That's all.

I am known to keep a straight razor in my cleavage and a small canister of Mace™ in my booty crack. Surprise! The look on the face of a hooligan of your ilk when the steel blade appears is better than sex.

Dad had mental issues connected with a tough upbringing and his participation in the bombing of Hiroshima. His condition was not helped by having a wife, my mom, who was a Soviet spy. I know my condition bothered him. I don't talk about specifics though I write about them. Recovered memories are hazardous.


The point here, Chester, is that you have no sense of common decency. If your mom dips shnus in front of people, you won't be thrilled if one of your butthead pals tries to make it about her failure to get her GED. Similarly, and this applies across Literotica, disagreeing with my politics or resenting my considerable stature as a public intello does not imply a right to label me a cross dresser or to discuss cutting my body.

As I have tried to explain to you, onager, talking in any manner except admiringly about the bodies of transwomen is in the same class as yelling the n-word. Don't do it. Don't even think of doing it.

Did you notice how everyone else on this thread fell silent as I commenced disciplining you? I can imagine the sharp intake of breath in the group when you proposed cutting my body. Even among those who dislike me, the sentiment had to be along these lines: "Fetch the popcorn, Mabel, this'll be a good one."

I refuse to let the ignorance you represent continue to shed the blood of my sisters. Welcome to Iraqi Kurdistan, cutter. You won't do well here.

Music I listened to while writing this:

"The time has come
To say fair's fair
To paint my nails
And bleach my hair
The time has come
A fact's a fact
My body's mine
I'm gonna take it back!"

Intersex and trans folk are angels. We will not be portrayed in any other light. The Revolution has already begun.

( O )( O )
Another repetitive rant that I didn't read. You are a ridiculous lying waste of breathable air.
You yawn a lot, Chester. Out all night hunting transwomen to harass?

Of course not.

But "If you're tired, then go take a nap."


Lunacy means moon worship. I plead guilty. But look into this classic:

From Moon Goddesses to Virgins: The Colonization of Yucatecan Maya Sexual Desire

Consider this a chance to be smart like me.

( O )( O )
All I see when you type...Blah blah blah blah blah