Subs - a toy or a pet?

Subs - a toy or a pet?

  • Toy

    Votes: 11 30.6%
  • Pet

    Votes: 27 75.0%

  • Total voters
evilernie said:
Whew.. a lot of activity since I last checked.

First, please allow me to thank everybody that participated. Second, allow me to apologize of creating a little bit of confusion. I think the terms are not appropriate for what I intended them to mean.

Pet - trained, cared for and loved
Toy - used, abused and discarded
You still don't understand the terms. Your definition of pet also defines a revered toy in many cases.

Not many Dom/mes are willing to put the time and effort into training a throwaway submissive. Those that do aren't worth a grain of salt.
Arden said:
You still don't understand the terms. Your definition of pet also defines a revered toy in many cases.

Not many Dom/mes are willing to put the time and effort into training a throwaway submissive. Those that do aren't worth a grain of salt.

True all my kidding aside I'd need a thesaurus to truly descibe what my ladies truly mean to me.
I don't know about cherish, that's such a marital type word, as applied to TOY.

However, I don't throw out my favorite toys. Just ask my wahl coil vibrator. Or my fiance. :devil:
I feel loved and cherished as a toy but am a pet or whatever He chooses me to be, whenever He chooses. I don't feel as though i am easily discarded or just used so; as His, i serve His needs and wants and if He wants me as a pet or He wants me as a toy or He just wants to toy with me as a pet i am happy in that i am bringing Him pleasure. I am His precious toy but being precious means something of value to me and i feel loved as such so maybe the rules or definitions are different for some.
I can not really claim to have much experience with this, but in my experience, toys and pets both have value. Who really uses a toy of any kind just once and then throws it away, unless it is defective? And even then, you usually take it back for a refund.

Seriously, though... based on my own thoughts, and what has been expressed by others, I don't really think that your comparison is one that we can really validate. As others have stated, sometimes I am a toy, sometimes I am a pet. Nothing that you put any effort into is truly disposable, IMO.

If you spend time training and fretting over something, you are putting something of yourself into it, and receiving something of it in return. This is the same for model airplanes, ships in bottles, and hyperactive puppies or subs. Even if you throw the item away, it will always be with you in memory... and you will find yourself thinking of it at odd times.

Unless you are talking about a one night stand with a person picked up in a bar whose name you didn't bother to get, how can you really have a disposable relationship?

Ok, sorry, ramble over. Just my opinions, poorly stated as they may be.