Survivor Contest...

# of categories

as listed in the scoring for "survivor 2002"

Anal, BDSM, Celebrities, Chain Stories, Erotic Couplings, Erotic Essays and Reviews, Exhibition & Voyeur, Fetish, First Times, Gay Male, Group Sex, How To, Humor & Satire, Illustrated, Incest, Interracial Love, Lesbian Sex, Loving Wives, Mature, Mind Control, Non-Consent, Non-English, Non-Erotic, Non-Human, Novels & Novellas, Romance, Sci-fi & Fantasy, Stories With Audio, Toys, Transexuals and Crossdressers, Erotic Poetry, Non-Erotic Poetry, and Illustrated Poetry.

which makes 33...

Another idea I have is to make cap the max points of "non-english" since it is not a new story - maybe make it 8 pts like the poetry submissions.

Re: # of categories

Chicklet said:

Another idea I have is to make cap the max points of "non-english" since it is not a new story - maybe make it 8 pts like the poetry submissions.


I GET the message...
Svenskaflicka said:
OK, how about this then... every year, the winner of the Literotica Survivor Contest is offered the role as moderator, and then she or he can accept or decline the offer.

There. Better?

I say knife fight.

I don't think poetry is "easy". In fact, I've only ever written it when someone comes to me. I don't try to "force" it out or anything.

so, uhm, think I should start a new scoring thread for this year before or after the old score board is taken off Sticky?

I'd say if you know what you want to say in the 2003 Contest thread, go ahead and write it up and see if Laurel will sticky it.
You'll have to wait until you've been appointed the contest moderator rather than just assuming the title. That comes down from Laurelina herself, not from you and not from me.

There is more involved in moderatorship than actually moderating the contest. Just because one has won the contest or because one wants to be the moderator doesn't mean one will get the job.

So, how about this, we wait until the winner is announced. I will start the next discussion thread about the contest to get the rules hashed out and moderator candidates can put in their desire to be moderator. Then Laurel can pick a moderator. And then the moderator can actually start the thread.
Oh, dear, I think I'm going to have to just an American, I only know one language well enough to write in it.
SlickTony said:
Oh, dear, I think I'm going to have to just an American, I only know one language well enough to write in it.


as another painfully ignorant American, I too only know one language well enough to write in; bad english. ha ha ha okay corny joke over.

Tony, I only know one language, but I got 5 non-english stories last year. People are more than willing to help you out.

plus, if you play, you might get an immunity and not have to worry about it at all.

I figure, at least start the scoring thread; you don't have to even add to it.

but I got 5 non-english stories last year. People are more than willing to help you out.

You mean folks will act as translators around here?
Have you read any of my stuff, and how do you think it would translate? I believe I mentioned that my family is Swedish on my dad's side--it would be a trip to see something I'd written in Swedish, even though in my family we're at least two generations away from being able to read it.

FTR, while we were in Pittsburgh, my daughter took us to visit IKEA for the first time, where we had lunch in the restaurant. They have a suggestion box in the store, and I took one of their forms and wrote on it, "Open up a store in Jacksonville." I have no idea if they'll listen to me. There isn't even one in all of Florida! O poor benighted state!

As soon as I get rid of the brown Death Chair in the living room, I think I'm going to buy a Poang chair on line.
I can't believe how much bickering is going on already over this *fun* sport!

Shake hands now, and come out writing!
Chicklet said:

poetry is easy so it's hardly even a problem = )
Poetry is much harder than stories.
At least, if you put any effort into crafting a poem and not just a glop of words all stuck together.

And no, that's no directed at anyone, so please don't be offended. I just hate the suggestion that it's such a breeze.

sorry - i guess it's just cause i had so much fun with the haiku's - did them at work = )

Survivor 2003

Okay the discussion thread is up! Let's get all the rules straightened out so we can start the scoring thread asap! (after all, we'll be wanting those immunity drawings as soon as we can get them, right?)

2003 Survivor Discussion

I just hate the suggestion that it's such a breeze.

It [poesy] comes easier when you're a certain age--poetry seems like a youthful excresence, like excess facial oil, or zits--when you get older it tends to go away. If you have any real talent for the stuff, some of it will stay.

Also, remember what Don Marquis said: publishing a book of poetry is like dropping a feather into the Grand Canyon and waiting for the echo.
SlickTony said:
Have you read any of my stuff, and how do you think it would translate? I believe I mentioned that my family is Swedish on my dad's side--it would be a trip to see something I'd written in Swedish, even though in my family we're at least two generations away from being able to read it.

En svenne-ättling!!!

Actually, I can't remember if I have read anything you have written yet, but I'll look into them, and get back to you, OK?