Survivor FAQ: Surviving the Confusion

This is what KM said about the first immunity drawing in the *Immunities* thread.

The first immunity drawing will be 1/21/2004, drawing #843. Results for drawing #841 will not apply to immunities.
CrimsonMaiden said:
We don't put the stories or poems on our score card until they have actually been accepted and posted, correct?

Correct. The stories that haven't been posted always have a chance of rejection for some reason. Additionally, there is simply no way for me to verify that they exist. Not that anyone would necessarily cheat, of course, but we have to make sure it's as above board as possible.
CrimsonMaiden said:
I take it we aren't posting our scorecards for all to see like contestants did last year?

No, everyone gets their own thread this year. It's the first time we've done it this way, so we'll have a few bugs to work out, no doubt. It was a pain to scroll through everyone's post on one thread, but it's easy to bookmark a thread and come back to it with a few mouse clicks. At least, that's the theory behind the madness.
Re: Help

niyah2 said:
I will be notified by PM of the points i get per entry?

No. It's the player's job to keep track of their own scores. The points system works like this:
  • 3 points for the first story or poem in any category
  • 1 point for each additional story or poem in any category
  • 2 points for an immunity in any category and the category is closed to further point.
  • You may only count points on ten poems in any poetry category for a maximum of 12 points.
There are bonus points awarded for reaching certain levels.
  • 5 points for posting 10 stories or poems in any category (one time only)
  • 5 points for posting in 10 categories (immunities included)
  • 10 points for posting in 20 categories (immunities included)
  • 15 points for posting in 30 categories (immunities included)
  • 30 pointes for posting in all categories (immunities included)

There are no points awarded for H's, E's, or W's.
Re: Help

niyah2 said:
On the immunity I have until the following Tuesday to get it posted to the category?

Right! You have until Midnight between Tuesday and Wednesday GMT (that's in London) immediately after you've won the immunity, to pick a category and post the immunity to it. If you don't post the immunity by then, you lose it.
Re: Other Contests

Boxlicker101 said:
I believe I read something to the effect that if a story is entered into a contest, such as the holiday contest, it is not eligible to be included among my stories in the survivor contest. Is this so?

Not at all! Stories that have won awards, H's, E's, or anything else here are still eligible. You just can't take a story from the previous Survivor contest and use it in this year's contest.

We're just going to be happy for you for winning an award.
razor_nut said:
Do immunities count towards your total categories for the 5,10,20 etc. point bonuses?

Yes! Immunities are treated just like first-in-category stories for bonus purposes.

The only difference is that an immunity is worth one less point and you may not enter any stories in that category into the contest. You can still post 'em at Lit if you want to, though.
Elizabetht said:
How do we request a specific number for the entire year if we didn't do it when we posted to the other thread?

Go to the monthly immunity thread and post a request for a rollover of your number. Even if the moderator flubs and misses you, this posted request for a rollover will guarantee you that rollover until you post otherwise. It only counts if you post it in an official immunity thread, though.
Elizabetht said:
How are we supposed to figure out WHICH lottery thingie is the one we have to pay attention to, to figure out which number won for the immunity for that week?

The lottery numbers to pay attention to are the biggest balls at the top of the Mersey World page. The first post in the monthly immunity thread will be edited to show the appropriate immunity numbers.
How do I know if the story I sent is the first in that catergory for the contest? Do I just assume that it's not and tally up the obvious points?

As long as it's the first story you've submitted in the category this year, it's the first for the contest for you. It doesn't matter if anyone else has posted stuff in those categories or not. The contest is to see how many stories and categories you can flood the site with, not who does it first.

So, the first story you post in a category gets three points, always.
At the end of the year when all the points are tallied up, are we to give a scorecard (this could be easily cheated at so I'm assuming there's a more secure method, but this means the scorecard is purely used as a tracking device for ourselves and ourselves only, plus competetive people who want to look)?

This is done by legwork. I use your scorecard to compare your story list at the end of the year. I'll be doing it through the year for those who update their scorecards often. Your scorecard isn't just for you, it's the official method we use to determine the winner. We will not start the tallying until 1/5/2005, so you don't have to track as you go. It's sometimes easier that way, though. So, no, the scorecard isn't just for your convenience, it's the official method of determining the winner of the contest.
Okay this one is less about the contest and more about story categories. In the FAQ there's a small section saying stories are put where they best fit, but otherwise it doesn't detail what fits in categories, etc.

So here's my situation. I have an idea for a series around one character. The individual stories would be progressive, but not directly linked like chapters of a single book.
Would these be put all under novels/novellas or seperately as each story is apropriate(coupling, group sex, masturbation, etc.)

And lastly, for the first story in this series, the main character has sex with someone on stage during a play. They are hidden behind scenery, but it's very possible they could be caught or heard on the stage mikes, and this adds to their arousal/drive. Would that be considered exhibitionism/voyeurism?

Thanks and do please forgive my intense newbism. :eek: :(
So, I know we get 5 bonus points if we write 10 stories within any one category, but do we get an additional 5 points if we reach 20 stories in that category?
InsatiableMe said:
So, I know we get 5 bonus points if we write 10 stories within any one category, but do we get an additional 5 points if we reach 20 stories in that category?

No. For 2004, you only get the bonus once per category.
razor_nut said:
So here's my situation. I have an idea for a series around one character. The individual stories would be progressive, but not directly linked like chapters of a single book.
Would these be put all under novels/novellas or seperately as each story is apropriate(coupling, group sex, masturbation, etc.)

You can do it either way, depending on the content. Most people stick them all under Novels/novellas so that they all stay clumped in one category. If you feel comfortable putting the separate chapters in different categories, Literotica currently has no rule against doing so.

razor_nut said:
And lastly, for the first story in this series, the main character has sex with someone on stage during a play. They are hidden behind scenery, but it's very possible they could be caught or heard on the stage mikes, and this adds to their arousal/drive. Would that be considered exhibitionism/voyeurism?

Generally, any story where public sexuality is a driving theme belongs in Exhibition and Voyeur. If the story is mostly just about two people having sex and the fear of discovery isn't that prominent, try Erotic Couplings.
Question about scorecards

I have noticed that there are only a few scorecards visible now.... I in my confusion cannot find where I would be able to click to see more of the score cards... can someone help or are the cards gone?
Re: Question about scorecards

Elizabetht said:
I have noticed that there are only a few scorecards visible now.... I in my confusion cannot find where I would be able to click to see more of the score cards... can someone help or are the cards gone?

Hi, Elizabeth.
I think all you have to do is click on the name you want to check to get the most up to date posting on the scorecard. There might be some people being sneaky and keeping their scorecards on a HD or who are waiting for December to enter everything in the last few days or something else tricky, but there is not much to say about finding the scores of those people. I know my scorecard is right up to date and includes everything that I have posted to date.
okay... what I mean though is I only see 12 of the 30 or so that are playing... meaning in the forum itself not that people are not filling them off.

Its like they have fallen off the end of the page...
like on the bottom of the author's forum page... it says page 1,2,3...6

it says page one of 6... but on the bottom of our forum it just stops
Elizabetht said:
like on the bottom of the author's forum page... it says page 1,2,3...6

it says page one of 6... but on the bottom of our forum it just stops

That's strange. I just went to Survivor Contest forum and then to Scoreboard and the first post there is from KM and has about fifty names.
That is because Box I am an idiot. I finally figured out what you were talking about.


Thank you.
I think Elizabeth means each individual score card and not the scoreboard.

Elizabeth, at the bottom of the screen on the page that shows the threads, you will see an option that says... show post from... and then you choose. If it's set to last 30 days, you aren't gonna see alot of the scorecards because edits don't count for dates of posts. If you'll change that to say from the beginning, the other pages will show up. You might have to change the option each time. I know it reverts back to 30 days on mine.

Hope that helps!
CrimsonMaiden said:
I think Elizabeth means each individual score card and not the scoreboard.

Elizabeth, at the bottom of the screen on the page that shows the threads, you will see an option that says... show post from... and then you choose. If it's set to last 30 days, you aren't gonna see alot of the scorecards because edits don't count for dates of posts. If you'll change that to say from the beginning, the other pages will show up. You might have to change the option each time. I know it reverts back to 30 days on mine.

Hope that helps!

If you go to the Scoreboard post, there will be a long list of names and to see anybody's individual score, click on that name. That seems easier than going to a lot of individual threads. I just did and I see that CM has 122 points posted and Elizabeth has 90 and I have 50. It's early, though.
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Clarification please

When we hit ten categories we get a bonus of 5 points
When whe hit twenty categories we get a bonis of 10 points

does this mean that when we have hit twenty categories our total bonus is 15 points?

Thanks for the help