Svenskaflicka, if you intend to PM people

Re: Re: Re: Pussy leavings

MathGirl said:
Oh, that's too bad. Here, they only get diarrhea. My pussy takes it somewhere else. Makes for tense relationships with the neighbors.

By the way, I wouldn't even attempt to pronounce that phrase you challenged me with.

I can imagine.

I refuse to let my pussy get anywhere NEAR the cat's dirrho...darrhi...
Cat's .....

"I thought Cats was a musical," he said, desperately trying to change the truly awful tenor of this thread.

Bearer of the Silver Rose

When confronted by a difficult problem, you can solve it more easily by reducing it to the question, "How would the Lone Ranger handle this?"

There's NOTHING more disgusting than a Siamese cat in heat. Well, with the possible exception of me.
Svenska in heat

Svenskaflicka said:
:catroar: :catroar: :catroar:

Dear Svenska,

You seem to go through this periodically. I know the feeling. I have to wait five months ....... in between. I don't sit down on the carpet, drag my bottom along, and howl, though. At least not often. Well ..... only in private.
Dragging my bottom across the floor wouldn't help me much. I'm not too keen about anal sex.

Yes, I get this periodically. My hubby lives in another country, so we don't get to see each other very often. In the 1+ year that we've been together, we've only met 5 times.:(
What a drag

Svenskaflicka said:
Dragging my bottom across the floor wouldn't help me much. I'm not too keen about anal sex.

When I mentioned the dragging it across the carpet and howling, I was refering to a Siamese cat in heat. Might be worth a try, though.
Yes, I get this periodically. My hubby lives in another country, so we don't get to see each other very often. In the 1+ year that we've been together, we've only met 5 times.

Unless you've told it ten zillion times and everybody else knows about it, what's up with that? What precludes him staying with you or you coming to him? Are y'all's respective immigration services kicking up nasty? Just curious, that's all.

When I was a kid, my family raised Siamese cats, so I remember what a totally amazing loudmouthed hornpuss a Siamese queen can be. We also happened to have the stud, so they got down to it all over the house. It's amazing I wasn't warped for life...hey, maybe I was! :p
SlickTony said:
Unless you've told it ten zillion times and everybody else knows about it, what's up with that? What precludes him staying with you or you coming to him? Are y'all's respective immigration services kicking up nasty? Just curious, that's all.

Well, immigration offices in Sweden are a nightmare - especially after Schengen! It has even happend that black Swedes have been stopped from re-entering Sweden after trips abroad, just because they don't look Swerdish enough, so the costums don't trust their passports!:mad:

But the biggest problem is, as always, money. I'm broke. I've got about $50 to live on for the rest of this month. There's no way in he...aven, that I can save enough money to go to be with him. He visits me whenever he can get free from work for more than just a weekend. This summer, he's going to buy me a ticket so I can go to visit him, I've never been to the US. I don't mind him payinge xpensive tickets to come to see me, and I'm grateful that he pays for me to come to him, but at the same time, I wish that I could have payed for my own ticket. It's a pride thing.

So why don't we move in together and skip the flying across the Atlantic Ocean, you say? Well, we're not sure where to live. He likes the political and social system of Sweden, but it's not easy for him to get as good a job here as he has in the US. I'm not sure I'd be happy in the US, because it's so much different than Sweden. Some ways good, some ways bad.
Maybe we'll find a compromise and move to England. Atleast it's Europe.
I'm not sure I'd be happy in the US, because it's so much different than Sweden.

Thanks for satisfying my curiosity. Bear in mind that America is a big, big country--really, you can find any kind of culture or community you like if you just know where to look. There are large parts of it, mostly in the middle, that contain large concentrations of people of Swedish descent, in fact.

I hope it will fall out that eventually you can be together. These long distance marriages are hard to maintain, I've always heard.

Oh, and another question--I presume that "black Swede" means Swedes with dark hair, such as my dad was (before it all went polar bear white, that is)?
SlickTony said:
Oh, and another question--I presume that "black Swede" means Swedes with dark hair, such as my dad was (before it all went polar bear white, that is)?

No, a black Swede is a black Swedish person. Like, an African immigrant who's got Swedish citizenship.
OK, then, it's got two meanings. Because I used to hear the meaning I posited when I was coming up. Remember, I've got quite a few years on you :) It's also applied to people of Celtic heritage--black Scot, or black Irish, meaning a person of that ethnicity with dark hair, and possibly olive skin, said to be a sign of a Spaniard or a Saracen that found its way into the mix.

It's interesting to ponder how in the world black people find their way into Sweden..I mean, there's the peace and the civility, far more certain and predictable than anything they're going to get in Africa--I don't imagine that anyone, for instance, has been hacked up with a machete in Sweden within living memory--on the other hand, there are the long periods without true sunshine, the temperatures, and having to wrap one's tongue around the Swedish language.

I wonder what the stories are. Was it the pull of a civilized country, in which Socialism seems to work as well as it's going to work anywhere? Someone they loved? Jobs?

The great Swedish heavyweight champion Ingemar Johansson once met a black man. After he regained consciousness, he was quoted as saying, "Yumpin Yimminy! Vot dat shvartzer hit me wit?"
Re: Quote

MathGirl said:
The great Swedish heavyweight champion Ingemar Johansson once met a black man. After he regained consciousness, he was quoted as saying, "Yumpin Yimminy! Vot dat shvartzer hit me wit?"

If it had been anyone else than a professional boxer saying that, I would have wondered why he mixed two languages in the same sentence...
SlickTony said:
I wonder what the stories are. Was it the pull of a civilized country, in which Socialism seems to work as well as it's going to work anywhere? Someone they loved? Jobs?

In most cases, it's more a matter of leave-your-home-and-relatives-and-go-to-a-cold-dark-country-where-you-don't-know-anyone-nor-the-language-just-so-you-won't-get-executed-by-soldiers-for-wanting-the-right-to-vote-even-though-you-don't-have-a-dick.

Svenskaflicka said:
If it had been anyone else than a professional boxer saying that, I would have wondered why he mixed two languages in the same sentence...

Dear Svenska,

You're the only person I know who can mix 4 or 5 languages in the same sentence. In case you didn't recognize it, that's a compliment.

Diane the Sesquilingual
Re: Languages

MathGirl said:
Dear Svenska,

You're the only person I know who can mix 4 or 5 languages in the same sentence. In case you didn't recognize it, that's a compliment.

Diane the Sesquilingual

Danke, I estoy trés smickrad.

That's 5 languages. Can you tell which?
Re: Languages

Svenskaflicka said:
Danke, I estoy trés smickrad.

That's 5 languages. Can you tell which?

Sure, no problem. The "I" is definitely Canadian.

Diane the Sesquilingual

P.s. I wonder if a "Black Swede" is anything like a "Jack Mormon" or a "Yellow Dog Democrat"
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Svenskaflicka said:
... I'm not sure I'd be happy in the US, because it's so much different than Sweden ...

What, are you too good for a fascist rightwing dictatorship, or something?
Re: Quote

MathGirl said:
The great Swedish heavyweight champion Ingemar Johansson once met a black man. After he regained consciousness, he was quoted as saying, "Yumpin Yimminy! Vot dat shvartzer hit me wit?"

That reminds me of how Joe Lewis had to be kept on ice for weeks prior to his 1938 title bout in Germany ... to keep him from Schmeling.
Cuck, Kamrat - I'm not saying that I'm better than you yankees, only that I'm your superior..!;) :kiss:
Re: Re: Quote

Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
That reminds me of how Joe Lewis had to be kept on ice for weeks prior to his 1938 title bout in Germany ... to keep him from Schmeling.

Hur hur ..................... groan