Sweet Minxee

Iā€™ll add it to the list of things for me to work on. I unfortunately cannot just focus on 1 thing at a time. I just write whatever comes to mind. There is a bit Iā€™m working on atm and I know what i want to write just struggling to get it from brain to screen.
And I have an idea for another thing I want to do as well! It only came to me today so Iā€™m eager to get that little bit started. Andā€¦ it could have potential to be a ver good listening piece as well.

Hopefully I can get brain to screen as good as it appears to me.
I know the feeling! Iā€™ve always got half a dozen things going at once with my brain jumping back-and-forth. Best to follow Muse.
I have to say, as sexy as your voice is, you could read anything and it would turn me on listening to you read it. But this is just hotter than a two dollar pistol.
I need to find a book on bedtime stories and start recording them... give you something to fall asleep to....
Good morning Minxee (...well it's morning for me! šŸ˜‰)

Sitting here with a black coffee with some sweet syrup ...and going through your thread! šŸ˜
You bad bad wonderfully dirty horny omg it's private time listening.
Thank you and wow once again
This is a lovely thread, done by a lovely person. Thank you for sharing yourself like this.
Der Tag ist allein schon wunderbar, weil es Dich gibt. Du Schƶne!!


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I have said I would love to either get the power to teleport or to have a TARDIS!!!

Means not only can I go places but also timelines. Though that could be very dangerousā€¦.
Transporters are definitely less prone to dangerous paradox-inducing effects than a time machine. That said, in your case I'd be looking for the Ferengi version :sneaky:
Transporters are definitely less prone to dangerous paradox-inducing effects than a time machine. That said, in your case I'd be looking for the Ferengi version :sneaky:
Hmmm how does the Ferengi version differ to normal version? The only thing I can think of is that it may remove the clothes on the females since Ferengi women donā€™t wear clothesā€¦.
I know that no-one likes Mondays.... but hopefully this will make it a little bit better...

@OxfordJack thank you for the inspiration and help with this one.... šŸ„° :heart: :devilish:

You stand in the doorway to my room and find me lying on the bed. I am facing away from you lying on my stomach, my legs are apart and you can see up my very short skirt.
ā€œI thought I told you to clean your room?ā€
I jump up as you startle me and I drop the book from my hands as it scatters onto the floor. I quickly roll over onto my back and prop myself up on my elbows. My skirt has ridden up and my breasts are falling out of my little top.
ā€œDaddy! Iā€¦.ā€
ā€œYou what my girl? Cause from where I am standing you decided to disobey me and not clean your room. Whatā€™s your excuse this timeā€¦.?ā€
ā€œI started cleaning but then I found a book and I got distracted. Iā€™m sorry Daddy. Iā€™ll clean it up nowā€¦ it will be cleaned before dinner I promise!ā€
ā€œYou promise? You promised that it would be clean yesterdayā€¦ and the day before thatā€¦ā€ you let out a soft sigh.
ā€œIā€™m sorry my girl but itā€™s not good enough. Maybe Iā€™ve been too lenient with you.ā€

ā€œDaddyā€¦. Pleaseā€¦ Iā€™ll be good. Iā€™ll do what you say! Pleaseā€¦ donā€™t punish meā€. I beg as I quickly sit up.
ā€œItā€™s too late for that. Perhaps after punishment you will have learnt your lessonā€. You begin to carefully step your way through the mess that is on my floor and walk over to my bed.
ā€œNooo please daddy! Please!!! Iā€™ll be good.ā€ I scramble to my feet and stand beside you. ā€œIā€™ll do anything. Anything!ā€ I wrap my arms around your waist and hug you tight.
ā€œIā€™m sorry my girl. But you must learn a lesson. Trust me this hurts me just as much as it hurts you.ā€
I glance towards the door.
You grab onto my upper arm tightly and pull me away from you.

ā€œBe a good girl and accept your punishment. Do not disappoint me anymore than you have.ā€

You sit down on my bed and pull me down across your knee. Your left arm rests over my upper back pinning me down. Your right hand lifts my skirt up with and caress my ass.
ā€œDaddyā€¦.. pleaseā€¦.ā€
You pull down my panties and rub my right ass cheek.
I squeal out and squirm beneath you.
SMACK - down on the left ass cheek
I cry out and tears well up in my eyes.

ā€œIā€™m sorry daddy!ā€
SMACK - right ass cheek
SMACK - left ass cheek
I begin to cry freely now. Tears running down my cheeks as I sob into the blanket on my bed.

SMACK - right ass cheek
SMACK - left ass cheek

You pull your hand away and shake it as it tingles. Bright red handprints now cover my ass. You pull my panties up and pull my skirt down to cover me before helping me come and curl up in your lap. You wrap your arms around me as I cry into your chest. You stroke my hair.
ā€œItā€™s okayā€¦ daddyā€™s got youā€¦. Shhh my girl. You are alright nowā€
I sniffle and wipe my tears in your shirt.
ā€œThereā€¦ itā€™s okay little one. Have you learnt your lesson?ā€

ā€œYes daddy.ā€ I whimper into your chest.
ā€œNowā€¦ how about you clean this room up like a good girl. And tonight you can come and sleep in daddyā€™s bed. Does that sound good?ā€

ā€œMmm yes it doesā€ I nuzzle into your neck and kiss is gently already starting to feel better.
ā€œGood girlā€. You stay cuddled up with me until I am ready to move.
Iā€™ll add it to the list of things for me to work on. I unfortunately cannot just focus on 1 thing at a time. I just write whatever comes to mind. There is a bit Iā€™m working on atm and I know what i want to write just struggling to get it from brain to screen.
And I have an idea for another thing I want to do as well! It only came to me today so Iā€™m eager to get that little bit started. Andā€¦ it could have potential to be a ver good listening piece as well.

Hopefully I can get brain to screen as good as it appears to me.
Don't force it. What is coming naturally is amazing and thanks for narrating, it adds another element hearing your sexy voice!
Don't force it. What is coming naturally is amazing and thanks for narrating, it adds another element hearing your sexy voice!
Wow just love those vocal tracks as they add a whole new element when I read your written words. I can hear you reading them as I read them.

Thank you! Im glad to hear that you are enjoying the vocal part of it. I just wish I could do different voices.
And to think.... I hated reading aloud when I was at school...