Sweet Minxee

I think if you could figure out how to get a cast of voices into your audios, that would make them even more awesome. It's funny that you mention not liking to read out loud to the class as a kid. I was the same way, kind of shy and reserved, and now, many years later I look back on that kid and laugh while shaking my head. Life takes us on an incredible journey. (I routinely do presentations and host seminars for business professionals and I am very conformtable doing it.)
I think if you could figure out how to get a cast of voices into your audios, that would make them even more awesome. It's funny that you mention not liking to read out loud to the class as a kid. I was the same way, kind of shy and reserved, and now, many years later I look back on that kid and laugh while shaking my head. Life takes us on an incredible journey. (I routinely do presentations and host seminars for business professionals and I am very conformtable doing it.)

Oh I think we all did as kids. The upside here is if you don't like it you can delete it and try again. As for different voices, I think yours is just fine and quite the turn on to hear.

Oh I still hate doing it. Unless it’s something I am passionate about or something I’m confident in - I stay quiet. It took years for me to open up at work.

And I may already be working on bringing in someone to help… 😈🥰❤️🥺
Hmmm how does the Ferengi version differ to normal version? The only thing I can think of is that it may remove the clothes on the females since Ferengi women don’t wear clothes….
A woman of culture, I see! That's exactly what I'm talking about and it actually happened in an episode of TNG.
We made it! Now, on to Tuesday. I like the picture - a bit of inspiration for a Tuesday morning, All it needs is my hands roaming over your body. :)