Sweet Minxee

ITS TUESDAY!!!! We all know what that means.... TITTIES!!!

Now I have had a LOT of people ask me about what music I listen to. SO I am going to attempt to list a song for the day. For those who dont know I LOVE music and can generally find a song for every occasion. I can even have a full conversation just in lyrics. I am going to save you all the pain of listening to me sing though.

Todays music is: Come into my world - Kylie

OH And the picture... the real reason everyone is checking here on a Tuesday....

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Sexy very sexy
Im not sure what everyones plans are but mine is singing and dancing!

View attachment 2148558

My hands slide down my luscious thighs as I stand.
They instantly fall to my sides as I smooth over my white silken skirt.
I smile and blush slightly as I try to calm the nerves. The nerves that send my stomach into a field of butterflies as I climb up onto the table.

My pulse throbs through my veins.
I take a few deep breaths and close my eyes momentarily to calm myself.
I open my eyes and smile brightly trying hard not to blush as I turn to face everyone.
All is quiet… except the sound of my pounding heart.

The light shines down on me, highlighting my voluptuous body like a spotlight.
The glow around me outlines my curvaceous frame and reflects off of my bouncing pigtails.
A strand of hair falls loose and frames my adorable face.
I stand there trembling slightly as I wait patiently for the music to begin.

The soft, sensual sounds of chimes and strings fills the air.
I take a moment to drink in the music and relax slightly.
I close my eyes before taking a deep breath to calm myself.

I open my eyes as the boom of a drum joins the tranquil music. I bite down on my lip nervously. The sudden pain reminds me that I am on display and people are watching me.
I need to do a good job… I need to please him.
I raise my arms above my head as my toned leg moves away from my body.

My lithe body begins to move. My hips slowly sway in time with the music. The beat of the drum begins to slowly increase in pace enticing me to push my supple body into a frenzied trance.

I smile brightly and my blue-green eyes sparkle as I gain confidence. My hips continue to sway with the music as my exposed tummy twists while my arms flow around my body. My small hands lightly brush against me, tickling and causing me to stifle a giggle.

The beat begins to pick up in pace, sounding into the depths of my very soul as it forces me to work harder.
My white silks fly out from me as I twist my body back and forth as my hands glide over my tense tummy. My body glistens from sweat as I vigorously move to the music.

As the music moves towards a crescendo my body shimmers under the lights.
I throw myself into a shimmie. Muscles ripple as my body shakes all over.
I arch my back and my breasts point up towards the ceiling as my arms reach upwards, almost inviting the light to wash down over me.

The sound of strings and chimes fills the air bringing the song towards the end. With fluent movements I spiral down towards the ground.

I kneel once again with my back straight. My chest is heaving heavily as my breasts strain against the thin cloth that keeps them in place. My hands lie open, palm side up on my wide spread thighs in complete submission.

And the voice clip.... Sometimes I think I spoil you all too much....
A taste of what you got would have me singing and dancing too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im not sure what everyones plans are but mine is singing and dancing!

View attachment 2148558

My hands slide down my luscious thighs as I stand.
They instantly fall to my sides as I smooth over my white silken skirt.
I smile and blush slightly as I try to calm the nerves. The nerves that send my stomach into a field of butterflies as I climb up onto the table.

My pulse throbs through my veins.
I take a few deep breaths and close my eyes momentarily to calm myself.
I open my eyes and smile brightly trying hard not to blush as I turn to face everyone.
All is quiet… except the sound of my pounding heart.

The light shines down on me, highlighting my voluptuous body like a spotlight.
The glow around me outlines my curvaceous frame and reflects off of my bouncing pigtails.
A strand of hair falls loose and frames my adorable face.
I stand there trembling slightly as I wait patiently for the music to begin.

The soft, sensual sounds of chimes and strings fills the air.
I take a moment to drink in the music and relax slightly.
I close my eyes before taking a deep breath to calm myself.

I open my eyes as the boom of a drum joins the tranquil music. I bite down on my lip nervously. The sudden pain reminds me that I am on display and people are watching me.
I need to do a good job… I need to please him.
I raise my arms above my head as my toned leg moves away from my body.

My lithe body begins to move. My hips slowly sway in time with the music. The beat of the drum begins to slowly increase in pace enticing me to push my supple body into a frenzied trance.

I smile brightly and my blue-green eyes sparkle as I gain confidence. My hips continue to sway with the music as my exposed tummy twists while my arms flow around my body. My small hands lightly brush against me, tickling and causing me to stifle a giggle.

The beat begins to pick up in pace, sounding into the depths of my very soul as it forces me to work harder.
My white silks fly out from me as I twist my body back and forth as my hands glide over my tense tummy. My body glistens from sweat as I vigorously move to the music.

As the music moves towards a crescendo my body shimmers under the lights.
I throw myself into a shimmie. Muscles ripple as my body shakes all over.
I arch my back and my breasts point up towards the ceiling as my arms reach upwards, almost inviting the light to wash down over me.

The sound of strings and chimes fills the air bringing the song towards the end. With fluent movements I spiral down towards the ground.

I kneel once again with my back straight. My chest is heaving heavily as my breasts strain against the thin cloth that keeps them in place. My hands lie open, palm side up on my wide spread thighs in complete submission.

And the voice clip.... Sometimes I think I spoil you all too much....

love this! so sexy :devil:

So.... I decided to create a place to store all of my fun things as I tend to have them spread across lots of different threads. There will be a combination of pictures, writing and the occasional thoughts. Oh and maybe... the occasional voice clip to prove I dont have an accent.
Not everything will be sexy and erotic but some of it will be. :oops:

What does a person write for the very first post of a thread?!? :unsure:

About me...?
A very relaxed Aussie that goes with the flow. 🇦🇺
Addicted to sweet things. I run and function on sugar as I cannot have caffeine. 🍫🍬🍭

Im a good girl.... even when I am being naughty. :devilish:

So apparently its hard to find things in amongst things so here is an Index for those who have just joined us. Also dates are in Aussie times and format!

Picture 23/04/22
Picture 23/04/22

Picture 23/04/22
Picture 23/04/22
Picture 23/04/22
Picture 23/04/22
Picture 23/04/22
Writing 23/04/22
Writing 23/04/22
Writing 23/04/22
Picture 25/04/22
Picture 27/04/22
Voice 27/04/22
Picture 29/04/22
Picture 29/04/22
Voice 30/04/22
Writing 02/05/22
Picture 03/05/22
Picture 04/05/22
Picture 04/05/22
Picture 06/05/22
Writing 09/05/22
Writing 10/05/22
Picture 13/05/22
Writing and Voice 15/05/22
Picture 17/05/22
I just have to mark this great summmary of your posting so I may return as often as I want. You are going to periodically make another similar posting????
I just have to mark this great summmary of your posting so I may return as often as I want. You are going to periodically make another similar posting????
I try and post a few times a week. Writing takes a little longer as it depends on inspiration and time and real life likes to be a pest...
But pictures I try and post at least 2 a week :devilish:
Sorry late post for Saturday!

I have had one very busy day!!!
It’s my friends kids 6th birthday on Tuesday and since I am moving to a different state soon I am being stolen for every available moment they can so the kid and I can spend more time together. I’ve been her “Aunty” since before she was born so she has grown up with me. One super well behaved child and I enjoy time with her. Gonna miss the kiddo - I may need to visit for school holidays… 🤔.
I mean it kinda sucks her being in school now because I had much fun steeling her for adventures randomly. We loved to go to the beach and collect shells.

Today the child chose to go to McDonald’s for lunch (because you get a toy in the happy meal!) and I must say that my friend and I had a good giggle when we saw the bin “handles”….

Then we were going to go bowling but it was way too loud (thank god she doesn’t like loud noises… there was so many kids running around and I was getting a headache just being in the foyer). So we decided we will do bowling when she is older and instead we went to the beach as it was a nice day for once! I mean we had a top of 15c so it was cold but the sun was out making it feel warm!

So the small child and I played in the ice cold water…. Oh did I mention I wore white… over black bra and panties…. So yeah. We had fun. Played mermaids and build a sandcastle decorated with a LOT of seaweed we rescued when we were in the water.

Problem is I didn’t really bring a change of clothes other than my jeans and shirt. I knew once I got to my friends house I would have a hot shower and change back into my clothes so I didn’t really want to wear them while wet and sandy. SO I drove back in just panties, bra and a towel.
I mean no big deal - it’s basically a bikini. Oh and we had to stop at a speciality shop for some pretty smelling bath stuff on the way home so the girl got a good giggle of me in my towel after explaining that the child wanted to go swimming…. In winter….

And then I had to stay for dinner… and dessert. Then when I finally got home I had to do washing because we are going to the pool on the morning after catching up with other friends for morning tea….
It’s the weekend dammit! I shouldn’t be setting alarms and getting up before 9am! *grumbles*

Now little miss almost 6 likes coming in my car because my music is better. /flex. And we listen to it loud. /double flex
I had a bit of a proud moment the other day when we went for a drive together to pick up some very nice heels (the child even agreed they were good shoes whereas her mum doesn’t understand why I want to be girlie…)
But when I looked back at her she was singing and dancing to one of my favourite artists and wanted it basically on repeat. She has her own playlist on my Spotify for when we go out together.
But today I introduced her to a song that I thought she might like… and she did! She calls it “the song with no talking”.

So I present to you a very late…
Song of the day: Sandstorm - Darude

Todays Song is: Friday On My Mind - The Easybeats

Gonna have fun in the city
Be with my girl, she's so pretty
She looks fine tonight
She is out of sight to me

And Friday would not be complete without a picture.... or 2....
*note* No Minxees were harmed in the making of these pictures... made wet yes... hurt no...
oooh, i know where i'd like my lips to be placed. such a heavenly view!
I hope everyones days are less chaotic that mine! I really need a day of rest - I feel like I have been constantly busy for days!!!
I am ready for someone to shackle me down and force me to rest!!!

Song of the day: Come Undone - Duran Duran

Mine, immaculate dream made breath and skin
I've been waiting for you...
Who do you need?
Who do you love, when you come undone?

Yes ma'am. Love that song. ;)