Sweet Minxee

Sorry late post for Saturday!

I have had one very busy day!!!
It’s my friends kids 6th birthday on Tuesday and since I am moving to a different state soon I am being stolen for every available moment they can so the kid and I can spend more time together. I’ve been her “Aunty” since before she was born so she has grown up with me. One super well behaved child and I enjoy time with her. Gonna miss the kiddo - I may need to visit for school holidays… 🤔.
I mean it kinda sucks her being in school now because I had much fun steeling her for adventures randomly. We loved to go to the beach and collect shells.

Today the child chose to go to McDonald’s for lunch (because you get a toy in the happy meal!) and I must say that my friend and I had a good giggle when we saw the bin “handles”….
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Then we were going to go bowling but it was way too loud (thank god she doesn’t like loud noises… there was so many kids running around and I was getting a headache just being in the foyer). So we decided we will do bowling when she is older and instead we went to the beach as it was a nice day for once! I mean we had a top of 15c so it was cold but the sun was out making it feel warm!

So the small child and I played in the ice cold water…. Oh did I mention I wore white… over black bra and panties…. So yeah. We had fun. Played mermaids and build a sandcastle decorated with a LOT of seaweed we rescued when we were in the water.

Problem is I didn’t really bring a change of clothes other than my jeans and shirt. I knew once I got to my friends house I would have a hot shower and change back into my clothes so I didn’t really want to wear them while wet and sandy. SO I drove back in just panties, bra and a towel.
I mean no big deal - it’s basically a bikini. Oh and we had to stop at a speciality shop for some pretty smelling bath stuff on the way home so the girl got a good giggle of me in my towel after explaining that the child wanted to go swimming…. In winter….

And then I had to stay for dinner… and dessert. Then when I finally got home I had to do washing because we are going to the pool on the morning after catching up with other friends for morning tea….
It’s the weekend dammit! I shouldn’t be setting alarms and getting up before 9am! *grumbles*

Now little miss almost 6 likes coming in my car because my music is better. /flex. And we listen to it loud. /double flex
I had a bit of a proud moment the other day when we went for a drive together to pick up some very nice heels (the child even agreed they were good shoes whereas her mum doesn’t understand why I want to be girlie…)
But when I looked back at her she was singing and dancing to one of my favourite artists and wanted it basically on repeat. She has her own playlist on my Spotify for when we go out together.
But today I introduced her to a song that I thought she might like… and she did! She calls it “the song with no talking”.

So I present to you a very late…
Song of the day: Sandstorm - Darude
Yes we must enjoy every moment with them, they grow up way too fast.
The handle is funny - I am endlessly amused when things like that happen. Sounds like you had a great weekend.
Random late night thought....

Why have they not invented something that when you dont have a pulse for say 10mins is instantly wipes your computer and phone and stuff...

People can back up what they want people to see to an external hard drive.

I remember when my brother passed I had to go through all his stuff and to be honest I am a little dissappointed in him. Clean as anything.
Now If someone went through my stuff.... :oops: Lets just say my family may change how they view me... guess I wouldnt really care as I would be dead but still!
That is why I think it's important to have a designated friend who has the assignment to get to your house as quickly as they can and scrub everything! Like you were some kind of spy or something - "remember, your one task is to destroy all the evidence".

Or to live openly so your family says "Well, we knew the boy was into bondage - look at this nice leather harness set. We ought to be able to sell it and get something for it."
That is why I think it's important to have a designated friend who has the assignment to get to your house as quickly as they can and scrub everything! Like you were some kind of spy or something - "remember, your one task is to destroy all the evidence".

Or to live openly so your family says "Well, we knew the boy was into bondage - look at this nice leather harness set. We ought to be able to sell it and get something for it."
I have a secret keeper. I have told him that I plan on writing (well typing) some letters up to people who are important. It will be his job to distribute said letters and let the relevent people know of my demise. He already has instructions to post here if anything happens.
I havent written said letters yet and I hope I wont need them anytime soon but that is my plan so far....

Who knows... maybe once I move and get ontop of things I will just come out to my family and be like "well ya girl be into some weird shit...."
I hope everyones days are less chaotic that mine! I really need a day of rest - I feel like I have been constantly busy for days!!!
I am ready for someone to shackle me down and force me to rest!!!

Song of the day: Come Undone - Duran Duran

Mine, immaculate dream made breath and skin
I've been waiting for you...
I have no problems restraining you and keeping you held, while I take advantage of the situation first before allowing you to rest.😇
Random late night thought....

Why have they not invented something that when you dont have a pulse for say 10mins is instantly wipes your computer and phone and stuff...

People can back up what they want people to see to an external hard drive.

I remember when my brother passed I had to go through all his stuff and to be honest I am a little dissappointed in him. Clean as anything.
Now If someone went through my stuff.... :oops: Lets just say my family may change how they view me... guess I wouldnt really care as I would be dead but still!
I have all my ‘naughty’ bits on an encrypted drive. If anyone opens my computer, the drive is visible but says it is unformatted and asks if you want to format it.

I can open it using the correct software and access key.
Random late night thought....

Why have they not invented something that when you dont have a pulse for say 10mins is instantly wipes your computer and phone and stuff...

People can back up what they want people to see to an external hard drive.

I remember when my brother passed I had to go through all his stuff and to be honest I am a little dissappointed in him. Clean as anything.
Now If someone went through my stuff.... :oops: Lets just say my family may change how they view me... guess I wouldnt really care as I would be dead but still!

I have a secret keeper. I have told him that I plan on writing (well typing) some letters up to people who are important. It will be his job to distribute said letters and let the relevent people know of my demise. He already has instructions to post here if anything happens.
I havent written said letters yet and I hope I wont need them anytime soon but that is my plan so far....

Who knows... maybe once I move and get ontop of things I will just come out to my family and be like "well ya girl be into some weird shit...."
One of my sibs is super nosey so I've no doubt that she'll be the first one to dig through my computers and tell all of the others all about it. As if some smutty postings and nude pics are such a big deal anyway. SMH
But I've removed all pics that don't need to be readily accessible from phone, tablet, and laptop already. Those are bad places to store them anyway. You can always have a trusted friend come by and clean up things behind you should the need arise.
Random late night thought....

Why have they not invented something that when you dont have a pulse for say 10mins is instantly wipes your computer and phone and stuff...

People can back up what they want people to see to an external hard drive.

I remember when my brother passed I had to go through all his stuff and to be honest I am a little dissappointed in him. Clean as anything.
Now If someone went through my stuff.... :oops: Lets just say my family may change how they view me... guess I wouldnt really care as I would be dead but still!
That last bit is how I'd look at it. I'm dead, what are they going to do lol
Happy Titty Tuesday!!!!

Song of the day: The Sweet Escape - Gwen Stefani

If I could escape
And recreate a place as my own world
And I could be your favorite girl
Forever, perfectly together
And tell me, boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?
If I could be sweet
I know I've been a real bad girl
I didn't mean for you to get hurt
(Whatsoever) we can make it better
And tell me, boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?
(Sweet escape)

Happy Titty Tuesday!!!!

Song of the day: The Sweet Escape - Gwen Stefani

If I could escape
And recreate a place as my own world
And I could be your favorite girl
Forever, perfectly together
And tell me, boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?
If I could be sweet
I know I've been a real bad girl
I didn't mean for you to get hurt
(Whatsoever) we can make it better
And tell me, boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?
(Sweet escape)

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haven't heard that in years, and that gorgeous image will be in my head all day 😍
Happy Titty Tuesday!!!!

Song of the day: The Sweet Escape - Gwen Stefani

If I could escape
And recreate a place as my own world
And I could be your favorite girl
Forever, perfectly together
And tell me, boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?
If I could be sweet
I know I've been a real bad girl
I didn't mean for you to get hurt
(Whatsoever) we can make it better
And tell me, boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?
(Sweet escape)

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Soooo delicious… close enough to taste!
Happy Titty Tuesday!!!!

Song of the day: The Sweet Escape - Gwen Stefani

If I could escape
And recreate a place as my own world
And I could be your favorite girl
Forever, perfectly together
And tell me, boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?
If I could be sweet
I know I've been a real bad girl
I didn't mean for you to get hurt
(Whatsoever) we can make it better
And tell me, boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?
(Sweet escape)

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Would love to cup that fabulous tittie in my hand and feel your heart beating quickly just under that left nipple
Happy Titty Tuesday!!!!

Song of the day: The Sweet Escape - Gwen Stefani

If I could escape
And recreate a place as my own world
And I could be your favorite girl
Forever, perfectly together
And tell me, boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?
If I could be sweet
I know I've been a real bad girl
I didn't mean for you to get hurt
(Whatsoever) we can make it better
And tell me, boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?
(Sweet escape)

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Oh Sweet Minxee, that nipple looks so ready to suck!
Happy Titty Tuesday!!!!

Song of the day: The Sweet Escape - Gwen Stefani

If I could escape
And recreate a place as my own world
And I could be your favorite girl
Forever, perfectly together
And tell me, boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?
If I could be sweet
I know I've been a real bad girl
I didn't mean for you to get hurt
(Whatsoever) we can make it better
And tell me, boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?
(Sweet escape)

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Very nice, love those suckable nipples. 😘
Happy Titty Tuesday!!!!

Song of the day: The Sweet Escape - Gwen Stefani

If I could escape
And recreate a place as my own world
And I could be your favorite girl
Forever, perfectly together
And tell me, boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?
If I could be sweet
I know I've been a real bad girl
I didn't mean for you to get hurt
(Whatsoever) we can make it better
And tell me, boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?
(Sweet escape)

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Such a Yummy Treat!!
Happy Titty Tuesday!!!!

Song of the day: The Sweet Escape - Gwen Stefani

If I could escape
And recreate a place as my own world
And I could be your favorite girl
Forever, perfectly together
And tell me, boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?
If I could be sweet
I know I've been a real bad girl
I didn't mean for you to get hurt
(Whatsoever) we can make it better
And tell me, boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?
(Sweet escape)

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Hold on while I get near enough to nibble your nipple
Happy Titty Tuesday!!!!

Song of the day: The Sweet Escape - Gwen Stefani

If I could escape
And recreate a place as my own world
And I could be your favorite girl
Forever, perfectly together
And tell me, boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?
If I could be sweet
I know I've been a real bad girl
I didn't mean for you to get hurt
(Whatsoever) we can make it better
And tell me, boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?
(Sweet escape)

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For me.🤗🤗🤗
Happy Titty Tuesday!!!!

Song of the day: The Sweet Escape - Gwen Stefani

If I could escape
And recreate a place as my own world
And I could be your favorite girl
Forever, perfectly together
And tell me, boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?
If I could be sweet
I know I've been a real bad girl
I didn't mean for you to get hurt
(Whatsoever) we can make it better
And tell me, boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?
(Sweet escape)

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What tantalizing escape it is. Damn