Take A Load Off Fani

The case was dismissed due to the absence of explanations for the six dropped charges. However, the District Attorney (DA) can add specifications of the applicable Georgia and US Constitutions and bring the case again. Experts, speaking on television today, have mentioned that the lack of specification noted by the judge is not uncommon and does not necessarily weaken the prosecution's case. Nevertheless, the process requires another grand jury to be reconvened. Those speaking today [Republican and Democrat] acknowledged the judge's finding had legal merits and pointed out that he was doing due diligence in the case.

The recorded conversation between Trump and Raffensberger was one of those dropped. However, the content of the conversation is subject matter included and still stands in the RICO indictment portions, untouched by Judge McAffee.

The case still has substantial legs and merit to continue the prosecution.

Friday, the critical question of whether or not Willis and Wade, are removed from the case is expected to be delivered.

If removed, Trump's delaying tactics get a major shot in the arm as a new team gets appointed or it's perhaps dropped. If not, it still pushes the case back in time - justice is delayed again over the fiasco between Willis and Wade tarnished the case.

Actually, the charges were dropped because the judge was looking at his hole card.

In the inevitable appeal of any guilty verdicts, those charges would have been dismissed for the reasons the judge gave in his order. The difference is that the appeals court would have the failure of the judge to dismiss them as an error of law. That hits the judge right in his fairness and neutrality.

No judge wants to be told by the appeals court that he fucked up by ignoring the law. In high profile cases that's enough for the judge to lose his next reelection.

The remaining charges have enough ambiguity that the judge is going to let a jury sort them out. That lets him off the hook for any appellate reversals. Kind of. Technically a judge has the power to reverse a jury's decision if, based on the law, the jury obviously reached a wrong verdict. However, failure to do that isn't as bad as a reversal as being called out for a major mistake in a matter of law.
The case was dismissed due to the absence of explanations for the six dropped charges. However, the District Attorney (DA) can add specifications of the applicable Georgia and US Constitutions and bring the case again. Experts, speaking on television today, have mentioned that the lack of specification noted by the judge is not uncommon and does not necessarily weaken the prosecution's case. Nevertheless, the process requires another grand jury to be reconvened. Those speaking today [Republican and Democrat] acknowledged the judge's finding had legal merits and pointed out that he was doing due diligence in the case.

The recorded conversation between Trump and Raffensberger was one of those dropped. However, the content of the conversation is subject matter included and still stands in the RICO indictment portions, untouched by Judge McAffee.

The case still has substantial legs and merit to continue the prosecution.

Friday, the critical question of whether or not Willis and Wade, are removed from the case is expected to be delivered.

If removed, Trump's delaying tactics get a major shot in the arm as a new team gets appointed or it's perhaps dropped. If not, it still pushes the case back in time - justice is delayed again over the fiasco between Willis and Wade tarnished the case.
Fani's boyfriend was too dumb and inexperienced to plead with particularity. Nothing prevents the prosecution from resubmitting new pleadings however, but the RICO case is fundamentally weak and probably wouldn't survive the appellate process.
Fani's boyfriend was too dumb and inexperienced to plead with particularity. Nothing prevents the prosecution from resubmitting new pleadings however, but the RICO case is fundamentally weak and probably wouldn't survive the appellate process.

I don't think any of it is going to survive.

I also think that, just like Leticia James in NY, Fani Willis tried to fly too close to the sun with poorly handcrafted wings.
I don't think any of it is going to survive.

I also think that, just like Leticia James in NY, Fani Willis tried to fly too close to the sun with poorly handcrafted wings.
It is a politically motivated case with weak legal underpinnings. In essence a gross misuse of the justice system for political gain.
Fani survives despite committing perjury on the stand. Wade is out as Special Prosecutor. So a corrupt DA lives to break more laws and insult more courts. Apparently, Judge McAfee, facing reelection, apparently felt he could not fire a black female DA, corrupt or not, and survive the election.
Fani survives despite committing perjury on the stand. Wade is out as Special Prosecutor. So a corrupt DA lives to break more laws and insult more courts. Apparently, Judge McAfee, facing reelection, apparently felt he could not fire a black female DA, corrupt or not, and survive the election.
As expected - it's the judge's fault.
Fani survives despite committing perjury on the stand. Wade is out as Special Prosecutor. So a corrupt DA lives to break more laws and insult more courts. Apparently, Judge McAfee, facing reelection, apparently felt he could not fire a black female DA, corrupt or not, and survive the election.

How to say you were wrong, without using those words....
As expected - it's the judge's fault.
It's a known fact she, Wade, and Bradley, lied under oath to the court. I don't see how this can be overlooked by the judge and maintain credibility. I don't know if his ruling can be appealed or not but justice has not been done. Fani's behavior in court has been reprehensible. We'll see what happens with this case in the coming weeks. I still think it will eventually implode.
It's a known fact she, Wade, and Bradley, lied under oath to the court. I don't see how this can be overlooked by the judge and maintain credibility. I don't know if his ruling can be appealed or not but justice has not been done. Fani's behavior in court has been reprehensible. We'll see what happens with this case in the coming weeks. I still think it will eventually implode.
As expected - it's the judges fault.
The judge’s ruling was bullshit.

There was ZERO evidentiary PROOF of ANYTHING, other than DA Willis and Mr. Wade becoming involved romantically as the case progressed.

And, to be fair, who else would have been a more likely candidate for either one of them to date under those circumstances???

It was basically a couple of co-workers hooking up.


Ultimately, this ploy by the traitorous defendants was just another delay tactic.

And it worked.



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Fani survives despite committing perjury on the stand. Wade is out as Special Prosecutor. So a corrupt DA lives to break more laws and insult more courts. Apparently, Judge McAfee, facing reelection, apparently felt he could not fire a black female DA, corrupt or not, and survive the election.

more race excuses in the service of your orange overlord. but your tears are delicious, bitch. :ROFLMAO:
Well, that's sort of a half-assed decision. But she's not out of the woods yet. She is still under investigation by the state and for misuse of federal funds.
Well, that's sort of a half-assed decision. But she's not out of the woods yet. She is still under investigation by the state and for misuse of federal funds.

  1. The Georgia Senate has opened its own investigation. And as we’ve pointed out, they have subpoena power and could well get to the content of the text messages that Willis and Wade reportedly exchanged prior to Willis hiring Wade.

    At this point, the fact that Willis and Wade had 12,000 contacts — 10,000 of them, text messages — in the period of 2021 before Willis hired Wade means that the Georgia Senate could well produce incontrovertible evidence that the relationship began before the hiring. This would make Willis and Wade guilty of perjury and various Georgia obstruction charges, as they have denied this under oath.

    Were the judge to exonerate the two, and the Georgia Senate later develops this evidence (which I deem likely), the judge would be in the position of not only looking foolish — but of having to re-assess his decision. As in: pulling them both off the case and referring them for felony charges. Ouch.
  2. Governor Kemp of Georgia could also appoint a special prosecutor, who would have subpoena and search warrant powers. While Kemp is no fan of Donald Trump, he is in the end a Republican. Further, this case is a galloping embarassment to his state (and the nation). He has the power to rein it in by also obtaining the contents of the text messages.
  3. The Georgia State Attorney General, Chris Carr, could do the same. Georgia AG is an elected position, and as such can make a decision independent of the Governor. So even if Kemp doesn’t move on this — Carr could. For an ambitious AG — and is there any other kind? — it would be a smart political move.
  4. Recall that “impropriety” by Willis and Wade isn’t even the standard the judge has to use here — it’s the appearance of impropriety. While that is apparently a vague term under Georgia case law, any normal reading would indicate that we are well over the bar for “apparent” misconduct by this dynamic duo of jurisprudence.

More here: https://opsdesk.substack.com/p/the-...r=17wqvp&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
If you keep investigating, surely you'll find something.

If only there was a phrase for that....... 🧙
If you keep investigating, surely you'll find something.

If only there was a phrase for that....... 🧙
So you don't think perjury is a serious offense against the court? It is everywhere else in the country.
Well, that's sort of a half-assed decision. But she's not out of the woods yet. She is still under investigation by the state and for misuse of federal funds.

That's not the least of it.

The decision allows the two criminals to decide which one gets punished and which one doesn't.
I thought you two believed in the justice system as blind-making decisions based on facts of law.

Both of you seem to have ascribed the political bias approach before the case rests. The case has poor underpinnings; the DA is biased, and the judge is politically motivated to save his job. We haven't even gotten to the jury, but I'm sure you have words already picked out for those types of bias. Perhaps along the lines that Fulton County is three-to-one democratic leaning and, ergo, another political element.