Take A Load Off Fani

LOL the Judge isn't open up new info, the last shit like this from eyewitness's had the eye witness's not testifying to what they said, when not under oath....but hey, you keep up your hopes!!
Oh, and just for your information the defense has filed a new motion with the court concerning this new evidence of witness tampering and obstruction of justice by Fani Willis. It is now up to Judge MacAfee to decide if he's going to hear testimony on it or not. The motion is before him at present.
Oh, and just for your information the defense has filed a new motion with the court concerning this new evidence of witness tampering and obstruction of justice by Fani Willis. It is now up to Judge MacAfee to decide if he's going to hear testimony on it or not. The motion is before him at present.
Good luck with your expectations.
Man, it's gonna be a lot of broken dishes in Tighty Righty's kitchen if this doesn't go down the way he hopes. :cry:
Lol.... That's the funniest lie I've ever heard.
I have beliefs about what should happen but not expectations. This judge is hard to read and he is a friend and donor to Fani Willis's campaign. However it does seem he has little choice unless he wants to sully his career.
Oh, and just for your information the defense has filed a new motion with the court concerning this new evidence of witness tampering and obstruction of justice by Fani Willis. It is now up to Judge MacAfee to decide if he's going to hear testimony on it or not. The motion is before him at present.
Oh and just for your information, I don't give a shit, coward...
I have beliefs about what should happen but not expectations. This judge is hard to read and he is a friend and donor to Fani Willis's campaign. However it does seem he has little choice unless he wants to sully his career.
Of course not

Based on previous rulings, if it doesn't go your way, you likely will start a thread telling us why the judge is unqualified.
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Since when? You've try to sell us that you know more than every judge on the planet.
One day homeboy is all into his three-inch erection like, "There's NEW evidence and the Judge will cast his decision and Fani Willis is gonna go DOWN! Just you wait you damn dirty Dems!" (slams fist on desk)

Next day, homeboy is all wet noodled out like, "I dunno man, it's all up to the Judge, and he's a friend of Fani and whatever but I dunno man...no expectations from me, man..." (shrugs limply)

One day homeboy is all into his three-inch erection like, "There's NEW evidence and the Judge will cast his decision and Fani Willis is gonna go DOWN! Just you wait you damn dirty Dems!" (slams fist on desk)

Next day, homeboy is all wet noodled out like, "I dunno man, it's all up to the Judge, and he's a friend of Fani and whatever but I dunno man...no expectations from me, man..." (shrugs limply)

Spot on 😁
Of course not

Based on previous rulings, if it doesn't go your way, you likely will start a thread telling us why the judge is unqualified.
If I did you'd be the first one to reply.
Details, details, details.

Why did the judge set the two week threshold for his decision? Well, as it turns out the two weeks is past the filing limit for opposition for his position. Once that threshold is past he runs unopposed. Say what you will, this is not good news for Fani.
Details, details, details.

Why did the judge set the two week threshold for his decision? Well, as it turns out the two weeks is past the filing limit for opposition for his position. Once that threshold is past he runs unopposed. Say what you will, this is not good news for Fani.
This isn't good news for Fani either:

BOMBSHELL: Infamous Trump-Raffensperger Call at Heart of Fani Willis Prosecution Was Illegally Recorded​

By Bonchie | 9:39 PM on March 08, 2024

Can an illegally recorded phone call be used to form the basis of a prosecution? That's a question that is about to become very relevant following a bombshell revelation regarding the infamous phone call between Donald Trump and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

On the call, Trump can be heard telling Raffensperger, "I just want to find 11,780 votes." That statement was one of the centerpieces of the former president's second impeachment. Was it definitive, though? In context, Trump had also asked Raffensperger to "find the fraud," indicating that he thought there were legitimate votes left to be uncovered.

Regardless, Fulton County DA Fani Willis used the phone call as the foundation for her RICO prosecution against Trump and his associates. According to a new book published by Michael Isikoff (who was an original pusher of the Russian collusion hoax), that call was illegally recorded by Jordan Fuchs.

Who is Fuchs? She is Raffensperger's Chief of Staff and has a very checkered history of political activism. Her hatred of Trump can be described as obsessive, and she was in Florida when she recorded the call in question. Why is that a problem? Because Florida is a two-party consent state.

More here: https://redstate.com/bonchie/2024/0...s-prosecution-was-illegally-recorded-n2171138
Oh, and just for your information the defense has filed a new motion with the court concerning this new evidence of witness tampering and obstruction of justice by Fani Willis. It is now up to Judge MacAfee to decide if he's going to hear testimony on it or not. The motion is before him at present.

The new witness testimony is inadmissible hearsay.
This isn't good news for Fani either:

BOMBSHELL: Infamous Trump-Raffensperger Call at Heart of Fani Willis Prosecution Was Illegally Recorded​

By Bonchie | 9:39 PM on March 08, 2024

Can an illegally recorded phone call be used to form the basis of a prosecution? That's a question that is about to become very relevant following a bombshell revelation regarding the infamous phone call between Donald Trump and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

On the call, Trump can be heard telling Raffensperger, "I just want to find 11,780 votes." That statement was one of the centerpieces of the former president's second impeachment. Was it definitive, though? In context, Trump had also asked Raffensperger to "find the fraud," indicating that he thought there were legitimate votes left to be uncovered.

Regardless, Fulton County DA Fani Willis used the phone call as the foundation for her RICO prosecution against Trump and his associates. According to a new book published by Michael Isikoff (who was an original pusher of the Russian collusion hoax), that call was illegally recorded by Jordan Fuchs.

Who is Fuchs? She is Raffensperger's Chief of Staff and has a very checkered history of political activism. Her hatred of Trump can be described as obsessive, and she was in Florida when she recorded the call in question. Why is that a problem? Because Florida is a two-party consent state.

More here: https://redstate.com/bonchie/2024/0...s-prosecution-was-illegally-recorded-n2171138

As it's a Florida law, it's Florida's jurisdiction so no one in Atlanta is going to be able to quash the prosecution (should one happen) of Fuch's.
The new witness testimony is inadmissible hearsay.
Mollie Hemingway explains in her write-up on this revelation, this could put the entire case against Trump and his associates in jeopardy.

“Fruit of the poisonous trees is a doctrine that extends the exclusionary rule to make evidence inadmissible in court if it was derived from evidence that was illegally obtained,” according to Cornell Law School’s Legal Information Institute. “As the metaphor suggests, if the evidential ‘tree’ is tainted, so is its ‘fruit.’ The doctrine was established in 1920 by the decision in Silverthorne Lumber Co. v. United States, and the phrase ‘fruit of the poisonous tree’ was coined by Justice Frankfurter in his 1939 opinion in Nardone v. United States. The rule typically bars even testimonial evidence resulting from excludable evidence, such as a confession.”
With Fani Willis repeatedly saying the entire investigation into Republicans was the result of a phone call that was illegally recorded, defendants might pursue legal recourse. It’s the latest challenge for Willis, even if the political ally judge reviewing whether she can continue prosecuting Georgia Republicans rules in her favor.

So, why is she incorrect?
I actually think that it's over.

If the judge doesn't recuse Wade/Fani and the entire DA's office then it shows that he is biased. That will get the case scrutinized harder on the appeal which is already taking shape to get any guilty conviction overturned.

If he does recuse the 2 of them, and the DA's office, then the case will have to be transferred out of Atlanta. Which gets us a new judge and prosecutor.

Hopefully they will look at the evidence and the charges in an unbiased/non political light and dismiss.
Can it still go forward as a RICO case? In my opinion that horse left the barn.
I respectfully disagree. Go here at 13:29 to hear why it isn't hearsay:

"I respectfully disagree. Listen to someone else explain why"


In other words, someone else disagrees and you agree with them.
"I respectfully disagree. Listen to someone else explain why"


In other words, someone else disagrees and you agree with them.
wrongway in a nutshell. He has no opinions except the ones he reads.