Take A Load Off Fani

Did Fani Willis have her dress on backwards?



Don't recall seeing a woman's dress that zips up from the front.
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Does anyone believe a word that Fani says? Just askin'. Oh, and according to her dad, it's a "black thing" to keep 6 months in cash in the house at all times. He said he taught her this from childhood. C'mon now.
The testimony from Fani's Black Panther father was just as crazy as his daughter's. Neither could answer a simple yes or no question without of blabbing on with a bunch of extraneous bullshit trying to decide on how to answer. It was a fucking disgrace.
Amazing how fast these threads degrade.:poop:
Yeah, but seeing Reichguide predictably becoming a woman's couture critic because a shitty dismissive talking point was on the internets to pivot Ms. Willis' smoke away from her owning all of her detractors in court was amusing.
Yeah, but seeing Reichguide predictably becoming a woman's couture critic because a shitty dismissive talking point was on the internets to pivot Ms. Willis' smoke away from her owning all of her detractors in court was amusing.
And here I was, listening to the oral questioning and answers for comprehension and understanding. I neglected to look at her attire and makeup.

I looked at his screen capture when that was brought up in the thread. Clearly, it is not on backward; the seams over her breasts are properly sewn and in the right places. Obviously a case of closet critiquitis.

Why would a normal mind jump from legal issues to clothing? Just - weird.
And here I was, listening to the oral questioning and answers for comprehension and understanding. I neglected to look at her attire and makeup.

I looked at his screen capture when that was brought up in the thread. Clearly, it is not on backward; the seams over her breasts are properly sewn and in the right places. Obviously a case of closet critiquitis.

Why would a normal mind jump from legal issues to clothing? Just - weird.
Front zipper dresses for women have been around forever, from casual to nightclub wear, but...


...we're currently living in a hyper-age of absolute dumbfucks getting froggy over any misdirection carrot dangled in front of their beady eyes.
The defendant screwed a whore whilst his wife was giving birth. He pushed his tiny fingers into a woman and called her a liar. He boasted about grabbing the private parts of any woman close enough. He partied on Epstein Island many times. He married a center-spread model with plastic tits who he met working in the KitKat Club (owned by Epstein). Then he pushed her visa through with a 'genius' classification to allow her Eastern European relatives into the White House.

But the prosecutor hired her lover and wears a dress with a bow at the front.
We all know they both lied. The question becomes whether the lies rise to the level where they need to be recused.

I think the judge was leaning toward saying that the offenses are egregious but not serious to warrant the recusal. Which is why the slow walk and non serious appearance from the court. I don't think that's going to fly now because this isn't just your ordinary perjury, it's also an attempt to fabricate evidence, commit fraud on the court, and engage in a conspiracy to cover up the crimes. All of which is bad bad bad juju.
Front zipper dresses for women have been around forever, from casual to nightclub wear, but...


...we're currently living in a hyper-age of absolute dumbfucks getting froggy over any misdirection carrot dangled in front of their beady eyes.

I finds this hilarious when you remember the Left foaming at the mouth over Trump supposedly having his pants on backwards...

Hypocrisy is karmic retribution you do to yourself.
We all know they both lied. The question becomes whether the lies rise to the level where they need to be recused.

I think the judge was leaning toward saying that the offenses are egregious but not serious to warrant the recusal. Which is why the slow walk and non serious appearance from the court. I don't think that's going to fly now because this isn't just your ordinary perjury, it's also an attempt to fabricate evidence, commit fraud on the court, and engage in a conspiracy to cover up the crimes. All of which is bad bad bad juju.
I would expect that from a judge who donated to her campaign, but she lied to the court. Would you get away with that? Just askin'.

‘Real Consequences’: Latest Evidence Against Fani Willis Could Get Her Disbarred, Land Her In Jail, Legal Experts Say​

February 23, 20242:00 PM ET

Special prosecutor Nathan Wade’s cell phone data suggests he and Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis may have lied on the witness stand, opening them up to greater consequences than disqualification from the case against former President Donald Trump, legal experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Phone records contained in a Friday court filing by Trump’s attorney appeared to contradict Wade’s testimony that he visited Willis’ condo less than 10 times, showing “a minimum of 35 occasions” where his phone was in her neighborhood for an extended time, and appears to undermine Willis’ claim that he never spent the night. If they are found to have lied under oath, Willis and Wade could face charges and potential disbarment, legal experts told the DCNF.

The data, which revealed “over 2000 voice calls and just under 12,000 text messages” between the pair in 2021, also further calls into question the timeline of their relationship, which they have insisted began in 2022, after Wade’s contract started.

Atlanta-based defense attorney Andrew Fleischman told the DCNF that the “cell phone location data is powerful circumstantial evidence of a close personal relationship before 2022, as are the sheer number of texts and phone calls exchanged.”

Latest here:https://dailycaller.com/2024/02/23/...illis-could-disbarred-jail-legal-experts-say/
I finds this hilarious when you remember the Left foaming at the mouth over Trump supposedly having his pants on backwards...

Hypocrisy is karmic retribution you do to yourself.
The dress bullshit never even mattered to Willis and disappeared the day it was tried cuz nobody else who was a functional adult gave a shit, either. Bricked basket again.

You'll have to provide a cite about the Left "foaming at the mouth" over Cheeto's backward pants, I'm afraid. There's a legion of sartorial gaffe moments during his entire tenure and beyond where he was made fun of socially and it gets lost in the sauce.

now, I do remember Cheeto talking lots of shit about people's looks numerous times, especially women, even in his own party, so...what goes around comes around. That's "karmic retribution" for you. 🤷‍♂️

‘Real Consequences’: Latest Evidence Against Fani Willis Could Get Her Disbarred, Land Her In Jail, Legal Experts Say​

February 23, 20242:00 PM ET
Well I don't know, nor do I care what happens to her. But judging by who made the post, and the source of the information, I'm thinking this is a big nothing burger aimed squarely at weak mind people such as yourself....*chuckles*