Take A Load Off Fani

How far back do you want to go?

Wasn't Obama the first president to order a fatal drone attack against a US citizen without due process?

No president is obligated to inform ANYONE that they have declassified any document. For example in the late 1960's early 70's Henry Kissinger, under orders from president Nixon, gave away the basic details of the US "Fail Safe" protocols for nuclear weapons. This was done because of the fear that the Soviet leadership did not have sufficient control over the use of their weapons. No paperwork or approval by anyone required.
Obfuscation going on here. Stick to the questions like a good citizen testifying to the truth.

How about just answer the questions I posed for starters? This isn't about Nixon.

Is is okay to use Seal Team Six to kill a President's political opponent running in the USA? Yes or No

Are you okay with releasing Trump's mentally declassified Top Secret documents by making them all available to the world press associations since they are already declassified? Yes or No

How about testing the novel theory that a rich, famous man can grope, slander, and force himself on women because, as a famous person, he has that novel, right? Too much? [Sorry, we actually did that one - $85m as a result.] Yes or No
It doesn't look like it's over yet the judge has scheduled a hearing on Monday the 26th.

It seems clear to me that both have committed perjury. It would seem to me that would be hard for a judge to excuse.
Cell phone data is not reliable. They're going to have a difficult time proving anything
Obama authorized a drone strike against a supposed terrorist leader. A sixteen-year-old boy, US Citizen, was caught up in the strike and died.

The boy's father was also a suspected terrorist who was taken out previously by another strike a few weeks before that last situation.

terrorist strike authorized by Obama
Oh, the alkie was just being a histrionic revisionist douche canoe.
Obfuscation going on here. Stick to the questions like a good citizen testifying to the truth.

How about just answer the questions I posed for starters? This isn't about Nixon.

Is is okay to use Seal Team Six to kill a President's political opponent running in the USA? Yes or No

Are you okay with releasing Trump's mentally declassified Top Secret documents by making them all available to the world press associations since they are already declassified? Yes or No

How about testing the novel theory that a rich, famous man can grope, slander, and force himself on women because, as a famous person, he has that novel, right? Too much? [Sorry, we actually did that one - $85m as a result.] Yes or No
Not a deep thinker, are you?

Re. ST 6. In theory that would be possible. The enabling documentation would be a "Presidential Finding." And as I mentioned before, this has already been partially tested by the Obama administration. Of course there would be an incalculable price to pay politically.

Of course he can release said documents and I've already answered that previously.

The third item is just prurient bull shit. A thirty year old allegation based on nothing more than "she said."
It doesn't look like it's over yet the judge has scheduled a hearing on Monday the 26th.

It seems clear to me that both have committed perjury. It would seem to me that would be hard for a judge to excuse.
(Quoted for posterity and stupidity)

Maybe "Right"guide can explain what evidentiary PROOF of wrongdoing exists that the judge would base an order to dismiss Willis and Wade from the case on ???


It's not whether I could or would, it's whether the judge believes her offenses rise to the level that Willis should be recused or not. As I said, I'm thinking that the judge was going to play dumb and say her actions were outrageous but they weren't bad enough to recuse her and her office.

It's now Saturday, nearly a week after the hearing, and we still don't have a ruling. Why? The issue isn't complex, the evidence clear and convincing, and the judge is sitting in his chambers doing nothing. This leads me to believe he was going to let Willis off the hook but now he can't because optics and public opinion say otherwise and he's wishing he'd recused himself early on.

Speaking of which, a recusal on his part might be his way of getting out from that tight spot he's found himself in. Of course it would show him to be a lying cheating coward but that's rather obvious at this point anyway.
Derpy is manufacturing an alternate reality.

In ACTUAL reality:

1) The Judge would have denied the defense request to have Fani Willis removed because there is no PROOF of any wrongdoing.

2) The judge is currently awaiting the prosecutor’s challenge / rebuttal to the cell phone "evidence" that proves "something"?

3) The accusations against the prosecutors based on the cell phone "evidence" are already being shown to be either pure speculation or demonstrably false.

4) Hope that ^ helps.


👉 "Right"guide and Derpy 🤣

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Not a deep thinker, are you?

Re. ST 6. In theory that would be possible. The enabling documentation would be a "Presidential Finding." And as I mentioned before, this has already been partially tested by the Obama administration. Of course there would be an incalculable price to pay politically.

Of course he can release said documents and I've already answered that previously.

The third item is just prurient bull shit. A thirty year old allegation based on nothing more than "she said."
Still having trouble answering basic yes or no questions. ARE YOU okay with those? Not some half-assed hem-haw answer on how it might be okay. Can't answer them can you? Here, I'll help you out.

It's a simple set of questions. The answers reveal something about your sense of a leader's moral responsibilities.

Donald Trump claims he needs the immunity to do whatever the hell he wants - take out a political opponent. How's that for a candidate's qualification absolute power - the power of a dictator?

Donald Trump treats classified documents like toilet paper - do you want a guy who callously disregards the importance of the content to have his hands on them again? Only a lunatic would allow him access to those levels of secrecy again. If you felt he handled them properly, then you should have no reservations saying the documents are now safe to reveal - you wouldn't go there. Only as far as to say that he 'can' but not that would be okay to do so - I suspect you know the contents are still hot items foreign nations would love to get their hands on.

Despite your assertion about allegations based on what she said, Donald Trump was found culpable by a screened jury of his peers. Guilty. Bullshit on letting him off the hook with that denial.

And here you are again, failing to acknowledge his severe flaws that you would jump up and down on if he were Joe Biden.
You're questions are based on your premises which are severely flawed.

For example it was Joe Biden that treated classified documents like toilet paper (or maybe oily rags would be more apropos), classified documents that he was to have NEVER had in his possession to begin with.

‘Real Consequences’: Latest Evidence Against Fani Willis Could Get Her Disbarred, Land Her In Jail, Legal Experts Say​

February 23, 20242:00 PM ET

Special prosecutor Nathan Wade’s cell phone data suggests he and Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis may have lied on the witness stand, opening them up to greater consequences than disqualification from the case against former President Donald Trump, legal experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Phone records contained in a Friday court filing by Trump’s attorney appeared to contradict Wade’s testimony that he visited Willis’ condo less than 10 times, showing “a minimum of 35 occasions” where his phone was in her neighborhood for an extended time, and appears to undermine Willis’ claim that he never spent the night. If they are found to have lied under oath, Willis and Wade could face charges and potential disbarment, legal experts told the DCNF.

The data, which revealed “over 2000 voice calls and just under 12,000 text messages” between the pair in 2021, also further calls into question the timeline of their relationship, which they have insisted began in 2022, after Wade’s contract started.

Atlanta-based defense attorney Andrew Fleischman told the DCNF that the “cell phone location data is powerful circumstantial evidence of a close personal relationship before 2022, as are the sheer number of texts and phone calls exchanged.”

Latest here:https://dailycaller.com/2024/02/23/...illis-could-disbarred-jail-legal-experts-say/
Oh… a daily caller. Maybe if they waited say every other day they could actually do some due diligence in their stories? You know, get more than just one person’s statement to spin into a full conspiracy story that has snowballed…

Oh wait, that’s the Biden thing… my bad. Please, go ahead…you were saying??
Obama authorized a drone strike against a supposed terrorist leader. A sixteen-year-old boy, US Citizen, was caught up in the strike and died.

The boy's father was also a suspected terrorist who was taken out previously by another strike a few weeks before that last situation.

terrorist strike authorized by Obama
Come on now, that's not the same as "ordering a drone strike on a US citizen."
Not a deep thinker, are you?

Re. ST 6. In theory that would be possible. The enabling documentation would be a "Presidential Finding." And as I mentioned before, this has already been partially tested by the Obama administration. Of course there would be an incalculable price to pay politically.

Of course he can release said documents and I've already answered that previously.

The third item is just prurient bull shit. A thirty year old allegation based on nothing more than "she said."
This ^^^^^ The Kavanaugh effect.
You're questions are based on your premises which are severely flawed.

For example it was Joe Biden that treated classified documents like toilet paper (or maybe oily rags would be more apropos), classified documents that he was to have NEVER had in his possession to begin with.
lol thanks for the morning laugh Bozo....mallord will be along shortly to hand you your as again.
The case doesn't depend on Fani's extramarital activities. If she is recused, another prosecutor will prosecute the case.

The right seems to not like to rely on legal theory either.... Else the "election stolen" theory would've died long ago.
An election could never be stolen, too many checks and balances, just like Trump taking part in an insurrection without weapons or an army of some kind. Just more leftists * FIRE! FIRE! HAIR ON FIRE BULLSHIT.

Impropriety or the appearance of impropriety is all that needed to remove her. If she perjured herself then everything else is fruit of a poison tree.
An election could never be stolen, too many checks and balances, just like Trump taking part in an insurrection without weapons or an army of some kind. Just more leftists * FIRE! FIRE! HAIR ON FIRE BULLSHIT.
^^^^^^^^ Triggered on a Sunday morning and needing to vent before trotting off to Church.
An election could never be stolen, too many checks and balances, just like Trump taking part in an insurrection without weapons or an army of some kind. Just more leftists * FIRE! FIRE! HAIR ON FIRE BULLSHIT.
Seems you’re willing to ignore and excuse quite a bit there pardner

Impropriety or the appearance of impropriety is all that needed to remove her. If she perjured herself then everything else is fruit of a poison tree.
Let the chips fall, trump still did what he did

^^^^^^^^ Triggered on a Sunday morning and needing to vent before trotting off to Church.
If you believe that a person attempted to overthrow a fair election, the type of justice you would pursue likely doesn't look the same to someone who doesn't, in regards to a man seeking the Presidency.
If you believe what you just implied that you are one of those conspiracy lunatics and should not be taken seriously.
You're questions are based on your premises which are severely flawed.

For example it was Joe Biden that treated classified documents like toilet paper (or maybe oily rags would be more apropos), classified documents that he was to have NEVER had in his possession to begin with.
Who would ever look in the garage for classified documents?

They had to be safer from theft than the Corvette.

;) ;) :D
^^^^^^^^ Triggered on a Sunday morning and needing to vent before trotting off to Church.

Most of the people I knew who were religious church goers were either terrified of dying, sheep that only felt comfortable as part of a flock tended to by a shepherd, or really evil fucks that NEEDED to be forgiven.

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