Take A Load Off Fani

In the eyes of the law only. Public opinion doesn't have to agree with the outcome of court decisions.
If the case is dismissed, Trump wouldn't be "a criminal."

His NY fraud case still stands even if the Georgia case is dismissed. Wasn't that fraud case a criminal one?

He stands convicted in the civil case brought by E. Jane Carroll as well as other past cases, though not 'criminal' her case painted him in a sexual assault category - bad light in my view.
His NY fraud case still stands even if the Georgia case is dismissed. Wasn't that fraud case a criminal one?

He stands convicted in the civil case brought by E. Jane Carroll as well as other past cases, though not 'criminal' her case painted him in a sexual assault category - bad light in my view.
True, but for clarity, I was addressing the statement in general, not specifically towards Trump.
His NY fraud case still stands even if the Georgia case is dismissed. Wasn't that fraud case a criminal one?

He stands convicted in the civil case brought by E. Jane Carroll as well as other past cases, though not 'criminal' her case painted him in a sexual assault category - bad light in my view.

Nope, both of those were civil cases.
His NY fraud case still stands even if the Georgia case is dismissed. Wasn't that fraud case a criminal one?

He stands convicted in the civil case brought by E. Jane Carroll as well as other past cases, though not 'criminal' her case painted him in a sexual assault category - bad light in my view.

Nope, both of those were civil cases.
Fuck HisArpy, can't you read???? He said one was not criminal....and you wonder why people here call out your reading comprehension....
Hopefully the judge will put an end to this corrupt clown show.

If the case has any merit at all some competent prosecutor will pick it up and advance it.
Hopefully the judge will put an end to this corrupt clown show.

If the case has any merit at all some competent prosecutor will pick it up and advance it.

I actually think that it's over.

If the judge doesn't recuse Wade/Fani and the entire DA's office then it shows that he is biased. That will get the case scrutinized harder on the appeal which is already taking shape to get any guilty conviction overturned.

If he does recuse the 2 of them, and the DA's office, then the case will have to be transferred out of Atlanta. Which gets us a new judge and prosecutor.

Hopefully they will look at the evidence and the charges in an unbiased/non political light and dismiss.
I actually think that it's over.

If the judge doesn't recuse Wade/Fani and the entire DA's office then it shows that he is biased. That will get the case scrutinized harder on the appeal which is already taking shape to get any guilty conviction overturned.

If he does recuse the 2 of them, and the DA's office, then the case will have to be transferred out of Atlanta. Which gets us a new judge and prosecutor.

Hopefully they will look at the evidence and the charges in an unbiased/non political light and dismiss.
That whole shit show was on national display, I don't think he has any alternative but to kick the Fulton County office off the case unless he's willing to sacrifice his own self-respect.
That whole shit show was on national display, I don't think he has any alternative but to kick the Fulton County office off the case unless he's willing to sacrifice his own self-respect.

Never try to tell an idealist what they can't do and expect them to see the light.

The judge is an idealist. He has taken the case under advisement and said he'll give his decision within 2 weeks. That 2 weeks is what he needs to gauge public opinion and decide if his own person ideology can weather the storm. No one can predict the outcome under those circumstances.
Never try to tell an idealist what they can't do and expect them to see the light.

The judge is an idealist. He has taken the case under advisement and said he'll give his decision within 2 weeks. That 2 weeks is what he needs to gauge public opinion and decide if his own person ideology can weather the storm. No one can predict the outcome under those circumstances.
He's a member of the Federalist Society and was appointed by Kemp. But he also faces election in his own right this coming Nov. in what is most likely a hostile district. So where is he going to land?

He has an opportunity to do something to clean up the corrupted rats nest that the Fulton Co. DA's office has become and in so doing I'm quite certain that that act will;

1. Cost him the election.

2. Probably guarantee that he will have some place in a State level office going forward.

So how badly does he want to be a judge in that shit hole?
I actually think that it's over.

If the judge doesn't recuse Wade/Fani and the entire DA's office then it shows that he is biased. That will get the case scrutinized harder on the appeal which is already taking shape to get any guilty conviction overturned.

If he does recuse the 2 of them, and the DA's office, then the case will have to be transferred out of Atlanta. Which gets us a new judge and prosecutor.

Hopefully they will look at the evidence and the charges in an unbiased/non political light and dismiss.
Amazing take on justice. 'If he doesn't recuse ... it shows that he is biased.'

So, if he disagrees with you he is biased.

Amazing take on justice. 'Hopefully, they will look ... in an unbiased/non-political light and dismiss.'

If they agree with you, they are not biased.

No room in your precepts that the judge is impartial, to begin with? Or open to accepting the judge may find the evidence does not rise to a level that would cause Willis to be removed from the case?

Like Trump, everyone who is not bent toward your conclusion is wrong, crooked, and needs to be removed from office forthwith.
Amazing take on justice. 'If he doesn't recuse ... it shows that he is biased.'

So, if he disagrees with you he is biased.

Amazing take on justice. 'Hopefully, they will look ... in an unbiased/non-political light and dismiss.'

If they agree with you, they are not biased.

No room in your precepts that the judge is impartial, to begin with? Or open to accepting the judge may find the evidence does not rise to a level that would cause Willis to be removed from the case?

Like Trump, everyone who is not bent toward your conclusion is wrong, crooked, and needs to be removed from office forthwith.

You know your mental process is a train wreck, right?

The evidence has been heard. We know what happened and we know that it's not what Fani and Wade said under oath. We also know that the judge contributes not only to the Democrats but contributed to Fani's campaign directly.

The amount is irrelevant, he has shown that his political ideology leans toward her side of the aisle.

If he fails to recuse them based on the evidence the only basis for doing so is that he allowed his ideology to control his decision. There is no other possibility.
He's a member of the Federalist Society and was appointed by Kemp. But he also faces election in his own right this coming Nov. in what is most likely a hostile district. So where is he going to land?

He has an opportunity to do something to clean up the corrupted rats nest that the Fulton Co. DA's office has become and in so doing I'm quite certain that that act will;

1. Cost him the election.

2. Probably guarantee that he will have some place in a State level office going forward.

So how badly does he want to be a judge in that shit hole?

The Federalist Society also gave us Supreme Court Justice Bret Kavanaugh.
Amazing take on justice. 'If he doesn't recuse ... it shows that he is biased.'

So, if he disagrees with you he is biased.

Amazing take on justice. 'Hopefully, they will look ... in an unbiased/non-political light and dismiss.'

If they agree with you, they are not biased.

No room in your precepts that the judge is impartial, to begin with? Or open to accepting the judge may find the evidence does not rise to a level that would cause Willis to be removed from the case?

Like Trump, everyone who is not bent toward your conclusion is wrong, crooked, and needs to be removed from office forthwith.
It will be hard for the judge to ignore "Prima Facie" evidence blinking like a neon light. Fani get on the stand and goes full street on the judge and the opposing attorneys. She lies through her teeth. Wade and Bradley are both despicable liars and convenient amnesiacs when they needed to be. All three should be disbarred and criminally charged with perjury and conspiracy.
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You know your mental process is a train wreck, right?

The evidence has been heard. We know what happened and we know that it's not what Fani and Wade said under oath. We also know that the judge contributes not only to the Democrats but contributed to Fani's campaign directly.

The amount is irrelevant, he has shown that his political ideology leans toward her side of the aisle.

If he fails to recuse them based on the evidence the only basis for doing so is that he allowed his ideology to control his decision. There is no other possibility.
You know your arguments are humorous as well as specious, right?

Your claim to fame is as a 'legal beagle,' not a medical professional, so I'll stick with my doctor's opinion on my health and mental condition. You are not certified to render such an opinion, though you might be 'certifiable,' that's for your plethora of doctors to determine.

You start with an obviously true statement about evidence being heard.

Then you slide downhill from there into a hazy pit of supposition and meander into baseless accusations about the judge's decision if he fails to declare that they must be removed from the case. The case, by the way, is focused on whether or not Willis benefited financially by selecting Wade as the trial attorney.

There is another possible outcome - you don't want to acknowledge the case's merits, which might not rise to the level of impropriety warranting their removal from the case against Trump et al.

The cornerstone of a fair legal system is impartiality. Judges are expected to adjudicate cases based on the law and evidence presented without bias or favoritism towards any party. We all ascribe to that notion as a matter of principal, otherwise we don't have a fair and equitable system with which to begin. I presume you also agree with that being all judicial and Constitutional-like.

Judges are expected to recuse themselves from cases where they have a personal or financial interest or where there is an appearance of bias. However, the mere fact of a political contribution does not always necessitate recusal as long as the judge can impartially apply the law.

Accusations of judicial bias require substantial evidence. Political contributions alone, the State of George has stated, are not sufficient to prove bias. [I've pointed this out in other thread responses.] The state recognizes even judges have the right to vote and support candidates of their choice. There must be a clear connection between the judge's actions and the alleged bias in the case at hand to remove a judge from the case. You obviously don't believe that as having stated that if he doesn't find them at fault - he is therefore biased for not ruling as such. That's specious and worthy of noting.

It's just so - you.
It will be hard for the judge to ignore "Prima Facie" evidence blinking like a neon light. Fani get on the stand and goes full street on the judge and the opposing attorneys. She lies through her teeth. Wade and Bradley are both despicable liars and convenient amnesiacs when they needed to be. All three should be disbarred and criminally charged with perjury and conspiracy.
Contact the State of Georgia with your concerns. I'm sure they have a place in line for you to express your view.

New Witness Reveals Terrence Bradley Contradictions and Bombshell Call He Got From Fani Willis​

By Nick Arama | 8:20 AM on March 05, 2024


The state of Georgia has all of the evidence it needs to strip her of her freedom and her license to practice law.
LOL the Judge isn't open up new info, the last shit like this from eyewitness's had the eye witness's not testifying to what they said, when not under oath....but hey, you keep up your hopes!!
LOL the Judge isn't open up new info, the last shit like this from eyewitness's had the eye witness's not testifying to what they said, when not under oath....but hey, you keep up your hopes!!
We don't know that yet. He has two weeks to study the evidence and he might very well consider a new filing. We shall see.
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NO, you don't know yet, the rest of us do....wana bet on it? Say your screen name here?


Check the time stamp on his post, still here but too chickenshit to return and answer...
I don't give a shit if he does or not. He already has a mountain of incriminating evidence of wrongdoing. She is a vile, lying, conniving, racist, hack that belongs to the street. She has no business holding a position of authority with the freedom of Americans in the palm of her money-grubbing hands. She is a disgrace to her profession as much as the other two clowns in question.
LOL the Judge isn't open up new info, the last shit like this from eyewitness's had the eye witness's not testifying to what they said, when not under oath....but hey, you keep up your hopes!!

We don't know that yet. He has two weeks to study the evidence and he might very well consider a new filing. We shall see.

NO, you don't know yet, the rest of us do....wana bet on it? Say your screen name here?


Check the time stamp on his post, still here but too chickenshit to return and answer...

I don't give a shit if he does or not.
Sure you do, you fucking made a thread about it for christ sake.
He already has a mountain of incriminating evidence of wrongdoing.
The evidence has been presented, the Judge is deciding
Yes I am too cowardly to engage in a bet with you Mr Fuzzy, Sir.
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I don't give a shit if he does or not. He already has a mountain of incriminating evidence of wrongdoing. She is a vile, lying, conniving, racist, hack that belongs to the street. She has no business holding a position of authority with the freedom of Americans in the palm of her money-grubbing hands. She is a disgrace to her profession as much as the other two clowns in question.
For someone doesn't 'give a shit' you sure sound angry enough to care about it - even a tiny teeny little bit?

Yes he has evidence - enough for two weeks of review before rendering his decision.

The rest of your 'rant' is bad 'giving a shit' syndrome.
I don't give a shit if he does or not. He already has a mountain of incriminating evidence of wrongdoing. She is a vile, lying, conniving, racist, hack that belongs to the street. She has no business holding a position of authority with the freedom of Americans in the palm of her money-grubbing hands. She is a disgrace to her profession as much as the other two clowns in question.

She seems to be competent we have no reason to think she lied or is racist.