Take A Load Off Fani

"Recently in Denmark, law enforcement officials have stated that they will be reviewing more than 10,000 court verdicts because of errors in cell phone tracking data. The worry is that some of the verdicts that used this type of evidence were incorrect or unfair verdicts based on inaccurate cell phone location data. This has also been a concern that has been expressed in Connecticut and across the country."

So there have many cases containing verdicts where cell phone data was used to convict.

How cell phone analysis helped convict Patrick Frazee of murder

From September 2019. Denmark, Europe. 32 cases, not 10,000. That's all you have?
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2...risoners,operators, local media have reported.
You obviously can’t differentiate between a civil disturbance and a full blown insurrection.
What would one use to differentiate between a civil disturbance and a full-blown insurrection?

A few photos used here pointed to one. Not used here were the pipe bombs found, the people carrying AR-15s down the street, and a host of other weapons.

MSNBC had an article that stated, "Despite repeated false claims from conservative media figures that the mob that stormed the Capitol was unarmed, a multitude of defendants were armed with deadly or dangerous weapons, including several who carried firearms, as the Justice Department has proven in court. Among Jan. 6 rioters who were proven to have carried firearms during the Capitol attack are Christopher Alberts, who was sentenced to seven years in prison; Mark Mazza, who carried two guns and was sentenced to five years in federal prison; and Guy Reffitt, who was sentenced to seven years in federal prison after he became the first Jan. 6 defendant to go to trial."

People died here: those defending the Capitol and some attacking it. The purpose of the march was to stop the certification of a legitimate change of political power. That's not a civil disturbance definition, nor can that term define these acts by any means.

What is left is to call this act the response to a call for action by Donald Trump - against established rules of law.

The Boston Tea Party, often considered an insurrection, was far less violent. Just a boarding party of unarmed men dressed as Native Indians who emptied tea coffers into the bay. They came and left 'relatively peacefully.' No one died, no one was beaten and bloodied, no noose was strung from the yardarms, and yet this relatively quiet act of rebellion precipitated the Revolution. It was one event that led to many going against the British monarchy.

Donald Trump's party was not engaged in civil disruption. Had his cohort gathered and stayed outside to protest, one could view that as a political protest. It didn't stop at the definition of a rowdy rally at the Capitol. It was a political call to action to interfere with the electoral process; as such, it rose to the level of insurrection when they breached the complex, called for the hanging of Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi, and the occupation of the building.
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What would one use to differentiate between a civil disturbance and a full-blown insurrection?

A few photos used here pointed to one. Not used here were the pipe bombs found, the people carrying AR-15s down the street, and a host of other weapons.

MSNBC had an article that stated, "Despite repeated false claims from conservative media figures that the mob that stormed the Capitol was unarmed, a multitude of defendants were armed with deadly or dangerous weapons, including several who carried firearms, as the Justice Department has proven in court. Among Jan. 6 rioters who were proven to have carried firearms during the Capitol attack are Christopher Alberts, who was sentenced to seven years in prison; Mark Mazza, who carried two guns and was sentenced to five years in federal prison; and Guy Reffitt, who was sentenced to seven years in federal prison after he became the first Jan. 6 defendant to go to trial."

People died here: those defending the Capitol and some attacking it. The purpose of the march was to stop the certification of a legitimate change of political power. That's not a civil disturbance definition, nor can that term define these acts by any means.

What is left is to call this act the response to a call for action by Donald Trump - against established rules of law.

The Boston Tea Party, often considered an insurrection, was far less violent. Just a boarding party of unarmed men dressed as Native Indians who emptied tea coffers into the bay. They came and left 'relatively peacefully.' No one died, no one was beaten and bloodied, no noose was strung from the yardarms, and yet this relatively quiet act of rebellion precipitated the Revolution. It was one event that led to many going against the British monarchy.

Donald Trump's party was not engaged in civil disruption. Had his cohort gathered and stayed outside to protest, one could view that as a political protest. It didn't stop at the definition of a rowdy rally at the Capitol. It was a political call to action to interfere with the electoral process; as such, it rose to the level of insurrection when they breached the complex, called for the hanging of Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi, and the occupation of the building.
I stopped reading after MSNBC!
I stopped reading after MSNBC!
One person died at the hands of law enforcement. As investigators find later that cop used excessive deadly force on an unarmed civilian, prior military service. Never charged! Got promoted!!! There’s a reason the DOJ didn’t charge insurrection, because there wasn’t one.
I stopped reading after MSNBC!

One person died at the hands of law enforcement. As investigators find later that cop used excessive deadly force on an unarmed civilian, prior military service. Never charged! Got promoted!!! There’s a reason the DOJ didn’t charge insurrection, because there wasn’t one.
You're a mess, Francis.
That's so sad of you to acknowledge your blindness and recalcitrant stubbornness—failure on your part to learn.
They need to keep denying not only the reality but also the verity of what happened on that day, because 1) it didn't work, and 2) they know that had the parties (and racial makeup of the insurrectionists) been reversed, they'd be howling for convictions.
They need to keep denying not only the reality but also the verity of what happened on that day, because 1) it didn't work, and 2) they know that had the parties (and racial makeup of the insurrectionists) been reversed, they'd be howling for convictions.

We know.

They know.

That’s all that matters.

They need to keep denying not only the reality but also the verity of what happened on that day, because 1) it didn't work, and 2) they know that had the parties (and racial makeup of the insurrectionists) been reversed, they'd be howling for convictions.
No one is denying what happened on Jan 6, no one denies that there were bad actors involved and that most of those bad actors were prosecuted and doing time. Can’t say the same for a year of BLM and ANTIFA uprisings and rioting. You leftist justify those riots as a noble cause because it was your cause. People were actually killed as a result and hundreds of police officers we sent to hospitals, billions in damages.

There was no insurrection period, as much as you like to fantasize about it being one. People have a right to petition their government but because of a few bad actors, it, like other political uprisings it quickly got out of hand in certain areas around the capital. A
We conservatives have been paying the price ever since while democrats once again take advantage of a two tier justice system. The latest being the Biden crime family antics using Joe’s political status for self enrichment.

There was a ton of distrust and frustrations brought on by left wing antics, the Mueller probe, two impeachments, crossfire hurricane, all this perpetrated by a lying media and a corrupt democrat party. Whether you choose to believe it doesn’t matter, I and millions like me sat through the constant barrage of democrat lies and covid tyranny. Now we have to live with 90 plus sham indictments against Trump.

Unlike what you believe those bad actors did not represent conservative values. They did a great disservice to the conservative cause. They really pissed most of us conservatives off because the gave you leftist democrats an excuse to rail against republicans and conservatives alike. It’s a very complex issue, too complex to discuss on a porn board. The media dramatically got its facts wrong right from the start.
No one is denying what happened on Jan 6, no one denies that there were bad actors involved and that most of those bad actors were prosecuted and doing time. Can’t say the same for a year of BLM and ANTIFA uprisings and rioting. You leftist justify those riots as a noble cause because it was your cause. People were actually killed as a result and hundreds of police officers we sent to hospitals, billions in damages.

There was no insurrection period, as much as you like to fantasize about it being one. People have a right to petition their government but because of a few bad actors, it, like other political uprisings it quickly got out of hand in certain areas around the capital. A
We conservatives have been paying the price ever since while democrats once again take advantage of a two tier justice system. The latest being the Biden crime family antics using Joe’s political status for self enrichment.

There was a ton of distrust and frustrations brought on by left wing antics, the Mueller probe, two impeachments, crossfire hurricane, all this perpetrated by a lying media and a corrupt democrat party. Whether you choose to believe it doesn’t matter, I and millions like me sat through the constant barrage of democrat lies and covid tyranny. Now we have to live with 90 plus sham indictments against Trump.

Unlike what you believe those bad actors did not represent conservative values. They did a great disservice to the conservative cause. They really pissed most of us conservatives off because the gave you leftist democrats an excuse to rail against republicans and conservatives alike. It’s a very complex issue, too complex to discuss on a porn board. The media dramatically got its facts wrong right from the start.
They're just doing what they always do, corrupt the language. They seem to think that if they repeat it often enough it will become reality. The 'progressive' equivalent of clicking their ruby slippers together.
No one is denying what happened on Jan 6, no one denies that there were bad actors involved and that most of those bad actors were prosecuted and doing time. Can’t say the same for a year of BLM and ANTIFA uprisings and rioting. You leftist
I quit reading at "Leftist"....see how that works. If you want to understand another persons view point, you need to read it, no matter if you disagree or not...WTF should anyone here read what you write, when you won't give them the same respect???
No one is denying what happened on Jan 6, no one denies that there were bad actors involved and that most of those bad actors were prosecuted and doing time. Can’t say the same for a year of BLM and ANTIFA uprisings and rioting. You leftist justify those riots as a noble cause because it was your cause. People were actually killed as a result and hundreds of police officers we sent to hospitals, billions in damages.

There was no insurrection period, as much as you like to fantasize about it being one. People have a right to petition their government but because of a few bad actors, it, like other political uprisings it quickly got out of hand in certain areas around the capital. A
We conservatives have been paying the price ever since while democrats once again take advantage of a two tier justice system. The latest being the Biden crime family antics using Joe’s political status for self enrichment.

There was a ton of distrust and frustrations brought on by left wing antics, the Mueller probe, two impeachments, crossfire hurricane, all this perpetrated by a lying media and a corrupt democrat party. Whether you choose to believe it doesn’t matter, I and millions like me sat through the constant barrage of democrat lies and covid tyranny. Now we have to live with 90 plus sham indictments against Trump.

Unlike what you believe those bad actors did not represent conservative values. They did a great disservice to the conservative cause. They really pissed most of us conservatives off because the gave you leftist democrats an excuse to rail against republicans and conservatives alike. It’s a very complex issue, too complex to discuss on a porn board. The media dramatically got its facts wrong right from the start.
"bad actors."


The words and phrases you nimrods love to milk and butcher just to minimize complicity. Rhetoric and distraction is the one thing you're collectively good at.

Homeboy, that wasn't a Hollywood movie set. That was real life with real citizens thinking they were going to change an election that didn't go their way by going over the top, all in the service of a charlatan.

And they, as a collective, belong to and align with the Republican party. You fervently don't want to own it, but you do.

You wrote all that above fluff because you know your side shit the bed that day in the worst way. Even literally smearing shit on the inside walls of a building you worship as hallowed ground when the R's are dominant.

But go ahead and keep on saying "bad actors" like it was a handful of D-list nobodies auditioning for a Christopher Nolan flick. It makes your feels less hurt.
Like denying election results or pretending your cult of traitors didn't do an insurrection?
"bad actors."


The words and phrases you nimrods love to milk and butcher just to minimize complicity. Rhetoric and distraction is the one thing you're collectively good at.

Homeboy, that wasn't a Hollywood movie set. That was real life with real citizens thinking they were going to change an election that didn't go in their way by going over the top, all in the service of a charlatan.

And they, as a collective, belong to and align with the Republican party. You fervently don't want to own it, but you do.

You wrote all that above fluff because you know your side shit the bed that day in the worst way. Even literally smearing shit on the inside walls of a building you worship as hallowed ground when the R's are dominant.

But go ahead and keep on saying "bad actors" like it was a handful of D-list nobodies auditioning for a Christopher Nolan flick. It makes your feels less hurt.
He don't get it.
Never has.
Never will.
That's so sad of you to acknowledge your blindness and recalcitrant stubbornness—failure on your part to learn.
They thrive on the knowledge they acquired up until Reagan.

After that, their selective memory and senility take over.
They thrive on the knowledge they acquired up until Reagan.

After that, their selective memory and senility take over.
One of their favorite tossed-out quotes to use is, "I've forgotten more about (subject) than you'll ever know."

I'm like, "what does your Alzheimer's have to do with me?" :ROFLMAO: