"Tales of Leinyere" Story Event: Official Support Thread

Hey - I don't think I'll be able to write my story due to work ramping back up. I'll try, but if you could take it off the story list, I'd appreciate it. If things change, I'll let the thread know!

Good luck! This looks like a fun world!

Bummer! I took you off the list, but I’ve got my fingers crossed I get to add you back
I like. And I can definitely reference it. I have a jaded ex-mercenary in the Marches who'd love to talk about retiring to a place like that.

Here is what I have so far. If anything contradicts or conflicts with established parameters, let me know and I will adjust.

I did not use dates; you can set my major events in the timeline where they fit best.

Personally, I think we should all agree on a start date for the stories, so we know when events happen in relation to each other. My mortal characters can't interact with characters who lived hundreds of years before them.

Country Name: Talamh Síochánta
History: The land was mostly uninhabited until the evil wizard Nimm the Unholy claimed these lands for those who practice dark magic. Necromancers, blood magic, and other evil magic users. This area was chosen because for reasons unknown magic is more powerful & effective here than elsewhere. It was a dark and evil land. The magic users controlled the population, and most people were stolen from their homes and turned into mindless slaves to serve the magic users. Many tried to defeat Nimm, but the powerful and evil magics protected his lands and his army of walking dead would destroy those who attacked him. Nimm’s influence was spread, and his acolytes were in large demand by the rich and powerful to protect them from the dark magics.

One day a large Red Dragon landed at Nimm’s castle, and all the magic users cast spells at it, yet the dragon was unharmed. Soon the castle was in ruin and Nimm and most of his followers were in the process of becoming dragon shit. The next day an oyster the size of a baby dragon appeared on the shore. When it opened a very beautiful, very naked woman with flaming red hair walked out and declared herself the Monarch of the land. Those who opposed her were found well done or simply disappeared. Lady of the Sea, as she came to be known, ended slavery and declared anyone who captured, sold, owned, or oversaw slaves would be put to death. All dark magic likewise was a capital crime.

She declared Suaimhneas was neutral in all matters, and all were welcome to come live in peace. Under her rule, Arts and white magic have flourished. This land is a center of culture, trade, and healing. Suaimhneas is still protected by magic. Any invading army is unable to strike anyone with any known weapon. This magic only stops large battles, not small skirmishes. Barroom brawls, Brigands, assassins, and other small-scale violence still occur. Justice is swift and merciful, mostly. The primary punishment is banishment. To return after being banished means death. Life is in tune with nature, and settlements of all sizes are built to blend in with the surrounding forest.​

Government: Autocratic Monarchy/Benevolent Dictatorship

Population Centers: There is no capital city. Sinesear and Lady of the Sea live in a Castle by the sea. And frolic in the autumn mist… Near Urka Mona there is a small spit of land that juts out into the sea. That is where Seaside Keep is located. The Cove to the North is the Mer’s main gathering point. The river that runs from MerCove to the marshes is large enough for sea-going vessels to navigate all the way to the marshes. It is a major trade route. There are little towns, villages, and hamlets all along the river on both sides. Most who live there make a living fishing or trading goods. There is a dam being constructed a few miles inland from the sea to act as a water supply in case of drought and a secondary port for trade. The main port is the straight strip of land to the Northwest of Seaside Keep. The port city is the biggest population center in the land. There are other population centers scattered about, most are centered around a school of some sort.
Population: roughly 30-40K Mostly old soldiers, sellswords, and others tired of war. Higher than average population of magic users. All races are represented and live in harmony, mostly. Almost 25% of the population are students at one of the learning centers. Healers, Magic, nautical arts, and creative arts are the primary courses of instruction​

Economy: Free Market Capitalism. Currency is the standard coinage of the realm. No taxes, all goods provided by the Mers are property of the realm, and proceeds from their sale go to the national treasury.
Chief Exports: Seafood, rare and exotic gemstones from the oceans, Magical items (amulets, potions, enchanted armor/weapons), lumber, fertilizer (dragon shit is the best fertilizer), sea salt, Art, music, literature, poetry, knowledge, Sea Spray (Mer-folk Moonshine, not only intoxicating, but it also has hallucinogenic properties. Known ingredients include Jellyfish & pufferfish toxin, seaweed, squid ink & Barnacle adhesive)​
Chief Imports: Livestock, raw materials to make magic items, metallic ores, and more​

Religion: All faiths are present, but the majority of people do not actively worship. Most do offer lip service to the faith of their clan, people, etc... There are some sects and cults present that are not found elsewhere. The biggest cult is the Dragonites.
Dragonites: Pronounced Dray Gone Ites. A cult that worships dragons. Their highest wish is to become Dragon shit, to nourish their God Sinsear. Their holiest sacrament is a ceremony where each member holds a part of their body in the holy fire as long as they can. The greater the burns received the higher the rank. Ranks from lowest to highest are Spark, Ember, Candle, Torch, Brazier, Fire, Blaze, Inferno, Conflaguration. The leader is referred to as The flamekeeper. The holy book is the Tome of Embers. All fire is sacred, but Dragon fire is venerated. Religious artifacts include dragon scales, dragon claws, dragon teeth, dragon blood, dragon eggs, dragon excrement, and anything destroyed by dragon fire. Very susceptible to con artists selling fakes. Sinsear hates them and takes great pleasure in mocking them.​

Head of State: Lady of the Sea, Some believe she is Tomuun personified. She denies this. She is addressed as Lady Sea, Milady, or Mistress Sea
Special Skills & Abilities: Immortal (A gift from the mer-folk) Rapid healing (shares a dragon’s life force) Skilled with Bow and Sword. Water elemental magic. Empathic, Intelligent, and beautiful. Can move rain clouds. She can’t control where they go but she can make them leave an area. Useful when there’s flooding. Occasionally beds one who has rendered a great service to her or her people.​

Major Allies
Sinsear: A large powerful Red Dragon who has a Blood Oath with Lady of the Sea. They have a magical connection and he feels what she feels and vice versa. Sinsear ‘speaks’ telepathically and anyone within range can hear him. Hearing his voice the first few times can be overwhelming and cause people to cover their ears and fall to the ground in pain and fear. He can direct his ‘words’ to select people as long as they can see each other. Otherwise, it’s a broadcast. Partially immune to magic. Primarily hunts large aquatic animals for food. Will eat wild game if needed.

Sir Saile: Warrior cleric. He’s is her primary advisor, ambassador, and leader of Suaimhneas defense forces. Regular mortal but his skill in battle is such he has never been struck by an enemy. His age is unknown but the fourth generation of children are hearing stories about him now.

Mer-Folk: Mer’s are shy and rarely interact with humans. On occasion, they have saved sailors from drowning but this is rare. For some reason, they love Lady of the Sea and will do anything she asks. They have no need for money, so they provide Lady of the Sea things of value for her to sell to maintain her lands and people. In return, she promised them her entire might to help stop those who hunt Mer’s for sport or to harvest various body parts for use in potions and magic. Since she banned all Mer hunts in the waters around her land, Mer’s spend a lot of time in those waters. Sinsear lives near them so he can defend them from any vessels that try to harm them.
Neppo Seidtuneon: King of the Mer-folk, a close friend, and staunch ally. Not much is known of the Mer, they are rarely seen except in the waters off Suaimhneas. All Suaimhneas vessels are escorted by Mer’s.​
Cymopoleia Seidtuneon: Daughter of Neppo and Lady of the Seas closest personal friend. The only Mer to be seen on land away from the sea. Lady of the Sea had a special cart constructed to transport her and water to her keep where there is a saltwater cistern for her to stay in when she visits.​

Side Note: Nimm and his followers had a lot of hidden places to practice and perform their magic. These places are filled with grimoires and cursed items. Many people seek out these places for the knowledge and items in them. One of the most common and well-known items is a six-foot-long staff that appears harmless. Until it is picked up by a sentient being with a bare hand. The staff then pulsates and turns orange and grows around the hand. there is no known way to remove the staff except to chop off the arm. The staff is cursed and reduces the intelligence of the bearer by 90%. It’s called the Rod of Nimm. These rods can only be destroyed by long exposure to dragon fire or dropped into lava. When found you must only touch it while wearing gloves and they are to be brought to Seaside Keep to be destroyed. Knowingly possessing one is considered dark magic, a capital crime.
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Note to self - a plague of fire mice.

I’m wasn’t going to sleep until I wrote that down.

*** Edit*** I had an idea at 1.00 am, and it wouldn't let me sleep until I wrote it down. You know how good ideas can vanish overnight...

Ok, so the steam boiler in my vehicle can be powered by coal or elemental magic. I needed it to break down near a farm, and I was thinking that there was an aura that absorbed magic. But why?

A plague of Fire mice. Small rodents that shield themselves with a magic flame when agitated. By themselves, they just smoulder and don't really cause issues but when they group together in plague proportions the critical mass creates a mobile fireball. This creates havoc in crops. The absorption field also causes them to disperse.

Anocot's also think they're an exotic delicacy. A smoky flavour with a nice crunch. :D
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Hey! Anocot inventors!

I'm about to introduce my Anocot character. He comes in, drops some knowledge, then leaves. He's a busy man.

Does he travel by some flying contraption? Levitate? Do one of those Star Trek transporter things?

How does he send messages? Is he a habitual magic-user, able to send things telepathically?

My setting is fairly medieval, with little advanced tech. They all ride horses and smell bad. My Anocot is a city fellow, cosmopolitan and chic, disdainful of the Marches.

Just trying to keep things uniform. He's a minor character for me, but I want him to be true to the overall universe for you folks who are being more Anocot-y.
I'm about to introduce my Anocot character. He comes in, drops some knowledge, then leaves. He's a busy man.

Does he travel by some flying contraption? Levitate? Do one of those Star Trek transporter things?

How does he send messages? Is he a habitual magic-user, able to send things telepathically?

My setting is fairly medieval, with little advanced tech. They all ride horses and smell bad. My Anocot is a city fellow, cosmopolitan and chic, disdainful of the Marches.

Just trying to keep things uniform. He's a minor character for me, but I want him to be true to the overall universe for you folks who are being more Anocot-y.

I'm going to add this to the World notes, but I'll put it here.


Cat like beings - long and short hairs
Long hairs tend to be politicians, teachers - more sedentary roles.
Short hairs are more active - soldiers, explorers, etc.

They are on average taller than humans. Average height is about 6' 4" for males, 6' for females. Think of a panther on its hind legs.

Cat like face. Three fingers, one thumb. Retractable claws. Mostly carnivorous - sort of like a dog. Will eat vegetables if nothing else is available.

Females have two boobs with a light covering of fur. Thanks THROBBS for the pic. :) (What's a pussy on an Anocot called???)
Males have a penis between 10 - 14" long and tapers from about 3" at the base to 2" at the tip. It retracts into the body and just leaves a stub on the outside. Internal testicles. Thick fur over the genitals on both.

In their own area they go without clothes but to avoid upsetting the "Hairless" in other regions, males wear a vest and a kilt split at the back. (they have long tails...) Females wear a slightly longer skirt and a shirt. Personal choice comes into it.

They are curious and like to explore and play with new things - especially if they come in a box. :D

They are agile and fast runners, where they drop onto all fours. They can reach nearly 30 mph (or the local equivalent measurement) in a short burst but can lope along at about 15 for extended periods. For longer distances, they use placid horses like a Clydesdale. Other breeds get very nervous having a top-level predator on their back.

My Anocot doesn't have any natural magical ability, but some do. Not as many as other races. They are quick learners of spells and alchemy.

Hope this helps - If I've missed something or if it conflicts with anybody's ideas, let me know.

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I'm going to add this to the World notes, but I'll put it here.


Cat like beings - long and short hairs
Long hairs tend to be politicians, teachers - more sedentary roles.
Short hairs are more active - soldiers, explorers, etc.

They are on average taller than humans. Average height is about 6' 4" for males, 6' for females. Think of a panther on its hind legs.

Cat like face. Three fingers, one thumb. Retractable claws. Mostly carnivorous - sort of like a dog. Will eat vegetables if nothing else is available.

Females have two boobs with a light covering of fur. Thanks THROBBS for the pic. :) (What's a pussy on an Anocot called???)
Males have a penis between 10 - 14" long and tapers from about 3" at the base to 2" at the tip. It retracts into the body and just leaves a stub on the outside. Internal testicles. Thick fur over the genitals on both.

In their own area they go without clothes but to avoid upsetting the "Hairless" in other regions, males wear a vest and a kilt split at the back. (they have long tails...) Females wear a slightly longer skirt and a shirt. Personal choice comes into it.

They are curious and like to explore and play with new things - especially if they come in a box. :D

They are agile and fast runners, where they drop onto all fours. They can reach nearly 30 mph (or the local equivalent measurement) in a short burst but can lope along at about 15 for extended periods. For longer distances, they use placid horses like a Clydesdale. Other breeds get very nervous having a top-level predator on their back.

My Anocot doesn't have any natural magical ability, but some do. Not as many as other races. They are quick learners of spells and alchemy.

Hope this helps - If I've missed something or if it conflicts with anybody's ideas, let me know.


Awesome. I can work with that. Thanks!
Note to self - a plague of fire mice.

I’m wasn’t going to sleep until I wrote that down.

*** Edit*** I had an idea at 1.00 am, and it wouldn't let me sleep until I wrote it down. You know how good ideas can vanish overnight...

Ok, so the steam boiler in my vehicle can be powered by coal or elemental magic. I needed it to break down near a farm, and I was thinking that there was an aura that absorbed magic. But why?

A plague of Fire mice. Small rodents that shield themselves with a magic flame when agitated. By themselves, they just smoulder and don't really cause issues but when they group together in plague proportions the critical mass creates a mobile fireball. This creates havoc in crops. The absorption field also causes them to disperse.

Anocot's also think they're an exotic delicacy. A smoky flavour with a nice crunch. :D

Sinsear calls them Dragon mice and protects them as if they were his children. Not sure eating them is a good idea.
Three questions

Slavery yea or nay?

Cannibals yay or nay?

Time periods? How do we identify timeframes? By seasons? How many days is a week/month/year?

I have two stories started I am going to rework to fit in this world, and one involves slave traders the other involves cannibals.

Both involve my Villan, Lord Samoht, and his lackey ZilEEmia.
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I changed the name of my land. Made it easier to pronounce.

Talamh Síochánta Most just call it Síochánta. Pronounced See Oh CHANT a.

Translated from Lady of the Sea's native tongue it means Peaceful Land.
Three questions

Slavery yea or nay?

Cannibals yay or nay?

Time periods? How do we identify timeframes? By seasons? How many days is a week/month/year?

1. Why not? It's a big continent. Some places might have it, some not.
2. Same answer.
3. I'm keeping my focus on the Marches, where they identify years by which Lord was the Overlord for that year. I've not gone into months or weeks, but I assume everything's the same as here?

A character from Giltan's Port does mock that at one point. They use some sort of number system there, according to her:

"... We’ve been together, most of us, since the Year of Lord Harrowes. That’s the third Lord Harrowes.” He paused as Molley just stared up at him blankly, fumbling for her leathers in the grass beside the ashes of the fire. “For about six or seven years,” he clarified.

“You people have odd calendars here,” she groused, pulling her pants up her lithe legs. “Back at Giltan’s, they use numbers.”

“Well. People here don’t usually learn to count.”

But I don't intend to say much more about it.
For my land...

Days= Suns

Seasons= Months last 35-45 suns. It could be more or less. The number varies every year depending on weather patterns. The start of each season is declared by the Shamans Guild

Seasons in order are
  • First Sun- Early to mid-spring. When the sun shines bright and warm.
  • RainRich- Rainy season. Lots of rainfall.
  • Greentide- Plants turn green and grow, trees grow leaves
  • Bloomwake- Flowers start to bloom
  • Seedingtide- Time to plant crops
  • Highheat- Summer, lots of sun and warmth
  • Warmfade- Fall, warm days cool crisp nights
  • Harvestcome- Harvest crops
  • Briefsun- Days get shorter
  • Chilltide- Days grow colder
  • Frostfall- Water freezes, snows instead of rain.
  • Snowane- Snow melts faster than it falls
  • Chillfade- It starts to get warmer

Years= Are complex. See below.

Before Lady Seas, Arrival years were measured by the standard ADA. After she arrived a new numbering system was created for Talamh Síochánta.

5495 ADA = 8 NU. NU's are equivalent to ADA

Lady Sea arrived in Leinyere in 5503 ADA which is the same as 1 NU, the last year of the reign of Nimm the Unholy aka the before time aka the dark time.

The time between Nimm's transition to fertilizer and Lady of the Sea being accepted as the ruler was referred to as the time of change and lasted 4 years (ADA scale). In 5507 ADA Talamh Síochánta borders were set and Lady Sea ruled unopposed. After the Denizens of Talamh Síochánta accepted her as their leader, the Shamans guild created a new calendar with 13 seasons. There is no set number of days, and the guild declares the start of each season. The shortest year was 325 suns, the longest 522 suns.

1 LS/5507 ADA (The first year of the Reign of Lady of the Sea)

Years are commonly referred to as The Year of [major event]
The year of the Cannibals (69 LS A large group of cannibals raided the land and captured a lot of groceries)
The Years of the plagues (70-73 LS Many healers and magic users were consumed so many diseases ran rampant and there were too few healers to cure the afflicted)
The year of Dryness (100 LS Little rain or snow even the oceans receded several yards from shore.)
The year of the Fires (101 LS Much of the forest burned)
The year of the Floods (102 LS with little plants and brush the rains flooded out many population centers near the coast or in low areas.)
The Year of the beast war (123-124 LS Beasts invaded to capture food stores after they lost theirs to a swarm of fire mice)
The Year of Sir Saile (125 LS The year Sir Saile entered Lady of the Sea's Service)
The Year of Nimm Rods (132 LS They were first discovered)
The Year of the Chasm (218 LS When construction started on the artificial lake)

The current year/season (as of the start of Warriors quest) is Greentide of 221 LS/5731 ADA
Some notes on things I put in my story.

Cock Pocket/Cock-sleeve: slang term for whore/vaginia/Mermaids birth canal. Also used for any female one wants to be intimate with.
"Look at that tavern wench. Now that's a cock sleeve if I ever saw one.

Tavern louts: Term for those who like to get drunk and fight.
Those tavern louts tore up my favorite place to find cock pockets.

Sea Spray: Mer-folk moonshine. Made of seaweed, pufferfish and Jellyfish, toxin, Squid Ink, and barnacle cement among other ingredients. Not as intoxicating as ale or mead but it is mildly hallucinogenic. Cost is triple a mug of ale, but it's worth it.

Bogger: Outhouse, privy, shithouse.
I spent the night in the bogger after I drank several tankards of sea spray.

Louts: Bullies, brawlers, thugs and other ne'er do wells. Usually small groups of unorganized yokels.
I tried to use the bogger but there were louts tipping them over.

People Eating Troglodytes: cave-dwelling cannibals that live in the mountains of Bleakfall. Can be shortened to Trogs. They are primitive and superstitious. Prefer treachery and stealth to combat unless they outnumber their opponents greatly. Primary battle weapons are daggers made from human thigh bones. Other weapons are clubs of wood and bone some scavenged swords (usually dull and rusty) Their favorite attack is to stab the victim in the neck and twist. This will sever an artery and possibly break the neck.
My wife always nagged me to eat her. I told her to find a troglodyte.

Lord Samoht: One of the lords of the marches. He is a swaggering, overbearing, tin-plated dictator with delusions of godhood. He dreams of uniting all of Leinyere into a single country under his rule. Not an evil man but power-hungry. He ranges from chaotic good or true neutral. His territory borders Talamh Síochánta which puts him and Lady of the Sea into conflict. Big on slavery. There is a 'underground caravan' to help slaves flee into Talamh Síochánta.

ZilEEmia: Minon/Lackey/wizard of Lord Samoht. Does his bidding. neutral evil. Female, rumored to be the mistress to Lord Samoht.

Infiltrators: spies, assassins messengers. Skilled in both combat and duplicity. Highly prized and fiercely loyal to their liege.

Boot Scrape: a polite way of saying shit. After you step in it, you scrape it off your boots.
This mead tastes like boot scrape.

Forest Dwellers: Shy and timid folk who live in the forest of Talamh Síochánta. They sometimes help travelers by providing skeins of some kind of light refreshing liquid somewhat sweet that quenches thirst. They may also leave edible plants and dried meat. They know the plants and use them to make better food than the chefs of the wealthiest people. The food is also filling. They have been known to watch over solo travelers at night while the traveler slept. Allied with Lady of the Sea and will help or hinder anyone as she requests.

Drop a bog: Take a shit.
I gotta drop a bog, order me another Sea Spray.

Pleasure House: A whore house, home for cock pockets.
I'm going to the pleasure house and hiring all the cockpockets I can afford.

First Meal: Breakfast.

Midsun meal: Lunch

Last Meal: Dinner

by Egan’s Golden hand...: Used primarily by merchants or those who work closely with them. It is a solemn vow to do something. Akin to Pinkie swears or on my mother's life.
By Egans Golden Hand I will burn you alive if you ever fuck my wife again.

By Krall'a or By Krall'as leave: Excuse me; Be peaceful it was an accident.
By Krall'a I need to drop a bog.

Blade: Informal way to address a warrior whose name is unknown.
Hail blade. What is thy name?

Knight Champion: The best, strongest, most heroic knight in the realm. Commander of the other knights and all soldiers. Answers directly to the Head of the fiefdom.

Cannibirds: Any one of many birds that eat carrion. Vultures, Buzzards, Crows, Ravens, etc...
After the blades slew the louts, they left the bodies for the cannibirds.

Moppets: Prepubescent children of all races.

Landau: any type of cart/wagon/coach designed to be moved by beasts of burden.
This landau is so well made, you only need one steed to pull it, even fully loaded.

More to come...
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Not only units of distance, but I also need some in-world swears. I don't just want to use fuck and cunt.

Most swear words are based on body parts and religion. So we need something along those lines.
Not only units of distance, but I also need some in-world swears. I don't just want to use fuck and cunt.

Most swear words are based on body parts and religion. So we need something along those lines.

What about using "hands" as a short measurement and stick with the current horse equivalent. E.g A Dwarf is 12 hands high = 4'. A female Anocot is 18 hands = 6'.

Ten thumbs = 1 Hand.

For longer distances - a Gallop, which is the equivalent to one mile. That's the distance a good horse can run before it tires.
Not only units of distance, but I also need some in-world swears. I don't just want to use fuck and cunt.

Most swear words are based on body parts and religion. So we need something along those lines.

Ooh, this is a good question. Here are some I thought of:

  • nephyte = a disgusting person, ie "that nephyte didn't wipe his ass before I fucked it"
  • cloudy = all-purpose intensifier, ie "get your cloudy hands off me before I cut 'em off!"
  • krallan = cowardly, weak-willed, ie "we'll show up with a few big guys, just cloudy bruisers, and those krallans'll beg us to take their gold."
Curiosity question: has anyone actually started to write a story?

I can see a ton of fun going on with the map and all the "stuff" of the world - but any story writing so far?

I have about 12K written for chapter 01 of Warriors Quest. Think it'll run 3-5 chapters. Chapter 01 has no erotic encounters, that will come later.

If anyone would like a sneak peek it's in my google docs. Remember this is the first draft, so there will be typos, and other issues I need to fix.

Feel free to comment on anything you think needs to be fixed/changed/ etc..

Tales of Leinyere: Warriors Quest 01​
Hello all

While I am late to the game I have an idea for a story set in the windscour desert.

I"m planning on introducing a nomadic sort of pre-muhammedan arabic culture with slam poetry and horse thievery. Also some nods to the notion of the djinn as they existed at the time. I'll probably throw a big sort of Baghdad-esque city in there somewhere.

So your tolkeinesque elves, are they immortal like "glorfindel gets to come back from the halls of mandos and is 3000 years old" tolkeinesque or are they just tall and long lived? Like do we have lifespans?

Also is there a general tech level? i noted some steampunk in the comments. Are there guns?

Probably going to do 3 intertwined stories dealing with the goddess of vengeance. Also planning on playing with the notion of the Hermes/Aphrodite mystical dichotomy where there's (at least in one magical tradition) a difference between feminine and masculine magic.
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While I am late to the game I have an idea for a story set in the windscour desert.
Also is there a general tech level? i noted some steampunk in the comments. Are there guns?

Hi and welcome. All ideas gratefully received.

Re: tech level - There's a range of stories stretching over 5500 years. My story is at the more recent end. I'm running with tech around the turn of the 20th Century and influenced by Full Metal Alchemist. Guns would be around, but they don't feature in my story. At least, not yet...

If you want to add 50 - 100 years to that, I don't think you'll get anybody arguing.
Working on Warriors Quest 2. A new town named MountEtte. A peaceful and prosperous place despite being on the edge of the Marshes, near Crooked Keep in the shadows of Witches Tit.

A small agrarian village with nothing of note save Nadi'a a hedge mage with some skills in alchemy, and several powerful talismans to increase her magic. She also teaches the village moppets how to stalk and hunt prey as well as healing magic.

Under the protection of Lord Samoht, Kinda.

Her father was a peddler who sold religious and magical artifacts and talismans, not always genuine. They were fleeing from Rockport after the elders discovered the virility potion, he sold them did improve their performance with the local cocksleeves.

Mountebank his wife Ettedud and their moppet daughter fled right into a band of Trog hunters and Nadi'a was the only survivor. She learned many skills from each place they went.
If you want to add 50 - 100 years to that, I don't think you'll get anybody arguing.

Seconded. Two of my stories are a thousand years apart.

Also, as settings get decided on, I want to get yearstamps for when every story takes place and add them all into the timeline with links, so that if a reader wants to, they can use that to read chronologically.