"Tales of Leinyere" Story Event: Official Support Thread

I'd say it depends. In the summer, and further north, during the daytime, the desert can get really hot. Further south, during winter nights, it can get bitterly cold.
Hey, I've been writing a series of fantasy stories without a wider world (part 5 released in July). Would it be possible to put it here?
Hey, I've been writing a series of fantasy stories without a wider world (part 5 released in July). Would it be possible to put it here?

On the technical side, I’m not sure but I would assume it’s not possible without deleting them and re-submitting. On the worldbuilding side, you’ve got a lot of exposition in your story that might be tough to retrofit: The Five Kingdoms of Men, The Great Orcish Wars, etc. I’m not saying it couldn’t be done, but we’d have to be deliberate about mapping and stuff.

That said, I liked your story a lot and I hope you’ll consider writing something for the event!

An Anocot child is called a "cotlil".

Unless someone has already come up with a name. :)
Forgive my ignorance on this, but where does the the word Anocot even come from?

Anocots are a cat like race that originally came from a continent south of Leinyere. They sailed to the southern region about 5000 years ago.

I made it up. :D
Anocots are a cat like race that originally came from a continent south of Leinyere. They sailed to the southern region about 5000 years ago.

I made it up. :D
Oh gotcha! I thought maybe it was a reference to something that went over my head :p
I'm going to have my two characters walk past a statue outside the Town Hall in Galtin's Port of "Blind Justice", complete with two domestic cats by his feet...
A question for the experienced fantasy world builders.

When introducing a non human character, do you give a complete description the first time they appear, or do you trickle the details out at convenient points in the story?
A question for the experienced fantasy world builders.

When introducing a non human character, do you give a complete description the first time they appear, or do you trickle the details out at convenient points in the story?
Trickle out. I've written an angel-like alien on Titan, who rescues a human astronaut (female, natch), who I reveal slowly, alienosity by alienosity, as she learns how he moves, communicates, interacts with his world and with her.

But then, EB = slow reveal at the best of times. Give the readers the same slow discovery, I reckon.
I’ve started writing in earnest. With any sort of luck, I’ll be finished by January. :rolleyes:

As my characters are merchants, I took the notes about currencies and made some assumptions.

In the MARCHES, alongside a healthy barter economy, denizens use coins. Gold coins are known as QUARTOS, Silver coins are known as PENNIES, coppers as COPPERS.

Rates of exchange: A quarto is ten pence, a penny is fifteen coppers.

A quarto will typically buy a packhorse; a war horse would probably be a quarto + a few pence, a good carriage (with horse) would be two quartos

For those cities with a strong Machinist's Guild presence (eg Giltans Port). Ten Cogs (small silver cogwheels) are one Gear (one palm-sized, golden cogwheel with seven spokes). Scraps are square copper tokens.

Exchange rate is the same as the Marches, and coins are interchangeable.
A question for the experienced fantasy world builders.

When introducing a non human character, do you give a complete description the first time they appear, or do you trickle the details out at convenient points in the story?

I don't go in for detailed descriptions at all; I guess I'd side with your second method here. Certainly not your first.

I'm a little more immersive. I like to just assume my readers understand they're reading about a fantasy world, and that they're willing to accept a "slow trickle." I just mention parts like an anocot's tail whenever I feel like it.
I've mentioned before that I'd like to create an entry on the timeline for each story, linking to the Literotica story page, but I wanted to mention it again because I made an example on the Timeline that's linked from the first thread post if anyone wants to see what that might look like. It links to my story, but of course once the even is live it will link to the Lit story page. If you're familiar with World Anvil, there's a bit of creativity with the formatting on your timeline entries, so it's also an opportunity to have a bit more of a short description to hook in readers, even an image to set the scene, as well as a way to accommodate any readers who want to read the event's stories chronologically. This is a very short story, almost a throw-away, but I'm going to add in the listing (sans links) for my other stories as I (hopefully!) finish them. Feel free to send me info for your stories' timeline listing, everything but the link, as soon as you're ready!
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I've mentioned before that I'd like to create an entry on the timeline for each story, linking to the Literotica story page, but I wanted to mention it again because I made an example on the Timeline that's linked from the first thread post if anyone wants to see what that might look like. It links to my story, but of course once the even is live it will link to the Lit story page. If you're familiar with World Anvil, there's a bit of creativity with the formatting on your timeline entries, so it's also an opportunity to have a bit more of a short description to hook in readers, even an image to set the scene, as well as a way to accommodate any readers who want to read the event's stories chronologically. This is a very short story, almost a throw-away, but I'm going to add in the listing (sans links) for my other stories as I (hopefully!) finish them. Feel free to send me info for your stories' timeline listing, everything but the link, as soon as you're ready!

...so I confess, I have no idea when my story takes place. I do mention the OrcWar, though, and it needs to take place about 300 years before Loqui Sordida Ad Me's story, as it references something in there.
...so I confess, I have no idea when my story takes place. I do mention the OrcWar, though, and it needs to take place about 300 years before Loqui Sordida Ad Me's story, as it references something in there.

That’s okay, it’s not like we can’t change the dates as we finetune the timeline.
Mine's set in more recent times. Think late 19th century. Maybe call it 5800 - "The Dawning Age of The Mechanicals."

I added a barebones Timeline entry for your story. Let me know as you figure out what you want added to it.
Measurements for distance

I needed some length dimensions, so I've used the following for Galtons Port. Other areas may be different:

8 hands = 1 stride
1000 strides = 1 gallop

A hand is the width of a normal human hand
A stride is the length of a human step
A gallop is the distance an average horse can gallop over open terrain before it starts to tire.


Let me know if this conflicts with your ideas.


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Naming some sites

Between Giltan's Port and Portoa



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    Giltans Port 1.jpg
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Okay! I'm done.

Orcs have black blood, or at least mine do. And there's a rich mine in the south face of the Witch's Tit. I'm going to draw up a map of the Marches soon and send it to Nouh Bdee so that some of it can be incorporated into the main map, but the scale will be so small that a lot of the features won't appear there. No biggie.

Here's my Timeline entry. It needs to be set at some point during the Orcwar:

"It Pays To Be Nice, Sometimes"

A small band of mercenaries finds themselves dealing with an orc-invasion, a duplicitous lord, an eligible bachelorette, and a mysterious new recruit... all while trying to get paid!