"Tales of Leinyere" Story Event: Official Support Thread


I have a story for this one almost done, how do I add it to that Timeline of Leinyere's History? I see other stories already there.

Also, is Leinyere fantasy enough for floating castles?

I have a story for this one almost done, how do I add it to that Timeline of Leinyere's History? I see other stories already there.

Also, is Leinyere fantasy enough for floating castles?

1) Just tell Nouh where it needs to go.

2) Sounds good to me. Machines or magic? Hovering over a particular area or float wherever the wind takes them?
1) Just tell Nouh where it needs to go.

2) Sounds good to me. Machines or magic? Hovering over a particular area or float wherever the wind takes them?

Science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke third law “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”

I tried to stay within the laws of science.
Yes, there are undead, but they need something to power them. Vampires need blood as a source of fuel.
Yes, shape shifting is possible, but the total weight cannot change. If the were-wolf was 150 pounds in human form, then their were-animal form is also 150 pounds.

I had a scene that I cut in my jack the giant killer story last year where the characters discussed the fact that the decorative fountains on the floating castle all had warm water as they appeared to be used to dissipate waste heat. That whatever 'magic' that allowed the castle to hover in the air seemed to based on a fusion power source with helium-3 as the fuel.

The plan would be float wherever the plot takes them.
A question for the Elvish. In LOTR, the Elves have enhanced eyesight. Do yours have this trait? And is it reasonable for the light spectrum they see slightly drift into the infrared?

Oh, and it’s nearly the end of November! “A whole seven months” Noah said at the start of this thread…

Where did the time go?
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I am generally a fan of "elves have keen eyesight"

I only have one elf, and it doesn't figure prominently in my story but I think if you want it, go for it.
I think I'm the only one in the desert? I added some cities, Qasin and Aqba. I am agnostic as to timeline though my shit is pre renaissance feeling. Also if anyone else uses the desert I'm open to the city's being destroyed or used or whatever.
My elf has keen eyesight.

Call me a Tolkienite, but I just think of Elves as "perfected humans." They do all the same shit, just better. Stronger. Faster. More powerfully. But my elf is a real asshole, though, so it's not all wine and roses.
My elf has keen eyesight.

Call me a Tolkienite, but I just think of Elves as "perfected humans." They do all the same shit, just better. Stronger. Faster. More powerfully. But my elf is a real asshole, though, so it's not all wine and roses.

Somebody has to come up with a good Elf weakness. Everybody has to have a weakness. Even Superman had Kryptonite.

Maybe the male Elves suffer from ED, or low Elf-testosterone counts. That might account for there being fewer Elves than men. After all, if they were perfect, wouldn't they take over and eliminate men as inconvenient competitors?
Somebody has to come up with a good Elf weakness. Everybody has to have a weakness. Even Superman had Kryptonite.

Maybe the male Elves suffer from ED, or low Elf-testosterone counts. That might account for there being fewer Elves than men. After all, if they were perfect, wouldn't they take over and eliminate men as inconvenient competitors?

Mine is very horny, and extremely boorish. I'd say his "flaw" is excessive ego. I don't think he cares enough about men to worry about them as competitors. He thinks of them as useful brutes.
Mine is very horny, and extremely boorish. I'd say his "flaw" is excessive ego. I don't think he cares enough about men to worry about them as competitors. He thinks of them as useful brutes.

I mean, I'm not participating but this sounds reasonable to me. They live forever, don't really have the flaws of humans, so I'd pitch lack of empathy and some forms of narcissism. Your average sociopath, that is.

This could lead to some awkwardness and misunderstandings. I do think it could turn out to be a real handicap. One where help of other characters would be needed.
A question for the Elvish. In LOTR, the Elves have enhanced eyesight. Do yours have this trait? And is it reasonable for the light spectrum they see slightly drift into the infrared?

Oh, and it’s nearly the end of November! “A whole seven months” Noah said at the start of this thread…

Where did the time go?
I quizzed this several months ago - I see all this world building stuff which looks like a ton of fun, but have any of you guys actually written anything yet?
I quizzed this several months ago - I see all this world building stuff which looks like a ton of fun, but have any of you guys actually written anything yet?

I got something, about two lit pages long, which is nothing for most people but one of my longer ones. My problem is I sort of want to shoe horn in an allegory about the covid anti-vax crowd.

"No one noticed anything new since last week when they catapulted undead over the town walls into our drinking water?"


"So when your nose fell off and all your neighbors started bleeding from the eyes last week, two days after that zombie ended up in the town water supply, no one thought those two things might some how be related."

"No one here was bite by a zombie so no one here could become a zombie. You sound like one of those sheeple who believe that dwarf propaganda that zombie fever can be transferred by something other that a bite."

One of the other villagers chimed in "Its all lies spread by Big Alchemy, trying to sell as many healing potion as they can. Trying profit off the fear of sheeple like you."

"The fuck are you talking about!?!? There's undead wandering the streets, murdering people, eating children. Stop drinking water that has chunks of some undead guy floating it in."

"Sounds like some one is jealous we're getting free soup from the well. We have freedom, we can drink whatever we want. They told not to drink the water during that typhoid outbreak last year. A bunch of us survive that." The man laughed. "Nothing more than a few weeks of bloody vomiting and diarrhea. I'm sure our noses will grow back in no time and we'll be fine."
I quizzed this several months ago - I see all this world building stuff which looks like a ton of fun, but have any of you guys actually written anything yet?

Mine's done. 28,554 words.

Nouh Bdee, did you want a copy of it so that you can post it someplace for the edification of other writers? Like, if they want to be on the same page?
I got to about 7k words before I realized I hated the premise of my story ... I have a tremendous writer block and in the last month focused instead on another story I had just today finished for the nanowrimo challenge.

I'm gonna get back into my leinyere story though and will do my best to pop out something decent!

I'll likely have to do some serious rewriting though :(
I quizzed this several months ago - I see all this world building stuff which looks like a ton of fun, but have any of you guys actually written anything yet?

Got about 8k written to set the scene. Maybe another 3-4K to finish.

Got another idea for a short story, but I don’t think I’ll get to finish it.
So many of my favorite authors have already signed up. I can't wait to see how this turns out. I write so slow, I wish I would have found this sooner. :(
Leinyere languages?

Has anyone named languages spoken around the continent? I'm thinking particularly of the Marches.

I'm using Common Tongue as a placeholder for now, mainly to distinguish it from the language spoken by orc tribes in the plains to the east, and the Quartoc Lands. I'm sure someone else has come up with a good name.

I'm about 7500 words in, making good time on a first draft.

Has anyone named languages spoken around the continent? I'm thinking particularly of the Marches.

I'm using Common Tongue as a placeholder for now, mainly to distinguish it from the language spoken by orc tribes in the plains to the east, and the Quartoc Lands. I'm sure someone else has come up with a good name.

I'm about 7500 words in, making good time on a first draft.


No, although I did think of it. I’ve tossed in a few Anocot words, but the whole story is in the common tongue.
I have a draft. About 30k words. If anyone wants to give me feedback that'd be swell.

There's pretty much no sex.


That seven month lead time evaporated quickly when the writer's block hit me over the summer. Getting back to it was a struggle but I didn't fire the afterburners until the beginning of December. Just finished the first draft today! It will go through the polishing process over the next week but it will be ready for the event in January.

It's not one of my longer stories but I think it's pretty sweet as a stand-alone tale. I had some ideas for a sequel but that's gonna have to wait as I have too many existing story lines to complete.

It's been a fun experiment. I'm sure I've trampled all over many existing lore rules but... there you go.

Leinyere languages?

I'm going with Doric as the name for a language spoken in the Marches, if anyone's interested.

I'm revising a rough draft of about 20K now and will get some feedback on it before finalizing.

Raise your hands if you love orcs! :D

I'm just about finished at 18k words.
Still got to iron out the plot. If anyone would like to beta read, would love to have some takers.
Story has changed quite significantly from what I originally envisioned. Sexy she-wolves are still there but story went from sweeping romance to an anti-hero buddy caper.

I know it's a lot to ask as it's a busy time with the holidays and all, but if you'd like to beta read, shoot me a message!