Tap That Axe: Axe House and Taproom

It's still on my phone's sim card, but IDK how to attach files from my phone:..

I'll figure it out.

Could email it to yourself? I do that. A lot.
My phone now has better editing than my computer. :s
I want knives, Sharky.
Not big knives. Little knives. Scalpels.
Tiny and sharp.

I want matches and lighters.
I want needles and fire.

I'm not really sure where my hate is directed right now, but it wants things that causes ouch.
Just to have.
Not sure what I'm doing with them, either. Just really really wants them.
I want knives, Sharky.
Not big knives. Little knives. Scalpels.
Tiny and sharp.

I want matches and lighters.
I want needles and fire.

I'm not really sure where my hate is directed right now, but it wants things that causes ouch.
Just to have.
Not sure what I'm doing with them, either. Just really really wants them.

Hmmm, knives... little knives and needles. Sounds like fun.


Little knives are best for killing big things. Dragons are played out... Griffins? Poachers hunting Griffins for profit, selling their...
Hmmm, knives... little knives and needles. Sounds like fun.


Little knives are best for killing big things. Dragons are played out... Griffins? Poachers hunting Griffins for profit, selling their...

I think I want it for myself more than anything.
I lost my "give-a-fuck". Thinking sharp things might drive it back.
Please Come Late
by Hugo Williams

Please come late,
so that I have almost given you up
and have started glancing around the room,
thinking everyone is you.
Please don't come
until I have started missing you,
thinking I will never see you again,
praying you are lost.
Come too late for me not to notice.
Make me suffer,
wondering what you are doing
on the other side of town,
still in your dressing down.
make me beg for mercy
when you pick up a magazine.

Are you looking in your mirror,
suddenly remembering me?
I'm on my second coffee by now,
eating the little bits of sugar in my cup.
Haven't you even set out yet?
I decide I don't want to see you after all.
I don't really like you.
I'd rather be on my own.
I know it is all over between us,
but I go on sitting here,
reading a newspaper,
not understanding a word.
If you came now, I wouldn't recognize you.
Don't come anywhere near me
until I have gone slightly mad for love of you.
Is there where we sign up for hate sex? The kind where you fuck someone like you can't stand them, and the pain is so intense, it erupts into smoldering, angry pleasure?

Otherwise I'll just say I hate bitches and be on my way.
Is there where we sign up for hate sex? The kind where you fuck someone like you can't stand them, and the pain is so intense, it erupts into smoldering, angry pleasure?

Otherwise I'll just say I hate bitches and be on my way.

Yes and Yes.

Did I mention Yes?
I kan haz frends!



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How about this new fuckin' pope?

Hey hey hey
He says gay is A-OK

Atta way Padre
Atta way
Notes on “Hunger” from Taoism

(As read by: The Wu Tang Clan)

RZA: Long long ago, in ancient feudal China- the Empire was at war in the streets. The greedy nobles was tired of payin’ out taxes to the Empire help the common folks. Those greedy bastards rose up, with their privately-funded gangs, to overthrow the government. For generations the killin’ continued, leavin’ cities full of orphans and gutters runnin’ with blood of the poor and poorer, while the nobles and royals refused to back down.

Ol’ Dirty Bastard (RIP): The Emperor got straight up whacked, by advance Shaolin assassins who dripped poison down a thread into his ear while he slept! His ol’ lady got laid down in the streets! The writin’ was all ova’ the wall, the Palace stronghold goin’ down!

Method Man: Only the fly-ass princess was still alive, and her closest bodyguard and adviser. Adviser say ‘she should get her fly ass up outa the palace, before them blood crazed thugs broke in, ‘cause who knows what they goin’ do if they find her up in there with they wangs on hard.’ Bodyguard agrees with that shit, there’s no honor among thieves.

Golden Arms: So it was that those three rode out from the Palace by night to avoid notice, on three black mustangs, the fastest in the realm. They got out none too soon, either. That dawn, the thugs broke through the Imperial lines and sacked the Palace- on some heavy-handed, jack-move, AM-ambush tip.

RZA: All them blood-drunk gangstas was mad disappointed to find that the fly-ass Princess had escaped, but the nobles barely noticed, they’d won and were mad pleased with themselves.

Inspectah Deck: Now Miss Fly-Ass Princess, she never really been outside the Palace for long before. She never even rode a horse, essep’ in like those box-jumpin’ horse-dance contest pageants. Even though Bodyguard and Adviser were experienced in long journeys, Princess Priss Pants needed to stop and rest after the first full day of travel.

Ghostface Killa: Lucky for Princess and her motley crew, the people still loved her for what her parents did in ruling the empire. Far enough from the Palace not to be noticed, Princess and the others stopped in the projects, finding an old, humble, welfare couple who was all too happy to take ‘em in.

RZA: All three was glad to be off the road, saddle sore and half starved, none was more glad than Princess Cupcakes herself. Now, the old welfare couple was happy to help- but they’s also mad nervous ‘bout hosting the princess in they place. Shorty grew up in the Grand Imperial Palace, how’s she gonna tolerate stayin’ on a spare couch in the PJ’s? Furthermore, the old couple was so broke, they didn’t have hardly enough for themselves to eat- what could they feed a princess who grew up with a team of private chefs? All they had was rice porridge and salted snails- pretty much the old-school equivalent of government cheddar blocks and them hominy grits like you get with food stamps.

Raekwon: The old welfare folks cringed as they served ratchet porridge and snails to these blue-blood guests. But to they surprise, Princess loved that shit, askin’ for seconds an’ all that. The Princess liked her humble ghetto cuisine so damn much, that she begged to know the name of what she was callin’ ‘the most delicious meal of her life!’

RZA: Still all shy an’ humble, an’ whatever else; the couple was too embarrassed to tell the Princess she’d been shovelin’ down the cheapest meal on the poverty menu. Instead they made up some bullshit to try’n save face. They tell her, ‘Oh, that’s our special Phoenix Eye and Crushed Pearl Soup.’ Of course Princess believe all that nonsense, she’s too sheltered to be suspicious.

Method Man: In tha months that followed, the tide of the war changed. Turns out them greedy nobles and hired bangers didn’t know shit about runnin’ an empire. Before long, services was shuttin’ down, people was sufferin’ and worse yet, the collectors wasn’t gettin’ paid. Shame in the game! The common folks rose up, opposed the gangsters and overthrew the newly installed government. They begged the Princess to come back to the Palace, so she did.

Golden Arms: It didn’t take long for Princess Cream Puff to get used to the finer things in life again. Twenty dance horses, fifty servants and seventy-five private chefs. Once she’d been re-coronated on the throne an’ all-at, for her big coronation dinner she knew just what she wanted her court to eat: Phoenix Eye and Crushed Pearl Soup.

GZA: Delicacies and rare exotic ingredients were imported and served in every preparation known to ancient Szechwan chefs. All were turned away as inferior. Nothing satisfied the Princess, or tasted even remotely close to the delectable meal she’d eaten in the Projects.

RZA: In other words: All the flavor in the world don’t amount to shit without the hunger.
Bumping this, just in case anybody has some hate to vent. Seems like everybody could use a rant these days. Here's your OFFICIAL place to make yourself heard and earn your hater card.

Ya'know, or not...
I made a group of haters over the last couple of days thanks to my "would you rather" thread. Looking back it actually makes a prety good read. I wonder if I can find a way to make it a meme.
I made a group of haters over the last couple of days thanks to my "would you rather" thread. Looking back it actually makes a prety good read. I wonder if I can find a way to make it a meme.

Believe me, we've noticed. My complete lack of fucks given prevent me from taking a side, but if you've got something on your chest you'd like to rant about....

*Gestures to the soap-box marked HATER*

This is the venue I made for hate, haters, hatefulness and other hateful/hurtful things. Hooray, foresight!

Addendum: Hate related rants are stand alone posts, please no back and forth in my Hate Haven, thank you.
I am feeling like Hitler in the war I have started. I don't know for sure....but I'm kinda proud of it.
I am feeling like Hitler in the war I have started. I don't know for sure....but I'm kinda proud of it.

A little heavy on the gravitas of an internet flame war there... I'd say you're closer to Andrew Dice Clay, but still... he did sell out Madison Square Garden.
Ahh true enough. At least he was funny...kinda.

All I wanted was to play a game. I don't understand what even happened, but burn baby burn.
I fucking hate snow.
I fucking hate NY.
I fucking hate this frigid cold apartment.
And I really hate feeling this damn grumpy about it.
This is a fact: I hate stupidity.
I added to your thread, LitShark! =D