Tap That Axe: Axe House and Taproom

No way.... That's terrible! So you still haven't seen the film? Maybe don't watch it, because your Rocket is per-fect! Awesome intro, you rock my world!

I saw half ish?
Then this weird brzzzt brttbrtt brawwwww noise...
And crackling....
Hoping it's just my mac having a freakout...
Well good then.
Rocket wasn't dead yet, sooo....

LOL I told Neko this, let me reiterate, no one is dying in this version. Sir favors breaking wills over.. y'know cold blooded murder. Plus we don't have a cook (superfluous) so have no fear.

PS: Ring-a-ding!
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peeks in

Sorry. Y'all have the IC up, now? Can I beg a link please. Wanna read it.
Gonna subscribe.

Why not join the cast Luna? We still need roles filled! Just click my signature for the Casting thread! :D


Cuz Foxiliciousness said y'all needed a Sweet Pea and I can NOT write her. Probably the best fit would be the Doc...


*comes back*

Oooooh I like the way you've got it laid out. (Have been reading the OOC since you put it up...)

*runs off to read the IC*
Cuz Foxiliciousness said y'all needed a Sweet Pea and I can NOT write her. Probably the best fit would be the Doc...


*comes back*

Oooooh I like the way you've got it laid out. (Have been reading the OOC since you put it up...)

*runs off to read the IC*

Why can't you write S.P.? We're turning the original on its ear, Sweet Pea can be anything we want! I just used the Canon as source material, but we're forging fresh fiction here.
Why can't you write S.P.? We're turning the original on its ear, Sweet Pea can be anything we want! I just used the Canon as source material, but we're forging fresh fiction here.

If I were to take on SP, I'd have to amp up her fighting ability as well as her protective instincts. (Both of which were very strong in the film) It would be difficult, however, for me to do the mad at Baby doll thing. Mostly because to me, SP was spoiled near the beginning.

*thinks this through*

Hmmm, I might be able to pull her off.
Mostly though the Madame fits me immediately~even if she does seem wishy washy at first. She has integrity, inner strength and a clear desire to help these girls.

*thinks more*
I've been meaning to say, but keep forgetting, that I might actually be interested in a Sucker Punch RP (you invted me before, I just wasn't certain about the specifics of the premise)

Egads! I thought you were adamant against it, so I tried not to bug you. You would be ideal for the role of Madame, I've tried to bring light to a lot of aspects of what I'm envisioning in the OOC, but I don't entirely know how clear I've been.

The entire rest of the thread will be experienced through Delusion, identified as Alter. A: wherein Lennox House is an immaculate mansion and the girls are high end prostitutes for clients that Sir brings in to see them. Madame looks after their collective health and well-being.

When sex happens (Client or Staff Member) the girls involved in the sex (I'm going to try and arrange things so that each act, whoever is getting laid gets laid at the same time) will drop into another level of Delusion wherein I and Madame build a world (I have ready made concepts for many such settings) and personify a great many, terrible and expendable NPCs for the girls to battle.

The Residents will have to write split posts for these, that might look kinda like this:


Alter A: In the bedroom they wus havin' much sex, many much sexy sex moaning time.

Alter B: On the barren wastes of desolate hellscape, killin' many bad demons they was- kill, kill, kill.

If staff are involved in a sex sequence, the Staff Member will also be writing dual posts. Their own character, in Alter A and any number of horrifying ghoulies in alter B. Since most of the cast writes really well and will hopefully have lots to say in both realities, each sex/violence sequence is split to a hard 4 post limit- for organization purposes.
F/m snusnu scares momma away...

*Confusion* I wrote specifically into Madame's character that she doesn't see men. Nor does she snusnu with Sir... Does the OOC seem to imply that?

And welcome to Sinful...

I can't fix boring. Luna, I'm certain you'd make every bit as wonderful a Madame as Vail.

Maybe the 4 post max is the problem... Updates! Private Messages! Override!

Error 404............................................
Aw crap we broke Sharky.
(I was kidding, Momma. Sorry. Didn't mean to upset or anything.)
Maybe, but boring for me.

ahhh. *sighs anyway*

*Confusion* I wrote specifically into Madame's character that she doesn't see men. Nor does she snusnu with Sir... Does the OOC seem to imply that?

And welcome to Sinful...

I can't fix boring. Luna, I'm certain you'd make every bit as wonderful a Madame as Vail.

Maybe the 4 post max is the problem... Updates! Private Messages! Override!

Error 404............................................


yes but NOW I am stuck on the idea of Sweet Pea...
We get guns and sex.
And I get candy.
That's all I know....
And all I NEED to know.
