
People should just be honest in how they present themselves. Being tolerant helps, too!
Originally posted by BlueSugar
Thank you all for your input and opinions, it makes me feel less awkward posting here, as i'm sure it'll help other people here on Lit as well :rose:

Thanks BlueSugar for the question and the resulting discussion...agree it will help others :)

Appreciate everyone's response. So inviting.
Dancing on the Head of a Pin

BlueSugar said:
... and I know i wont marry him either.
1. bc well, i just know ...
congrats on figuring that one out before, and not after.
Re: Dancing on the Head of a Pin

AngelicAssassin said:
congrats on figuring that one out before, and not after.

Its one of those "i can tell if i'm going to sleep with anyone or would be willing to sleep with anyone w/in the first 10 minutes of meeting them" type of thing, I just don't feel it, but I'm very excited and happy with what we have now- no use getting rid of a good thing before our "time is up." eh?! :)

i got all crest falled after mayberry's post for a sec there, sneaky one ya are lol.

Thanks to you all !
I love hearing of the loving and willingness to please and pleasure, I love the dominance I can feel eminating off of the Dom(s) posts here, I enjoy the environment you all, we all have created here :)
Have a great time here, BlueSugar. It's a good bunch of people.