Test Your Vocabulary

Go back and do the test again. I didn't click on a few, because I didn't think they were spelled correctly. Once I found out they were, I went back and clicked on them, and raised my score a little bit. Every little bit helps. :D

That's not cheating is it?

Hehe, maybe I'll try it again tomorrow just to see, if I still remember at least some of the words I learned from that list earlier today. :)
Go back and do the test again. I didn't click on a few, because I didn't think they were spelled correctly. Once I found out they were, I went back and clicked on them, and raised my score a little bit. Every little bit helps. :D

That's not cheating is it?

Yes it is.

I'd forgotten how much I love the word funambulist. :)
32,000 but I'm not surprised. I know my vocabulary isn't that great for the amount that I've read...partially because I don't like using fancy words that most people wouldn't understand, so I usually stick to more common words.
42,000, but I've spent years memorizing dictionary definitions for fun. Many of the words on my memorize list were in that test.
24,800... kind of disappointed as I read quite a lot and thought I had a good vocabulary. Guess I'm going to have to start reading the dictionary :p
33,000, which... is okay, I suppose. Honestly, I thought it would be higher, but I guess I pushed a number of cool words out of my brain while learning Japanese. Time to work on that, I think ;)
34,700 was my score. I was surprised to see quite a few words I don't know! Joy! More to learn!

39,200 but this here game was more or less rigged in my favor i reckon *blows gunsmoke from tip of erect litboner and holsters it deftly in codpiece*

ETA: numeric dyslexia seems to be my problem
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35,900, and, NO, that's not the number of cocks that I've sucked! (I wish!!)
Recomendation - - - - -

For those who are interested in words - may I recommend the web site and the 'word-a-day' by Anu Garg called Wordsmith. Not only interesting but witty as well.


I'm a voracious reader and avid crossword-puzzler, my family's policy was always 'look it up' if I asked for a word (which helped me learn to spell), and my high school used several challenging books in Lit and History courses. Oh, and I've always been in love with words. :)