Texas members?

Hope all my fellow Texans had a great Christmas with those close to you. Any New Year's plans for anyone?
Hope all my fellow Texans had a great Christmas with those close to you. Any New Year's plans for anyone?
Just going to a friend's house. Nothing too exciting but a few drinks and games will liven up the spirits. You?
Just going to a friend's house. Nothing too exciting but a few drinks and games will liven up the spirits. You?

Sounds fun and relaxing. Pretty much the same thing here, too, going to some friends' house in the neighborhood for drinks and games, etc. Some years, we go to the lake house for a few days after Christmas through NYD and invite a couple other families to join. But work got in the way this year, so just staying put. Out on the town on NYE went out the window years ago and is pretty much the last place I'd want to be anyway.
The last couple of years have been lazy into planning for the holidays.
I feel like COVID made me a home body. I rather stay home these days. Is that sad or what?
Hey gang, 40 Male Fort Worth (Justin) area. Always look’n for fun or a little trouble to get int. Please feel free to message me
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