Thanksgiving Challenge

Something I liked...

I could not help but identify with this. A couple of lines intrigued me... and it was the first one of this author that I have read. I'm about to delve into more.

Words Falter
by Remec ©

Words Falter
On my knees, I thanked God for you;
On my feet, I wished for nothing but time with you;
On my back, I dreamt every night of nothing but you;

But time moves on,
Fate weaves as the knitters choose,
And the pattern of life snags when we least expect it to;

Sitting at the phone, my heart catches;
Walking to my room, my breathing slows;
Lying on my bed, my eyes water;

I try to find a way,
To tell you things are different,
That it wasn't as hard and fast as you thought;

There just wasn't the right time;
Never the right place;
We're simply not the right people after all.
Just a note to add that both Ange and *Cat* have said they're happy for their poems to be used for this challenge even though they themselves will not be joining us.

Unfortunately there seems to be a bug in the works and the Story Index is not performing as it should - for me at least.

For your convenience.

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then it's not just me. Thought I was losing my my mind, or hardrive, this morning.
Lauren Hynde said:
Yep, there's something happening with stories and member pages today... :(

In your capacity as a mod, do you know if it's an up-date or just a glitch?
Thank Goodness..Peeps real peeps
been tryin all day to see my submissions page and
submit a poem.. still can not access~~

Tristesse said:
In your capacity as a mod, do you know if it's an up-date or just a glitch?
All I know is that Manu is working on it. It's a glitch, but probably caused by the recent updates.
Lauren Hynde said:
All I know is that Manu is working on it. It's a glitch, but probably caused by the recent updates.

Thanks Lauren. I'm amazed at how much faster the search engine is now since Manu tinkered with it, it's great.
Am I the only one having trouble with this challenge?

The best of lines I dare not touch, how could I stuff a poem inside something like Marias "Change minus quarters" and I feel so much pressure to give the respect deserved to the poets who I am lifting lines from, to make them have worthy neighbors!!!!

I dont want to try to imitate what I cannot approach. Sigh. This is a lot harder than I thought it would be.

Okay I finished one.
But it was hard. And I don't like it.


someone pass me a tissue

annaswirls said:
Am I the only one having trouble with this challenge?

The best of lines I dare not touch, how could I stuff a poem inside something like Marias "Change minus quarters" and I feel so much pressure to give the respect deserved to the poets who I am lifting lines from, to make them have worthy neighbors!!!!

I dont want to try to imitate what I cannot approach. Sigh. This is a lot harder than I thought it would be.

Okay I finished one.
But it was hard. And I don't like it.


someone pass me a tissue

I have found lots of first lines that have sent me in interesting directions, but then I feel like I am working toward an ending that is already written and I don't write that way. When I start a poem (with a few exceptions, Denizens, for example) I don't have a clue where it will end. I go where the writing sends me.
This is a real challenge indeed.
Can we do sonnets again next time?;)
I'm finding it very hard too. I've been taking lines from with in the two poems to be the first and last lines. It's nor clear in Ange's rules, what do you think?
Tristesse said:
I'm finding it very hard too. I've been taking lines from with in the two poems to be the first and last lines. It's nor clear in Ange's rules, what do you think?

I think you can take the lines from anywhere in the other doesn't have to be a first and last line of the poems you're taking from...
Tristesse said:
I'm finding it very hard too. I've been taking lines from with in the two poems to be the first and last lines. It's nor clear in Ange's rules, what do you think?

ooh I hope so


Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Sugar is Sweet and
So are You.


The itsy bitsy spider
climbed up the water spout.
down came the rain
and washed the spider out...

You could do something like this:

violets are blue
wind is low rattling shutters
while my lover
climbed up the water spout
tungtied2u said:
I think you can take the lines from anywhere in the other doesn't have to be a first and last line of the poems you're taking from...

That's how I understood it too.

Phew! :)
Just got a confirmation from Ange that we're right about it being any line from the other poems...does not need to be first or last...

that should make it way easier...:rolleyes:
tungtied2u said:
Just got a confirmation from Ange that we're right about it being any line from the other poems...does not need to be first or last...

that should make it way easier...:rolleyes:

Next time you chat give her my love. I'm missing her. :confused:
annaswirls said:
I am feeling another challenge developing....

Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater
Had a wife and couldn't keep her....

*waits with bated breath*

Jack Spratt could eat no fat
His wife could eat no lean........
Tristesse said:
*waits with bated breath*

Jack Spratt could eat no fat
His wife could eat no lean........

I'm on my way....

Tom Tom the piper's son
Stole a line and away he run...
Tristesse said:
*waits with bated breath*

Jack Spratt could eat no fat
His wife could eat no lean........

...somethin about "twixt them both" ... YUM! :D
Jack Spratt could eat no fat
his wife could eat no lean
he stuck in his thumb
and pulled out a plum
and frightened Miss Muffet away.