The 2024 750 Word Story Challenge Support Thread

That's weird.

Submitted my second 750 word story. (Rusty Drawbridge. Not even kidding)

Gave me the whole thanks for submitting, return to dashboard Kaiser Szoze after making bail. Not in drafts, not in pending, poems, etc, etc.

Happen to anyone else?
That's weird.

Submitted my second 750 word story. (Rusty Drawbridge. Not even kidding)

Gave me the whole thanks for submitting, return to dashboard Kaiser Szoze after making bail. Not in drafts, not in pending, poems, etc, etc.

Happen to anyone else?

That's weird. Try refreshing?

If not resubmit I guess.
That's weird.

Submitted my second 750 word story. (Rusty Drawbridge. Not even kidding)

Gave me the whole thanks for submitting, return to dashboard Kaiser Szoze after making bail. Not in drafts, not in pending, poems, etc, etc.

Happen to anyone else?
Never had that. Do you have a backup?

That's weird. Try refreshing?

If not resubmit I guess.
Thanks for the advice. Just resubmitted. Looks like it took this time. 🤞 Shows up in pending now

@EmilyMiller yep. always work it out in word first and then paste text into the submission page. so no loss.

Can't remember the original title and description I used, but the second try might have been better.
Might be working on a tenth, intermittently 🤭
Starting to see why you like these. Kind of nice to knock something out in a few hours.

The more I kicked the rusty drawbridge and torch procession image from joking with @Djmac1031 in the thread, the sooner I realized it would make a pretty fun little vignette.

Might have to consider an all action, no backstory as it was tough even to get to 'wham, bam, tha....' in 750 words.🤷‍♂️
Starting to see why you like these. Kind of nice to knock something out in a few hours.

The more I kicked the rusty drawbridge and torch procession image from joking with @Djmac1031 in the thread, the sooner I realized it would make a pretty fun little vignette.

Might have to consider an all action, no backstory as it was tough even to get to 'wham, bam, tha....' in 750 words.🤷‍♂️
It’s hard to do anything but sketch a story. Easier to do a scene or talk about a feeling.

Might have to consider an all action, no backstory as it was tough even to get to 'wham, bam, tha....' in 750 words.🤷‍♂️

The real trick is actually making it a story, and not getting 749 words in and realizing this needs to be longer to be complete.
I deliberately wrote the worst story I could think of - an idiotic premise, absurd plotline, unlikable characters, offensive themes and language, poor grammar - and while some readers in the IT category did pick up on this, it's amazing that others seemed to think I published it as a serious story, or that I as the author can't see how bad and offensive it is. And increasingly today, people can't seem to tell the difference between reality and fiction.
I deliberately wrote the worst story I could think of - an idiotic premise, absurd plotline, unlikable characters, offensive themes and language, poor grammar - and while some readers in the IT category did pick up on this, it's amazing that others seemed to think I published it as a serious story, or that I as the author can't see how bad and offensive it is. .

Satire is dead. Died around 2016 I believe.
Satire is dead. Died around 2016 I believe.

That's true. People these days get so upset about things and don't seem to pick up on the difference between reality and fiction.

In one of my serious stories the narrator is a young Vietnam Veteran. The story is set in 1969, and the young man is struggling to adjust to life back in America after his traumatic tour and has had run-ins with anti-war demonstrators who called him and his fellow returning soldiers 'baby killers'. For this reason he strongly dislikes hippies, and though the story was generally well-received there were some angry comments about how the story casts hippies and anti-war demonstrators in a bad light. They didn't pick up that the narrator was a biased narrator due to his experiences.

Another story I wrote in Loving Wives featured a narrator husband who is downright creepy, not in his right mind and very clearly an unreliable narrator. The readers there viciously attacked the story and me for writing it as I expected, but only a couple of commenters picked up that one should perhaps query whether the things this creep is telling them are accurate. There are lots of famous books with unreliable narrators; Fred Clegg from The Collector, Humbert Humbert from Lolita, Chief Bromden in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Patrick Bateman from American Psycho are good examples. But obviously the authors of these classic works didn't need to add an appendix to their books to outline when their narrators are telling the absolute truths, which are half-truths, understatements or exaggerations and which are outright lies. It would spoil the reading experience.
Mine came out today!

I wrote about kidnapping and raping young women.

I felt like it was a bit deeper than you make it sound right here. 😝 Really interesting story! I've commented but I am on the "I'm not sure if we can trust you" list so it'll take a while before it pops up. But I can spoil that I gave you a 5-star rating. 💙
I felt like it was a bit deeper than you make it sound right here. 😝 Really interesting story! I've commented but I am on the "I'm not sure if we can trust you" list so it'll take a while before it pops up. But I can spoil that I gave you a 5-star rating. 💙

The fewer words, the bigger my story. One year I annihilated most of humanity.
Well, I hadn't planned on writing another for this challenge, but you know those pesky brain worms.
I wrote it tonight and will submit it before I go to bed.
I never planned on doing a non-erotic here, but was inspired by Emily's mystery woman and I was in a mood. So ... :sneaky:
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