The 2024 750 Word Story Challenge Support Thread

I will be publishing mine within a day or two. I am going to put it in LW, though it could go in essays, because I want the exposure, and the resulting 1 bombs
No please go right ahead. It's my thread, I say go for it
*opens a bag of cheetos*
My eyes were drawn to her succulent breasts, and I longed to run my tongue over the thick, waxy rind that protected her precious boobily fluids from extended drought. There was nothing more sexy to me than a woman who'd adapted to a hot, arid climate.
My eyes were drawn to her succulent breasts, and I longed to run my tongue over the thick, waxy rind that protected her precious boobily fluids from extended drought. There was nothing more sexy to me than a woman who'd adapted to a hot, arid climate.
This supports my hypothesis that only the most intellectual and cultivated of writers write online erotica.
"Does she have a nice chest?"

"Sure, plenty of heft there. But also, sorta a lot of heft everywhere, to tell you the truth. I keep trying to keep her away from the chocolates and ice cream and everything, but you can't really control someone's cravings, now can you?"


"Can you describe her?"

"Well, she's got boobs with some serious meat."

"How are her nipples? Erect?"


"Hard to tell. Her tits are so big you can't see the nipples very well. They sort of point more down than out."
Those sound perfect.
Emporess New Robe is live as of today. I was betting on Uncut being at least mildly successful, too many people like sucking dick and getting dick sucked, for it to be 4.07. Still waiting on my Mystery Woman one.
~ Hush, Alina. People know what ample breasts are. You don't need to keep questioning it.
The woman's breasts were amplified, and their volume and motion increased with every step closer I got. Soon I was clutching the sides of my head, trying to protect myself from the sensory assault of such large, loud, and wildly oscillating mammaries.
The woman's breasts were amplified, and their volume and motion increased with every step closer I got. Soon I was clutching the sides of my head, trying to protect myself from the sensory assault of such large, loud, and wildly oscillating mammaries.
"YES! That's what I'm talking about!"
*vacuums up spilled popcorn*
So far there are six. I am guessing when the overall totals are posted there will be a record. Over a hundred already.
I did one last year, a joke that I heard decades ago. Only one other person who responded had heard it too.
Well done. Paints a really good picture without providing every little detail.
Thank you @Djmac1031 & @AlinaX . I'm genuinely touched. And a little ashamed.

When I saw a "support" thread, I just assumed it was a place where participants would come to vent and apply a little salve to those who had gotten the worst of the one-bombings.

I never actually considered that anyone intended to read each other's entries and take time to comment in a "support"-ive way.

I'm very much in arrears and owe (at least some of) you a deep apology. I'm a bit blown away in fact.

Thank you. My faith in humanity is more than a bit restored and my appreciation for this place, and those who make it what it is, has been greatly magnified over the last few hours.
hank you. My faith in humanity is more than a bit restored and my appreciation for this place,
I've been pretty lucky when mentoring these support threads. All I have to do is bump it on occasion, the writers here really know what teamwork is all about.
They are supportive of each other, and super supportive of new authors who wander in looking for a someone who can give them a clue. I'm really proud to be with these folks.
Except for the anonymous ones.
My one and only submission for the 750-word story contest dropped today. It’s called: Goddamnit. It’s Hunter Trango Again

It's about a young nun’s fantasies about one of her students (Hunter Trango) as he spends Saturday detention under her supervision for the sixth and last time.

The fun part is that there really is a Hunter Trango, and he has two stories on Literotica. The first is a Mother/Son story, and the second is called: Sister Wendy, I Apologize.

If this interests you for a read, I would suggest you read my 750 response first, then read his 750-word apology. LE was allowed me to include a link to his story below mine.

I have encouraged Hunter to write some more. He tends to be more unabashed than I am (and I’m rather unabashed), but his work keeps him busy.

Give our stories a look; hopefully, you’ll enjoy how we’ve approached this challenge.

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