The 2024 750 Word Story Challenge Support Thread

Feels a bit hasty in places, but fun.
I need to pad this account anyway. Maybe it'll help these philistine readers appreciate the longer pieces I have in the works; two fantasy stories, a mature story, and a noncon. It's not a race, I'm in no rush, but damn do I want them done already, so I can focus on the stuff not for here.
WHAT??? You couldn't fit an entire back story in the broad expanse of 750 words?
Don't worry about it. Most Loving Wives trolls can't count that high

I'm not worried. I knew going in Loving Wives is kind of a free-for-all and that I'd take a good beating regardless of how good or bad my story was. On the plus side, it's gotten more views than any of my 750 word stories so far, and it has more ratings than all the others combined. So people are at least looking at it, even if some/many are trolls. It's kind of fun, to be honest.
I'm not tearing up LitE with it, but my little confection, A Sudden Darkness has drawn a few positive comments, which are much, much appreciated. A couple of readers noted they enjoyed the big reveal.

And don't tell anyone - it's a pretty faithful roman à clef. It happened as told. I'm just the storyteller. ;)
I like that genre, maybe there should be a Roman à clef writers challenge next year.
I'm not worried. I knew going in Loving Wives is kind of a free-for-all and that I'd take a good beating regardless of how good or bad my story was. On the plus side, it's gotten more views than any of my 750 word stories so far, and it has more ratings than all the others combined. So people are at least looking at it, even if some/many are trolls. It's kind of fun, to be honest.
That's the spirit!

If you write something targeted in a category with few readers, you might get a perfect 5.0 and have a Red-H, ... with just ten views!

But why write a story if no one reads it? I prefer the larger, more diverse audience of LW. Yeah, there are a bunch of haters there. But there are also plenty of those who follow and rate sharing stories with a 5 (just not as many as the 1-bombs).

My recent 750-word stories each have low ratings, but with HUNDREDS of votes! And the views are in the thousands. Like the rating or not, at least people are reading them.
That is an advantage to writing in LW, unfortunately I'm not wild about writing in that genre. I'm primarily SciFi-Fantasy and Romance, so I stay where my stories take me.
So I’ve published 4 - this where I am:

  1. SciFi & Fantasy
  2. Non-erotic
  3. Romance
  4. BDSM
  5. Humor & Satire ⬅️ tomorrow
  6. Gay Male
  7. Lesbian Sex
  8. Toys & Masturbation
  9. Toys & Masturbation (couldn’t be two more dissimilar stories)
  10. Interracial Love
So I’ve published 4 - this where I am:

  1. SciFi & Fantasy
  2. Non-erotic
  3. Romance
  4. BDSM
  5. Humor & Satire ⬅️ tomorrow
  6. Gay Male
  7. Lesbian Sex
  8. Toys & Masturbation
  9. Toys & Masturbation (couldn’t be two more dissimilar stories)
  10. Interracial Love
#5 ChatMLE - a man turns to generative AI for stimulation

So I’ve published 4 - this where I am:

  1. SciFi & Fantasy
  2. Non-erotic
  3. Romance
  4. BDSM
  5. Humor & Satire ⬅️ tomorrow
  6. Gay Male
  7. Lesbian Sex
  8. Toys & Masturbation
  9. Toys & Masturbation (couldn’t be two more dissimilar stories)
  10. Interracial Love
Now that's a challenge! One I'm almost sure that I'll never take up.

Although this thing has gotten me into two categories I'd never published to before.

So I’ve published 5 - this where I am:

  1. SciFi & Fantasy ✅
  2. Non-erotic ✅
  3. Romance ✅
  4. BDSM ✅
  5. Humor & Satire ✅
  6. Gay Male ⬅️ tomorrow
  7. Lesbian Sex
  8. Toys & Masturbation
  9. Toys & Masturbation (couldn’t be two more dissimilar stories)
  10. Interracial Love
Considering maybe adding a couple more in categories that I wouldn’t normally post in: maybe Mature, maybe Mind Control (not that really understand what that is all about - hypnosis?)

But no firm plans at present.

Here, here! Hit me with all the feels too.

@MelissaBaby Y'all coulda warned us you were bringing THAT much heat!
MB is my girl, she knocked me off the podium every time we wrote last year, and I can't complain. We're all better off for what she gives us.
Sadly, this isn't a contest so she can't win anything, unless she's using this event for target practice, the 2024 contest season has opened.