The 2024 750 Word Story Challenge Support Thread

Despite what I said before, I wrote one for this. I think that my characters will be a recurring element in these challenges.
How many of the 750 words are allowed to be "oh" and "fuck"?
748 of them -
'In and Out I Panted as He Fucked Me' [Title doesn't count.]

Oh [374 times, alternating with ...]
Fuck! [374 times alternating the above 'Oh']
Thank you! [are the two words to end the story - bringing closure. Added together, without punctuation or a title adds up to 750 words - the minimum/maximum story word count criteria.]

Now, that might not fly past the Lit bots of late as getting posted - however, it meets the criteria. Although I'm not sure anyone could hold their breath that long to read it. :nana:
748 of them -
'In and Out I Panted as He Fucked Me' [Title doesn't count.]

Oh [374 times, alternating with ...]
Fuck! [374 times alternating the above 'Oh']
Thank you! [are the two words to end the story - bringing closure. Added together, without punctuation or a title adds up to 750 words - the minimum/maximum story word count criteria.]

Now, that might not fly past the Lit bots of late as getting posted - however, it meets the criteria. Although I'm not sure anyone could hold their breath that long to read it. :nana:
That's a little creative for an AI to write, no one will notice.
I probably have 15 drafts, or even more, in my Drafts folder. But I keep mine on my computer, not on Lit.
Some of them are quite draft drafts.

Oh. I keep ‘draft drafts’ in a folder on the computer. My LE drafts are ready to submit and I’m merely waiting for the right time as I usually write for challenges and contests.
I wonder if prefacing your story with "Hey, gang, this is only 750 words because it's hard!" is going to help with people hitting you with 2 and 3 stars.

My three stories from past challenges all have a theme of 750 for the fun of it. scored for 4.29 scored for 4.06 scored for 4.23

I think those are great scores considering the inability to develop anything or make the work engaging beyond a quick snapshot. I get that's the challenge and I have a new-found appreciation for tv commercials in trying to tell a story in 30 seconds.

I'll add the disclaimer this year and see if my one or two stories can get any better votes.

Who's with me?
I wonder if prefacing your story with "Hey, gang, this is only 750 words because it's hard!" is going to help with people hitting you with 2 and 3 stars.
Readers are going to vote how they vote, no matter what kind of disclaimers you put on.

Go in with the expectation of lower scores and you won't be surprised. Three of my lowest scores are 750 stories, but still higher than if they were LW stories.
748 of them -
'In and Out I Panted as He Fucked Me' [Title doesn't count.]

Oh [374 times, alternating with ...]
Fuck! [374 times alternating the above 'Oh']
Thank you! [are the two words to end the story - bringing closure. Added together, without punctuation or a title adds up to 750 words - the minimum/maximum story word count criteria.]

Now, that might not fly past the Lit bots of late as getting posted - however, it meets the criteria. Although I'm not sure anyone could hold their breath that long to read it. :nana:
Well, so much for my brilliant and original idea.
Readers are going to vote how they vote, no matter what kind of disclaimers you put on.

Go in with the expectation of lower scores and you won't be surprised. Three of my lowest scores are 750 stories, but still higher than if they were LW stories.
Or regardless of how hard or easy it was to write. Or how much heart you put in it.
Readers are going to vote how they vote, no matter what kind of disclaimers you put on.

Go in with the expectation of lower scores and you won't be surprised. Three of my lowest scores are 750 stories, but still higher than if they were LW stories.

I apply a .25 point detractor for shortness of story, which conveniently places two of my three stories right at that "H" 4.5 level! Girl math!
Oh. I keep ‘draft drafts’ in a folder on the computer. My LE drafts are ready to submit and I’m merely waiting for the right time as I usually write for challenges and contests.
I try to keep a copy in two places. Though I sometimes get confused and have lost edits that way. Not so much now, but when I was starting out.
