The 2024 750 Word Story Challenge Support Thread

So I submitted my story at the beginning of the week and I still don't see it as pending. Will it show up as pending in February? Or did something go wrong with the submission?
Laurel may not have reviewed it yet. Since the post date is 2/1, you have two and a half weeks before it posts anyway.

One thing to check that it's not still in draft mode, and that it's in the pending tab.
You might have broken the system, such as it is. I don't think you're supposed to submit until February 1st.

@Duleigh ?
When you use the Admin Note for the event, Laurel will hold stories until the first day of it.

If you posted it early and Laurel approved it, it should show 2/1 as the post date.
Laurel may not have reviewed it yet. Since the post date is 2/1, you have two and a half weeks before it posts anyway.

One thing to check that it's not still in draft mode, and that it's in the pending tab.
it's not in drafts, it's not in the pending tab. There is no sign of it.
It should appear next month, they're not going to put a "Pending" on the story until a couple of days before it gets published.
it's not in drafts, it's not in the pending tab. There is no sign of it.
If it's not in Drafts or Pending, then it seems like something went wrong.

Try submitting it again, and it should show in the Pending tab.
be patient. Mine shows as publishes 2/1.
I thought the submission period started on 2/1, but the publish date wasn't until 3/1? If it shows as publishes on 2/1, did something go wrong at your end? Or am I wrong? And there is a high likelihood of the latter!!
I thought the submission period started on 2/1, but the publish date wasn't until 3/1? If it shows as publishes on 2/1, did something go wrong at your end? Or am I wrong? And there is a high likelihood of the latter!!

Submission periods does start on the 1st of February. But that does mean that the stories will be posted on that date as well. You can upload earlier but Laurel will hold it back until the correct date has arrived. The 1st of March is the 'finale' where all of the challenge entries are compiled into one list and posted on the website's front page. So publish date should say 1st of Feb if it's working as intended. ;)
I wonder if prefacing your story with "Hey, gang, this is only 750 words because it's hard!" is going to help with people hitting you with 2 and 3 stars.

My three stories from past challenges all have a theme of 750 for the fun of it. scored for 4.29 scored for 4.06 scored for 4.23

I think those are great scores considering the inability to develop anything or make the work engaging beyond a quick snapshot. I get that's the challenge and I have a new-found appreciation for tv commercials in trying to tell a story in 30 seconds.

I'll add the disclaimer this year and see if my one or two stories can get any better votes.

Who's with me?
Adding an extra warning in the uncounted intro doesn't seem to help. One writer I edit for literally wrote, 750 Word Project, so it's short on purpose, and still got comments about it being too short. 🙃
Since it's not a contest, but a writer's challenge, we've stopped worrying about the scores because some readers absolutely hate this event, but we love it. If you, like me, sometimes have trouble controlling the length of your regular stories, it's a great exercise.
I must not have explained myself well. The text of the prologue and epilogue are part of the 750 word count. I am simply asking about the two words that would be required to lable the prologue and epilogue. If they count, I need to either forget the structure or eliminate two words.
Since "prologue" and "epilogue" will be in the body of the story, they will be counted - kind of hard for Lauren or algorithm to cherry pick words from the body. I don't think, however, that 752 will block you from the challenge.
And as for the word count showing up as 750 on the LIT page, I don't think it will happen because that count includes the intro that doesn't count for the challenge.
I think of it as above the line and below the line. Above the line includes the 750 Word Project label that should be in your intro, along with title and description (trying to slip a prologue in there is a no-no ;-).
Below the line is the body of the story after the title.
And I just realized I've been so tangled in editing and writing long pieces, I don't have any 750's ready to go for this year.
Guess I'll have to challenge myself.
Submission periods does start on the 1st of February. But that does mean that the stories will be posted on that date as well. You can upload earlier but Laurel will hold it back until the correct date has arrived. The 1st of March is the 'finale' where all of the challenge entries are compiled into one list and posted on the website's front page. So publish date should say 1st of Feb if it's working as intended. ;)
So, the high likelihood of me being wrong was a certainty!!

Okay, I better get editing my 750 story!! And make a decision on whether it's even worthy of publishing... It's a super strange vignette and extremely out of character from my usual light fare...
So, the high likelihood of me being wrong was a certainty!!

Okay, I better get editing my 750 story!! And make a decision on whether it's even worthy of publishing... It's a super strange vignette and extremely out of character from my usual light fare...

You have piqued all of our interests, dear. You have to post it now, lest you disappoint your fans. 💙
Just finished my entry... will post it tomorrow. It's a brief visit to @AlinaX 's Meta Cafe for two of my more notorious characters.

Let's go!
Like the main writing events, is it discouraged to have a part of a series (not a chapter in particular but perhaps a related story) entered into this event?
Like the main writing events, is it discouraged to have a part of a series (not a chapter in particular but perhaps a related story) entered into this event?
Not really. I re-use characters and locations from my series quite often, in fact the characters in one of my 750 stories were nominated for best Novel/Novalla last year. I'll leave it up to you to determine how you're going to use your plot devices, they can't get real complex in 750 words.
Gotcha. I just ask because if I say in the notes to admin both “750 word contest” AND “add it as a series with X” im curious what happens
Gotcha. I just ask because if I say in the notes to admin both “750 word contest” AND “add it as a series with X” im curious what happens
If you do that it won't be added to the event. In notes to admin you put "750 WORD PROJECT 2024", their bot will miss it if you use the word Contest
And you can create a series with X and add it yourself. On your works page click on Series (Beta) then make your own series. Many of my 68 stories are in one series or another. (I have 6 series)
Like the main writing events, is it discouraged to have a part of a series (not a chapter in particular but perhaps a related story) entered into this event?
Nah, you can put a part in a contest or challenge, as long as it isn't a chapter. Take @EmilyMiller angel and demon series; Books a, b, c, already exist, they all revolve around basically two characters. If she submitted "book" d to this challenge, and book e to the vday contest, or one to both, they still count, because even if they are a part of a series, they aren't chapters, they're standalone stories.

I was just using you as an example, ah dunno how many you've done, it was just easy to get the point across, simply. I don't know anybody else doing a series off the top of my head. Maybe Dulieghs Discworld... ah dunno.
Like the main writing events, is it discouraged to have a part of a series (not a chapter in particular but perhaps a related story) entered into this event?
Don't worry about it. Last year I had four x 750 word "chapters" published in the collection, over the course of a week. No-one commented about me doing that, and the combined story did okay.
Nah, you can put a part in a contest or challenge, as long as it isn't a chapter.
Contests, no Chapters; Challenges - see my previous post. No one really minds what you do, providing each year's entry is self-contained.

People worry far too much about this - no-one is going to knock back a Challenge submission if it's a continuation of the year before. Or in my case, if I'm lucky and get a couple of stories finished, from three years before.