The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

Sweet Dreams all... enjoy the balance of the night
It's so silly. All those skimpily dressed, young sexy women have to slip Viagra to their men to get laid? AND... they seem pleased by it. LMAO!!!!!!!!!

Think of it this way. 🤔 You go to a horse race 🏇 you want a sure thing right? Well you go on a date they want a sure thing....🤣😂

The avg adult American is overweight and has no cardiovascular fitness. Everyone knows how this works, you need good blood flow.

Add the # of prescription drugs that create or exacerbate natural ED issues, and many men take benedryl or other antihystimines that unknowningly will take a man out of commission on its own. Yes, the antidote for a 4 hr erection at the ER is an injection of benedryl to the member.

Put all this together and we have as a human society created so many issues for the human body that never existed even 35-40 yrs ago.

Sure, there are certainly men that do actually need it, nothing can be done or true health issues, but it is so readily accessible so many use it as a crutch instead of rectifying the true problem.

Thank God at 50 I don't need it, even if she wants to take advantage of me for hours.
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