The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

I was such a good girl and dusted yesterday..... I have my gues room to do but not too bad. I have my service group coming over tonight..... need to vacumn and clean up the laundry of all the folded clothes (its my downstairs bathroom). And put dishes away i washed and sweep and mop..... I will work on it a little at a time today.
I’m tired just thinking about it. 💜
Was supposed to just wake up and take the Big Ol’ JetLiner home… but they needed one more favor from me🙄. Now getting home at 2300… but if they don’t get me in before the clock strikes 12…they have to give me a pot of gold!😀

Fingers crossed…since the days shot anyway.

The Morning Z…

If the doctor is paying attention, they will tell you what to do. The first cardiologist I ever saw is the best physician I have seen since I was a little child. Common sense paired with scientific inquiry. Fucking brilliant!
I like my cardiologist... My heart attack guy has retired but i have a young guy.. Not so pharmaceutical centric i like that. Minimum med if at all needed.... Like that also...
Morning all...
I am my own worst enemy with sleep on weeknights :rolleyes:
Too much to do, not enough time
Now everything takes longer with The Hand (ugh)
Lunch nap has been beckoning since I first heard my alarm go off (ok - I missed the first one, that's why I set multiple :ROFLMAO: )

Love the flowers and their seeds
So, by extension, :love: the pollinators, too -all of them
Just don't make me watch the stingy ones or share space w/ them :ROFLMAO:
It is their life and what they are bred for. They are like rockets out of the kennels, jumping all over me. “Come on Dad let’s get out and have fun.”
Yep - ideal is when humans think work and dogs think play
To them it's a game - with lots of rules but still a game w/ rewards
Morning all...
I am my own worst enemy with sleep on weeknights :rolleyes:
Too much to do, not enough time
Now everything takes longer with The Hand (ugh)
Lunch nap has been beckoning since I first heard my alarm go off (ok - I missed the first one, that's why I set multiple :ROFLMAO: )

Love the flowers and their seeds
So, by extension, :love: the pollinators, too -all of them
Just don't make me watch the stingy ones or share space w/ them :ROFLMAO:

Yep - ideal is when humans think work and dogs think play
To them it's a game - with lots of rules but still a game w/ rewards
I wish someone would invent sleep without pills ... Allot of us could use that