The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

I like my cardiologist... My heart attack guy has retired but i have a young guy.. Not so pharmaceutical centric i like that. Minimum med if at all needed.... Like that also...

My guy left and went to Mayo. I like the NP I got for a replacement. She is in favour of moving baselines. It seems to make good sense to me, so I’m working on her latest set of instructions for when we get back together this winter. Then we start to adjust some other shit.
They are trying to up the birth rate. Births have dropped off and they are offering monetary incentives. They are afraid with the aging of America there's not enough to sustain the country.
It's so silly. All those skimpily dressed, young sexy women have to slip Viagra to their men to get laid? AND... they seem pleased by it. LMAO!!!!!!!!!
thread peek

But I will say good evening to everyone!
Was supposed to just wake up and take the Big Ol’ JetLiner home… but they needed one more favor from me🙄. Now getting home at 2300… but if they don’t get me in before the clock strikes 12…they have to give me a pot of gold!😀

Fingers crossed…since the days shot anyway.

The Morning Z…

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Hope you get/got home, hdh.